13 resultados para FLUCTUATION RELATIONS

em Aquatic Commons


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Table of Contents [pdf, 0.11 Mb] Executive Summary [pdf, 0.07 Mb] MODEL Task Team Workshop Report Final Report of the International Workshop to Develop a Prototype Lower Trophic Level Ecosystem Model for Comparison of Different Marine Ecosystems in the North Pacific [pdf, 11.64 Mb] Report of the 1999 MONITOR Task Team Workshop [pdf, 0.32 Mb] Report of the 1999 REX Task Team Workshop Herring and Euphausiid population dynamics Douglas E. Hay and Bruce McCarter Spatial, temporal and life-stage variation in herring diets in British Columbia [pdf, 0.10 Mb] Augustus J. Paul and J. M. Paul Over winter changes in herring from Prince William Sound, Alaska [pdf, 0.08 Mb] N. G. Chupisheva Qualitative texture characteristic of herring (Clupea pallasi pallasi) pre-larvae developed from the natural and artificial spawning-grounds in Severnaya Bay (Peter the Great Bay) [pdf, 0.07 Mb] Gordon A. McFarlane, Richard J. Beamish and Jake SchweigertPacific herring: Common factors have opposite impacts in adjacent ecosystems [pdf, 0.15 Mb] Tokimasa Kobayashi, Keizou Yabuki, Masayoshi Sasaki and Jun-Ichi Kodama Long-term fluctuation of the catch of Pacific herring in Northern Japan [pdf, 0.39 Mb] Jacqueline M. O’Connell Holocene fish remains from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada [pdf, 0.40 Mb] Elsa R. Ivshina and Irina Y. Bragina On relationship between crustacean zooplankton (Euphausiidae and Copepods) and Sakhalin-Hokkaido herring (Tatar Strait, Sea of Japan) [pdf, 0.14 Mb] Stein Kaartvbeedt Fish predation on krill and krill antipredator behaviour [pdf, 0.08 Mb] Nikolai I. Naumenko Euphausiids and western Bering Sea herring feeding [pdf, 0.07 Mb] David M. Checkley, Jr. Interactions Between Fish and Euphausiids and Potential Relations to Climate and Recruitment [pdf, 0.08 Mb] Vladimir I. Radchenko and Elena P. Dulepova Shall we expect the Korf-Karaginsky herring migrations into the offshore western Bering Sea? [pdf, 0.75 Mb] Young Shil Kang Euphausiids in the Korean waters and its relationship with major fish resources [pdf, 0.29 Mb] William T. Peterson, Leah Feinberg and Julie Keister Ecological Zonation of euphausiids off central Oregon [pdf, 0.11 Mb] Scott M. Rumsey Environmentally forced variability in larval development and stage-structure: Implications for the recruitment of Euphausia pacifica (Hansen) in the Southern California Bight [pdf, 3.26 Mb] Scott M. Rumsey Inverse modelling of developmental parameters in Euphausia pacifica: The relative importance of spawning history and environmental forcing to larval stage-frequency distributions [pdf, 98.79 Mb] Michio J. Kishi, Hitoshi Motono & Kohji Asahi An ecosystem model with zooplankton vertical migration focused on Oyashio region [pdf, 33.32 Mb] PICES-GLOBEC Implementation Panel on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program Executive Committee and Task Team List [pdf, 0.05 Mb] (Document pdf contains 142 pages)


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The amphipod Gammarus lacustris, a regular representative of lacustrine communities, often plays a significant role in the transformation of matter and energy. The object of the present work was to clarify the quantitative side of the feeding of the amphipod under different conditions of habitation. Experimental works on determination of the rate of consumption of food and its dependence on body-weight were carried out in the summer periods 1975-1978 on three water-bodies of the Krasnoyarsk region, of different conditions of habitation for the amphipods.


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Since 1974 we have been collecting statistics on the main fishing gears in the ivorian lagoons. In order to get good estimation of the catches, it is often more convenient to measure the fishes and to convert this data into weights through a length-weight relationship. In this work we computed this relation for 43 species found in the Aby and Ebrié lagoons.


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Hydroclimatic conditions in the Gulf of Guinea between Senegal and Nigeria are briefly described emphasizing the seasonal variations of transparency. Analysis of the Abidjan based shrimp fleet allowed to the description of the seasonal variations of activity rhythms for Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria. These rhythms are different between seasons, between fishing grounds, and sometimes even between depths on a given ground. These variations follow the turbidity ones. Diurnal activity is observed in very turbid waters, nocturnal and transition activity in clearer ones. The authors assume that the basic behaviour is a nocturnal one, but that the shrimp-trawlers catches reflect some apparently different ones resulting from diel variations in the stock availability. To explain the apparently diurnal behaviour observed most of the year over the whole Gulf of Guinea it is suggested that these generally benthic shrimps become nectonic at night when turbidity is very high. The results obtained in Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria are compared to those from Senegal where hydroclimatic conditions are different. The similarities are emphasized. The differences in observed behaviour are supposedly caused by the cold season water temps which are sufficiently low to disturb the nor mal activity rhythm.


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This study summarizes previously published and updated empirical relations for the estimation of production/biomass ratios in benthic invertebrates; of natural mortality in benthic invertebrates and finfish; and of respiration from production and vice versa in animal populations. AMS-EXCEL spreadsheet containing these equations is available from the author via Email. They are also included in the Ecopath with Ecosim software.


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The widespread implementation of Extended Fisheries Jurisdiction (EFJ) has confronted coastal states with several resource management problems. One of these consists of the economic relations, if any, that the coastal state should establish with distant-water fishing nations (DWFN's) seeking access to the coastal state's 200-mile zone. Several of the other papers presented here deal with specific aspects of the issue. This paper, on the other hand, will concern itself with the question of the analytical framework to be used by economists in studying this issue. It will offer some suggestions with respect to possible components of the framework. In doing so, the paper will restrict itself to the coastal state's perspective of EFJ and the management issues arising therefrom. It goes without saying, of course, that an enlightened coastal state will attempt to acquaint itself with the DWFN view of the world.


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Attempts have been made to correlate the abundance of eggs and larvae of flat fishes belonging to families Cynoglossidae and Soleidae with the hydrographical parameters of the environment, particularly the salinity. The eggs and larvae were found to occur in the Cochin backwater during the pre-monsoon period but not during the south west monsoon period. During the south west monsoon period larvae belonging to very early stages were found at the marine end (Fairway Buoy). The continued or prolonged existence of very low salinity appears to restrict the distribution of flat fish larvae. In the post-monsoon period also the eggs and larvae were not found in regions of very low salinity. Larvae of Cynoglossus puncticeps (Richardson), C. brevis Gunther, C. cynoglossus (Ham. Buch), C. lida (Bleeker) and Solea heinii Steindachner were obtained in the collection taken from the estuary. From the data it is seen that each species has specific spawning period.


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Kalyani lake (P sub(1)), a weed infested recreational water body and a weed chocked derelict water body (P sub(2)) in the heart of Kalyani city of West Bengal were studied for a period of one year for their primary productivity and other physicochemical parameters. Very low primary productivity (GPP=360-1237mg C m super(-2) d super(-1); NPP=157-787 mg C m super(-2) d super(-1)) was recorded in P sub(2) in spite of having a high concentration of nutrients (PO sub(4)–P=0.052-0.260mg l super(- 1); NO sub(3)-N=0.110-0.412mg l super(-1)). On the other hand, moderate primary productivity (GPP=1687-3195mg C m super(-2) d super(-1); NPP=900-2700mg C m super(-2) d super(-1)) was found in P sub(1) with comparatively low range of nutrients (P0 sub(4)-P =0.010-0.058mg l super(-1); NO sub(3)-N=0.032-0.118mg l super(-1)). After studying the other physicochemical parameters (temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, pH, alkalinity and macrophytic biomass), it was found that the overall hydro-biological conditions of the weed-chocked derelict water body (P sub(2)) is not congenial for biological production as compared to Kalyani Lake (P sub(1)). Kalyani Lake may be used for fish culture with proper management practices.


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Certain allometric relations of the spiny lobster Panulirus polyphagus are derived. While the relation between tail length and tail weight is made for both the sexes together, separate relations are derived for the sexes in the case of tail length versus total length. For conservation and economic purposes, it appears that the undersized ones are to be released alive.