14 resultados para Deutscher Zollverein

em Aquatic Commons


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Since 2002 Germany is obliged to collect fishery data to support the European Common Fishery Policy. Sampling of the com-mercial fishery under German flag is one duty within the EU fisheries data collection programme. During the past 6 years, 148 fishing trips were sampled by scientific observers onboard commercial fishing vessels to collect data on catch composi-tions with special emphasis on the proportions of landed and discarded fish. The results show that the proportion of discard is depending on the fishery. Highest discard rates were observed on beam trawl fishing trips. At the level of individual fishing trips, discard rates varied extremely within a fishery segment. Highest variations were found in the beam and bottom otter trawl fishery. In contrast, the discard rates in high-seas fisheries were low.


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Based on the results from egg and larvae surveys, mackerel and horse mackerel are thought to form three more or less distinct stocks each in the North Sea and in the waters west of the British Isles. These are firstly the southern stocks in the southern part of the English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay, secondly the North Sea and finally the western stocks of both species, loeated between the Shetlands and southern Norway. It is argued here that in view of the high mobility and the extended seasonal migrations of both species a c1ear separation of the stocks can hardly be maintained. In this context the results of the 1995 mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey to the southern spawning location is presented.


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A hydroacoustic survey on the oceanic redfish (oceanic Sebastes mentella) in the Irminger Sea and adjacent waters South and East of Greenland was carried out by Iceland, Germany and Russia. During this, about 250 000 nm2 were covered. The acoustic assessment yielded a stock size of approximately 1.6 x 10(6) tonnes or 2.6 x 10(9) individuals. This however, is considered to be an underestimation of the stock, as a result of partial mixing of the stock with the scattering layer. The oceanic redfish concentrations were densest at 200-300 m depth, mainly within temperatures of 3.5 °C to 5 °C. 61 % of the stock were males at an average length of 36 cm and an average weight of 582 g.


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Deutscher Caviar, made from roe of lumpfish or capelin, gives species specific patterns in protein electrophoresis. The same techniques can be used to differentiate caviar from salmon and trout. The differentiation of sturgeon caviar (beluga, osietra, sevruga) is possible by isoelectric focusing, but not by SDS-PAGE. PCR-based methods of DNA-analysis for identification of the origin of sturgeon caviar are under development.


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Ein deutscher Muschelverarbeitungsbetrieb begann im Juli 1989 die Erprobung der Miesmuschel-Hängekultur in der Flensburger Förde. Das in kleinem Umfang gehaltene Vorhaben berücksichtigte Ergebnisse von Vertikalkulturversuchen des Instituts für Küsten- und Binnenfischerei in der Flensburger Förde (1969 - 1975) und schwedische Erfahrungen mit der Speisemuschelproduktion an langleinen.


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I. Einleitender Bericht - II. Das Problem der Fischereigrenzen (G. Meseck: Das Serecht nach der Ersten Genfer Konferenz 1958) - III. Technische und wirtschaftliche Probleme für die künftige deutsche Hochseefischerei (B. Freyberg: Technisch bedingte Aktionsgrenzen der heutigen deutschen Fischereiflotte und ihre künftige technische Entwicklung. A.v.Brandt: Vorschau auf die künftige Entwicklun der Fangtechnik. P.F. Meyer-Waarden: Neuere Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Elektrofischerei im Meer.) IV. Ergebnisse der vorjährigen Fangplatzsuche und Vorschläge zu einer Neuorganisation (A. Meyer:Die Suchreisen deutscher Trawler in die grönländischen Gewässer im Jahre 1958. K. Schubert: Die Suchreisen zur Erschließung neuer Fanggebiete für die Heringsfischerei.) V. Zur Frage neuer Fangmöglichkeiten auf dem Schelf und im offenen Ozean (U. Schmidt: Gibt es neue Fangmöglichkeiten auf dem Schelf. H.J. Aurich: Biologische Anhaltspunkte für Fangmöglichkeiten im offenen Ozean. E.H. Rogalla: Über hydrographische Anhaltspunkte für Fangmöglichkeiten im offenen Ozean.)