16 resultados para Controlled Signals.

em Aquatic Commons


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The ACT workshop "Enabling Sensor Interoperability" addressed the need for protocols at the hardware, firmware, and higher levels in order to attain instrument interoperability within and between ocean observing systems. For the purpose of the workshop, participants spoke in tern of "instruments" rather than "sensors," defining an instrument as a device that contains one or more sensors or actuators and can convert signals from analog to digital. An increase in the abundance, variety, and complexity of instruments and observing systems suggests that effective standards would greatly improve "plug-and-work" capabilities. However, there are few standards or standards bodies that currently address instrument interoperability and configuration. Instrument interoperability issues span the length and breadth of these systems, from the measurement to the end user, including middleware services. There are three major components of instrument interoperability including physical, communication, and application/control layers. Participants identified the essential issues, current obstacles, and enabling technologies and standards, then came up with a series of short and long term solutions. The top three recommended actions, deemed achievable within 6 months of the release of this report are: A list of recommendations for enabling instrument interoperability should be put together and distributed to instrument developers. A recommendation for funding sources to achieve instrument interoperability should be drafted. Funding should be provided (for example through NOPP or an IOOS request for proposals) to develop and demonstrate instrument interoperability technologies involving instrument manufacturers, observing system operators, and cyberinfrastructure groups. Program managers should be identified and made to understand that milestones for achieving instrument interoperability include a) selection of a methodology for uniquely identifying an instrument, b) development of a common protocol for automatic instrument discovery, c) agreement on uniform methods for measurements, d) enablement of end user controlled power cycling, and e) implementation of a registry component for IDS and attributes. The top three recommended actions, deemed achievable within S years of the release of this report are: An ocean observing interoperability standards body should be established that addresses standards for a) metadata, b) commands, c) protocols, d) processes, e) exclusivity, and f) naming authorities.[PDF contains 48 pages]


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This report considers the development of environmental quality standards (EQSs) for the salmonid fishery, cyprinid fishery, migratory fishery, commercial harvesting of marine fish for public consumption and commercial harvesting of shellfish for public consumption uses of controlled surface waters. Previous reports have been used to identify those parameters necessary for the maintenance of these five uses. Each water use is considered in a separate section within which identified parameters are discussed and standards proposed, a summary of the proposed standards is presented at the beginning of the relevant section. For salmonid, cyprinid and migratory fisheries, EQSs for substances in water have been proposed for the protection of these fisheries. For the commercial harvesting of marine fish and shellfish for public consumption uses 'Warning Levels' of substances in waters have been proposed. These 'Warning Levels' have been proposed by considering data on bioaccumulation and food standards and aim to prevent acceptable intake values and concentrations in fish/shellfish flesh exceeding statutory or recommended levels. For the commercial harvesting of marine fish for public consumption it has been concluded that the current EQSs for most List II substances for the protection of salt water life should be adequately stringent to protect this use, however for the commercial harvesting of shellfish for public consumption, these List II EQSs do not appear adequate to protect this use and more stringent 'Warning Levels' have been proposed. For all five uses considered in this report there has been found to be limited information on a number of the parameters considered and in general for indigenous species, this has been found to be especially so when considering migratory fisheries and the commercial harvesting of marine fish and shellfish.


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Due to inadequacies of previous underwater towing techniques and the special needs of a recent underwater survey, a modified mania-board technique was developed. With this new technique, the diver holds on to the manta-board with one arm; consequently, the board is referred to as a single-armed manta-board (sam-board). The sam-board proved inexpensive and highly maneuverable, allowing the divers to freely collect samples or record information. Through some experimenting with the board and changing some of the variables, such as rope lengths, towing speeds, etc., a highly efficient towing method can be achieved. Preplanning and strict diving safety procedures must, however, be implemented to assure efficiency. This paper presents the materials, guidelines for board construction, equipment, and preplanning and diving safety procedures necessary for the sam-board towing operation.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Data were extracted from the U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanographic Center Master Oceanographic Observation Data Set for a 200 km to 300 km wide coastal strip on the west coast of the United States. These data were averaged for the September through February (winter) and March through August (summer) intervals. The resulting winter temperature anomaly values show the El Nino signal in the CCC [Coastal California Current] as positive temperature anomalies from the surface to at least 300 m.


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Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis and regression analysis are used to investigate zonally averaged seasonal temperature anomaly patterns and trends in the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere. The first four EOFs explain 64 percent of the temperature variance and can be related, respectively, to the solar flux (SF) and El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), to the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), to atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and turbidity (TB), and to ENSO. The signal of the fourth EOF is modulated in January to March by the solar flux, with the sense of the modulation determined by the phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation.


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Fluctuations in primary productivity at two subalpine lakes reveal both meteorological and biological influences. At Castle Lake, California, large-scale climate events such as the El Niño/Southern Oscillation affect total annual production and, combined with human fishing activity, modify the seasonal pattern of productivity. At Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, local spring weather conditions modulate annual production and its seasonality by determining the depth of mixing and resulting internal nutrient load. Climatic conditions also contribute to deviations from the long-term trend in productivity by increasing the incidence of forest fires and through anomalous external nutrient loads during precipitation extremes. A 3-year cycle in productivity of as yet unknown origin has also been detected at Lake Tahoe.


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The introduction of the controlled hatchery system "Model CIFE D-81" resulted in a production of 60 lakhs Indian major carp seed in the drought area of eastern Uttar Pradesh. The hatchery system provided optimum temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH for breeding and hatching and also removed the metabolites generated. The technology is simple and the success of the program attracts pisciculturists.


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Vast barren lands are lying vacant in the semi-arid zone of India, which can effectively be utilised for fish farming. Experiments conducted in semi-arid conditions at Damdama indicated that it is possible to breed Indian major carps and common carp under controlled conditions of modern carps hatchery CIFE D-80 without depending on rain.


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The fish seed production in recent times has emerged as a cottage industry, with the development of controlled hatchery system. Two units of six buckets of vertical hatchery system i.e. Modern Carp Hatchery CIFE D-81 were installed in a private fish farm. 130.25 lakh spawn of Indian Major Carp (Cyprinidae) was produced during the 1988 season, with an average survival rate of 70%. The results support the viability of technology especially for the economically weaker section.


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A semi-arid environment is a major constraint for production of carp seed through hypophysation. At a water temperature above 31 degree C fishes often fail to respond to induced breeding or produce partial or full eggs with fairly less fertilization, leading to their mortality during embryonic development. Field trials with Labee rohita and Cyprinus carpio communis prove that hypophysation followed by stripping and hatching in a water medium with reduced temperature (below 31 degree C) through controlled use of ice-water and water showers can result in 50-60% fertilization of eggs and 50-72% hatching for L. rohita, and 40-90% fertilization and 49-77% hatching for C. carpio communis. Simultaneous breeding experiments of the species in normal water temperature (>31 degree C) showed negative results.


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Growth rate of fish appeared to be related to the levels of the protein in the diet up to 40%. Fish fed diets containing 50 and 60% grew slower than those fed 40%, and the optimum level appears to be 40% when fed to fry at a rate of 10% of body weight. Best feed conversion of 1.96 was also obtained from the 40% protein diet. Mean survival rates were low in all treatments, but highest for the 40% protein diet. The competition of 5 isocaloric experimental diets containing various levels of protein are tabulated, as are weight gains, diet conversions and survival rates for milkfish fry fed various dietary levels of protein. Growth curves for milkfish fry are shown, and the relationship between weight gains of milkfish fry and the dietary levels of protein are illustrated.