12 resultados para Cree Indians.
em Aquatic Commons
Espanol: En la presente lista bibliográfica fueron recopiladas las referencias sobre los peces continentales de la Argentina, del período comprendido entre mediados del siglo XVIII y fines del año 2005. Incluye las listas bibliográficas publicadas durante los años 1981 a 2004, y las citas no mencionadas en ellas. Se incluyeron el ISSN o ISBN según correspondiera, la abreviatura oficial y el lugar de origen de las publicaciones. En algunos casos, los ISSN, las abreviaturas de los nombres de las publicaciones o su procedencia, mencionados en los catálogos, no coinciden con los de la home page de la publicación. Una bibliografía puede ser muy rica y aún estar incompleta. Requiere de sus lectores algún interés histórico, y aún un interés profundo por su tema. Ante una bibliografía, muchos investigadores preferirían no encontrar algunas referencias, y de hecho, muchas son oportunamente olvidadas. Por no saber como hacerlo, o por menosprecio, estas listas raramente son citadas en los trabajos, aunque sobre algunos temas en particular, sería realmente difícil formarse una idea si las bibliografías no existieran. Aún desde el comienzo es complicado precisar un criterio de inclusiones. Por ejemplo, gran parte de la ictiofauna Argentina se encuentra también en Brasil. ¿Justifica esto incluir informes perdidos sobre artes de pesca en una cuenca distante? ¿Deben los clásicos, que todo el mundo conoce y el que se inicia encontrará sin dificultad, ser incluidos? Aún a un grupo que se dedicara full time a este trabajo, le sería difícil verificar la precisión de las citas antiguas, en las que fechas y autoría cambian según la investigación histórica. En una bibliografía más o menos general, la perfección atenta contra la publicación. Sin embargo, pensamos que es conveniente hacerlas. Una mirada a este volumen, muestra la enorme cantidad de desarrollos en muchos temas, y la regla que uno de nosotros ha mencionado desde hace tiempo: siempre hay más publicado sobre un tema de lo que uno cree. La sospecha de que con sólo mirar lo que está hecho, muchos subsidios podrían utilizarse para algo más útil que algunas evaluaciones repetidas de recursos o biodiversidad, es un poco pesimista y no haremos perder trabajos insistiendo en eso. Cada generación elige sus metas, su propia base epistemológica, sus trabajos preferidos y los que desecha. Aún en trabajos perdidos o de mala calidad, es posible encontrar datos valiosos. Ningún proyecto, por mejor diseñado que esté, podrá mostrar en el presente los organismos que vivían en el pasado en un lugar en el que las condiciones han cambiado, o lo hará en términos de otra disciplina. En los temas aplicados la información del pasado puede ser importantísima. Aún en una disciplina tan conservadora como la nomenclatura, los cambios pueden ser exasperantes; no pueden serlo menos en las que intrínsecamente, como la ecología, es lo que estudian. Para dar una idea más precisa del desarrollo de la ictiología en la Argentina, esta lista podría ir acompañada de una apreciación crítica. Entendemos que una tarea así exige un trabajo diferente, de cierta magnitud y con no pocos elementos históricos. Aunque tiene deficiencias, la ictiología argentina constituye una acumulación de conocimientos de considerable calidad y pertinencia para la historia natural de América del Sur. Dejamos a los lectores que cada uno haga la suya. English: For the present list, references on freshwater fishes of Argentina were compiled from the period between middle XVIII Century and the end of the year 2005. It includes previous lists published during 1981 to 2004, and references not mentioned therein. The ISSN o ISBN numbers were included, as well as the official abbreviations and the place of origin of the periodicals. In some cases, these data as quoted in catalogs, do not agree with those in the home page of the publication. A bibliography may be very rich and anyway never complete. It requires from its readers some historic interest and indeed a deep interest on his (her) subject. Browsing a bibliography, many researchers would prefer not to find some references, and in fact, sometimes they forget some of them. Not imagining how to do it, or because people do not concede importance to them, bibliographic lists are rarely quoted in papers, though some subjects would be rather difficult to understand if list of publications would not exist. Even from the beginning, it is difficult to precise a criterion of inclusions. For example, many Argentine fishes occur also in Brazil. Does this justify the inclusion of grey reports on a distant basin? Should classic works, that everybody knows and are easily found, be included? Is near impossible, even for a group dedicated full time to this work, to verify the precision of old citations, whose dates and authorship change according to authorities and historical research. In a more or less general bibliography, completeness is against publication. Nevertheless, we think that is convenient to prepare these lists. A look at this volume shows the enormous developments in many subjects, and the rule that one of us mentioned long ago: there are always more papers on any subject than one suspects. Looking at what has already been done raises the suspicion that many grants could be used for something more useful than repeated evaluations of biodiversity or resources. This is a bit pessimistic, and we do not want to erase working opportunities. Each generation chooses its targets, its own epistemological base, its preferred papers and those that rejects. Even in lost or bad quality papers, the possibility of finding valuable information exists. No project, whatever the appropriateness of its design, could show at present which organisms lived in the past in a place where environmental conditions have changed, or it will do it in terms of another discipline. In applied subjects, information from the past can be very important. Even in a conservative discipline as nomenclature, changes can be exasperating. They are not lesser in those like ecology, where change itself is studied. To provide a more precise idea of the development of ichthyology in Argentina, this list could be accompanied by a critical appreciation. We understood that such an aim requires a different work, with no few historical elements and of certain magnitude. In spite of some deficiencies, Argentine ichthyology, resulting from collaboration of both local and foreign people, constitutes a bulk of knowledge of considerable quality and pertinence for the natural history of South America. We leave each reader to make his (or her) own evaluation. (Texto en Espanol. PDF tiene cien setenta paginas.)
Aboriginal peoples in Canada have been mapping aspects of their cultures for more than a generation. Indians, Inuit, Métis, non-status Indians and others have called their maps by different names at various times and places: land use and occupancy; land occupancy and use; traditional use; traditional land use and occupancy; current use; cultural sensitive areas; and so on. I use “land use and occupancy mapping” in a generic sense to include all the above. The term refers to the collection of interview data about traditional use of resources and occupancy of lands by First Nation persons, and the presentation of those data in map form. Think of it as the geography of oral tradition, or as the mapping of cultural and resource geography. (PDF contains 81 pages.)
ENGLISH: Strong coastal upwelling occurs in the Gulf of Panama regularly each year during the season, from about January through April, when strong northerly winds are blowing offshore. Because of the evident importance of upwelling to the ecology of the Gulf of Panama, we commenced in the fall of 1954 a study of various physical, chemical, and biological phenomena associated therewith. Observations were taken at bi-weekly intervals at a fixed location in the Gulf (approximately 10 miles SE of Taboga Island) to supplement the serial observations of sea level, sea temperature, and winds that have been gathered for many years by the Panama Canal Company. SPANISH: Cado año, en la estación de enero a abril, cuando los vientos del norte soplan vigorosamente frente a la costa, ocurre en el Golfo de Panamá un fuerte afloramiento costanero. Se cree que este afloramiento periódico en el Golfo de Panamá es responsable de la alta productividad biológica que sostiene considerables cantidades de organismos de importancia comercial. Esta región, por ejemplo, es una fuente importante de la especie Cetengraulis mysticetus) pez de carnada para el atún, (Alverson y Shimada, 1957) y mantiene una considerable pesca de camarones llamados langostinos (Burkenroad, Obarrio y Mendoza,1955). (PDF contains 54 pages.)
ENGLISH: The anchoveta is the major constituent of the important bait and reduction fisheries of the Gulf of Panama. It is a short-lived species, the great majority of the catch consisting of fish in their first year of life. Fish for reduction are caught chiefly in the Isla Verde area, between Punta Chame and the entrance of the Panama Canal. In 1960 and 1961 anchovetas were tagged with metal internal tags and released in the major areas of occurrence of this species. The tags were recovered from the meal in the reduction plants with magnets. From the 53,380 fish tagged in 1960, 745 tags were returned during the 1960 season, 246 during the 1961 season, and 8 during the 1962 season. From the 113,202 tagged in 1961, 373 tags were returned during the 1961 season and 48 during the 1962 season. Complete catch statistics are available, and length-frequency and length-weight data were used to convert these from pounds to numbers of fish of each year class. The annual survival rate for the fish of the 1959 year class in the Isla Verde area was estimated to be 0.086 by the Chapman-Robson method, 0.102 by the year-class method, and 0.088 by the Jackson positive method. The first method is considered to give the best estimate. Six estimates of the population of fish of the 1959 year class in the Isla Verde area were obtained from the sample tag ratios of six experiments conducted in that area in 1960. The estimates differed due to the temporal decrease in the population, but the downward trend corresponded fairly well to what was expected from the total annual mortality rate. It was estimated that the population of 1959-year class fish was about 818 million on March 8, 1960, and about 70 million on March 8, 1961. As the population of anchovetas decreases during the season the effort increases sufficiently that the catch remains roughly constant. This is described as the "constant absolute catch" type fishery. Of the original population of fish in the Isla Verde area at the beginning of the 1960 season, about 11 per cent were caught and 81 per cent died of natural causes. Evaluation of growth and mortality data demonstrated that beginning the fishery for the youngest age group later than March 8 (the date it began in 1960) would reduce the yield per recruit, while increasing the fishing effort would greatly increase it. Further, it is believed unlikely that increases in the catch in the Isla Verde area alone would noticeably decrease the number of recruits to that area. Therefore there is no foreseeable need for regulation of the fishery. SPANISH: El principal constituyente de la importante pesquería para carnada y para reducción en el Golfo de Panamá es la anchoveta. Es una especie de vida corta cuya pesca, en su mayor parte, está constituida por peces que se encuentran en su primer año de vida. Para la industria de reducción los peces son capturados principalmente en el área de Isla Verde, entre Punta Chame y la entrada del Canal de Panamá. En 1960 y 1961 las anchovetas fueron marcadas con marcas metálicas internas y liberadas en las áreas más importantes en que se encuentra esta especie. Las marcas fueron recobradas de la harina en las plantas de reducción por medio de magnetos. De los 53,380 peces marcados en 1960, fueron devueltas 745 marcas durante la temporada pesquera de 1960, 246 durante la de 1961, y 8 durante la de 1962. De los 113,202 marcados en 1961, 373 marcas fueron devueltas durante la temporada pesquera de 1961 y 48 durante la de 1962. Se dispone de estadísticas completas de captura, y los datos de frecuencia-longitud y de longitud-peso fueron usados para convertir éstos de libras a números de peces de cada clase anual. La tasa anual de supervivencia correspondiente a la clase anual de 1959 en el área de Isla Verde estimó en 0.086 por medio del método Chapman-Robson; en 0.102 por método de la clase anual; y en 0.088 por el método positivo de Jackson. Se considera que el primer método dé la mejor estimación. Seis estimaciones de la población de peces de la clase anual 1959 en el área de Isla Verde fueron obtenidas según la proporción de marcas halladas en las muestras correspondientes a seis experimentos efectuados en aquella área en 1960. Las estimaciones variaron debido a la disminución temporal de la población, pero esta tendencia descendente correspondió bastante bien a lo que se esperaba según la tasa total de mortalidad anual. Se estimó que la población de peces de la clase anual de 1959 era de unos 818 millones el 8 de marzo de 1960, y aproximadamente de unos 70 millones el 8 de marzo de 1961. Conforme a que la población de anchovetas disminuye durante la temporada pesquera, el esfuerzo aumenta lo suficientemente como para que la pesca se mantenga más o menos constante. Este es el tipo de pesquería descrito como de "captura absoluta constante". De la población original de peces en el área de Isla Verde al comienzo de la temporada pesquera de 1960, cerca del 11 por ciento fue capturada y el 81 por ciento murió por causas naturales. La evaluación de los datos del crecimiento mortalidad demostraron que al comenzar la pesquería a explotar grupo de edad más joven en una fecha posterior al 8 de marzo (la fecha en que comenzó en 1960) se reduciría el rendimiento por recluta, mientras que al aumentar el esfuerzo de pesca lo aumentaría considerablemente. Más aún, se cree improbable que el aumento en la pesca en el área de Isla Verde de por sí disminuyera perceptiblemente el número de reclutas en esa área. En consecuencia no se prevé la necesidad de una reglamentación de la pesquería. (PDF contains 172 pages.)
ENGLISH: The skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis is an important resource of the tropical and subtropical waters of the world ocean. Fishermen of many countries exploit this resource; at the present time, the annual world catch is approximately 200 thousand metric tons. Many fishery experts believe that the skipjack is not being fully utilized while stocks of other tunas are being fished, in some areas, at levels exceeding their maximum sustainable yields. In addition to the importance of skipjack as a commercial fish and as a source of food, there is a small but expanding recreational fishery in some countries bordering the Pacific. This bibliography provides a list of publications pertaining to the biology and fishery of the Pacific skipjack tuna. Papers concerned with food technology, food chemistry, radio-chemistry, and certain other subjects are excluded. The main sources for our publication have been the existing bibliographies of tunas, which are listed and indexed accordingly. In addition, reports of various marine laboratories and other scientific organizations have been checked; these are too numerous to list. We are fairly confident that all major works pertaining to skipjack tuna in the Pacific, printed prior to the end of 1966, appear in this bibliography. Only reports considered to be in permanent form are included. Annotations are based on actual examination of each of the entries listed here. The annotations do not evaluate a paper but serve rather to give a more precise idea of its contents if not revealed by the title alone. If the title sufficed in this respect, no annotation was prepared. A relatively small number of works believed to contain information pertinent to our bibliography could not be examined, but a list of such papers is provided. SPANISH: El atún barrilete, Katsuwonus pelamis, es un recurso importante de las aguas tropicales y subtropicales del océano mundial. Los pescadores de varios países explotan este recurso; actualmente, la captura mundial anual es aproximadamente de 200,000 toneladas métricas. Muchos expertos en la pesquería creen que el barrilete no es utilizado completamente, mientras los stocks de otros atunes son pescados en algunas áreas a niveles que exceden su rendimiento máximo sostenible. Además de la importancia del barrilete como pez comercial y como fuente de alimento, existe una pesquería pequeña recreativa que se está desarrollando en algunos países colindantes con el Pacífico. Esta bibliografía suministra una lista de publicaciones correspondientes a la biología y pesquería del atún barrilete en el Pacífico. Estudios referentes a la tecnología alimenticia, química alimenticia, radioquímica y ciertos otros sujetos son excluídos. Las fuentes principales correspondientes a nuestra publicación han sido las bibliografías existentes sobre atunes, las cuales están enumeradas y catalogadas de acuerdo. Además, se han examinado los informes de varios laboratorios marítimos y los de otras organizaciones científicas; éstos son demasiado numerosos para enumerar. Estamos bastante seguros de que todos los trabajos principales correspondientes al atún barrilete del Pacífico, editados antes de terminar el año de 1966, aparecen en esta bibliografía. Se incluyen únicamente los informes que se consideran permanentes. Las anotaciones se basan en el examen actual de cada una de las entradas aquí referidas. Las anotaciones no evaluan un estudio, pero sirven más bien para dar una idea más precisa de su contenido si el título por sí mismo no lo explica. No se preparó ninguna anotación si el título a este respecto era suficiente. Un número relativamente pequeño de trabajos que se cree tengan información pertinente a nuestra bibliografía no pudo ser examinado, pero se suministra una lista de tales estudios. (PDF contains 227 pages.)
ENGLISH: The growth of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific is described in terms of several measurements taken from the fish and their otoliths (sagittae). Equations are also developed to predict age from the readily available dimensions of fork length and head length. The data for all of these relationships were obtained from a sample of 196 fish collected during 1977 through 1979 from purse seiners fishing north of the equator and east of 137°W. The fork-length range of the sample was 30-170 cm. The number of increments on a sagitta of each fish was used as a direct estimate of its age in days. The correspondence between increments and days has been validated for yellowfin in the length range of 40-110 cm. Circumstantial evidence indicates that the relationship also applies in the intervals of 0-40 cm and 110-170 cm. This circumstancial evidence was derived from: 1) literature on validated increments during early growth for other species, 2) knowledge that structures assumed to be daily increments on yellowfin otoliths have subsequently been validated in the corresponding zone on bluefin otoliths, and 3) a comparison of the growth curve based on increments to others obtained from length frequency modal analysis. Based on this information the age estimates over the entire size range of sampled fish are believed to be accurate. In addition to the general growth and age-predictive relationships, the major conclusions of the study are that: 1) Sexually dimorphic growth exists in terms of fork length, fish weight and the length of the otolith counting path for the entire data set. Examination of the data for 1977 and 1979 also revealed that the fork-length growth of each sex differed within years. 2) For combined sexes there were significant differences among the fork-length growth curves for yellowfin sampled in different years. 3) Yellowfin caught inshore (within 275 miles of the coast) were heavier than those caught offshore for fork lengths between 30 and 110 cm. The situation was reversed for lengths greater than 110 cm. 4) Back-calculated spawning months were distributed uniformly throughout the year in 1974 and 1977, but in 1975-1976 and 1978 spawning activity was apparently concentrated in the latter half of the year. SPANISH: El crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla en el Pacífico oriental se describe en términos de varias medidas obtenidas de peces y otolitos (sagita). Se formularon también ecuaciones para pronosticar la edad, según las dimensiones fácilmente disponibles de la longitud horquilla y longitud de la cabeza. Los datos de todas estas relaciones fueron obtenidos mediante una muestra de 196 peces recolectados desde 1977hasta 1979, en barcos cerqueros que estaban pescando al norte de la línea ecuatorial y al este de los 137°W. El intervalo de la longitud horquilla de la muestra fue de 30-170 cm. Se empleó el número de incrementos en la sagita de cada pez como un estimado directo de la edad en días. Se ha comprobado la relación entre los incrementos y los días en el intervalo de longitud de 40-110 cm del aleta amarilla. La evidencia circunstancial indica que se aplica también la relación a los intervalos de 0-40 cm y 110-170 cm. Esta evidencia circunstancial se dedujo: 1) de las publicaciones sobre incrementos comprobados de otras especies durante el primer crecimiento, 2) del conocimientoque las estructuras que se supone son incrementos diarios en los otolitos del aleta amarilla han sido comprobadas luego en la parte correspondiente de otolitos del aleta azul y 3) por una comparación de la curva de crecimiento, basada en incrementos relacionados a otras curvas obtenidas según el análisis modal frecuencia-talla. Se cree, basados en esta información, que las estimaciones de la edad sobre toda la amplitud de talla de los peces muestreados, es acertada. Además de la relación del crecimiento general y del pronóstico de la edad, las principales conclusiones de este estudio son: 1) En toda la serie de datos existe el crecimiento sexualmente dimórfico en términos de longitud horquilla, peso del pez y longitud del plano de conteo del otolito. El examen de los datos de 1977 y 1979, revelan también que el crecimiento longitud horquilla de cada sexo es diferente en los años. 2) En los sexos combinados hubo diferencias significativas entre las curvas de crecimiento longitud horquilla del aleta amarilla muestreado en diferentes años. 3) El aleta amarilla capturado cerca a la costa (en las primeras 275 millas) fue más pesado que el capturado en las aguas mar afuera, correspondiente a la longitud horquilla entre 30 y 110 cm. La situación fue inversa para tallas de más de 110 cm. 4) En 1974 y 1977, los meses retrocalculados del desove se distribuyeron uniformemente durante el año, pero en 1975-1976 y 1978, la actividad del desove se concentró aparentemente en el último semestre del año. (PDF contains 62 pages.)
ENGLISH: The abundance of skipjack larvae in the central and western Pacific approximately doubled for every 1°C increase in sea-surface temperature (SST) from 23°C to a maximum of about 29°C, and then usually decreased with further increases in SST. Skipjack larvae are scarce in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), so most skipjack recruits and adults in this area are believed to have originated in the central and, possibly, the western Pacific. The catch per unit of effort (CPUE), in short tons per day's fishing, and the catch rate, in number of fish per day's fishing, are estimates of apparent abundance in a fishery. The logarithm of the annual CPUE for skipjack for international baitboats in the EPO for the 1934-1960 period was positively correlated with SST in the spawning area in the central Pacific 18 months earlier (r2 0.31), during the July-June period when most of the recruits in each cohort were presumed to have been spawned. Adequate data for other environmental variables were not available for testing with the baitboat data. The other environmental variables available and selected for testing for correlation with estimates of skipjack abundance for purse seiners for the 1961-1984 period and the reasons for their selection are as follows. 1)Wind-mixing index (WMI). The degree of mixing in the upper layers of the ocean is proportional to the cube of the wind speed, called WMI. The degree of mixing in the spawning areas of the central and the western Pacific may affect the concentration of organisms that skipjack larvae feed upon, thereby influencing their survival, and ultimately determining cohort strength and the number of recruits to the eastern Pacific fishery. 2) SST in the fishing areas at the time of fishing (SST). The CPUE for yellowfin tuna has been shown to be inversely related to SST in the fishing areas, and there are indications that skipjack CPUE is lower during EI Nino events when SST is higher than normal. 3) North-south SST gradient across the thermal front off the Gulf of Guayaquil. This is a measure of the degree of upwelling and nutrient enrichment of the upper waters south of the front and ultimately of the production of food for tunas. 4) Speed of the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC). Young skipjack may migrate from the central Pacific to the EPO in the eastward flowing NECC; if so, the number of recruits might be affected by variations in the speed of the current. The logarithm of the annual catch rate of skipjack recruits by international purse seiners in the EPO for the 1961-1984 period was positively correlated with SST in the spawning area of the central Pacific 18 months earlier (r2 = 0.21),and inversely correlated with WMI in the spawning area 18 months earlier (r2 0.46). The logarithm of CPUE for purse seiners in the area off the Gulf of Guayaquil was not correlated with SST in the spawning area 18 months earlier, but was inversely correlated with WMI in the spawning area 18 months earlier (r2 = 0.19), and inversely correlated with the north-south SST gradient in the fishing area at the time of fishing (r2 0.32). Neither of these estimates of apparent abundance from purse seiners were correlated with SST in the fishing areas, or with the speed of the NECC at earlier times. SPANISH: La abundancia de larvas de barrilete en el Pacífico central y occidental se multiplicó por dos, aproximadamente, por cada aumento de 1°Cen la temperatura de la superficie del mar (TSM) entre 23°C y un máximo de unos 29°C, y luego generalmente disminuyó con más aumentos en la TSM. Las larvas de barrilete son escasas en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO), y por lo tanto se cree que la mayoría de los reclutas y adultos en esta zona surgieron del Pacífico central, y posiblemente también del Pacífico occidental. La captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE), en toneladas cortas por día de pesca, y la tasa de captura, en número de peces por día de pesca, son estimaciones de la abundancia aparente en una pesquería. El logaritmo de la CPUE anual de barrilete lograda por barcos de carnada en el OPO en el período 1934-1960 se correlacionó positivamente con la TSM en la zona de desove en el Pacífico central de 18 meses antes (r2 = 0.31), durante el período de junio-julio en el cual se cree que nació la mayoría de los reclutas en cada cohorte. No se dispuso de datos suficientes sobre otras variables ambientales para comprobarlos con los datos de los barcos de carnada. Las demás variables ambientales disponibles y seleccionadas para someterlas a pruebas de correlación con las estimaciones de la abundancia del barrilete de barcos cerqueros en el período 1961-1984, y las razones por su selección, son las siguientes: 1) Indice de mezcla por el viento (IMV). El grado de mezcla en las capas superiores del océano es proporcional al cubo de la velocidad del viento, llamado IMV. Es posible que el grado de mezcla en las zonas de desove del Pacífico central y occidental afecte la concentración de los organismos que alimentan a las larvas del barrilete, afectando así la supervivencia de éstas, y finalmente determinando el tamaño de las cohortes y el número de reclutas a la pesquería del OPO. 2) TSM en la zona de pesca al realizarse la pesca (TSM). Se ha mostrado que la relación de la CPUE del atún aleta amarilla a la TSM en la zona de pesca es inversa, y existen indicaciones que la CPUE de barrilete es inferior durante eventos del Niño, cuando las TSM son superiores a lo normal. 3) Gradiente norte-sur de las TSM a través del frente térmico frente al Golfo de Guayaquil. Esto es una medida del grado de afloramiento y enriquecimiento nutritivo del nivel superior de las aguas al sur de dicho frente, y finalmente de la producción de alimento para los atunes. 4) La velocidad de la Contracorriente Ecuatorial del Norte (CCEN). Es posible que los bariletes juveniles migren del Pacífico central al Pacífico oriental en la CCEN, que fluye hacia el este; de ser así, es posible que la cantidad de reclutas se vea afectada por variaciones en la velocidad de la corriente. El logaritmo de la tasa anual de captura de reclutas de barrilete por cerqueros de varias banderas en el OPO en el período 1961-1964 estuvo correlacionado de forma positiva con las TSM en la zona de desove del Pacífico central de 18meses antes (r2 0.21),y de forma inversa con el IMV de la zona de desove de 18 meses antes (r2 0.46). El logaritmo de la CPUE de los cerqueros en la zona frente al Golfo de Guayaquil no estuvo correlacionado con las TSM en la zona de desove de 18 meses antes, pero sí estuvo correlacionado de forma inversa con el IMV en la zona de desove de 18 meses antes (r2 0.19),y con el gradiente norte-sur de las TSM en la zona de pesca al realizarse la pesca (r2 0.32). Ninguna de estas estimaciones de abundancia aparente provenientes de barcos cerqueros estuvo correlacionada con las TSM en las zonas de pesca o con la velocidad de la CCEN en épocas anteriores. (PDF contains 140 pages.)
Smelt populations have been recorded since the 18th Century from at least 15 rivers in Scotland, but over the last Century the species has suffered a severe decline and has disappeared from all its former sites except the rivers Cree, Forth and Tay. These populations must now be regarded as having high conservation importance. There are probably several different reasons for this decline. In some rivers, such as the Clyde and the Stinchar, pollution in the lower reaches has prevented successful migration and reproduction. In other rivers, high weirs and barriers have completely cut off access to spawning grounds. In some estuaries and rivers, such as the Solway Firth, overfishing is believed to have been responsible for eliminating local stocks. A Species Action Plan for the smelt has been prepared and it is hoped that this will be the basis of a future conservation strategy for this species in Scotland.
ENGLISH: The population structure and production of Pacific yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, were examined by studying most of the basic data available on stock assessment, as well as other data, for the period 1965 to 1972. The data were obtained mainly from the Japanese longline fishery in the Pacific Ocean east of about 1200E and from the purse-seine fishery in the eastern Pacific east of about 140oW. Data from genetic studies of subpopulations were not used due to their preliminary nature. It was concluded that the concept of "semi-independent" subpopulations proposed by Kamimura and Honma (1963) and Royce (1964) defines the population structure of Pacific yellowfin. At least three stocks (i.e. western, central and eastern), relatively independent of each other, are thought to exist, but the actual number and location of subpopulations is still unclear. Possible north-south separations, indicated to some extent by genetic studies and tagging, could be neither substantiated nor rejected on the basis of this study. Finally, unless some major change in the fishing technology occurs, it is doubtful if any significant sustainable increase in yellowfin production from the Pacific is possible. The greatest potential for increase, if any, appears to be based on changing the size structure of yellowfin in the catch from the central Pacific. SPANISH: Se examino la estructura de la población y la producción del atún aleta amarilla del Pacifico Thunnus albacares para estudiar la mayoría de los datos básicos que se tenían sobre el avalúo de la población, como también otra información correspondiente al periodo de 1965·1972. Los datos fueron obtenidos principalmente de las pescas palangreros japonesas del Océano Pacifico al este de los 1200 E y de las pescas con redes de cerco del Pacifico oriental, al este de los 140oW. No se emplearon los datos de estudios genéticos de las subpoblaciones porque eran mas bien preliminares. Se concluyo que el concepto propuesto por Kamimura y Honma (1963) y Royce (1964) de subpoblaciones "semiindependientes" define la estructura de la población del aleta amarilla en el Pacifico. Se cree que existen por 10 menos tres existencias (e.d. la occidental, central y oriental), relativamente independientes la una de la otra, pero no se conoce con certeza cuantas subpoblaciones hay y donde se encuentran. La posible separación norte-sur, indicada, hasta cierto punto, por los análisis genéticos y del marcado, no puede ni confirmarse ni rechazarse basados en este estudio. Finalmente, a no ser que ocurra algún gran cambio en la tecnología pesquera es dudoso que sea posible obtener un aumento constante e importante en la producción del aleta amarilla del Pacifico. El potencial mayor de aumento, si es que existe alguno, parece que se basa en el cambio de la estructura de talla en la captura del aleta amarilla del Pacifico central. (PDF contains 169 pages.)
The northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, ranges along the Atlantic Coast of North America from the Canadian Maritimes to Florida, while the southern quahog, M. campechiensis, ranges mostly from Florida to southern Mexico. The northern quahog was fished by native North Americans during prehistoric periods. They used the meats as food and the shells as scrapers and as utensils. The European colonists copied the Indians treading method, and they also used short rakes for harvesting quahogs. The Indians of southern New England and Long Island, N.Y., made wampum from quahog shells, used it for ornaments and sold it to the colonists, who, in turn, traded it to other Indians for furs. During the late 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s, wampum was made in small factories for eventual trading with Indians farther west for furs. The quahoging industry has provided people in many coastal communities with a means of earning a livelihood and has given consumers a tasty, wholesome food whether eaten raw, steamed, cooked in chowders, or as stuffed quahogs. More than a dozen methods and types of gear have been used in the last two centuries for harvesting quahogs. They include treading and using various types of rakes and dredges, both of which have undergone continuous improvements in design. Modern dredges are equipped with hydraulic jets and one type has an escalator to bring the quahogs continuously to the boats. In the early 1900’s, most provinces and states established regulations to conserve and maximize yields of their quahog stocks. They include a minimum size, now almost universally a 38-mm shell width, and can include gear limitations and daily quotas. The United States produces far more quahogs than either Canada or Mexico. The leading producer in Canada is Prince Edward Island. In the United States, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island lead in quahog production in the north, while Virginia and North Carolina lead in the south. Connecticut and Florida were large producers in the 1990’s. The State of Tabasco leads in Mexican production. In the northeastern United States, the bays with large openings, and thus large exchanges of bay waters with ocean waters, have much larger stocks of quahogs and fisheries than bays with small openings and water exchanges. Quahog stocks in certified beds have been enhanced by transplanting stocks to them from stocks in uncertified waters and by planting seed grown in hatcheries, which grew in number from Massachusetts to Florida in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
The northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, ranges along the Atlantic Coast of North America from the Canadian Maritimes to Florida, while the southern quahog, M. campechiensis, ranges mostly from Florida to southern Mexico. The northern quahog was fished by native North Americans during prehistoric periods. They used the meats as food and the shells as scrapers and as utensils. The European colonists copied the Indians treading method, and they also used short rakes for harvesting quahogs. The Indians of southern New England made wampum from quahog shells, used it for ornaments and sold it to the colonists, who, in turn, traded it to other Indians for furs. During the late 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s, wampum was made in small factories for eventual trading with Indians farther west for furs. The quahoging industry has provided people in many coastal communities with a means of earning a livelihood and has provided consumers with a tasty, wholesome food whether eaten raw, steamed, cooked in chowders, or as stuffed quahogs. More than a dozen methods and types of gear have been used in the last two centuries for harvesting quahogs. They include treading and using various types of rakes and dredges, both of which have undergone continuous improvements in design. Modern dredges are equipped with hydraulic jets and one type has an escalator to bring the quahogs continuously to the boats. In the early 1900’s, most provinces and states established regulations to conserve and maximize yields of their quahog stocks. They include a minimum size, now almost universally a 38-mm shell width, and can include gear limitations and daily quotas. The United States produces far more quahogs than either Canada or Mexico. The leading producer in Canada is Prince Edward Island. In the United States, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island lead in quahog production in the north, while Virginia and North Carolina lead in the south. Connecticut and Florida were large producers in the 1990’s. The State of Campeche leads in Mexican production. In the northeastern United States, the bays with large openings, and thus large exchanges of bay waters with ocean waters, have much larger stocks of quahogs and fisheries than bays with small openings and water exchanges. Quahog stocks in certifi ed beds have been enhanced by transplanting stocks to them from stocks in uncertified waters and by planting seed grown in hatcheries, which grew in number from Massachusetts to Florida in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook Inlet, Alaska, represent a unique and isolated marine mammal population that has been hunted for a variety of purposes since prehistoric times. Archeological studies have shown that both Alutiiq Eskimos and Dena'ina Atabaskan Indians have long utilized many marine resources in Cook Inlet, including belugas. Over the past century, commercial whaling and sport hunting also occurred periodically in Cook Inlet prior to the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA). During the 1990's, the hunting mortality by Alaska Natives apparently increased to 40-70 whales per year, which led to the decling of this stock and its subsequent designation in 2000 as depleted under the MMPA. Concerns about the decline of the Cook Inlet stock resulted in a voluntary suspension of the subsistenc hunt by Alaska Natives in 1999. The difficulty in obtaining accurate estimates for the harvest of these whales is due to the inability to identify all of the hunters and, in turn, the size of the harvest. Attempts to reconstruct harvest records based on hunters' recollections and interviews from only a few households have been subject to a wide degree of speculation. To adequately monitor the beluga harvest, the National Marine Fisheries Service established marking and reporting regulations in October 1999. These rules require that Alaska Natives who hunt belugas in Cook Inlet must collect the lowere left jaw from harvested whales and complete a report that includes date and time of the harvest, coloration of the whale, harvest location, and method of harvest. The MMPA was amended in 2000 to require a cooperative agreement between the National Marine Fisheries Service and Alaska Native organizations before hunting could be resumed.