17 resultados para Constantine the First

em Aquatic Commons


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Introduction [pdf, 0.17 MB] Warren S. Wooster [pdf, 0.12 MB] PICES - the first decade, and beyond Paul H. LeBlond [pdf, 0.03 MB] The Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee: The first decade D.E. Harrison and Neville Smith [pdf, 0.04 MB] Ocean observing systems and prediction - the next ten years Tsutomu Ikeda and Patricia A. Wheeler [pdf, 0.85 MB] Ocean impacts from the bottom of the food web to the top: Biological Oceanography Committee (BIO) retrospective Timothy R. Parsons [pdf, 0.2 MB] Future needs for biological oceanographic studies in the Pacific Ocean Douglas E. Hay, Richard J. Beamish, George W. Boehlert, Vladimir I. Radchenko, Qi-Sheng Tang, Tokio Wada, Daniel W. Ware and Chang-Ik Zhang [pdf, 0.2 MB] Ten years FIS in PICES: An introspective, retrospective, critical and constructive review of fishery science in PICES Richard F. Addison, John E. Stein and Alexander V. Tkalin [pdf, 0.12 MB] Marine Environmental Committee in review Robie W. Macdonald, Brian Morton, Richard F. Addison and Sophia C. Johannessen [pdf, 1.89 MB] Marine environmental contaminant issues in the North Pacific: What are the dangers and how do we identify them? R. Ian Perry, Anne B. Hollowed and Takashige Sugimoto [pdf, 0.36 MB] The PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program: Why, how, and what next? List of acronyms [pdf, 0.07 MB] (Document contains 108 pages)


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Since the STREAM Initiative’s official launch on 1 December 2001, this Regional Conference was the first opportunity for many colleagues directly involved in STREAM to come together. (PDF has 30 pages.)


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A lakewide hydroacoustic research programme was designed in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria in order to ascertain the status of fish stocks. Data obtained from the hydroacoustic surveys were complemented with by catch data from multi mesh gillnets and frame trawls to validate acoustic estimates. Fish were distributed over the whole survey area, though the densities and species composition varied from place to place. Echo traces showed the fish formed schools during daytime and became more dispersed towards evening. Approximately equivalent indices of abundance were estimated for Rastrineobola argentea and Haplocromines. The distribution of the freshwater prawn, Caridina nilotica and the lakefly Chaoborus sp. was patchy. Dense swarms of Chaoborus larvae were observed to disperse from the lake bottom as the night approached thus assuring echo-traces formed by fish on the echogram and making their interpretation difficult. Caridina nilotica were observed to form dense echo-traces at the thermocline


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During a 2-year survey on the distribution and ecology of mayflies in the upper reaches of the River Wey (a tributary of the River Thames) in Surrey, Spirinella was found in large numbers in the larvae of Ephemera Danica, and in low numbers in larvae of E. ignita and H. lateralis. Samples of E. danica taken from seven other tributaries of the Thames showed that Spirinella is present in most of them and often in high numbers.


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A brief history of the Freshwater Biological Association is given in this article. The association has been in existence for fifty years, having been founded in 1929.


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The annual catches of big eye are exceeded by those of only two other species of tuna, skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis, and yellowfin, Thunnus albacares. However, because most of the bigeye caught are consumed fresh, whereas most of the skipjack and yellowfin caught are canned, the economic value of big eye exceeds that of any other species of tuna. Despite its importance, less is known of the biology of bigeye than of the biology of any of the other principal market species of tunas. Historically, bigeye have been harvested mostly by longlines, which take only medium to large fish. During recent years, however, greater amounts of small bigeye have been caught by purse seines and other surface gear. This is a matter of concern for several reasons. First, long line fishermen are concerned that the harvesting of small bigeye will decrease the amounts of medium to large bigeye available to them. Second, since small bigeye are canned, rather than eaten fresh, consumers are concerned about the possible decrease in the supply of high-quality fresh fish. Third, economists are concerned about the possible economic loss associated with harvesting fish at less than their maximum economic value. Fourth, biologists are concerned about the possibility that harvesting of small bigeye could decrease the overall catches of that species. These concerns cannot be properly addressed until more knowledge of the biology of big eye is available. The purposes of the meeting were to review and discuss the information available and to make recommendations for further research.


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Booklet telling the story of the FBA from its founding in 1929 until its Golden Jubilee in 1979. The booklet aimed to produce a readable account of those aspects of freshwater biology that have been among the main themes of the Association's research, as well as some aspects of its history and the philosophy guiding its foundation. The publication includes many images of the FBA's work and history as well as images and illustrations on lake ecology and applied science.


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The isolation of a new serotype, S. larochelle (6, 7: eh:1, 2), is reported in this communication. This serotype has not so far been reported from any source in this country. The serotype was isolated on November 27th, 1979 at Bombay from a market sample of frozen frog legs intended for domestic consumption.


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The isolation of Salmonella roan for the first time in India is reported.