3 resultados para Fluorescence probes

em Aquatic Commons


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop "Making Oxygen Measurements Routine Like Temperature" was convened in St. Petersburg, Florida, January 4th - 6th, 2006. This event was sponsored by the University of South Florida (USF) College of Marine Science, an ACT partner institution and co-hosted by the Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks (ORION). Participants from researcldacademia, resource management, industry, and engineering sectors collaborated with the aim to foster ideas and information on how to make measuring dissolved oxygen a routine part of a coastal or open ocean observing system. Plans are in motion to develop large scale ocean observing systems as part of the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (100s; see http://ocean.us) and the NSF Ocean Observatory Initiative (001; see http://www.orionprogram.org/00I/default.hl). These systems will require biological and chemical sensors that can be deployed in large numbers, with high reliability, and for extended periods of time (years). It is also likely that the development cycle for new sensors is sufficiently long enough that completely new instruments, which operate on novel principles, cannot be developed before these complex observing systems will be deployed. The most likely path to development of robust, reliable, high endurance sensors in the near future is to move the current generation of sensors to a much greater degree of readiness. The ACT Oxygen Sensor Technology Evaluation demonstrated two important facts that are related to the need for sensors. There is a suite of commercially available sensors that can, in some circumstances, generate high quality data; however, the evaluation also showed that none of the sensors were able to generate high quality data in all circumstances for even one month time periods due to biofouling issues. Many groups are attempting to use oxygen sensors in large observing programs; however, there often seems to be limited communication between these groups and they often do not have access to sophisticated engineering resources. Instrument manufacturers also do not have sufficient resources to bring sensors, which are marketable, but of limited endurance or reliability, to a higher state of readiness. The goal of this ACT/ORION Oxygen Sensor Workshop was to bring together a group of experienced oceanographers who are now deploying oxygen sensors in extended arrays along with a core of experienced and interested academic and industrial engineers, and manufacturers. The intended direction for this workshop was for this group to exchange information accumulated through a variety of sensor deployments, examine failure mechanisms and explore a variety of potential solutions to these problems. One anticipated outcome was for there to be focused recommendations to funding agencies on development needs and potential solutions for 02 sensors. (pdf contains 19 pages)


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Technology for effective and fast diagnosis of animal diseases is essential for developing aquaculture management strategies. This paper reviews the conventional techniques for shrimp disease diagnosis and discusses the emergence of nuclei acid probes and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based kits as powerful tools for rapid and accurate detection of shrimp diseases.


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In this study ,the effects of Pseudomonas fluorescence obtained from generator pond water of Kolahi as supplementary and four algae consisting of : Chaetoceros sp, Chlorella and Skeletonema sp and Tetraselmis sp, three types of artemia as live food larval states from zoa to postlarvae (PL4 ) Penaeus indicus were investigated. The results indicate that Pseudomonas fluorescence has positive effect on Penaeus indicits larvae growth and their living food. Effective ranges at minimum and maximum were estimated. In most cases optimum dosage was approximately determined. Optimum dosage is between 50 -150 milligrams per liter for living food and Penaeus larval More than 200 milligram per liter resulted in a negative effect on the growth and survival. Also the results indicate Uromiana artemia. Requires a higher concentration of the bacteria the imported artemia. As a conclusion it is recommended to introduce Pseudonionas fluorescence as a new medium for the growth of some mentioned algae .