12 resultados para Conical tubes

em Aquatic Commons


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We compared the capture efficiency and catch dynamics of collapsible square and conical pots used in resource assessment and harvesting of red king crabs (Paralithodes camtschaticus [Tilesius, 1815]) in the Barents Sea. After two days of soaking, square pots caught three times as many crabs as conical pots, and their catches consisted of a higher proportion of male crabs and male crabs larger than 160 mm carapace length compared to the catches in the conical pots. Catches in the square pots did not increase as soak times were increased beyond two days, which indicates equilibrium between the rate of entries into and the rate of exits from the pots. Catches in conical pots, however, increased with increasing soak times up to eight days, the longest soak time examined in this study. These findings demonstrate the higher efficiency of square pots and the importance of understanding catch dynamics when making population assessments based on catchper-unit-of-effort data. The favorable catch characteristics and handling properties of the collapsible square pot may make this pot design suitable for other crab fisheries, as well.


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There is strong evidence to suggest that ground-water nitrate concentrations have increased in recent years and further increases are expected along portions of the central Gulf coast of Florida. Much of the nitrate enriched groundwater is discharged into surface waters through numerous freshwater springs that are characteristic of the area and the potential for eutrophication of their receiving waters is a legitimate concern. To test the potential effects of elevated nutrient concentrations on the periphyton community an in situ nutrient addition experiment was conducted in the spring-fed Chassahowitzka River, FL, USA, during the summer of 1999. Plastic tubes housing arrays of glass microscope slides were suspended in the stream. Periphyton colonizing the microscope slides was subjected to artificial increases in nitrogen, phosphorus or a combination of both. Slides from each tube were collected at 3- to 4- day intervals and the periphyton communities were measured for chlorophyll concentration. The addition of approximately 10 μg/L of phosphate above ambient concentrations significantly increased the amount of periphyton on artificial substrates relative to controls; the addition of approximately 100 μg/L of nitrate above ambient concentrations did not. The findings from this experiment implicated phosphorus, rather than nitrogen, as the nutrient that potentially limits periphyton growth in this system.(PDF contains 4 pages.)


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The genus Percichthys (Serranidae) includes three nominal species in Argentina, trucha, vinciguerrae and altispinis. The authors of this paper examine materials from: 1: the Río Negro river in its inferior course, in front of Viedma; 2: lake Pellegrini, near Neuquén, where the rivers Neuquén and Limay meet and form the Negro; 3: Plottier, near the place just named; 4: Colorado river, in Fortín Uno; 5: Curacó river, a tributary to the Colorado, now cut into separate sections since years ago on account of the lack of water; this river normally would connect the Colorado with the rivers up to the San Juan where the « trucha » lives; 6: Luro or La Salada lagoon, formed by the Colorado river near its mouth; 7: Argentino lake, in the southern Patagonia. These fishes are known as « trucha criolla » or « native trout » although the old Spanish name was « perca », more appropiate. Percichthys altispinis Regan 1905 is a good species ; it has been re-found in the Colorado river, at Fortín Uno. An illustration of it is given, characters of four specimens and a note on its scales. P. trucha C. V. reveeals itself on close examination as a complex species or linnean species (linneon) ; with several combinations of characters, but even more materials are needed to establish if there are geographical races (subspecies). A new examination of the Chilean materials is required (former authors considered them jointly with the Atlantic versant or Argentine materials). Some of the infraspeciíic forms are prognathous, and low finned ; others, the contrary; the head may be normal, or conical and bony; etc. As to P. vinciguerrae its standing as a valid species is doubtfull; perhaps, with P. laevis Jenyns it is a southern form. In the same reduced habitat (lagoon, or isolated course) diversified forms are present; some show parallelism with those of other places ; it is supposed that they show ecological influences according to the year or season of birth or developpment. A thorough study of the scales is given, with epidological characteristics and general conciusions as to the method of measuring and comparing their « reading». There are some marked differences even in the same habitat.


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Polydora nuchalis Woodwick, 1953 (Polychaeta: Spionidae) is a protandric hermaphrodite commonly inhabiting intertidal mud flats in southern California. The species exhibits lecithotrophic larval development and adelphophagia. Reproduction of P. nuchalis was monitored for a year at four sites: Catalina Harbor, San Gabriel River, Huntington Harbour, and Malibu Lagoon. Females deposited from 11 to 31 egg capsules in their tubes, with up to 230 eggs per capsule. An average of 3% of the eggs developed into larvae: the remaining were nurse eggs serving as food for the developing larvae. Reproductive output was quantified by determining the number and size of larvae and nurse eggs for individual capsules. Significant differences among the four populations were found for all the quantified variables. In addition, two size classes of nurse eggs were found to exist in capsules from all of the sites. Egg capsules were found throughout the year at San Gabriel River, but none were found during the winter months at the remaining three sites. Size/frequency data for juveniles and adults of the Catalina Harbor population indicate an annual cycle of recruitment. The laboratory experiment consisted of a 3 x 3 x 2 £actor1al design with replication testing the effects of temperature, salinity, and food supply on growth and reproduction of P. nuchalis. Increasing temperature resulted in significantly increased survivorship, growth rates, and percentage reproduction. It also produced a significant decrease in the size of the nurse eggs and the volume of food per larva. The number of egg capsules was maximum at the intermediate temperature. Increasing the salinity resulted in significant increases in survivorship and Class I nurse egg size. Increaaing food availability produced a significant increase in the percentage of worms reproducing. The interactive effect of salinity and £ood level produced significant changes in the number of larvae per capsule and the number of nurse eggs per capsule. However, the number of nurse eggs per larva did not differ significantly among the experimental treatment groups. (PDF contains 129 pages)


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Mathematical modelling shows that the projection area of the trawl twine influencing its hydrodynamic resistance can be reduced by approx. 30 % through increasing the mesh size of the trawl wings and the conical parts of the trawls, in combi-nation with the use of thinner twine. The interrelation between fuel consumption and projection area of the trawl twine as well as the influence of the enlarged meshes of the wings and first panels on the catch composition can only be measured by trials on fishing boats.


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This review summarizes some recent work to find a generalized explanation of phytoplankton periodicity in lakes. Much of the observational and experimental evidence is drawn from work centred on the large enclosures (Lund Tubes) installed in Blelham Tarn, English Lake District. Observations on the phytoplankton in the tubes are related to the periodic changes that occur in natural lakes and it is suggested that such changes have common patterns, that they are due to common causes, that they are affected by similar processes and that they are therefore predictable and, potentially, manipulable.


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The use of large plastic enclosures, or 'Lund tubes', in lakes as a semi-natural basin for experiments, approximating to lakes within lakes, is discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of the tubes were studied, and the results of investigations into the validity of studies using such tubes and the effects of fertilisers on phytoplankton are presented.


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Larval and early juvenile stages of Symphurus oligomerus are described from 24 specimens from the Gulf of California. Meristic features were 48 – 49 total vertebrae, 87–94 dorsal-fin rays, 73–77 anal-fin rays, 12 caudal-fin rays, and five hypural bones. Seven larvae and one juvenile were cleared and stained to obtain the pterygiophore formula (1-3-2-2-2) that confirmed the identification of S. oligomerus. The pigment pattern from preflexion to juvenile stage consists of three bands on the dorsal margin and two bands on the ventral margin formed by star-shaped melanophores on the left side of the body. The intestine in preflexion to postflexion larvae forms an abdominal projection that ends in a short conical appendix. The intestine is supported by three cartilaginous struts; larvae with these physical attributes are called exterilium larvae. Preflexion larvae have two elongated dorsal-fin rays, and in flexion to postflexion larvae the second to the fourth dorsalfin rays are elongate. We found an apparent connection between the size at metamorphosis of the species of Symphurus and the depth distribution range of adults such that the fish species that metamorphose at a larger size have a deeper distribution as adults and exterilium larvae seem to correspond to species that have deeper distributions.


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In the Gulf of Mexico there is a need to assess the potential of underutilized fish resource stocks before a commercial fishery develops. Standard sampling trawls used in the Gulf are ineffective for sampling the resource, so larger, high opening, bottom trawls have been introduced. The larger trawls are more effective, but most of the faster swimming fish species are able to escape these nets, especially during haul back. To reduce fish escapement, webbing panels, attached inside the trawls ahead of the cod ends, were tested. Initial tests were conducted with two single panel designs--a fish flap and a "floppa." Neither design reduced fish escapement. The floppa distorted the trawl webbing and actually increased fish escapement. A multi-panel conical funnel design (the fish funnel) was tested and found to increase fish retention by trapping the fish after they passed through it. When used in combination with a technique known as pulsing the trawl, the fish funnel substantially increased trawl catch rates with no indication of fish escapement.


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A benthic survey was carried out from November 1998 to December 1999 in the tidal flats of Bahía Samborombón (Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina), in order to study the population structure, reproductive aspects, growth and secondary production of Capitella capitata (Fabricius, 1780). Growth was analyzed using ELEFAN routine, and the secondary production was estimated by Hynes and Coleman's method (1968). C. capitata did not present periods of very important recruitments throughout the year; however, the abundance of smallest size classes was higher during summer and autumn. The summer cohort showed a growth rate (K) of 2.05 and a seasonal growth oscillation (C) of 0.6, pointing out that worms grew very slowly during winter months. The life span of this cohort was 13 months. The autumn cohort showed a lower growth rate (K= 1.5) and its growth was lowest during winter. The life span was 15 months for this cohort. C. capitata in Punta Rasa presented an extended reproductive period, with absence of activity during winter months. The type of eggs and larvae suggest that C. capitata has benthic larval development in the study area, destining its reproductive effort to the production of a low number of eggs, and assuring larvae survival through incubation in brooding tubes. The annual mean biomass in Punta Rasa was 0.117 g m-2 (AFDW), with a mean secondary production of 0.23 g m-2 y-1 and a P/B ratio of 1.96 y-1. The relatively low density, biomass production and P/B ratio of C. capitata in Punta Rasa can be considered as reference values for this species inhabiting undisturbed or moderately disturbed areas.


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A thorough comparative study on the urinogenital papilla and sexual dimorphism has been made for the first time in both the sexes of twelve Indian gobiids: Glassogobius giuris (Hamilton); Acentrogobius cyanomos (Bleeker); Eleotriodes muralis (Valenciennes); Parapocryptes serperaster (Richardson); Apocryptes bato (Hamilton); Scartclaos viridis (Hamilton); Boleophthalmus boddarti (Pallas), Periophthalmus schlosseri (Pallas); P. koelreuteri (Pallas); Taenioides anguillaris (Linnaeus); T. buchanani (Day); Odontamblyopus rubicundus (Hamilton). The urinogenital papilla, originating as a free muscular organ from the ventral surface of the body-wall and shortly behind anus, is present in both the sexes. It is an important organ of primary sex recognition in all species. In case of male the papilla is conical, broad at the base and in female it is either flattened, distally truncated or bluntly rounded. The presence of permanent colour mark over the specific region of the body surface is another secondary sexual character in a few species. Besides, colouration may also be a nuptial secondary sex character developed in some during peak breeding season. The enlargement and colouration of the organ is subject to seasonal variations parallel to the seasonal gonadal cycle. The histological architecture of the papilla shows a high degree of cellular specialization and an interrelationship to the urinary and genital ducts. The functional efficacy and significance of the papilla in the breeding biology of these fishes has been discussed.


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The culture of the of green alga Chlorella ellipsoidea was conducted under natural conditions at the same place simultaneously in five different media, viz., medium-I (inorganic medium), medium-II (powdered whole-pulse medium), medium-III (medium of pulse bran), medium-IV (mixed medium = 50% inorganic medium + 50% whole-pulse powder medium), medium-V (mixed medium = 50% inorganic medium + 50% pulse bran medium). The culture was done in 500 ml conical flask. Growth rates of C. ellipsoidea in five different media were different and reached maximum cell densities of 0.63 x 10^6 cells per ml in 8 days in medium-I, 4.02 x 10^6 cells per ml in 10 days in medium-II, 3.62 x 10^6 cells per ml in 9 days in medium-III, 4.38 x 10^6 cells per ml in 11 days in medium-IV and 4.36 x 10^6 cells per ml in 11 days in medium-V. The range of air temperature was 20 to 33°C and that of culture media was 24 to 32°C and light intensity was 2000 to 7000 lux during the culture period. The inexpensive culture media were found to be significantly useful for algal culture.