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More than 4000 ponds have been created or restored in Denmark since 1985 as part of a large-scale pond-digging programme to protect endangered amphibians in particular and pond flora and fauna in general. Most ponds are created on private land with public financing. The programme was triggered by, among other factors, a drastic decline in amphibian populations in Denmark between 1940 and 1980. However, in recent years there has been an increased awareness in Denmark that temporary ponds are important for the conservation of some of the most rare amphibian species, such as fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina, natterjack toad Bufo calamita and green toad Bufo viridis. Other rare species such as moor frog Rana arvalis and European tree frog Hyla arborea also benefit from temporary ponds. The last 15 years of work on the conservation of endangered species and their habitats has resulted in a last-minute rescue and a subsequent growth in the size of most Danish populations of fire-bellied toad and green toad; some populations of the relatively more common natterjack toad have also increased. The creation of temporary ponds plays an important role in the success of these three species. The creation of ponds to help restore viable populations of the most rare amphibians has not been easy. To study the conditions that may need to be created, Danish herpetologists searched for areas with temporary ponds that had good water quality, natural hydrological conditions and a management regime influenced by traditional agricultural methods. The paper gives an overview of pond creation and restoration projects in Denmark and Poland and their significance for amphibian diversity.


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Extensive losses of coastal wetlands in the United States caused by sea-level rise, land subsidence, erosion, and coastal development have increased hterest in the creation of salt marshes within estuaries. Smooth cordgrass Spartina altemiflora is the species utilized most for salt marsh creation and restoration throughout the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the U.S., while S. foliosa and Salicomia virginica are often used in California. Salt marshes have many valuable functions such as protecting shorelines from erosion, stabilizing deposits of dredged material, dampening flood effects, trapping water-born sediments, serving as nutrient reservoirs, acting as tertiary water treatment systems to rid coastal waters of contaminants, serving as nurseries for many juvenile fish and shellfish species, and serving as habitat for various wildlife species (Kusler and Kentula 1989). The establishment of vegetation in itself is generally sufficient to provide the functions of erosion control, substrate stabilization, and sediment trapping. The development of other salt marsh functions, however, is more difficult to assess. For example, natural estuarine salt marshes support a wide variety of fish and shellfish, and the abundance of coastal marshes has been correlated with fisheries landings (Turner 1977, Boesch and Turner 1984). Marshes function for aquatic species by providing breeding areas, refuges from predation, and rich feeding grounds (Zimmerman and Minello 1984, Boesch and Turner 1984, Kneib 1984, 1987, Minello and Zimmerman 1991). However, the relative value of created marshes versus that of natural marshes for estuarine animals has been questioned (Carnmen 1976, Race and Christie 1982, Broome 1989, Pacific Estuarine Research Laboratory 1990, LaSalle et al. 1991, Minello and Zimmerman 1992, Zedler 1993). Restoration of all salt marsh functions is necessary to prevent habitat creation and restoration activities from having a negative impact on coastal ecosystems.


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Executive Summary: For over three decades, scientists have been documenting the decline of coral reef ecosystems, amid increasing recognition of their value in supporting high biological diversity and their many benefits to human society. Coral reef ecosystems are recognized for their benefits on many levels, such as supporting economies by nurturing fisheries and providing for recreational and tourism opportunities, providing substances useful for medical purposes, performing essential ecosystem services that protect against coastal erosion, and provid-ing a diversity of other, more intangible contributions to many cultures. In the past decade, the increased awareness regarding coral reefs has prompted action by governmental and non-governmental organizations, including increased funding from the U.S. Congress for conservation of these important ecosystems and creation of the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force (USCRTF) to coordinate activities and implement conservation measures [Presidential Executive Order 13089]. Numerous partnerships forged among Federal agencies and state, local, non-governmental, academic and private partners support activities that range from basic science to systematic monitoring of ecosystem com-ponents and are conducted by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, and the private sector. This report shares the results of many of these efforts in the framework of a broad assessment of the condition of coral reef ecosystems across 14 U.S. jurisdictions and Pacific Freely Associated States. This report relies heavily on quantitative, spatially-explicit data that has been collected in the recent past and comparisons with historical data, where possible. The success of this effort can be attributed to the dedication of over 160 report contributors who comprised the expert writing teams for each jurisdiction. The content of the report chapters are the result of their considerable collaborative efforts. The writing teams, which were organized by jurisdiction and comprised of experts from numerous research and management institutions, were provided a basic chapter outline and a length limit, but the content of each chapter was left entirely to their discretion. Each jurisdictional chapter in the report is structured to: 1) describe how each of the primary threats identified in the National Coral Reef Action Strategy (NCRAS) has manifested in the jurisdiction; 2) introduce ongoing monitoring and assessment activities relative to three major categories of inquiry – water quality, benthic habitats, and associated biological communities – and provide summary results in a data-rich format; and 3) highlight recent management activities that promote conservation of coral reef ecosystems.


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The findings are presented of a survey conducted regarding the fishers of Lake Victoria, which examined the relationships affecting supply flows of raw material on to the market, and also the characteristics of fishing activities and their effects on fish quality and distribution. Fish marketing plays a vital role in the lives of much of the lake basin's population, both in terms of employment and nutrition. The results of the survey comprise, in part, a base-line data set which will facilitate further research, analysis and management decision-making in relation to stakeholders of the lake's resources. Data collection, methods and research difficulties encountered are described and details given of a profile of a boat owner/renter and aslo of a profile of a crew member. The survey shows that Lake Victoria's fishery is one of very limited diversity. The fishers recount that they consistently target one or more of the 3 most common species within the lake (Nile perch, tilapia and dagaa) and very rarely consider any other species type. The largest proportion of fishers on the lake are Nile perch fishers; there is considerable demand for this species, and hence fishers have little incentive to either target alternative fish species, not to try and establish firm marketing outlets through the creation of arrangements with their principal buyers. In Kenyan waters, however, the number of Nile perch fishers is equaled by the number of dagaa fishers; this fish now commands a considerable portion of the market for fish from Lake Victoria through its availability as well as its relatively low prices. The tilapia fishery is in decline, and all 3 riparian states would not appear to be attracting investment almost certainly as a result of declining catches. For many of those working in Lake Victoria's fishery, the problems faced appear most often to be associated with the vagaries of an unstable market which may rise or fall depending on the state of the international market or the state of access roads to fish landings. (PDF contains 42 pages)


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The study assessed qualitatively the threat status of all nigerian freshwater fishes using such criteria as rarity, size at maturity, mode of reproduction, human population density, habitat degradation, pollution and range of each species among others. The biology of 48% (129n) of nigerian freshwater species is not well known. Of the 266 known freshwater fishes, 47 species represented 17% are critically endangered, 15 (5%) are endangered , 8(3%), are vulnerable while 23(8%) are near threatened. The paper suggests increased basic knowledge of threatened species and conservation policy along three lines public awareness, legislation and creation of national parks, aquaria and reserves as measures needed to ensure the conservation of the fishes


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This article relates the experience of creating and developing a fishery in southern England. The fishery was made from a small stream which dries up from time to time, and marks the boundary between a Sussex farm and a large coniferous forest. The preparation of the site and creation of the impoundment are described, and early experiences outlined. The fishery was expanded in later years, as a result of its popularity, and records of its use by anglers are illustrated. The performance of the fishery is measured in terms of "good fish" (more than 675 g) taken, and their number has increased from 81 in 1984 to 226 in 1991. The aquatic plants, invertebrates, and birds of the fishery are discussed, as are the natural predators of the fish.


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In a recent study in Freshwater Forum on Speakman's Pond (also known as Nursery Pond) the impression was given that it had been a permanent water-filled pond which had recently dried out due to exceptionally low rainfall. In fact, Nursery Pond was created by the extraction of gravel and was never more than 50 cm deep, until the creation of trenches in 1989 to provide a refuge for aquatic life. The Nursery Pond followed a seasonal pattern of filling with winter rain and slowly drying out between 1940 to 1970. It had no established aquatic vegetation, no fish, and only rarely amphibians. Permanent water was present only from about 1979 until 1995 due to leakage from a Thames water storage reservoir.


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In the Ukraine there are several thousand large, medium and small lakes and lake-like reservoirs, distinguished by origin, salinity, regional position, productivity and by construction a significant number of large and small water bodies, ponds and industrial reservoirs of variable designation. The problem of national systems necessitates the creation of specific schemes and classifications. Classifying into specific types of reservoir by means of suitable specifications is required for planning national measures with the objective of the rational utilisation of natural resources. It is now necessary to consider the present-day characteristics of Ukranian lakes. In the case of the Ukraine it is possible to use two approaches - genetical and ecological. This paper uses the genetical system to classify the lake-like water bodies of the Ukraine.


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Guided by experience and the theoretical development of hydrobiology, it can be considered that the main aim of water quality control should be the establishment of the rates of the self-purification process of water bodies which are capable of maintaining communities in a state of dynamic balance without changing the integrity of the ecosystem. Hence, general approaches in the elaboration of methods for hydrobiological control are based on the following principles: a. the balance of matter and energy in water bodies; b. the integrity of the ecosystem structure and of its separate components at all levels. Ecosystem analysis makes possible a revelation of the whole totality of factors which determine the anthropogenic evolution of a water body. This is necessary for the study of long-term changes in water bodies. The principles of ecosystem analysis of water bodies, together with the creation of their mathematical models, are important because, in future, with the transition of water demanding production into closed cycles of water supply, changes in water bodies will arise in the main through the influence of 'diffuse' pollution (from the atmosphere, with utilisation in transport etc.).


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The value of specially designated sites in conserving biodiversity has been a hotly debated issue for many years. The debate has recently been given fresh impetus by the creation of Natural England, the new Government Agency responsible for the protection and enhancement of the natural environment in England, and the challenges facing the management of designated sites resulting from the increasingly tangible effects of climate change. In the freshwater environment, the role of designated sites is very much under the spotlight because of the implementation of the European 'Water Framework' Directive, which aspires to holistic, ecologically-based management of aquatic habitats.This paper explores the underlying premises of, and rationale for, special site designations for wildlife, and provides a frank account of the inevitable clash of management philosophies that designated sites create in the freshwater environment, drawing on experiences of managing designated freshwater sites in England over the past decade. A positive role is outlined for designated sites in freshwater conservation, which addresses these management conflicts in a way that not only meets Government obligations towards these sites but also paves the way for enlightened, progressive management of the wider freshwater resource. As part of this account, attempts are made to clarify the relationship between key biodiversity-related policy drivers in the freshwater environment, and to explain how the spectre of climate change can be addressed within designated site management. The importance of strategic freshwater science, collaboratively designed and funded, in maximising the value of the designated freshwater site network to the wider freshwater habitat resource, is stressed.


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Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a significant and potentially expanding problem around the world. Resource management and public health protection require sufficient information to reduce the impacts of HABs by response strategies and through warnings and advisories. To be effective, these programs can best be served by an integration of improved detection methods with both evolving monitoring systems and new communications capabilities. Data sets are typically collected from a variety of sources, these can be considered as several types: point data, such as water samples; transects, such as from shipboard continuous sampling; and synoptic, such as from satellite imagery. Generation of a field of the HAB distribution requires all of these sampling approaches. This means that the data sets need to be interpreted and analyzed with each other to create the field or distribution of the HAB. The HAB field is also a necessary input into models that forecast blooms. Several systems have developed strategies that demonstrate these approaches. These range from data sets collected at key sites, such as swimming beaches, to automated collection systems, to integration of interpreted satellite data. Improved data collection, particularly in speed and cost, will be one of the advances of the next few years. Methods to improve creation of the HAB field from the variety of data types will be necessary for routine nowcasting and forecasting of HABs.


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Fishermen co-operatives can be a potent agency for bringing about the social and economic progress of the fishermen community. Streamlining of marketing procedures and provision of infrastructural facilities would result in lowering of production costs and increased benefits accruing to the producers. Another consequence will be an increase in fish yield whereby the problem of the nutritional food gap can be resolved. Success in cooperation is determined by diverse factors like effective leadership and management, loyal and informed members, availability of adequate and timely finance and infrastructure. Proximity to a large metropolis will also have a significant impact on the creation of a favourable environment.