13 resultados para Frame and cinema

em Aquatic Commons


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Lake Nakuwa is one of the large lakes among the Kyoga drainage system lakes, located 132 km north east Off Jinja town, at 01° 091N 33° 21 1 E, an elevation 1037 m, surface area of 200 km2 and an average depth of 3.3 m. The lake is shared by the districts of Kamuli, Pallisa and the newly created district of Kaliro. howerever 80% of the landing sites are in Kaliro and less than 20% are shared between the districts of Kamuli and Pallisa. The lake is free of submerged and floating macrophytes, with lots of floating papyrus (sudds). Papyrus, hippo grass and reeds dominate the shoreline vegetation. Lake Nakuwa like the main lake Kyoga was stocked with the Nile perch and the tilapiine species namely Oreochromis niloticus, Oreochromis leucostictus and Tilapia zillii in the general stocking exercise of small lakes alild dams in the early 1970's.


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The Nabugabo lakes are an important source of affordable protein food in the form of fish, income, water for domestic and commercial purposes (aquaculture farm and Hotels), handcraft materials (mats, hats, roof thatch) and fishing floats and rafts. Nabugabo lakes provide employment, income and export earnings to Uganda that flow from the act of harvesting the fish. In Uganda the fisheries sector directly employs 350,000 people and indirectly 1.2 million people. In 2005, it is estimated that about 370,000 mt fish export (97-98% Nile perch) earned Uganda US $ 143 Million up from US $ 103 million in 2004 .and up from US $ 45 million in 1996. , making it almost become the first non' traditional export commodity. The Nabugabo lakes are also import for cultural values and fish species from these lakes are important in evolutionary studies. The fishery sector is therefore very important in Uganda's socio-economic life. Despite the above values to the communities and global biodiversity roles, the amount of fish caught and the number fishing fleets operating on the Nabugabo lakes to guide management of the lake are lacking. The fishery that exists in these lakes is largely for subsistence and commercial purposes specific for Lake Nabugabo based on introduced species (Nile perch and Nile Tilapia). The fish is caught using mainly gill nets and long line hooks.


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This study aimed at evaluating the production levels in terms of catch estimates of the artisanal fisheries of the Edward-George system in addition to providing information on the facilities and services at landing sites and the composition, magnitude and distribution of fishing effort to guide development and management of the fisheries resources of the Edward and George lakes and Kazinga channel. Specifically, the study was expected to come up with the following outputs:- a) Information on the number of fish landing sites on the basin lakes; b) Information on the facilities available at the fish landing sites to service the fisheries sector ; c) Information on the number of fishers; d) Information on the number and types of fishing crafts; e) Information on the modes of propulsion of the fishing crafts; f) Information on the number types and sizes of fishing gears including the number of illegal fishing gears in the fishery; and g) Recommendations on development and management of the fisheries of the Edward and George lakes and Kazinga channel. h) Beach values in terms of annual catches and annual revenue from the water bodies.


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Introduction: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Biogeography Branch has conducted surveys of reef fish in the Caribbean since 1999. Surveys were initially undertaken to identify essential fish habitat, but later were used to characterize and monitor reef fish populations and benthic communities over time. The Branch’s goals are to develop knowledge and products on the distribution and ecology of living marine resources and provide resource managers, scientists and the public with an improved ecosystem basis for making decisions. The Biogeography Branch monitors reef fishes and benthic communities in three study areas: (1) St. John, USVI, (2) Buck Island, St. Croix, USVI, and (3) La Parguera, Puerto Rico. In addition, the Branch has characterized the reef fish and benthic communities in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary and around the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. Reef fish data are collected using a stratified random sampling design and stringent measurement protocols. Over time, the sampling design has changed in order to meet different management objectives (i.e. identification of essential fish habitat vs. monitoring), but the designs have always remained: • Probabilistic – to allow inferences to a larger targeted population, • Objective – to satisfy management objectives, and • Stratified – to reduce sampling costs and obtain population estimates for strata. There are two aspects of the sampling design which are now under consideration and are the focus of this report: first, the application of a sample frame, identified as a set of points or grid elements from which a sample is selected; and second, the application of subsampling in a two-stage sampling design. To evaluate these considerations, the pros and cons of implementing a sampling frame and subsampling are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the impacts of each design on accuracy (bias), feasibility and sampling cost (precision). Further, this report presents an analysis of data to determine the optimal number of subsamples to collect if subsampling were used. (PDF contains 19 pages)


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This report presents the findings from a thorough literature review, workshops, and group and individual interviews conducted by STREAM in the Philippines in November and December 2003. The ambitious scope of the report combined with the limited time frame and funding available to compile it necessitated the extensive use of secondary data, including both published and unpublished material written by staff of the agencies / organisations involved, with very limited editing of material used. All possible efforts were made to generate information in participation with the government institutions responsible for managing the fisheries, and all contributors (as well as many other stakeholders) were provided with multiple opportunities to comment on the report content. The contributors are listed on the front page of the report. (Pdf contains 56 pages).


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Lake Albert is one of the largest lakes in Uganda that still supports a multi-species fishery which as a result of variable adult sizes of the species, causes management challenges especially in relation to gear mesh size enforcement. Prior to the 1980s, commercial species were 17 largesized fishes especially Citharinus citharinus, Distichodus niloticus and Lates spp. that were confmed to inshore habitats of the lake and were thus rapidly over fished. Frame and catch assessment surveys conducted in this study revealed a >80% dominance of small size fish species (Neobola bredoi and Brycinus nurse) and a 40 -60% decrease in the contribution of the large commercial species. Sustainability of small size fish species is uncertain due to seasonal fluctuations and low beach value. At about 150,000 tons of fish recorded from Lake Albert and Albert Nile, the beach value was estimated at 55.3 million USD. Despite the noted decline in catches of the large sized fishes their contribution was more than 50% of total beach value. Therefore, management measures should couple value addition for the small sized species and maintain effort regulation targeting recovery of the large previously important commercial species


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Lake Albert is one of the largest lakes in Uganda that still supports a multi-species fishery which as a result of variable adult sizes of the species, causes management challenges especially in relation to gear mesh size enforcement. Prior to the 1980s, commercial species were 17 large sized fishes especially Citharinus citharinus, Distichodus niloticus and Lates spp. that were confimed to inshore habitats of the lake and were thus rapidly over fished. Frame and catch assessment surveys conducted in this study revealed a >80% dominance of small size fish species (Neobola bredoi and Brycinus nurse) and a 40 -60% decrease in the contribution of the large commercial species. Sustainability of small size fish species is uncertain due to seasonal fluctuations and low beach value. At about 150,000 tons of fish recorded from Lake Albert and Albert Nile, the beach value was estimated at 55.3 million USD. Despite the noted decline in catches of the large sized fishes their contribution was more than 50% of total beach value. Therefore, management measures should couple value addition for the small sized species and maintain effort regulation targeting recovery of the large previously important commercial species.


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The National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI), the Directorate of Fisheries Resources (DiFR), the Local Government fisheries staff and those from the Beach Management Units (BMUs) of the riparian districts to Lake Victoria regularly and jointly conduct Frame and Catch Assessment Surveys. The information obtained is used to guide fisheries management and development. We reveal the trends in the commercial fish catch landings and fishing effort on the Uganda side of Lake Victoria, over a 15 year period (2000-2015) and provide the underlying factors to the observed changes. The contribution of the high value large size species (Nile perch and Tilapia) to the commercial catch of Lake Victoria has significantly reduced while that of the low value small size species, Mukene has increased over a ten year (2005-2015)period. The information is intended to update and sensitize the key stakeholders on the status of the Lake Victoria fisheries. In addition, the information provided is expected to guide policy formulation and management planning by the fisheries managers at all levels including the BMUs and Landing Site Management Committees (LSMCs), the Local government fisheries staff and the Directorate of Fisheries Resources. The information is anticipated to create awareness among the lakeside fisher communities to reverse the current trend in fish declines.


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Studies are carried out to find a suitable basis of specifying scantlings for wooden fishing vessels for India, especially for the range 30' to 50' length overall. Equations of the type y=a (where 'y' is scantling in inches, N is cubic numeral in ft³ and 'a', 'b' are constants) are fitted to the scantling tables (applicable to vessels 50’ and above) available from USA, Newfoundland, Denmark, France and Scotland and they are found to represent the regulations accurately. These lines are corrected for standard frame and beam spacing and molded/sided dimensions to bring them on a common basis for comparison and minimum scantling lines for the main structural members are derived. These lines are extended to cover the range 30' to 50' which is generally outside the range of the above regulations.


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Fishing experiments were conducted simultaneously with frame nets and trammel nets in the Hirakud Reservoir and the results indicated the relative superiority of frame nets, whose catch rate was two times more than that of the trammel nets.


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The report provides a summary of the frame survey results carried out in lakes Kyoga and Kwania in 1990. The ADP Fisheries Survey of Lake Kyoga is charged with a stock-assessment programme. The term stock-assessment is generally used to express the need of fisheries managers for knowledge on fish stocks which are allegedly over-exploited already. Stock-assessment can be very comprehensive, costly and time-consuming. Essentially however, investigations into exploited stocks and the fishery should provide viable answers to the questions of management at the shortest possible notice. Surveys should in any case provide indications concerning the rate of exploitation. That requires the execution of a catch assessment survey (CAS).


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The census of a fishing industry is called a frame survey. This is a rather comprehensive term, because there are many aspects of a fishery which one might wish to know. This is illustrated by the report on the partial census executed by the ADP/FS on the southern landings of L.Kyoga during December 1988, which deals with many socio-economic aspects of fishermen's households.


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Since 2005, harmonized catch assessment surveys (CASs) have been implemented on Lake Victoria in the three riparian countries Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania to monitor the commercial fish stocks and provide their management advice. The regionally harmonized standard operating procedures for CASs have not been wholly followed due to logistical difficulties. Yet the new approaches adopted have not been documented. This study investigated the alternative approaches used to estimate fish catches on the lake with the aim of determining the most reliable one for providing management advice and also the effect of current sampling routine on the precision of catch estimates provided. The study found the currently used lake-wide approach less reliable and more biased in providing catch estimates compared to the district based approach. Noticeable differences were detected in catch estimates between different months of the year. The study recommends future analyses of CAS data collected on the lake to follow the district based approach. Future CASs should also consider seasonal variations in the sampling design by providing for replication of sampling. The SOPs need updating to document the procedures that deviate from the original sampling design.