54 resultados para High-growth Firms

em Aquatic Commons


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Abstract Environmental changes may have an impact on life conditions of the fish, e.g. food supply for the fish. The prevailing environmental conditions apply evenly to all age groups of one stock. Small fish have high growth rates, whereas large fish grow with low rates. But, it can be shown on the basis of the von Bertalanffy-growth model that it is sufficient to know only the growth rate of one single age group to compute the growth rates of all other age groups. The growth rate of a reference fish GRF (e.g. a fish with a body mass of 1 kg) was introduced as a reference growth describing the current food condition of all age groups of the stock. As an example a time series of the reference-growth rate of the northern cod stock (NAFO, 3K) was computed for the time span 1979 to 1999. For the northern cod stock it can be observed that environmental conditions caused growth rates below the long-term mean for seven years in a row. After a prolonged hunger period the fish stock collapsed in 1992 also by the impact of fisheries - and this was probably not a coincidence. Now, with the reference-growth rate GRF a simple and handy parameter was found to summarize the influence of the environmental conditions on growth and other derived models and therefore makes it easier to compute the influence of environmental changes within stock assessment. Zusammenfassung Veränderungen der Umwelt können Auswirkungen auf die Lebensbedingungen der Fische haben, z. B. auf das Nahrungsangebot der Fische. Die vorherrschenden Umgebungsbedingungen wirken gleichmäßig auf alle Altersgruppen eines Bestandes, wobei typischer Weise kleineFische hohe Wachstumsraten haben, während die großen Fische mit niedrigen Raten wachsen. Auf der Grundlage des von Bertalanffy-Wachstumsmodells kann gezeigt werden, dass es ausreicht, nur die Wachstumsrate von einer einzigen Altersgruppe zu kennen, um die Wachstumsraten von allen anderen Altersgruppen berechnen zu können. Die Wachstumsrate eines Referenz-Fisches (z.B. eines Fisches mit einer Körpermasse von 1 kg) wurde als Referenz-Wachstum GRF eingeführt, die den aktuellen Zustand des Nahrungsangebots füralle Altersgruppen des Bestandes beschreibt. Als Beispiel wurde einer Zeitreihe der Referenz-Wachstumsraten des nördlichen Kabeljaubestandes (NAFO, 3K) für die Zeitsraum 1979 bis 1999 berechnet. Für diesen Kabeljaubestand war zu beobachten, dass Umgebungsbedingungen für sieben Jahre in Folge Wachstumsraten unter dem langjährigen Mittelwert verursachten. Nach einer längeren Hungerperiode kollabierte dieser Fischbestand im Jahr 1992 auch durch den Einfluß der Fischerei - und dies war sicher kein Zufall. Jetzt, mit der Referenz-Wachstumsrate GRF, ist ein einfacher und handlicher Parameter gefunden, der es gestattet den Einfluss der Umweltbedingungen auf die Wachstumsbedingungen und andere davon abgeleitete Modelle zusammenzufassen. Dies macht es einfach, den Einfluss von Umweltveränderungen innerhalb der Bestandsabschätzungen zu berechnen.


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Juvenile fish in temperate coastal oceans exhibit an annual cycle of feeding, and within this cycle, poor wintertime feeding can reduce body growth, condition, and perhaps survival, especially in food-poor areas. We examined the stomach contents of juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) to explain previously observed seasonal and regional variation in juvenile body condition. Juvenile walleye pollock (1732 fish, 37–250 mm standard length) of the 2000 year class were collected from three regions in the Gulf of Alaska (Kodiak, Semidi, and Shumagin) representing an area of the continental shelf of ca. 100,000 km2 during four seasons (August 2000 to September 2001). Mean stomach content weight (SCW, 0.72% somatic body weight) decreased with fish body length except from winter to summer 2001. Euphausiids composed 61% of SCW and were the main determinant of seasonal change in the diets of fish in the Kodiak and Semidi regions. Before and during winter, SCW and the euphausiid dietary component were highest in the Kodiak region. Bioenergetics modeling indicated a relatively high growth rate for Kodiak juveniles during winter (0.33 mm standard length/d). After winter, Shumagin juveniles had relatively high SCW and, unlike the Kodiak and Semidi juveniles, exhibited no reduction in the euphausiid dietary component. These patterns explain previous seasonal and regional differences in body condition. We hypothesize that high-quality feeding locations (and perhaps nursery areas) shift seasonally in response to the availability of euphausiid


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We evaluated habitat quality for juvenile California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) in a Pacific Coast estuary lacking in strong salinity gradients by examining density, recent otolith growth rates, and gut fullness levels of wild-caught and caged juveniles for one year. Juveniles <200 mm standard length were caught consistently in the inner, central, and outer sections of the estuary. The density of juveniles was two times higher in the inner estuary during most of the year, consistent with active habitat selection by part of the population. A generalized linear model indicated temperature, sampling time, and the interaction between salinity and temperature were significantly related to density. However, the model explained only 21% of the variance. Gut fullness levels of wild-caught juveniles were highest during the summer, but recent otolith growth rates were not related to temperature. The proportion of individuals feeding successfully indicated that seasonal differences in food availability are more important than spatial variation in prey abundance in driving feeding success. Feeding success of caged fishes was limited, precluding the use of growth rates as indicators of local habitat quality. However, marginal increment widths were reliable indicators of somatic growth at low growth rates over two-week periods. The relatively high growth rates and abundance of small wild-caught juveniles found throughout the estuary indicates that the entire estuary system has the potential for serving as nursery habitat.


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The growth, mortality, and recruitment pattern of Penaeus californiensis were investigated using tail length (TL)-frequency data obtained from the Gulf of Guayaquil shrimp population. Computer-based methods of tail-frequency analysis Compleat ELEFAN software were used. Results obtained gave relatively high growth and mortality estimates for both males and females. The recruitment pattern indicated two pulses annually, one significantly larger than the other.


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Microalgal community structure in experimental carp-pangasiid catfish polyculture ponds under four different stocking rates (treatments) each with three replications in the Field Laboratory of the Faculty Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh was studied. A total of 38 microalgal genera were identified under four major groups: 18 genera belong to Chlorophyceae, 9 to Cyanophyceae, 8 to Bacillariophyceae and 3 to Euglenophyceae. Chlorophyceae was abundant in all treatments followed by Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Euglenophyceae throughout the study period. The cell densities of total microalgal population varied between 51.66x10^3 cells/L in June in T1 and 126.4x10^3 cells/L in August in T2. The appearance of Microcysris, Oscillatoria, Gomphospheria, Hildenbrandia, Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Cyclotella, Navicula, Nitzschia, Euglena and Phacus as dominant genera throughout the study period may related to sufficient nutrient availability, good light conditions and high growth rate of these genera. Water quality parameters of the experimental ponds were within suitable range for microalgal production and fish culture though the nutrient (nitrate-nitrogen and phosphate-phosphorus) concentrations were high. The factors involved in structuring a phytoplankton community arise from the relationship generated by physical, chemical and biological conditions especially the stocked planktivorous carps. Microalgal bloom formation is very common in pangasiid catfish monoculture ponds but in the present study bloom was not formed and the algal species diversity was found to be slightly increased with the study period. The introduction carps of carps in the experimental ponds might have helped in controlling the microalgal bloom formation and maintenance of the species diversity.


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In consecutive greenhouse studies, growth and propagule formation were examined first in monoecious hydrilla [Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle], then in dioecious hydrilla, at three temperature levels (25, 30, and 35 C) and contrasted over three periods of growth (8, 12 and 16 wks). Each biotype was grown under natural photoperiods, decreasing from 14 hrs (in Oct, Nov, and Dec). For both biotypes, total biomass and root-to-shoot ratios were significantly reduced at 35 C; greater biomass was produced both at 25 and 30C. Increases in growth period generally enhanced total biomass and shoot production; however, shoot length was unresponsive to growth periods beyond 8 wks. The 35C treatment strongly impeded tuber formation and eliminat4ed the production of axillary turions; the number and biomass of these propagules peaked at lower temperatures under short photoperiods after 12 to 16 wks. Shoot elongation was stimulated with increases in temperature and was especially pronounced in the dioecious biotype. Notably, in the monoecious biotype, the number of shoots as a potential source of fragments, and tuber production (although reduced) occurred at relatively high levels under unfavorably hihg-temperature (35C) conditions. These results suggest that monoecious hydrilla may be better adapted to high temperatures than previously shown, and that the distribution of both biotypes in the U.S. could overlap further in southern states.


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Waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes(Mart.) Solms), is a serious problem in the Sacramento Delta. Two weevil species (Neochetina bruchi Hustache and N. eichhorniae Warner) have been introduced as biological control agents. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that nitrogen (N) in the tissue of waterhyacinth was not sufficient to support weevil growth and reproduction. Because it grows better on plants with high N content and because it has a greater impact on the growth of high N plants, N. bruchi may be a more effective biological control agent in the Sacramento Delta.


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Hygrophila ( Hygrophila polysperma (Roxb.) T. Anderson) is a plants which forms serious aquatic weed problems. Both submerged and emergent growth forms occur. Nutritional studies with a controlled release fertilizer and sediments collected from hygrophila-infested areas were conducted with the emergent growth habit to provide insights into growth of this introduced plant. Plant dry weights for experimental 16- week culture periods with low average temperatures were associated with low amounts of hygrophila biomass as compared to culture periods with high average temperatures. Hygrophila cultured in sand rooting media with the controlled release fertilizer produced as much as 20 times more dry weight than plants cultured in sediments only. First-degree linear regression statistics showed hygrophila dry weights were highly related to ammonia nitrogen, magnesium, sodium, and pH values in the sediments. These findings show the close relationship of the emergent growth habit of hygrophila to sediment nutrients. Analyses for certain sediment characteristics may provide an indication of the potential growth that may be expected for weed infestations of this plant. Hygrophila grows year round in south Florida; however, visual observations of canals and other bodies of water indicate that lower amounts of hygrophila plants occur during the cooler months of year than during the summer season. These findings show the seasonal growth of emergent hygrophila occurs with biomass dependent on both sediment nutrients and temperature.


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Based on the recovery rates for Thalassia testudinum measured in this study for scars of these excavation depths and assuming a linear recovery horizon, we estimate that it would take ~ 6.9 years (95% CI. = 5.4 to 9.6 years) for T. testudinum to return to the same density as recorded for the adjacent undisturbed population. The application of water soluble fertilizers and plant growth hormones by mechanical injection into the sediments adjacent to ten propellor scars at Lignumvitae State Botanical Site did not significantly increase the recovery rate of Thalassia testudinum or Halodule wrightii. An alternative method of fertilization and restoration of propellor scars was also tested by a using a method of “compressed succession” where Halodule wrightii is substituted for T. testudinum in the initial stages of restoration. Bird roosting stakes were placed among H.wrightii bare root plantings in prop scars to facilitate the defecation of nitrogen and phosphorus enriched feces. In contrast to the fertilizer injection method, the bird stakes produced extremely high recovery rates of transplanted H. wrightii. We conclude that use of a fertilizer/hormone injection machine in the manner described here is not a feasible means of enhancing T. testudinum recovery in propellor scars on soft bottom carbonate sediments. Existing techniques such as the bird stake approach provide a reliable, and inexpensive alternative method that should be considered for application to restoration of seagrasses in these environments. Document contains 40 pages)


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Four groups of fin clipped brown trout (Salmo trutta) fingerlings were planted in Hot Creek over a six year period. Survival and growth were estimated by fall and/or spring mark-and-recapture surveys. Yield to the angler for two of the tour groups stocked was estimated by stratified random creel surveys. Fingerling survival from the midsummer stocking period to fall averaged 51 %. Overwinter survival from young-of-the-year to yearling fish averaged 49%. Angler harvest of two groups of fingerlings stocked at densities of 16,082 fish/mile averaged 1,704 trout/mile (10.6%) and 194 lbs/acre. Abundant cover and microhabitat suitable tor young trout, ice-free winters, and rapid growth were factors viewed as contributing to high yields. Results do not suggest a change is needed in the general policy of not stocking brown trout fingerlings in California streams. Results do show that fingerlings stocked in Hot Creek, and presumably other productive streams with abundant cover, can effectively fill a void created by limited recruitment. (PDF contains 24 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Growth and mortality data for Cetengraulis mysticetus, Anchoa naso, Engraulis mordax, E. ring ens, E. anchoita, E. encraslcbolus, E. japonicus, and E. australis were assembled and compared. Estimates of the coefficients of natural mortality, M, of E. anchoita and Ancboa naso were made from the maximum age of the former and from data for the other species. The relative yields per recruit at different fishing mortality rates and lengths at entry into the fishery were calculated for each species, using what are considered to be the best estimates and other likely values of K, a constant of growth, and M. The maximum yields per recruit are theoretically obtainable at very high fishing mortality rates, except when the length at entry is low relative to the asymptotic length. K and M may be positively related to the temperature and to each other, and if such is the case at higher temperatures greater fishing effort would be needed to attain the maximum yield per recruit. The applicability of the yield-per-recruit approach to the data is discussed, and suggestions for further research are made. SPANISH: Se reunieron y compararon los datos sobre el crecimiento y mortalidad correspondientes a Cetengraulis mysticetus, Anchoa naso, Engraulis mordax, E. ringens, E. anchoíta, E. encrasicbolus, E. japonicus y E. australls. Los estimativos de los coeficientes de la mortalidad natural, M, de E. anchoita y Anchoa naso se obtuvieron según la edad máxima de E. anchoita y según los datos de las otras especies. Se calculó para cada especie el rendimiento relativo por recluta a diferentes tasas de mortalidad por la pesca y a diferentes longitudes de entrada a la pesquería, empleándose lo que se considera que son los mejores estimativos y otros valores probables de K, una constante de crecímíento, y M. El rendimiento máximo por recluta se obtiene teóricamente a tasas muy altas de la mortalidad por la pesca con excepción de cuando la longitud a la entrada es baja en relación a la longitud asintótica. K y M pueden estar relacionadas positivamente a la temperatura y mutuamente, y si este es el caso a temperaturas más altas se necesitará un esfuerzo superior de pesca para obtener el rendimiento máximo por recluta. La aplicabilidad del enfoque a los datos rendimiento-por-recluta es discutido y se hacen sugerencias para otras investigaciones. (PDF contains 66 pages.)


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A research was conducted in thirty approximately 100 sq.m earthern ponds of the Brackishwater Aquaculture Centre (BAC), College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines, Leganes Iloilo from November 7, 1982 to March 7, 1983 to evaluate the effects of nine supplemental feeds containing different protein: energy ratios on the growth and survival of Tilapia nilotica in brackishwater ponds. Nine supplemental feeds formulated were with protein levels of 20%, 25%, and 30% each at three energy levels of 3,000 kcals; 3,500 kcals; and 4,000 kcals. There was a control treatment with no feeding so that mean weight gain growth rate, feed conversion rate, and survival were determined. Fish fingerlings were acclimated from 0-29 ppt. salinity before the experiment and 20% of fish in each treatment were sampled after every 30 days. Growth rates were significantly different and increased with increasing energy level at the 30% protein feeds but decreased at high energy levels in the 20% and 25% protein feeds. Feed conversion was significantly different due to interaction between protein and energy levels in the feeds, and was better at the 30:3,500 kcals feeds having a feed conversion of 1.55 g. Survival was not significantly different


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Seven groups of fingerling rainbow trout (S. gairdneri ) were fed for 10 weeks on 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of cassava or rice in isonitrogenous diets. Optimum growth and food utilization was at 20% dietary cassava. High fiber content of the control diet did not suppress protein digestibility in this group. Rather, at all levels, protein digestibility was good and remained between 84.4% and 90.1%. However, in the control group, carbohydrate digestibility was very poor. The cassava diets which had the highest digestible energy as carbohydrate produced the best growth performance, food utilization and protein sparing. At the levels studied, the dietary carbohydrates produced no hyperglycamic effect on the fish


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Live African prawns Macrobrachium vollenhovenii were collected from Asejire reservoir (Nigeria) by trapping. After acclimatization, the prawns were differently amputated: some had their eye-stalks cut; some had their chelae cut; some had both eyestalks and chelae cut while some were intact which served as the control. Each set was placed under different levels of crude protein viz 15%; 20%; and 25%. Weekly weight changes were monitored. Results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis including analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that prawns fed with 20% crude protein had the best growth rate. Specimens with the eyestalk and chelae removed also showed superior growth when compared with the others. Specimens that had their eyestalks removed were able to feed for 18 hours in the day while those with intact body fed for 6 hours during the same period. The amputation of the chelate appendages reduced considerably the cannibalistic urge in the prawns. This enabled a high number of prawns to be grown in the experimental tanks


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The growth response of F1 hybrid fry of female Heterobranchus longifilis and male Clarias gariepinus were investigated under laboratory conditions in glass aquaria glass tanks and plastic basins. The larvae were produced artificially after inducement with Ovarptim. The hatching percentage was very high. Weekly mean length and weight were monitored for 6 weeks. The average length increase was higher in aquaria glass tanks than in plastic basins. However, there were depressed and irregular weight increases in both types of rearing troughs while significant weight increase (P<0.05) was recorded at week 6 in the plastic basin. Generally, the growth rate and survival in both containers were not significantly different