21 resultados para Feeding system

em Aquatic Commons


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The survival, growth and production of Penaeus monodon in earthen ponds were observed. A significant effect of stocking density on the survival rate of prawns was observed. The final average weight obtained varied inversly with the stocking density and the production varied directly with stocking density and survival rates. The maintenance of a clear water environment is recommended as a preventive measure against Vorticella attack.


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Reducing shark bycatch and depredation (i.e., damage caused by sharks to gear, bait, and desired fish species) in pelagic longline fisheries targeting tunas and swordfish is a priority. Electropositive metals (i.e., a mixture of the lanthanide elements lanthanum, cerium, neodymium, and praseodymium) have been shown to deter spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias, primarily a coastal species) from attacking bait, presumably because of interactions with the electroreceptive system of this shark. We undertook to determine the possible effectiveness of electropositive metals for reducing the interactions of pelagic sharks with longline gear, using sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus, family Carcharhinidae) as a model species. The presence of electropositive metal deterred feeding in groups of juvenile sandbar sharks and altered the swimming patterns of individuals in the absence of food motivation (these individuals generally avoided approaching electropositive metal closer than ~100 cm). The former effect was relatively short-lived however; primarily (we assume) because competition with other individuals increased feeding motivation. In field trials with bottom longline gear, electropositive metal placed within ~10 cm of the hooks reduced the catch of sandbar sharks by approximately two thirds, compared to the catch on hooks in the proximity of plastic pieces of similar dimensions. Electropositive metals therefore appear to have the potential to reduce shark interactions in pelagic longline fisheries, although the optimal mass, shape, composition, and distance to baited hooks remain to be determined.


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Pig dung was used as manure at 18 and 36 t/ha/year in carp polyculture (without supplementary feeding) for 270 days. It was observed that pig dung at both the levels did not degrade the physico-chemical properties (pH, dissolved oxygen and alkalinity) of water. The nutrient (phosphates and nitrates) level of water was higher in manured ponds than control ponds (no manuring, only supplementary feeding). Further, plankton levels (phyto- and zooplankton) were also significantly higher in manured ponds. The growth of Catla catla and Labeo rohita was significantly more in manured ponds than in control ponds. Growth of Cirrhinus cirrhosus and Cyprinus carpio was significantly more in ponds manured with pig dung at 18 t/ha/year than in control ponds and the growth of Ctenopharyngodon idellus was significantly more in control than in manured ponds.


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Fish culture experiments were conducted to compare and evaluate the feeding pattern and strategies, daily ration, gastric evacuation rates, dietary breadth, similarity and overlap of silver barb, Barbodes gonionotus, and tilapia, Oreochromis sp. (natural hybrid of O. mossambicus x O. niloticus) in a rice-fish system. B. gonionotus was found to be a macrophtophagous column feeder while Oreochromis sp. was a detrivorous benthophagic browser. Ontogenic shifts in diet were clearly observed in B. gonionotus while absent in Oreochromis sp. For both species, daily food ration for the small fish was twice as large as that for the large fish. Mean rates of gastric evacuation were 0.18 h super(1) for small and 0.05 h super(1) for large B. gonionotus and 0.09 h super(1) and 0.14h super(1) for small and large Oreochromis sp., respectively. In terms of intraspecific dietary width, the smaller sized individuals of both species had a wider dietary niche than the larger conspecifics. Larger fish increased their specialization and reliance on few food items with increasing size and competitive ability. When both species were reared together, B. gonionotus showed a wider niche width than tilapia. Wider interspecific niche width of B. gonionotus compared to that of tilapia and significant interspecific dietary overlap is likely to result in suppression of the growth of tilapia in mixed culture due to: 1) a high degree of specialization and reliance of tilapia on food of low-nutrient value, and 2) slower gastric evacuation rates as compared to B. gonionotus, which would allow B. gonionotus to outgrow similar sized tilapia.


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Development of a high-speed and high-yield water-powered fish evisceration system (FES) to efficiently preprocess small fish and bycatch for producing minced fish meat is described. The concept of the system is propelling fish in a stream of water through an arrangement of cutting blades and brushes. Eviscerated fish are separated from the viscera and water stream in a dual screen rotary sieve. The FES processed head off fish, weighing 170–500 g, at the rate of 300 fish/min when used with an automatic heading machine. Yields of mince produced from walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma; and Pacific whiting, Merluccius productus; processed by the FES ranged between 43% and 58%. The maximum yield of minced muscle from fish weighing over 250 g was 52%, and the yield of 250 g was 58%. Test results indicated that surimi made from minced meat recovered from fish processed with the FES was comparable in quality to commercial grade surimi from conventional systems. Redesigned for commercial operation in the Faeroe Islands (Denmark), the system effectively processed North Atlantic blue whiting, Micromesistius poutassou, with an average weight of 110 g at a constant rate of 500–600 fish/min, producing deboned mince feeding a surimi processing line at a rate of 2.0 t/h. Yields of mince ranged from 55% to 63% from round fish. Surimi made from the blue whiting mince meat produced by the FES was comparable to surimi commercially produced from blue whiting by Norway and France and sold into European markets.


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Stomach contents of 110 franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei), from northern Argentina were analysed in order to improve our knowledge about the feeding habits of this species and to better characterise the lactation period. The samples included calves, juveniles and adults of both sexes. Evidence of predation by franciscanas is seen at a very young age (2.5-3 months), with a transition diet composed by both milk and solid food, mainly represented by crustaceans. Weaning seems to begin by April, when franciscanas are about 6-7 months old. Franciscanas inhabiting two different habitats were analysed in this study: a brackish water estuary and an adjacent marine coastal system. The diet of Pontoporia blainvillei in northern Argentina was composed by a total of 26 prey species: 20 teleosts, 4 crustaceans and 2 cephalopods. Based on the Index of Relative Importance (IRI) the main prey species were Cynoscion guatucupa, Micropogonias furnieri, Loligo sanpaulensis and Urophycis brasiliensis. Estuarine franciscanas preyed mainly on Micropogonias furnieri (dominant species), Cynoscion guatucupa, Odonthestes argentinensis and Macrodon ancylodon, while dolphins from marine areas preyed mainly on Cynoscion guatucupa (dominant species), Loligo sanpaulensis and Urophycis brasiliensis. Our results confirm that franciscanas prey mainly on juvenile fish (< 8cm) and small loliginid squids, in close agreement with previous results obtained in southern Brazil and Uruguay. Qualitative and quantitative differences observed in the diet of dolphins from each habitat emphasise the need to discriminate between samples from different habitats and environmental parameters. SPANISH: Se analizaron 110 contenidos estomacales de franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei) provenientes de la costa norte de Argentina, para extender en conocimiento sobre su dieta y caracterizar la lactancia. Las muestras incluyeron cachorros, juveniles y adultos de ambos sexos. Las primeras etapas de predación se inician a muy temprana edad (2,5-3 meses), presentando una dieta de transición compuesta tanto por leche como por presas sólidas, principalmente crustáceos; el destete se iniciaría a partir de abril, a una edad estimada entre 6 y 7 meses. Las franciscanas estudiadas provienen de dos habitats diferentes: un área estuarial de baja salinidad y la region marina adyacente. La dieta de Pontoporia blainvillei de Argentina estuvo compuesta por un total de 26 especies: 20 teleósteos, 4 crustáceos y 2 cefalópodos. Basados en el Indice de Importancia Relativa (IIR), las presas más importantes fueron Cynoscion guatucupa, Micropogonias furnieri, Loligo sanpaulensis y Urophycis brasiliensis. Las franciscanas provenientes del área estuarial predaron principalmente sobre Micropogonias furnieri (especie dominante), Cynoscion guatucupa, Odonthestes argentinensis y Macrodon ancylodon, mientras que los delfines marinos predaron sobre Cynoscion guatucupa (especie dominante), Loligo sanpaulensis y Urophycis brasiliensis. Nuestros resultados confirman que la franciscana preda sobre peces juveniles (< 8cm) y pequeños calamares Loliginidae, coincidiendo con resultados previos obtenidos en el sur del Brasil y Uruguay. Las diferencias cualitativas y cuantitativas observadas en la dieta de cada uno de las áreas analizadas, nos sugieren que los futuros estudios sobre ecología trófica de la franciscana deberían discriminarse de acuerdo al origen de los ejemplares y a la tipificación del ambiente.


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P. monodon juveniles prefer natural food than artificial feed in their initial stage of rearing. However, the percentage preference towards artificial feed increases as the days of culture/average body weight increases. Consumption of artificial feed was high during evening meal (1700h) and low during night meal (2200h). The index of intestine fullness was high (8.4±0.7) during initial stage of rearing, compared to that of final stage of rearing (4.9±0.4), probably due to low nutritional value of intake material and low water depth at initial stage. At all stage of rearing omnivorous feeding habit was established and no evidence of diet periodicity in feeding activity was observed.


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An experimental culture practice of P. monodon on extension approach was conducted in two brackish water earthen ponds of Demonstration Farm and Training Center (DFTC), Kaliganj, Satkhira. The experiment was aimed to provide farmers with appropriate technology that can immediately improve pond yield with keeping the environment in friendly condition. For optimization of stocking density of a cost effective environmental friendly improved extensive shrimp farming, the ponds were stocked with coastal river post larvae of P. monodon at the stocking rates of 2 pls/m² and 2.5 pls/m² without supplementary feeding. To control experimental error another five farmer's gher were used as replicates of each demo-pond. Considering the farmers buying ability, cost of inputs and other facilities kept minimal. The impact of stocking density was evaluated on the basis of growth, survival rate, production and economic return. Better production (average 299.01 kg/ha) with same survival rate (39.33%) were found with a stocking density of 2.5 pls/m² without causing any deterioration in the culture environment.


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Intra-and interspecific virtual niche measures and feeding strategies of Barbodes gonionotus and Oreochromis spp. were studied from a rice field in Bangladesh. Appropriateness and ease of interpretation of different indices were evaluated. Small sizes of both species had a relatively wider dietary breadth and used many of the resource categories available to them than the large size groups, though none were generalist feeder. The dietary overlap of large B. gonionotus on the small was greater than the reverse, but biologically insignificant. While the dietary overlap of large Oreochromis spp. on the small was significantly greater. Interspecific dietary width was relatively broader for B. gonionotus than Oreochromis spp. and overlap of B. gonionotus on Oreochromis spp. was significantly greater than the reverse. Evidence of significant intraspecific dietary overlap between the two sizes of tilapia reflects strong competition and cautions for mixed-size stocking in rice-fish system. Besides, there seem fewer opportunities for habitat segregation between B. gonionotus and Oreochromis spp., due to the significant interspecific dietary overlap of the former on the latter in rice-fish system. Tilapia specialized on periphytic detrital aggregate while silver barb tended to consume aquatic macrophytes and molluscs. Small sizes of B. gonionotus should be preferred for rice-fish integration over the Oreochromis spp. due to their broader niche width and pronounced ontogenetic dietary shifts with the aging of the stock.


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Feeding metabolism in an Indian major carp, Catla catla fingerlings of 10.8+0.56g was investigated in a flow-through water recirculating system. The metabolic energy loss in resting metabolism and feeding metabolism were determined by the indirect method of oxygen consumption followed by multiplication by suitable oxycalorific coefficient. This was done in four metabolic chambers of a respirometer system. Ten fish fingerlings of mean total weight of 109.5, 110.4 and 112.8g/chambers respectively each in two experimental runs of three treatments a, b and c were used. The mean resting metabolic rate during unfed condition showed no significant variation in different treatments. The fish in three treatments a, b and c fed on diets containing 28, 33 and 38% crude protein had significantly different (p<0.05) post-fed SDA magnitude of 497.7, 638.7 and 735.5 mgO2/chamber/day having an equivalent energy loss of 12.68, 14.68 and 15.86 KJ respectively. The SDA co-efficient in three treatments a, b and c were 14.95, 19.00 and 22.36% respectively whereas, respiratory energy - 'R' as % of mean total ingested energy in three treatments were 26.93, 31.17 and 34.74% respectively showing a significant increase (p<0.05) with increase of protein. Feeding metabolism in an Indian major carp (Catla catla Lin.) fed on different protein diets.


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A three months experiment was conducted to study the species interactions of two carp species in polyculture system under supplemental feeding. Four species of fishes such as silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), mrigal (Cirrhina cirrhosus), catla (Catla catla) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were cultured in four different combinations each containing two species. The combination of silver carp and mrigal in treatment 1, and silver carp and common carp in treatment 2 resulted better growth and production than other two treatments of different combinations of catla and common carp, and catla and mrigal.


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A laboratory-feeding trail was conducted for 45 days with fry of common carp Cyprinus carpio L. (0.45±0.03g) in aquaria in a static indoor fish rearing system. The fry were fed on a pelleted diet containing 33% crude protein having fishmeal as major protein source. The fish fry in five treatments A, B, C, D, and E, each with two replicates were fed on 5% daily ration divided into different feeding frequencies of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 times a day respectively in order to observe the growth performance. Each replicate contained 15 fry having total initial weight of 6.87±0.31g. At the end of the feeding trial, significantly different and higher (p<0.05) growth response was observed in treatment C having a feeding frequencies of 4 times a day. Significantly the highest and the lowest percent growth of 334.30 and 218.91% were observed in fish fed on the diet (Treatment C) with 4 times and (Treatment A) 2 times feeding frequencies per day, respectively. Food conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.78 was significantly higher (pfeeding frequencies whereas, the least value of 1.22 was obtained in fish fed on the diet with 4 times daily feeding. Protein efficiency ratio (PER) ranged from 1.68 in fish in treatment A having a feeding frequencies of 2 times per day to 2.48 in fish in treatment C fed on the diet with 4 times feeding frequencies. Other growth parameters viz, specific growth rate (SGR), apparent protein digestibility (ADP) were also higher in treatment C than the other treatments. The results of the present study demonstrated that the growth performance of C. carpio was the best at 4 times feeding in a day using 33% dietary protein containing fish meal as major protein source.


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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of control of carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) by addition of low cost carbohydrate to the water column on water quality and pond ecology in freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae nursing system. In this experiment, two level of dietary protein 20% and 35% without carbohydrate addition (‘P20' and ‘P35') and with carbohydrate addition (‘P20+CH' and ‘P35+CH') were compared in small ponds of 40 m² area stocked with 20 post-larvae (0.021 ± 0.001g) per m² . Maize flour was used as low cost carbohydrate and applied to the water column followed by the first feeding during the day. The addition of carbohydrate significantly reduced (p< 0.05) ammonia-nitrogen (NH sub(3)-N) and nitrite-nitrogen (NO sub(2) - N) of water in P20 + CH and P35 + CH treatments. It significantly increased (p< 0.05) the total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) population both in water and sediment. Fifty nine genera of plankton were identified belonging to the Bacillariophyceae (11), Chlorophyceae (21), Cyanophyceae (7), Dinophyceae (1), Rotifera (7) and Crustacea (9) without any significant difference (p>0.05) of total phytoplankton and zooplankton among the treatments. Survival rate of prawn was significantly lowest (p<0.05) in P20 and no significant difference (p>0.05) was observed between P20+CH and P35 treatments. Control of C/N ratio by the addition of low-cost carbohydrate to the pond water column benefited the freshwater prawn nursing practices in three ways (1) increased heterotrophic bacterial growth supplying bacterial protein augment the prawn post-larvae growth performances, (2) reduced demand for supplemental feed protein and subsequent reduction in feed cost and (3) reduced toxic NH sub(3)-N and NO sub(2)-N levels in pond nursing system.


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A trophic study was carried out in February of 2012 to January 2013 on the ecosystem in the Persian Gulf, Bushehr provience. A total of 2,948 samples of stomach contents were analyzed based on the weight and number of food items and were identified about 40 preys. Crustacean and bony fish were as a main prey in most of the stomach contents . The mean average trophic level was estimated at 3.6 by Ecopath software. In this research, the mean level were studied between eight species varied from 3.47 to 4.61, Saurida tumbil occupy the highest and the Argyrops spinifer was the lowest level. The ranges of total mortality varied from 0.7 to 3.05 per years. The food consumption rate was estimated about 69.82 per year. The overlap index showed that the prey items such as fish, crustacean, bivalve and echinoderm were shared about 65, 15, 15 and 6 percent in all stomach of individual in respectively. Mixed trophic analysis indicates that benthos have a positive effect on most of the fish species. Most species have a negative impact on themselves, interpreted here as reflecting increased with in group competition for resources. This preliminary model can be helpful to determine the gaps in the present knowledge about demersal system of the Persian Gulf.