10 resultados para FLOW PATTERNS

em Aquatic Commons


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Abstract The rapid growth of both formal and informal high density urban settlements around major water resources has led to increased pollution of streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries, due to contaminated runoff from these developments. The paper identified major contaminants to be : organic waste (sewage), industrial effluent, pesticides and litter. Pollutant loads vary depending on the hydrology of the urban area, local topography and soil conditions. In some instances, severe pollution of neighbouring and downstream water courses has been observed. The management of catchment land uses, riparian zones, in stream habitat, as well as in stream water flow patterns and quality are necessary in order to sustain the integrity and "health" of water resources, for fisheries and other developments. As such, attempts to ensure a certain level of water quality without attention to other aspects will not automatically ensure a "healthy" ecosystem even as fish habitat. Proper management leads to better water quality and conducive environment for increased fish production


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The widespread and long-term nature of the tsunami damage in Aceh province, Indonesia has threatened the continued use of coastal and fisheries resources. This article describes the application of the Rapid Appraisal of Fisheries Management System (RAFMS) methodology and presents key findings from the participatory appraisals in 15 study sites. The focus is on changes in the number and types of fishing boats and fishing effort, consumption and marketing flow patterns and community perspectives on livelihood options. The level of aid (for new boats), mainly from international organizations, has been unevenly distributed with the number of boats in 13 of 15 villages still being well below the pre-tsunami levels. A focus on supplying small vessels may put increased fishing pressure on the near-shore zone. Consumption data and marketing flows suggest that most fishing villages are supplying outside markets and adding considerably to the wider food security of the province. Despite the tsunami, marine fisheries-related livelihoods are still preferred, although there are indications for the potential expansion of livelihoods into the culture of new species. Alternative resource-based livelihoods need to be tested and refined to fit the needs of the current conditions in Aceh to provide viable options for eliminating hunger and reducing poverty.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The 1988 summer drought over much of the United States is described in terms of hemispheric mid-tropospheric flow patterns, temperature and precipitation anomalies, and sea surface temperature patterns. This drought was similar to earlier Great Plains droughts, although spatially more extensive than most. Three attempts to predict this drought from antecedent spring were moderately successful, though no one anticipated its severity and extent. ... A modified barotropic model iterating from a mean summer estimate of seasonal forcing from the May mid-tropospheric height pattern was reasonably successful in forecasting the drought. Sea surface temperature indications show that cold water (La Niña) along the equator subsequent to the 1987 El Niño, while contributory, cannot be considered a principal cause of the drought, since earlier cold water episodes did not produce drought, and other drought episodes occurred in the absence of cold equatorial waters.


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Nakivubo swamp (papyrus wetland) is located in the south east of the city of Kampala, Uganda. This swamp has been receiving waste water from Nakivubo channel for more than two decades. This investigation was aimed at monitoring the level of pollutants (nutrients and faecal coliforms) as the waste water filtrates through the swamp and the flow patterns of waste water through the swamp. From this preliminary investigation it was found out that the waste water is not evenly distributed over the swamp. Also high levels of pollutants seem to filtrate through the swamp and enter Inner Murchison Bay - Lake Victoria. Further research is under way to investigate in more detail the capacity of Nakivubo swamp to remove nutrients/pollutants from waste water flowing through it and the dominant mechanisms/processes involved.


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The purpose of this research is to study sedimentation mechanism by mathematical modeling in access channels which are affected by tidal currents. The most important factor for recognizing sedimentation process in every water environment is the flow pattern of that environment. It is noteworthy that the flow pattern is affected by the geometry and the shape of the environment as well as the type of existing affects in area. The area under the study in this thesis is located in Bushehr Gulf and the access channels (inner and outer). The study utilizes the hydrodynamic modeling with unstructured triangular and non-overlapping grids, using the finite volume, From method analysis in two scale sizes: large scale (200 m to 7.5km) and small scale (50m to 7.5km) in two different time durations of 15 days and 3.5 days to obtain the flow patterns. The 2D governing equations used in the model are the Depth-Averaged Shallow Water Equations. Turbulence Modeling is required to calculate the Eddy Viscosity Coefficient using the Smagorinsky Model with coefficient of 0.3. In addition to the flow modeling in two different scales and the use of the data of 3.5 day tidal current modeling have been considered to study the effects of the sediments equilibrium in the area and the channels. This model is capable of covering the area which is being settled and eroded and to identify the effects of tidal current of these processes. The required data of the above mentioned models such as current and sediments data have been obtained by the measurements in Bushehr Gulf and the access channels which was one of the PSO's (Port and Shipping Organization) project-titled, "The Sedimentation Modeling in Bushehr Port" in 1379. Hydrographic data have been obtained from Admiralty maps (2003) and Cartography Organization (1378, 1379). The results of the modeling includes: cross shore currents in northern and north western coasts of Bushehr Gulf during the neap tide and also the same current in northern and north eastern coasts of the Gulf during the spring tide. These currents wash and carry fine particles (silt, clay, and mud) from the coastal bed of which are generally made of mud and clay with some silts. In this regard, the role of sediments in the islands of this area and the islands made of depot of dredged sediments should not be ignored. The result of using 3.5 day modeling is that the cross channels currents leads to settlement places in inner and outer channels in tidal period. In neap tide the current enters the channel from upside bend of the two channels and outer channel. Then it crosses the channel oblique in some places of the outer channel. Also the oblique currents or even almost perpendicular current from up slope of inner channel between No. 15 and No. 18 buoys interact between the parallel currents in the channel and made secondary oblique currents which exit as a down-slope current in the channel and causes deposit of sediments as well as settling the suspended sediments carried by these currents. In addition in outer channel the speed of parallel currents in the bend of the channel which is naturally deeper increases. Therefore, it leads to erosion and suspension of sediments in this area. The speed of suspended sediments carried by this current which is parallel to the channel axis decreases when they pass through the shallower part of the channel where it is in the buoys No.7 and 8 to 5 and 6 are located. Therefore, the suspended sediment settles and because of this process these places will be even shallower. Furthermore, the passing of oblique upstream leads to settlement of the sediments in the up-slope and has an additional effect on the process of decreasing the depth of these locations. On the contrary, in the down-slope channel, as the results of sediments and current modeling indicates the speed of current increases and the currents make the particles of down-slope channel suspended and be carried away. Thus, in a vast area of downstream of both channels, the sediments have settled. At the end of the neap tide, the process along with circulations in this area produces eddies which causes sedimentation in the area. During spring some parts of this active location for sedimentation will enter both channels in a reverse process. The above mentioned processes and the places of sedimentation and erosion in inner and outer channels are validated by the sediments equilibrium modeling. This model will be able to estimate the suspended, bed load and the boundary layer thickness in each point of both channels and in the modeled area.


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Air flow at the land-sea-air interface influences to a large extent the atmospheric conditions that determine the transport, di lution, and trapping of natural and man-made air pollutants in the coastal areas of Monterey Bay and the Salinas Valley. Analysis of the hourly air flow on a daily and monthly basis indicates patterns of stagnation from midnight to noon of the fol lowing day with moderate to strong air flow during period 1300 to 2200. Throughout the year 1971 whenever flow is greater than 5 mph, the prevailing wind direction is onshore and from a westerly direction. Suggestions for urbanization and industrialization are made on the basis of an understanding of the atmospheric conditions which lead to trapping and dispersal of atmospheric waste. (27 page document)


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Radio and sonic telemetry were used to investigate the tidal orientation, rate of movement (ROM), and surfacing behavior of nine Kemp's ridley turtles, Lepidochelys kempii, tracked east of the Cedar Keys, Florida. The mean of mean turtle bearings on incoming (48 ± 49 0) and falling (232 ± 41 0) tides was significantly oriented to the mean directions of tidal flow (37±9°, P<0.0025, and 234±9 0, P<0.005, respectively). Turtles had a mean ROM of 0.44±0.33 km/h (range: 0.004-1.758 km/h), a mean surface duration of 18± 15 s (range: 1-88 s), and a mean submergence duration of 8.4± 6.4 min (range: 0.2-60.0 min). ROM was negatively correlated with surface and submergence durations and positively correlated with the number of surfacings. Furthermore, ROMs were higher and surface and submergence durations were shorter during the day. Daily activities of turtles were attributed to food acquisition and bioenergetics.


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Few studies have quantified the extent of nocturnal cross-habitat movements for fish, or the influence of habitat adjacencies on nutrient flows and trophodynamics. To investigate the patterns of nocturnal cross-boundary movements of fish and quantify trophic connectivity, fish were sampled at night with gillnets set along the boundaries between dominant habitat types (coral reef/seagrass and mangrove/seagrass) in southwestern Puerto Rico. Fish movement across adjacent boundary patches were equivalent at both coral reefs and mangroves. Prey biomass transfer was greater from seagrass to coral reefs (0.016 kg/km) and from mangroves to seagrass (0.006 kg/km) but not statistically significant, indicating a balance of flow between adjacent habitats. Pelagic species (jacks, sharks, rays) accounted for 37% of prey biomass transport at coral reef/seagrass and 46% at mangrove/seagrass while grunts and snappers accounted for 7% and 15%, respectively. This study indicated that coral reefs and mangroves serve as a feeding area for a wide range of multi-habitat fish species. Crabs were the most frequent prey item in fish leaving coral reefs while molluscs were observed slightly more frequently than crabs in fish entering coral reefs. For most prey types, biomass exported from mangroves was greater than biomass imported. The information on direction of fish movement together with analysis of prey data provided strong evidence of ecological linkages between distinct adjacent habitat types and highlighted the need for greater inclusion of a mosaic of multiple habitats when attempting to understand ecosystem function including the spatial transfer of energy across the seascape.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): This report shows that the mean wintertime polar-front jet stream structure consists of three long waves. Prominent ridges in the jet stream flow occur near the longitudes of India, eastern Pacific/west coast of North America, and eastern Atlantic/British Isles; prominent troughs occur near the longitudes of the Middle East, western Pacific, and western Atlantic/east coast of North America. ... One of the climatological ridges occurs along the west coast of North America ... just off the central Oregon coast. The position of the jet stream at this location appears to be the main reason most Pacific storms pass to the north of California. Sustained rainfall in northern and central California occurs only when the storm track is displaced southward of this climatological position.