607 resultados para Fish - Reproduction

em Aquatic Commons


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Menlicirrhus americanus in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico mature at 150-220 mm TL and 12-14 months of age, with males maturing when 10-40 mm smaller than females. Spawning occurs within a broad period from February through November with two discrete peaks which coincide with the periodicity of downcoast alongshore currents (towards Mexico) in spring and fall. This species occurs at depths of less than 5 to 27 m, being most abundant at 5 m or shallower. Young-of-the-year recruit primarily at 5-9 m or shallower and gradually expand their bathymetric range. Age determination by length frequency is feasible in M. americanus but not as simple as in species that spawn in one major period of the year. Only one or two spawned groups normally predominated at anyone time and no more than three co-occurred with few possible exceptions. Observed mean sizes were 138 mm TL at 6 months, and 192 and 272 mm at ages I and II, respectively. Typical maximum size was 296-308 mm and typical maximum age is probably 2-3 years. The largest fISh captured were 392 and 455 mm. Observed sex ratio was 1.2 females to 1 male. Weight, girth, and length-length regressions are presented.(PDF file contains 27 pages.)


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The need to develop techniques that can make the male grow faster in many species of fish as well as the female in some other species cannot be over-emphasized. Monosex culture of the faster growing sex can increase production if the method is reliable. The use of such techniques as manual sexing, sterilisation, hybridization, gynogenesis, androgenesis polyploidy and sex-reversal can provide solutions or partial solutions to the problems associated with sexual difference, sexual maturation and unwanted reproduction


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This study concentrated on the reproductive biology of the small pelagic cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea. The results indicate that this fish is an inshore spawning species, which agrees with other recent studies. It was also found that in areas where fishing intensity was likely to be relatively high, the size at first maturity of R. argentea was reduced, which is likely to be an effect of the fish altering its reproductive strategy according to life history theory. The CPUE results showed a general trend of decreasing with distance from shore, however areas less than one kilometer from the shore were not sampled. Evidence was also found suggesting that the cestode parasite, Ligula intestinalis had an adverse effect on the maturation and fecundity of R. argentea. Some management options concerning the findings in this study are also briefly discussed. (PDF has 82 pages)


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Oreochromis niloticus is one of the commercial fish species in Opa reservoir. It bred throughout the period of study in the reservoir. The fish species is a maternal mouth brooder with the female specimens carrying eggs and alevins in their mouths. The sex ratio of O. niloticus was 1:1 and the maximum fecundity recorded was 1810 eggs. The fecundity increased as the fish length increased. The relatively high fecundity of the fish species in the reservoir is an indication of the suitability of the small reservoir in contributing to fish production


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This brief paper discusses the assumption that watercourses might be harbouring a chemical(s) affecting the sexual development in fish. Male fish was found with the oestrogen-dependent blood protein, vitellogenin, usually found only in maturing females. The author examines a number of man-made chemicals present in the environment have been found to be oestrogenic. The paper concludes that rivers contain environmental oestrogens that are capable of causing disruptions in the sexual development of fish. Whether or not these environmental oestrogens are causing a widespread disruption in reproduction in wild fish, however, has yet to be determined.


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A series of studies on the ecology of the bullhead, Cottus gobio is described. Habitat choice, growth rate and longevity, population density, biomass and production, reproduction, life history and feeding is compared at 8 sites in England and 1 site in Wales. Evidence suggests that in Cottus gobio the prevailing environmental conditions result in considerable modifications in longevity, growth rate and egg production. It also indicates that the advantages of fast growth and high reproductive effort in favourable habitats are offset, at least partially by increases in mortality.


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It has been estimated that in England and Wales fresh water covers some 340 square miles of which about one quarter is inhabited mainly by salmon and trout; in Scotland the lakes cover an area of 340 square miles. The principal object of this publication is to make available in handy form some of the methods, especially those involving the use of manures, by which crops of fish from water can be increased. The cultivation of water which this implies may be compared directly to the cultivation of farm land: the conditions for growth are made as favourable as possible, the seed is sown in the form of young fish, and after one or perhaps two growing seasons the crop is harvested. There are however many waters about the country where marketable fish are already available and can be removed without prejudice to, and indeed to the advantage of, sporting fisheries. In such cases it is necessary only to remove the fish and to rely on the natural processes of reproduction of those which are left to repopulate the water. Farming waters in the true sense is the concern of the greater part of this publication; the removal of crops of otherwise unwanted fish is considered in the last two sections on perch trapping and eel fisheries.


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Different rearing facilities (concrete tanks, pens and ponds) were tested for suitability as spawning environments. The concrete tanks and the pens in the lagoon gave the best results as to the number of spawns obtained. Of the three types of spawning devices tested, containers with a 150 mm opening at one of the two ends were preferably used by the fish. The brooders in the spawning facilities spontaneously entered the spawning containers to deposit their eggs without external human intervention. Actual fecundity estimates ranged from 9805 to 40597.


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The Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) is distributed along the west coast of North America from Baja California to British Columbia. This article presents estimates of biomass, spawning biomass, and related biological parameters based on four trawl-ichthyoplankton surveys conducted during July 2003 –March 2005 off Oregon and Washington. The trawl-based biomass estimates, serving as relative abundance, were 198,600 t (coefficient of variation [CV] = 0.51) in July 2003, 20,100 t (0.8) in March 2004, 77,900 t (0.34) in July 2004, and 30,100 t (0.72) in March 2005 over an area close to 200,000 km2. The biomass estimates, high in July and low in March, are a strong indication of migration in and out of this area. Sardine spawn in July off the Pacific Northwest (PNW) coast and none of the sampled fish had spawned in March. The estimated spawning biomass for July 2003 and July 2004 was 39,184 t (0.57) and 84,120 t (0.93), respectively. The average active female sardine in the PNW spawned every 20–40 days compared to every 6–8 days off California. The spawning habitat was located in the southeastern area off the PNW coast, a shift from the northwest area off the PNW coast in the 1990s. Egg production in off the PNW for 2003–04 was lower than that off California and that in the 1990s. Because the biomass of Pacific sardine off the PNW appears to be supported heavily by migratory fish from California, the sustainability of the local PNW population relies on the stability of the population off California, and on local oceanographic conditions for local residence.


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This contribution summarizes knowledge on the biology (population dynamics, reproduction, ecology) of 25 fish species from the Lower Amazon, Brazil, based on data from a Brazilian-German field project (IARA) and a review of the literature.


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It has been predicted that the global demand for fish for human consumption will increase by more than 50% over the next 15 years. The FAO has projected that the increase in supply will originate primarily from marine fisheries, aquaculture and to a lesser extent from inland fisheries, but with a commensurate price increase. However, there are constraints to increased production in both marine and inland fisheries, such as overfishing, overexploitation limited potential increase and environmental degradation due to industrialization. The author sees aquaculture as having the greatest potential for future expansion. Aquaculture practices vary depending on culture, environment, society amd sources of fish. Inputs are generally low-cost, ecologically efficient and the majority of aquaculture ventures are small-scale and family operated. In the future, advances in technology, genetic improvement of cultured species, improvement in nutrition, disease management, reproduction control and environmental management are expected along with opportunities for complimentary activities with agriculture, industrial and wastewater linkages. The main constraints to aquaculture are from reduced access to suitable land and good quality water due to pollution and habitat degradation. Aquaculture itself carries minimal potential for aquatic pollution. State participation in fisheries production has not proven to be the best way to promote the fisheries sector. The role of governments is increasingly seen as creating an environment for economic sectors to make an optimum contribution, through support in areas such as infrastructure, research, training and extension and a legal framework. The author feels that a holistic approach integrating the natural and social sciences is called for when fisheries policy is being examined.


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An analysis was made of sexual pattern, spawning season, sizes at sexual maturation, and sex change in black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci) from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Samples were taken between 1996 and 2000, from industrial and small-craft commercial fi sheries, in offshore and inshore waters of the continental shelf of the Yucatan Peninsula (Campeche Bank), including the shallow waters of National Marine Park Alacranes Reef. For all collected specimens (n=1229), sex and maturation condition were determined by histological analysis of the gonads. The offshore sample consisted of 75.1% females, 24.3% males, and 0.6% transitional-stage fish. All individuals collected from inshore waters were females. Gonadal structure and population structure characteristics for Campeche Bank black grouper were consistent with the characteristics of monandric protogynous hermaphrodism for a serranid fish. Sexually active males and females were observed year-round, although ripening females, with stage-III, -IV, and -V vitellogenic oocytes in the ovaries, dominated in samples taken between December and March. In addition, peak occurrence of ripe-running females with hyaline oocytes or postovulatory follicles (or both) in the ovaries was recorded in January and February. A few precocious females began spawning in October and November, and others were still in spawning condition in May and June. Fifty percent maturity of females was attained at 72.1 cm fork length (FL). Median size at sexual inversion was 103.3 cm FL, and 50% of the females measuring 111.4 cm FL had transformed into males. The southern Gulf of Mexico grouper fishery was considered deteriorated and lacked a well-defined management strategy. Results of the present study provide helpful information on black grouper reproduction in this area and could help Mexican authorities choose appropriate management strategies for this fishery, such as minimum size limit, closed fishing season, and protection of spawning aggregations.


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The reproductive activity and recruitment of white mullet (Mugil curema) was determined by observations of gonad development and coastal juvenile abundance from March 1992 to July 1993. Adults were collected from commercial catches at three sites in northeastern Venezuelan waters. Spawning time was determined from the observation of macroscopic gonadal stages. Coastal recruitment was determined from fish samples collected biweekly by seining in La Restinga Lagoon, Margarita Island, Venezuela. The examination of daily growth rings on the otoliths of coastal recruits was used to determine their birth date and estimate the period of successful spawning. Fish with mature gonads were present throughout the year but were less frequent between September and January when spawning individuals migrated offshore. In both years, juvenile recruitment to the lagoon was highest between March and June when high densities of 25–35 mm juveniles were observed. Back-calculated hatching-date frequency distributions revealed maximum levels of successful spawning in December–January that were significantly correlated with periods of enhanced upwelling. The relation between the timing of successful spawning and the intensity of coastal recruitment in white mullet was likely due to variations in food availability for first-feeding larvae as well as to variations in the duration of the transport of larvae shoreward as a result of varying current conditions associated with upwelling.


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We examined 536 permit (Trachinotus falcatus, 65–916 mm FL) collected from the waters of Florida Keys and from the Tampa Bay area on Florida’s Gulf coast to describe their growth and reproduction.Among permit that we sexed, females ranged from 266 to 916 mm in length (mean=617) and males ranged from 274 to 855 mm (mean=601). Ages of 297 permit ranging from 102 to 900 mm FL were estimated from thin-sectioned otoliths (sagittae). The large proportion of otoliths with an annulus on the margin and an otolith from an OTC-injected fish suggested that a single annulus was formed each year during late spring or early summer.Permit reach a maximum age of at least 23 years.Permit grew rapidly until an age of about five years, and then growth slowed considerably. Male and female von Bertalanffy growth models were not significantly different, and the sexes-combined growth model was FL=753.1(1–e –0.348(Age+0.585)). Gonad development was seasonal, and spawning occurred during late spring and summer over artificial and natural reefs at depths of 10–30 m. Ovaries that contained oocytes in the final stages of oocyte maturation or postovulatory follicles were found during May–July. We estimated that 50% of the females in the population had reached sexual maturity by 547 mm and an age of 3.1 years and that 50% of the males in the population had reached sexual maturity by 486 mm and an age of 2.3 years. Because Florida regulations restrict the maximum size of permit caught in recreational and commercial fisheries to 20-inch (508-mm), most fish harvested are sexually immature. With the current size selectivity of the fishery, the spawning stock biomass of permit could decrease quickly in response to moderate levels of fishing mortality; thus, the regulations in place in Florida to restrict harvest levels appear to be justified.


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A compilation of all the available information on the main small pelagic fish resources of Mozambican waters is presented. Resource data on distribution areas, reproduction, age, growth and stock size are described. Actual catch and catch per unit of effort of the commercially exploited stocks are also given. Results of the preliminary assessment of the stocks of scad and mackerel and the problems involving the assessment of Kelee shad stock at Maputo Bay are discussed.