35 resultados para Dominant plants

em Aquatic Commons


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Fossil flora described in the present report is too limited for purposes of exact correlation, which may be expected to be settled by the marine faunas present at most horizons in the Isthmian region. Accompanying table of distribution will show that from the oldest (Hohio) to the youngest (Gatun) plant-bearing formations there is no observable difference in floral facies. This so-called Oligocence series of formations does not represent any great interval of time. (39 page document)


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The effects of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.)on aquatic plant biomass, water quality, phytoplankton, chlorophyll a, zooplankton and benthic fauna were investigated between May and September 2000 in earthen ponds at Cifteler- Sakaryabasi Aquaculture and Research Station. (PDF has 8 pages)


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Salvinia (Salvinia minima Willd.) is a water fern found in Florida waters, usually associated with Lemna and other small free-floating species. Due to its buoyancy and mat-forming abilities, it is spread by moving waters. In 1994, salvinia was reported to be present in 247 water bodies in the state (out of 451 surveyed public waters, Schardt 1997). It is a small, rapidly growing species that can become a nuisance due to its explosive growth rates and its ability to shade underwater life (Oliver 1993). Any efforts toward management of salvinia populations must consider that, in reasonable amounts, its presence is desirable since it plays an important role in the overall ecosystem balance. New management alternatives need to be explored besides the conventional herbicide treatments; for example, it has been shown that the growth of S. molesta can be inhibited by extracts of the tropical weed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) and its purified toxin parthenin (Pande 1994, 1996). We believe that cattail, Typha spp. may be a candidate for control of S. minima infestations. Cattail is an aggressive aquatic plant, and has the ability to expand over areas that weren't previously occupied by other species (Gallardo et al. 1998a and references cited there). In South Florida, T. domingensis is a natural component of the Everglades ecosystem, but in many cases it has become the dominant marsh species, outcompeting other native plants. In Florida public waters, this cattail species is the most dominant emergent species of aquatic plants (Schardt 1997). Several factors enable it to accomplish opportunistic expansion, including size, growth habits, adaptability to changes in the surroundings, and the release of compounds that can prevent the growth and development of other species. We have been concerned in the past with the inhibitory effects of the T. domingensis extracts, and the phenolic compounds mentioned before, towards the growth and propagation of S. minima (Gallardo et al. 1998b). This investigation deals with the impact of cattail materials on the rates of oxygen production of salvinia, as determined through a series of Warburg experiments (Martin et al. 1987, Prindle and Martin 1996).


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Carfentrazone-ethyl (CE) is a reduced risk herbicide that is currently being evaluated for the control of aquatic weeds. Greenhouse trials were conducted to determine efficacy of CE on water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms- Laub.), water lettuce ( Pistia stratiotes L.), salvinia ( Salvinia minima Baker) and landoltia (Landoltia punctata (G. Mey.) Les & D. J. Crawford ) . CE controlled water lettuce, water hyacinth and salvinia at rates less than the maximum proposed use rate of 224 g ha -1 . Water lettuce was the most susceptible to CE with an EC 90 of 26.9 and 33.0 g ha -1 in two separate trials. Water hyacinth EC 90 values were calculated to be 86.2 to 116.3 g ha -1 , and salvinia had a similar susceptibility to water hyacinth with an EC 90 of 79.1 g ha -1 . Landoltia was not adequately controlled at the rates evaluated. In addition, CE was applied to one-half of a 0.08 ha pond located in North Central, Florida to determine dissipation rates in water and hydrosoil when applied at an equivalent rate of 224 g ha -1 . The half-life of CE plus the primary metabolite, CE-chloropropionic acid, was calculated to be 83.0 h from the whole pond, and no residues were detected in water above the limit of quantification (5 μg L -1 ) 168 h after treatment. CE dissipated rapidly from the water column, did not occur in the sediment above the levels of quantification, and in greenhouse studies effectively controlled three species of aquatic weeds at relatively low rates.(PDF contains 6 pages.)


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Biological control of exotic plant populations with native organisms appears to be increasing, even though its success to date has been limited. Although many researchers and managers feel that native organisms are easier to use and present less risk to the environment this may not be true. Developing a successful management program with a native insect is dependent on a number of critical factors that need to be considered. Information is needed on the feeding preference of the agent, agent effectiveness, environmental regulation of the agent, unique requirements of the agent, population maintenance of the agent, and time to desired impact. By understanding these factors, researchers and managers can develop a detailed protocol for using the native biological control agent for a specific target plant. . We found E. lecontei in 14 waterbodies, most of which were in eastern Washington. Only one lake with weevils was located in western Washington. Weevils were associated with both Eurasian ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.) and northern watermilfoil ( M. sibiricum K.). Waterbodies with E. lecontei had significantly higher ( P < 0.05) pH (8.7 ± 0.2) (mean ± 2SE), specific conductance (0.3 ± 0.08 mS cm -1 ) and total alkalinity (132.4 ± 30.8 mg CaCO 3 L -1 ). We also found that weevil presence was related to surface water temperature and waterbody location ( = 24.3, P ≤ 0.001) and of all the models tested, this model provided the best fit (Hosmer- Lemeshow goodness-of-fit = 4.0, P = 0.9). Our results suggest that in Washington State E. lecontei occurs primarily in eastern Washington in waterbodies with pH ≥ 8.2 and specific conductance ≥ 0.2 mS cm -1 . Furthermore, weevil distribution appears to be correlated with waterbody location (eastern versus western Washington) and surface water temperature.


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(PDF has 125 pages.)


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Studies were carried out using 96hr static toxicity bioassay to determine the effect of lethal concentrations of extracts from two local plants Tephrosia vogelii and Parkia clappertoniana which are known fish poison, on a species of mud fish. Clarias gariepinus Phytochemical analysis of the plant extracts was done and the extract from T. vogelii was found to contain alkaloids, tannins and flavonoids, while the extract from P. clappertoniana was formed to contain alkaloids tannins and saponins. Experimental fish were exposed to test water separately polluted by varying concentrations of extraction of both plant species ranging from 0.50mgl super(-1), 1.50mgl super(-1), 2.50mgl super(-1), 3.0mgl super(-1), 5.00mgl super(-1), 10.00mgl super(-1) in the case of T. vogelii and 5.00mgl super(-1), 7.50mgl super(-1), 10.00mgl super(-1), 15.00mgl super(-1), 20.00mgl super(-1) and 30.00mgl super(-1) in the case of P. clappertaniana. Behavioural hispathological and heamatological examinations were made. Both plant extracts were found to have lethal effects at the higher concentrations, affecting the gills and the central nervous system as well as having a depressive effect on the total count and increasing platelet and white blood cell count. Symptoms of toxicosis observed include, initial inactivation agitated swimming, tumbling movement air gulping, increased opercular beat and period of quiescence/knockdown before death. Marked differences were also observed in the hematological and histopathological analysis of poisoned fish. Lower concentrations of the extracts had sub lethal effects on the fish, which manifested as zigzag movement air gulping increased opercular movement etc. None of these effects were observed in the control experiment


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The importance of ponds for biodiversity in Britain has been demonstrated by a number of studies. However, most of the research and interest has been directed at permanent waterbodies, and temporary ponds have been largely neglected. In this article the author present some preliminary findings from a project which aims to fill some of the many gaps in our knowledge of temporary ponds in Britain. The project, which runs for three years until the end of 2001, aims specifically to investigate the ecology of temporary ponds in England and Wales by describing (i) their wetland plant and macroinvertebrate communities, (ii) their physico-chemical characteristics, and (iii) their value as a biodiversity resource. The article focuses on the assessment of temporary ponds as a biodiversity resource and briefly considers aspects of species richness, rarity and distinctiveness. Where possible, temporary ponds are compared with other waterbody types, mainly permanent ponds from the National Pond Survey (NPS), to give the results a broader context.


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A review article which discusses the ecology and management of common water plants in lowland streams, with an introduction containing a review of previous studies on the subject. The article covers the significance of seasonal growth, the significance of stand structure (particularly in relation to hydraulic resistence), an assessment of current river management, improvements to plant management techniques (in relation to cutting), and alternatives to the traditional techniques of river plant management. There are a number of accompanying figures.


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The daily consumption rates and preference of juvenile Tilapia rendalli for some macrophytes, Ceratophyllum demersum, Lagarosiphon major, Najas pectinatas and Valisneria aethiopica were determined. Fish were offered single macrophyte diets to determine daily consumption and a mixture of the 4 macrophytes in equal quantities to determine selection. Consumption rates were 821.50 mg, 829.05 mg, 940.00 mg and 2293.53 mg per fish per day, respectively. The differences in consumption rates were significant. Preference was shown for V.aethiopica, whilst C.demersum was least selected. Fish fed on single species lost weight whereas those fed on a variety of macrophytes gained in weight.


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In this study we analyzed the diets of 26 nekton species collected from two years (2000 and 2002) off Oregon and northern California to describe dominant nekton trophic groups of the northern California Current (NCC) pelagic ecosystem. We also examined interannual variation in the diets of three nekton species. Cluster analysis of predator diets resulted in nekton trophic groups based on the consumption of copepods, euphausiids, brachyuran larvae, larval juvenile fishes, and adult nekton. However, many fish within trophic groups consumed prey from multiple trophic levels—euphausiids being the most widely consumed. Comparison of diets between years showed that most variation occurred with changes in the contribution of euphausiids and brachyuran larvae to nekton diets. The importance of euphausiids and other crustacean prey to nekton indicates that omnivory is an important characteristic of the NCC food web; however it may change during periods of lower or higher upwelling and ecosystem production.