7 resultados para Fan Wenzhou

em Aquatic Commons


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Mathematical models for heated water outfalls were developed for three flow regions. Near the source, the subsurface discharge into a stratified ambient water issuing from a row of buoyant jets was solved with the jet interference included in the analysis. The analysis of the flow zone close to and at intermediate distances from a surface buoyant jet was developed for the two-dimensional and axisymmetric cases. Far away from the source, a passive dispersion model was solved for a two dimensional situation taking into consideration the effects of shear current and vertical changes in diffusivity. A significant result from the surface buoyant jet analysis is the ability to predict the onset and location of an internal hydraulic jump. Prediction can be made simply from the knowledge of the source Froude number and a dimensionless surface exchange coefficient. Parametric computer programs of the above models are also developed as a part of this study. This report was submitted in fulfillment of Contract No. 14-12-570 under the sponsorship of the Federal Water Quality Administration.


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Specimens of the false trevally (Lactarius lactarius ), 127 to 221 mm in total length, were studied for the mode of anchorage of the air-bladder with the interspinous bone of the anal fin. The 1st and 2nd interspinous bones are fused together into a single piece (named here as the anchor bone) which pierces through the air-bladder, dividing it into two intercommunicating chambers at its upper end, and ultimately articulates with the 10th vertebral bone. The lower end of the bone is broad, fan like with one side affording articulation with the 1st and 2nd anal spines. This is an unique feature of great taxonomical importance to L. lactarius, the only species in the family Lactariidae. The anal fin counts (23-27) and vertebral counts (23) are also given.


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A half-ton capacity artificial dryer has been designed at the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology for drying fish like Mackerel, Sardine, White bait etc. The dryer is a hot air recirculation type. 80 KW thermostatically controlled heating coils are made use of for heating the air. The air is circulated by means of an axial flow pattern fan. Drying takes place at a temperature of 115 degrees F. The structure of the dryer comes to about Rs. 20,000.


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Effect of gibbing process on the protein hydrolysis in terms of free alpha amino nitrogen (FAN) content during the ripening of barrel salted herring at low temperature (4°C) was investigated. For this purpose North Sea herring (Clupea harengus) from north-east British coast was salted in polypropylene barrels and allowed to ripen at 4°C. This process of barrel salting was carried out for whole fish in one batch and gibbed fish in another batch. The investigation was performed by using new salt and used salt in separate barrels for each batch of experimental fish. Results of the present study show that protein hydrolysis was significantly higher in the ripened salt-herring produced from whole fish which was found to have more characteristic sensory properties than those produced from gibbed fish. Similar result (proteolysis) was obtained when the investigation was repeated for the spent herring although the spent herring fails to produce a ripened product with the desired characteristic sensory attributes, compared to those of pre-spawning herring.


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Two observations suggest the possibility that Sri Lanka is acting as a small-mid-plate platelet moving very slowly within and relative to the larger Indian plate. First, sediments of the Bengal Deep-Sea Fan off the SSE continental margin are folded and uplifted in a manner similar to the deformation from front of accretionary prisms where thick sediment columns are passing into subduction zones. And second, subsidence rates in the area of presumed spreading or continuing stretching of continental crust, the Cauvery-Palk Strait-Gulf of Mannar Basin, have not decreased during the Cenozoic as would be predicted by an aborted rift or aulacogen model, but instead appear to have accelerated during the Neogene. Information available on other phenomena which re predicted by the model is at the present time inadequate for evaluation.


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Offshore geology of Pakistan is characterized by active and passive continental margins. These continental margins show very unique features such as an active Makran subduction zone in the west and the Indus delta and a submarine fan in the east. The geology of these features of Pakistan EEZ is inadequately known. This is a major obstacle in exploring mineral resources. Detailed study of coastal and shelf geology is needed for better understanding of the geology of the area and comprehensive evolution of its non-living resource potential. An understanding of the geological events including tectonic movements, sedimentation processes and geochemical history that comprise the geological history is very important to help in identification and estimation of resources. In Pakistan EEZ applying the current technology and undertaking research work to understand the seafloor features and mineral deposits associated with it will be very fruitful.


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Este es un homenaje realizado bajo mi entera responsabilidad. En mi opinión no puede cerrarse la edición de ProBiota sin publicar un número sobre quien fue su alma mater. En lo personal, hacedor de un humor irónico increíble, aunque melancólico, con tendencia al abatimiento y a hacerse responsable por todo. Mediador, proclive a “poner la oreja”, con actitud democrática hacia sus laderos, otorgando una prudente libertad de acción a quienes trabajaron o trabajan bajo su jefatura. Fiel simpatizante de River Plate, fan de Clint Eastwood y admirador incondicional de Raúl A. Ringuelet a quien estará eternamente agradecido. Si tuviera que definirlo profesionalmente, al margen de su labor académica formal, diría que es un promotor, un luchador y un historiador innato. Generador de ideas, siempre intentó reunir a aquellos científicos de trayectoria con los jóvenes iniciados en el camino de las ciencias, impulsando el trabajo en equipo. Además de su producción a nivel de su especialidad, promocionó el rescate de trabajos ya editados digitalizándolos con el fin de ponerlos a disposición de todo interesado y despertar el interés de quienes no los conocían, especialmente las publicaciones “incunables” como él las denomina. Poseedor de un espíritu inquieto y motivador, en su camino quedaron algunos intentos frustrados por circunstancias ajenas, pero a su vez, muchísimos logros con aire renovador e integrador y con una marcada originalidad. Sería interesante y necesario que alguien más con parecida inquietud, continuara gran parte de esos logros para que no quedaran truncos desperdiciando en parte tanto esfuerzo y constancia. Sólo resta comentar que aunque a veces estuvimos en veredas opuestas siempre nos tendimos la mano en apoyo mutuo. Fuiste mi mejor jefe. Gracias Hugo! Justina Ponte Gómez