75 resultados para Horizontal surface phytoplankton distribution

em Aquatic Commons


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The broad scale features in the horizontal, vertical, and seasonal distribution of phytoplankton chlorophyll a on the northeast U.S. continental shelf are described based on 57,088 measurements made during 78 oceanographic surveys from 1977 through 1988. Highest mean water column chlorophyll concentration (Chlw,) is usually observed in nearshore areas adjacent to the mouths of the estuaries in the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB), over the shallow water on Georges Bank, and a small area sampled along the southeast edge of Nantucket Shoals. Lowest Chlw «0.125 ug l-1) is usually restricted to the most seaward stations sampled along the shelf-break and the central deep waters in the Gulf of Maine. There is at least a twofold seasonal variation in phytoplankton biomass in all areas, with highest phytoplankton concentrations (m3) and highest integrated standing stocks (m2) occurring during the winter-spring (WS) bloom, and the lowest during summer, when vertical density stratification is maximal. In most regions, a secondary phytoplankton biomass pulse is evident during convective destratification in fall, usually in October. Fall bloom in some areas of Georges Bank approaches the magnitude of the WS-bloom, but Georges Bank and Middle Atlantic Bight fall blooms are clearly subordinate to WS-blooms. Measurements of chlorophyll in two size-fractions of the phytoplankton, netplankton (>20 um) and nanoplankton «20 um), revealed that the smaller nanoplankton are responsible for most of the phytoplankton biomass on the northeast U.S. shelf. Netplankton tend to be more abundant in nearshore areas of the MAB and shallow water on Georges Bank, where chlorophyll a is usually high; nanoplankton dominate deeper water at the shelf-break and deep water in the Gulf of Maine, where Chlw is usually low. As a general rule, the percent of phytoplankton in the netplankton size-fraction increases with increasing depth below surface and decreases proceeding offshore. There are distinct seasonal and regional patterns in the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a and percent netplankton, as revealed in composite vertical profiles of chlorophyll a constructed for 11 layers of the water column. Subsurface chlorophyll a maxima are ubiquitous during summer in stratified water. Chlorophyll a in the subsurface maximum layer is generally 2-8 times the concentration in the overlying and underlying water and approaches 50 to 75% of the levels observed in surface water during WS-bloom. The distribution of the ratio of the subsurface maximum chlorophyll a to surface chlorophyll a (SSR) during summer parallels the shelfwide pattern for stability, indexed as the difference in density (sigma-t) between 40 m and surface (stability 40. The weakest stability and lowest SSR's are found in shallow tidally-mixed water on Georges Bank; the greatest stability and highest SSR's (8-12:1) are along the mid and outer MAB shelf, over the winter residual water known as the "cold band." On Georges Bank, the distribution of SSR and the stability40 are roughly congruent with the pattern for maximum surface tidal current velocity, with values above 50 cms-1 defining SSR's less than 2:1 and the well-mixed area. Physical factors (bathymetry, vertical mixing by strong tidal currents, and seasonal and regional differences in the intensity and duration of vertical stratification) appear to explain much of the variability in phytoplankton chlorophyll a throughout this ecosystem. (PDF file contains 126 pages.)


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Phytoplankton population (3.37-56.09 x 10 super(4) cells/1) and pigments (chil. a 1.10-26.8 mg/m super(3)) in the waters off Porbandar indicated wide variations. Higher cell counts and lower diversity of species were encountered in the nearshore waters as compared to the waters of the seaward side. The concentration of dissolved oxygen was correlated with the phytoplankton population and pigments. 71 species belonging to 28 genera of algae were recorded. Species of Nitzschia were dominant almost at all stations. Species of Chaetoceros were very common along the middle and western transects.


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The phytoplankton distribution of the Shen Reservoir, Bukuru in the Jos Plateau, Nigeria was monitored at 6 depths. Higher floral abundance occurred within the upper 00-03 meters with highest values at the first 1 meter. Bacillariophyceae and Dinophyceae recorded higher values in March-April with lower values in July and January respectively. Phytoplankton were most abundant in the rainy season. Secchi disc transparency was lowest in the peak of the rainy season (July) due to higher levels of suspended matter resulting from the increased run-off from surrounding farmlands of allochthonous materials as well as higher levels of phytoplankton population arising from the former factor. The low water temperature of December/January 15 degree C plus or minus 2 degree C might have depressed growth among the major groups of plankters but enhanced rapid multiplication of the Chlorophyta, Trachelomonas which showed a bloom at this season


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The stage-specific distribution of Alaska plaice (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus) eggs in the southeastern Bering Sea was examined with collections made in mid-May in 2002, 2003, 2005, and 2006. Eggs in the early stages of development were found primarily offshore of the 40-m isobath. Eggs in the middle and late stages of development were found inshore and offshore of the 40-m isobath. There was some evidence that early-stage eggs occur deeper in the water column than late-stage eggs, although year-to-year variability in that trend was observed. Most eggs were in the later stages of development; therefore the majority of spawning is estimated to have occurred a few weeks before collection—probably April—and may be highly synchronized among local spawning areas. Results indicate that sampling with continuous underway fish egg collectors(CUFES) should be supplemented with sampling of the entire water column to ensure adequate samples of all egg stages of Alaska plaice. Data presented offer new information on the stage-dependent horizontal and vertical distribution of Alaska plaice eggs in the Bering Sea and provide further evidence that the early life history stages of this species are vulnerable to near-surface variations in hydrographical conditions and climate forcing.


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ENGLISH: Mean monthly maps of surface salinity of the eastern Pacific Ocean were prepared using all available data. Charts were also made of the distribution by one-degree quadrangles of the number of surface salinity observations for each month. Features of interest in the surface salinity distribution are discussed briefly, especially with reference to temporal changes. SPANISH: Se prepararon mapas mensuales sobre la salinidad media de superficie del Océano Pacifico oriental tropical, usando todos los datos disponibles. También se ejecutaron cartas por cuadrángulos de un grado, según el número de las observaciones mensuales de la distribución de la salinidad superficial. Las caracteristicas de interés de las distribuciones de la salinidad superficial se discuten brevemente, especialmente con referencia a los cambios estacionales. (PDF contains 44 pages.)


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This research is based on a numerical model for forecasting the three-dimensional behavior of (sea) water motion due to the effect of a variable wind velocity. The results obtained are then analyzed and compared with observation. This model is based on the equations that overcome the current and distribution of temperature by applying the method of finite difference with assuming Δx, Δy as constant and Δz, variable. The model is based on the momentum equation, continuity equation and thermodynamic energy equation and tension at the surface and middle layers and bottom stress. The horizontal and vertical eddy viscosity and thermal diffusivity coefficients we used in accordance with that of the Bennet on Outario Lake (1977). Considering the Caspian Sea dimension in numerical model the Coriolis parameter used with β effects and the approximation Boussines have been used. For the program controlling some simple experiment with boundary condition similar to that of the Caspian Sea have been done. For modeling the Caspian Sea the grid of the field was done as follows: At horizontal surface grid size is 10×10km extension and at vertical in 10 layers with varying thickness from surface to bed respectively as: 5, 10, 20, 3, 50, 100, 150, 200, 25, 500 and higher. The data of wind as velocity، direction and temperature of water related to 15th September 1995 at 6،12 and 18 o’clock were obtained from synoptic station at the Caspian Sea shore and the research marine of Haji Alief. The information concerning shore wind was measured and by the method of SPM (shore protection manual) was transferred to far shore winds through interpolation and by use of inverse square distance of position distribution of the wind velocity at the Caspian surface field was obtained. The model has been evaluated according to the reports and observations. Through studying the position of the current in different layers، the velocity in the cross section in the northern، southern and the middle layers، will be discussed. The results reveal the presence of the circulation cells in the three above mentioned areas. The circulation with depth is reduced too. The results obtained through the numerical solution of the temperature equation have been compared with the observation. The temperature change in different layers in cross section illustrates the relative accordance of the model mentioned.


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This illustrated manual is a guide to the distribution and identification of the 6 genera and 28 species of benthic and planktonic Chaetognatha known to occur in the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexlco, the Florida Straits, and the southwestern North Atlantic Ocean. As background, previous studies of chaetognaths in these areas are reviewed, gross morphology of the different forms is described, and instructions on methods of preserving and handling specimens preparatory to identification are provided. The key to genera and species is preceeded by a discussion of chaetognath taxonomy. A description of each species, consisting of an abbreviated synonymy, a summary of taxonomically important morphological features, and horizontal and vertical distribution follows the key. The occurrence of species in relation to water masses in the Caribbean and adjacent areas is noted. (PDF file contains 39 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Seasonal changes in the climatology, oceanography and fisheries of the Panama Bight are determined mainly by the latitudinal movements of the ITCZ over the region. Evaporation is about 980 mm annually. Rainfall is probably much less than previous estimates because of a discontinuity in the ITCZ. Freshwater runoff from the northern watershed varies from 22 X 109 m3/mo in October-November to 11 X 109 m3/mo in February-March; from the southeastern watershed it varies from 16 X 109 m3/mo in April-June to 9 X 109 m3/mo in October-December. Total annual runoff is about 350 X 109m3. A marked salinity front is found at all seasons off the eastern shore. In the northern part of the Bight temperatures in the upper layers remained fairly constant from May to November; by February the mean temperature had decreased by 4°C and sharp gradients existed in the geographic distributions. Salinities in the upper layers decreased steadily from May to November; by February the mean salinity had increased by 2.5‰. The mean depth of the mixed layer increased from 27 m in May to 40 m in November; by February upwelling decreased it to 18 m. Between November and February upwelling had doubled the amount of P04-P and tripled that of NO3-N in the euphotic zone; surface phytoplankton production and standing crop, and zooplankton concentrations also doubled during this period. Upwelling was about 1.5 m/mo during May-November and about 9.0 m/mo during November-February, the annual total is about 48 m, Mean primary production is about 0.3 gC/m2day during May-December and about 0.6 gC/m2day during January-April; annual production is about 140 gC/m2. A thermal ridge occurred in February running from the northern to the southwestern part of the Bight. Within this ridge was a marked thermal dome coinciding with the center of the cyclonic circulation cell. Upwelling in the dome averaged 16 m/mo in November-February. The fisheries of the Panama Bight annually produce about 30,000 metric tons of food species and about 68,000 m.t. of species used for reduction. Most attempts to further the understanding of tuna ecology were unsuccessful. The apparent abundances of yellowfin and skipjack in the northern part of the Bight appear to be related to the seasonal cycle of upwelling and enrichment, as abundances are greatest in April and May when food appears to be plentiful. The life-cycle of the anchoveta in the Gulf of Panama also appears to be related to upwelling; the species mass varies from about 39,000 m.t. in December to about 169,000 m.t, in April. About 19.1 X 1012 anchoveta eggs are spawned annually. The life-cycles of shrimp in the Panama Bight appear to be related to upwelling as catches are greatest in May-July, about 3-5 months after peak upwelling, and annual catches are inversely correlated with sea level. SPANISH: Los cambios estacionales en la climatología, oceanografía y pesquerías del Panamá Bight están determinados principalmente por el movimiento latitudinal sobre la región de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical (ZCIT). La evaporación es de unos 980 mm al año. La pluviosidad es probablemente muy inferior a las estimaciones previas a causa de la descontinuidad en la ZCIT. El drenaje de agua dulce, de la vertiente septentrional, varía de 22 x 109m3/mes en octubre-noviembre hasta 11 x 109m3/mes en febreromarzo; el de la vertiente sudeste varía de 16 x 109m3/mes en abril-junio a 9 x 109m3/mes en octubre-diciembre. El drenaje total, anual, es alrededor de 350 x 109m3. En todas las estaciones frente al litoral oriental se encuentra un frente de salinidad marcada. En la parte septentrional del Bight las temperaturas en las capas superiores permanecieron más bien constantes de mayo a noviembre; en febrero la temperatura media había disminuido en unos 4°C y existieron gradientes agudos en las distribuciones geográficas. Las salinidades en las capas superiores disminuyeron constantemente de mayo a noviembre; en febrero la salinidad media había aumentado en 2.5‰. La profundidad media de la capa mixta aumentó de 27 m en mayo a 40 m en noviembre; en febrero el afloramiento disminuyó el espesor de la capa mixta hasta 18 m. Entre noviembre y febrero el afloramiento había duplicado la cantidad de PO4-P y triplicado la de NO3-N en la zona eufótica; la producción superficial de fitoplancton y la biomasa primaria y las concentraciones de zooplancton también se duplicaron durante este período. El afloramiento era cerca de 1.5 mimes durante mayo-noviembre y de unos 9.0 mimes durante noviembre-febrero, el total anual es de unos 48 m. La producción media primaria es aproximadamente de 0.3 gC/m2 al día durante mayo-diciembre y cerca de 0.6 gC/m2 al día durante enero-abril; la producción anual es de unos 140 gC/m2. En febrero apareció una convexidad termal que se extendió de la parte norte a la parte sudoeste del Bight. Dentro de esta convexidad se encontró un domo termal marcado el cual coincidió con el centro de la circulación ciclonal de la célula. El afloramiento en el domo tuvo un promedio de 16 mimes en noviembre-febrero. Las pesquerías del Panamá Bight producen anualmente de cerca 30,000 toneladas métricas de especies alimenticias y unas 68,000 t.m. de especies usadas para la reducción. La mayoría de los esfuerzos realizados con el fin de adquirir más conocimiento sobre la ecología del atún no tuvo éxito. La abundancia aparente del atún aleta amarilla y del barrilete en la parte septentrional del Bight parece estar relacionada con el ciclo estacional del afloramiento y del enriquecimiento, ya que la abundancia mayor en abril y mayo cuando parece que hay abundancia es de alimento. El ciclo de vida de la anchoveta en el Golfo de Panamá parece también que está relacionada al afloramiento. La masa de la especie varía de unas 39,000 t.m. en diciembre a cerca de 169,000 t.m. en abril. Aproximadamente 19.1 x 1012 huevos de anchoveta son desovados anualmente. Los ciclos de vida del camarón en el Panamá Bight parecen estar relacionados con el afloramiento ya que las capturas son superiores en mayo-julio, unos 3-5 meses después del ápice del afloramiento, y las capturas anuales se correlacionan inversamente con el nivel del mar. (PDF contains 340 pages.)


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The horizontal and vertical distribution of three dissolved trace gases, namely molecular hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane, was measured in coastal and oceanic areas. Atmospheric concentrations of these gases were measured both at locations influenced by nearby human activity, and in areas far removed from these inputs.


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We employed ultrasonic transmitters to follow (for up to 48 h) the horizontal and vertical movements of five juvenile (6.8–18.7 kg estimated body mass) bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the western North Atlantic (off the eastern shore of Virginia). Our objective was to document the fishes’ behavior and distribution in relation to oceanographic conditions and thus begin to address issues that currently limit population assessments based on aerial surveys. Estimation of the trends in adult and juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna abundance by aerial surveys, and other fishery-independent measures, is considered a priority. Juvenile bluefin tuna spent the majority of their time over the continental shelf in relatively shallow water (generally less then 40 m deep). Fish used the entire water column in spite of relatively steep vertical thermal gradients (≈24°C at the surface and ≈12°C at 40 m depth), but spent the majority of their time (≈90%) above 15 m and in water warmer then 20°C. Mean swimming speeds ranged from 2.8 to 3.3 knots, and total distance covered from 152 to 289 km (82–156 nmi). Because fish generally remained within relatively con-fined areas, net displacement was only 7.7–52.7 km (4.1–28.4 nmi). Horizontal movements were not correlated with sea surface temperature. We propose that it is unlikely that juvenile bluefin tuna in this area can detect minor horizontal temperature gradients (generally less then 0.5°C/km) because of the steep vertical temperature gradients (up to ≈0.6°C/m) they experience during their regular vertical movements. In contrast, water clarity did appear to influence behavior because the fish remained in the intermediate water mass between the turbid and phytoplankton-rich plume exiting Chesapeake Bay (and similar coastal waters) and the clear oligotrophic water east of the continental shelf.


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The monthly average temperatures at Puttalam Lagoon, Dutch Bay, Portugal Bay towards Kovilmunai and Portugal Bay towards Pallugaturai showed a distinct annual cycle. The peak was in April and values gradually fell till September. There was a further gradual fall in temperature from October to January. The highest temperatures in all four stations were in April. The highest salinities in all the stations were from May to October i.e., during the south-west monsoon. The salinities at Dutch Bay and Portugal Bay were high in March and April corresponding to the highest temperatures reached during these months. Two maxima have been observed in phytoplankton production. A primary maximum in May-June and a secondary maximum in October. The primary and secondary maxima are due to the influx of nutrient laden waters from the rivers Kal Aru and Pomparippu Aru. The phytoplankton producing blooms were Rhizosolenia alata. Rhizosolenia imbricata, Chaetoceros lascinosus, Chaetoceros pervianus, Ch,aetoceros diversus, Coscinodiscus gigas, Thallasionema nitzschioides, Thalassiosira subtilis, Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii, Asterionella japonica, Sceletonema costatum, Bacteriastrum varians and Biddulphia sinensis. Sudden outbursts of a single species were common. These diatoms were species of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia, and Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii. Wide fluctuations have been observed in the distribution of phytoplankton but no definite conclusions can be drawn as the period of observation was only one year.


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Results are given of monthly net phytoplankton and zooplankton sampling from a 10 m depth in shelf, slope, and Gulf Stream eddy water along a transect running southeastward from Ambrose Light, New York, in 1976, 1977, and early 1978. Plankton abundance and temperature at 10 m and sea surface salinity at each station are listed. The effects of atmospheric forcing and Gulf Stream eddies on plankton distribution and abundance arc discussed. The frequency of Gulf Stream eddy passage through the New York Bight corresponded with the frequency of tropical-subtropical net phytoplankton in the samples. Gulf Stream eddies injected tropical-subtropical zooplankton onto the shelf and removed shelfwater and its entrained zooplankton. Wind-induced offshore Ekman transport corresponded generally with the unusual timing of two net phytoplankton maxima. Midsummer net phytoplankton maxima were recorded following the passage of Hurricane Belle (August 1976) and a cold front (July 1977). Tropical-subtropical zooplankton which had been injected onto the outer shelf by Gulf Stream eddies were moved to the inner shelf by a wind-induced current moving up the Hudson Shelf Valley. (PDF file contains 47 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Isograms of sea surface temperature (OC) have been produced for 1949-1968 for the areas of the eastern Pacific Ocean in which the majority of the skipjack catch is taken. These are in the immediate coastal zone, California (35° N) to Chile (20 0 S), and the Revillagigedo and Galapagos Islands groups. Skipjack occurrence and apparent abundance (as CSDF, i.e., catch per standard days fishing, standardized in purse-seiner units) for 1951-1968 were then superimposed on the surface temperature isograms. Results show that skipjack occur at surface temperatures> 17° C but with the majority between 20°-30° C. Apparent abundance at CSDF > 1 ton/day is normally Iimited to 20°29° C water, except in two areas in certain years; from the Gulf of Tehuantepec to Cape Mala rates of 1-9 tons/day are relatively common at 29°-30° C, and off Chimbote (Peru) occasionally >9 tons/day are recorded down to 18° C. As expected there were no apparent relationships between annual thermal conditions in the coastal zone and skipjack abundance (total catch or indices of abundance) in the same or 2 subsequent years. An Appendix to the report determines the quantitative relationships between surface temperature and skipjack abundance in relatively small areal strata in Baja California waters in 1955 and 1958. Relationships generally appeared significant and opposite in these years when temperatures were respectively anomalously cold and warm. SPANISH: Se han producido isogramas de la temperatura de la superficie del mar (OC) para 1949-1968 correspondientes a las áreas del Océano Pacífico oriental en donde se obtiene la mayor parte de la captura de barrilete. Estas se encuentran ubicadas en la zona costanera inmediata, desde California (35°N) hasta Chile (200S) y en las Islas Revillagigedo y Galápagos. La ocurrencia de barrilete y su abundancia aparente (expresada como CDSP standardizada en unidades de cerqueros) para 1951-1968 fueron luego superpuestas en los isogramas de la temperatura superficial. Los resultados demuestran que el barrilete aparece en temperaturas superficiales de > 17°C pero la mayoría entre los 20°C-30°C. La abundancia aparente de la CDSP > 1 tonelada/día se limita normalmente a aguas de 20°-29°C, excepto en dos áreas en ciertos años; desde el Golfo de Tehuantepec a Cabo Mala las tasas de 1-9 toneladas/día son relativamente comunes en los 29°-30°C, y frente a Chimbote (Perú) se registran ocasionalmente> 9 toneladas/día a una temperatura tan fría como de 18°C. Como era de esperarse no existió una relación aparente entre las condiciones térmicas anuales de la zona costanera y la abundancia del barrilete (captura total o índices de abundancia) en el mismo año o en los 2 años siguientes. Un Apéndice del informe determina la relación cuantitativa entre la temperatura superficial y la abundancia del barrilete en un estrato de áreas relativamente pequeño en las aguas de Baja California en 1955 y 1968. Las relaciones generalmente aparecieron significativas y opuestas en esos años cuando las temperaturas fueron respectivamente anómalamente frías y calientes. (PDF contains 53 pages.)


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In February-March 1971 the hydrological conditions off Angola did not display the thermal dome mapped by Mazeika's averages (1967). Cold water cells observed are connected at the surface to a sinuous boundary between low-salinity coastal waters and high-salinity tropical oceanic waters. That boundary coincides rather regularly with an area where trades and SW winds alternate; photosynthesis growths rapidly in a thermoclinal layer that rises until 10 m of the surface but never outcrops. Below a poor and permanent homogeneous surface layer, chlorophyll concentrations show a distribution which is typical of divergence areas. Geostrophical and measured currents show off a transient process in horizontal and vertical movements, however the general curvature of the circulation is propitious to upwelling. Oxygen oversaturations of about 110%, suggest a moderate potential primary production which confirms slowness and alternation of movements. Also, the regular range of the various chemical and biological levels and moderate chlorophyll concentrations suggest an ecosystem where nutrients supply rapidly equilibrate phytoplankton consumption and not at all a 'phytoplankton bloom' area as that which exists in coastal upwelling. Values of Richardson's number show that instability becomes visible at the bottom of the euphotic layer. An evaluation of the vertical motion is inferred by the peculiar distribution and diurnal alternance of the winds shows that 'doming' structures may be sustained by local meteorological events.


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A brief description of the Greek fisheries for the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, Engraulidae) is given, with emphasis on the spatial distribution of the catch. Satellite images of phytoplankton pigment distribution obtained with NIMBUS-7 are used to explain local abundance of the dynamics of anchovy populations.