34 resultados para Confederate States of America. Navy.
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The term “fishery resources” is used in this book with a broad application. It includes the populations of the fishes and other organisms useful to men, the environment that makes life possible for them, the industry that exploits and utilizes them, and our knowledge about them by which we can conserve their productivity. This book aims to survey the present status of all these aspects of those fishery resources that are used or are available for use by United States anglers and commercial fishermen. It is planned primarily for the Congress, at its request, with the idea of giving to busy people, in condensed fashion, a perspective on its subject. (pdf contains 142 pages)
Historically, America's use and enjoyment of the oyster extend far back into prehistoric times. The Native Americans often utilized oysters, more intensively in some areas than in others, and, at least in some areas of the Caribbean and Pacific coast, the invading Spanish sought oysters as eagerly as they did gold-but for the pearls. That was the pearl oyster, Pinctada sp., and signs of its local overexploitation were recorded early in the 16th century. During the 1800's, use of the eastern oyster grew phenomenally and, for a time, it outranked beef as a source of protein in some parts of the nation. Social events grew up around it, as it became an important aspect of culture and myth. Eventually, research on the oyster began to blossom, and scientific literature on the various species likewise bloomed-to the extent that when the late Paul Galtsoff wrote his classic treatise "The American oyster Crassostrea virginica Gmelin" in 1954, he reported compiling an extensive bibliography of over 6,000 subject and author cards on oysters and related subjects which he deposited in the library of the Woods Hole Laboratory of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (now NMFS). That large report, volume 64 (480 pages) of the agency's Fishery Bulletin, was a bargain at $2.75, and it has been a standard reference ever since. But the research and the attendant literature have grown greatly since Galtsoff's work was published, and now that has been thoroughly updated.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL EBM HISTORY References CANADA Overview Activities to date Integrated Management implementation in Canada Objectives, indicators and reference points Assessment approaches Research directions for the future Management directions for the future References JAPAN Overview Conservation and sustainable use of marine living resources Harvest control by TAC system Stock Recovery Plan and effort regulation system Stock enhancement by hatchery-produced juvenile release Conservation and sustainable develop-ment on coastal waters The implementation of ecosystem-based management PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Overview Current actions Output control Input control Summer fishing ban Enhance ecosystem health REPUBLIC OF KOREA Initiatives and actions of ecosystem-based management in Korea Current ecosystem-based management initiatives in Korea Precautionary TAC-based fishery management Closed fishing season/areas Fish size- and sex-controls Fishing gear design restrictions Marine protected areas (MPA) RUSSIA Existing and anticipated ecosystem-based management initiatives Issues related to the implementation of ecosystem-based management UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Definitions and approaches to ecosystem-based fishery management in the United States Present U.S. legislative mandates relating to ecosystem-based fishery management Target species Bycatch species Threatened or endangered species Habitats Food webs Ecosystems Integration of legislative mandates into an ecosystem approach Scientific issues in implementing ecosystem-based approaches References DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPENDICES Appendix 10.1 Study group membership and participants Appendix 10.2 Terminology definitions Appendix 10.3 Present state of implementing ecosystem-based fishery management in Alaska: Alaska groundfish fisheries Appendix 10.4 Present state of implementing ecosystem-based fishery management off the West Coast of the United States: Pacific Coast groundfish fisheries Appendix 10.5 Descriptions of multi-species and ecosystem models developed or under development in the U.S. North Pacific region that might be used to predict effects of fishing on ecosystems Appendix 10.6 A potential standard reporting format (developed by Australia, and currently being used by the U.S.A in their contribution to this report) (83 page document)
Foreword Background and objectives [pdf, 0.84 MB] Country reviews and status reports Section I. Western North Pacific Japan Yasuwo Fukuyo, Ichiro Imai, Masaaki Kodama and Kyoichi Tamai Red tides and harmful algal blooms in Japan [pdf, 0.7 MB] People's Republic of China Tian Yan, Ming-Jiang Zhou and Jing-Zhong Zou A national report of HABs in China [pdf, 0.24 MB] Republic of Korea Sam Geun Lee, Hak Gyoon Kim, Eon Seob Cho and Chang Kyu Lee Harmful algal blooms (red tides): Management and mitigation in Korea [pdf, 0.27 MB] Russia Tatiana Y. Orlova, Galina V. Konovalova, Inna V. Stonik, Tatiana V. Morozova and Olga G. Shevchenko Harmful algal blooms on the eastern coast of Russia [pdf, 1.4 MB] Section II. Eastern North Pacific Canada F.J.R. "Max" Taylor and Paul J. Harrison Harmful marine algal blooms in western Canada [pdf, 0.87 MB] United States of America Vera L. Trainer Harmful algal blooms on the U.S. west coast [pdf, 0.5 MB] Mexico Jose L. Ochoa, S. Lluch-Cota, B.O. Arredondo-Vega, E. Nuñes-Vázquez, A. Heredia-Tapia, J. Pérez-Linares and R. Alonso-Rodriguez Marine Biotoxins and harmful algal blooms in Mexico's Pacific littora [pdf, 0.2 MB] Summary and conclusions [pdf, 0.6 MB] Appendices A. Members of the Working Group [pdf, 0.1 MB] B. Original terms of reference (Vladivostok, 1999) [pdf, 0.08 MB] C. Annual reports of WG 15 [pdf, 0.15 MB] D. Workshop report on taxonomy and identification of HAB species and data management [pdf, 0.15 MB] (Document pdf contains 156 pages)
ENGLISH: Since its inception in 1950 by agreement between the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America, the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission has been engaged in studies of the biology, ecology and population dynamics of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Prime consideration has been given to the evaluation of the effects of fishing pressure on the yellowfin tuna in this area in order to estimate the maximum sustainable yield. A portion of the eastern Pacific has been defined by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (1963) as a regulatory area for yellowfin tuna (Figure 1). SPANISH: Desde su incepción en 1950, por un acuerdo entre la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América, la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical ha estado ocupada en los estudios de la biología, ecología y dinámica de las poblaciones del atún aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico Oriental. Se consideró primariamente la evaluación de los efectos de la presión de la pesquería sobre el atún aleta amarilla en esta área, para poder estimar el rendimiento máximo sostenible. Una parte del Pacífico Oriental ha sido definida por la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (1963), como área de reglamentación del atún aleta amarilla (Figura 1). (PDF contains 60 pages.)
In order to make a sound proposal to the Kainji Lake Fisheries Management and Conservation Unit regarding the amendment of the existing Fisheries Laws and Regulations, including the raise of fishing license fees, the Fisheries Departments of 21 Nigerian States were visited in August-September 2000. In that occasion the staff was interviewed, existing documents were revised, and the results were compared with those of Kebbi and Niger State
ENGLISH: The Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica for the establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission was signed May 31, 1949. Ratifications were exchanged on March 3, 1950, after arrival at understandings respecting the interpretation of certain provisions. The text of the Convention is appended to this report. Also appended are the enabling legislation passed by the United States Congress, giving effect to the Convention, and the Decree ratifying the Convention adopted by the Republic of Costa Rica. The most important provisions of the Convention may be summarized here, as the basis for the policy and actions of the Commission. SPANISH: La Convención entre los Estados Unidos de América y la República de Costa Rica para el establecimiento de la, Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical fué suscrita el 31 de Mayo de 1949. El cambio de ratificaciones, después de haber llegado a un entendimiento respecto de la interpretación de ciertas cláusulas, se efectuó el 3 de Marzo de 1950. El texto de la Convención se agrega a este informe. También se agrega la legislación correspondiente, emitida por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos para dar efectividad a la Convención, y el Decreto de Ratificación del Convenio promulgado por la República de Costa Rica. Los aspectos más importantes de la Convención se sintetizan aquí por constituir las bases que regulan la política y los actos de la Comisión, creada en virtud de aquélla. (PDF contains 58 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission has completed its sixth full year of investigation of the fisheries for the tunas and tuna-bait fishes in the Eastern Pacific Ocean adjacent to the shores of the Americas, under a Convention to which Costa Rica, Panama, and the United States of America are signatories. Under the provisions of the Convention other nations having an interest in these fisheries may adhere, and participate on an equal basis, by exchange of correspondence with the present members. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical ha completado su sexto año en la investigación de las pesquerías de atún y de los peces de carnada para capturarlo, las cuales se desarrollan en el Océano Pacífico Oriental adyacente a las costas de las Américas. Esta investigación se efectúa de acuerdo con una Convención en la que son signatarios Costa Rica, Panamá y los Estados Unidos de América. Una de las cláusulas de la Convención abre las puertas a otras naciones que tengan interés en dichas pesquerías para que puedan adherirse a élla, y participar sobre una base de igualdad. Para la adhesión de un país basta un intercambio de correspondencia con los actuales Gobiernos Miembros. (PDF contains 112 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission was established under authority of a Convention, between the Governments of the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America, which entered into force in 1950. The Convention provides for the adherence, by exchange of correspondence with existing members, of other governments having an interest in the tuna and tuna-bait resources of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. The Republic of Panama adhered to the Convention in 1953. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical fue establecida en virtud de una Convención suscrita entre los Gobiernos de la Republica de Costa Rica y de los Estados Unidos de America, que entro en vigencia en 1950. La Convención esta abierta para que otros gobiernos interesados en los recursos de atún y de carnada para la pesca de este en el Océano Pacifico Oriental Tropical puedan adherirse a la misma mediante intercambio de correspondencia con los Gobiernos Miembros. La Republica de Panamá se adhirió a la Convención en 1953. (PDF contains 156 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority of a Convention, originally negotiated between the Governments of the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America, which entered into force in 1950. The Republic of Panama adhered to the Convention in 1953. The Convention is open to adherence of other nations having an interest in the tuna and tuna-bait resources of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical funciona bajo la autoridad de una Convención que originalmente fue negociada entre los Gobiernos de la Republica de Costa Rica y de los Estados Unidos de America y entro en vigencia en 1950; la Republica de Panamá se adhirió a la Convención en 1953. Esta Convención esta abierta para otras naciones que tengan interés en los recursos de atún y de las especies de carnada en el Océano Pacifico Oriental Tropical (PDF contains 183 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission was created by a Convention between the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The Convention came into force in 1950. One of the provisions of the Convention was that other governments whose nationals participate in the fisheries covered by the Convention could adhere if they so desired and if the existing members agreed. Under this arrangement, the Republic of Panama adhered to the COl1vention in 1953. The Republic of Ecuador adhered in 1961. The Senate of the Republic of Mexico approved adherence in 1963; and the Republic of Colombia has indicated her desire to adhere. Full members during 1963 were Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, and the United States. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical fue creada en virtud de una Convención entre la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención entró en vigencia en 1950. Una de las estipulaciones de la Convención, permite a los gobiernos de otros países cuyos habitantes participen en las pesquerías a que dicha Convención se refiere, adherirse a ella si así lo desean y si los Gobiernos Miembros están de acuerdo. Acogiéndose a esa estipulación, la República de Panamá se adhirió a la Convención en 1953. La República del Ecuador se adhirió en 1961. El Senado de la República de México aprobó la adhesión en 1963; y la República de Colombia ha manifestado su deseo de adherirse. Durante el año de 1963 han sido miembros Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panamá y los Estados Unidos. (PDF contains 89 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a Convention, originally negotiated between the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America, which entered into force in 1950. The Convention is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals participate in the fisheries covered by the Convention. The Republic of Panama adhered to the Convention in 1953. The Republic of Ecuador adhered during 1961. The Republic of Colombia has indicated her desire to adhere, and is expected to do so early in 1962. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de una Convención originalmente negociada entre la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América, que entró en vigencia en 1950. A esta Convención pueden adherirse los gobiernos de otros países cuyos nacionales participen en las pesquerías cubiertas por la Convención. La República de Panamá se adhirió en 1953, y la República del Ecuador durante 1961. La República de Colombia ha indicado su deseo de adherirse también y se espera que lo haga a principios de 1962. (PDF contains 171 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a Convention originally negotiated between the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America, which entered into force in 1950. The Convention is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals participate in the fisheries covered by the Convention. Under this provision, the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961 and the United Mexican States in 1964. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de una Convención negociada originalmente entre la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América, la cuál entró en vigencia en 1950. La Convención está abierta a la adhesión de los gobiernos de otros países cuyos ciudadanos participan en las pesquerías objeto de la Convención. Acogiéndose a esta cláusula, la República de Panamá se adhirió a la Convención en 1953, la República de Ecuador en 1961 y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964. (PDF contains 98 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a Convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The Convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals participate in the fisheries covered by the Convention. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, and the United Mexican States in 1964. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de una Convención formada originalmente entre la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención entró en vigencia en 1950, está abierta a la adhesión de otros gobiernos cuyos ciudadanos participen en las pesquerías objeto de la Convención. Bajo esta cláusula, la República de Panamá se adhirió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961 y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964. (PDF contains 138 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission was created and operates under the authority of a Convention first negotiated between the governments of the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The Convention entered into force in 1950. It is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tunas in the eastern Pacific area. Under this provision, Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964. Canada applied for membership in 1967. Her membership will become effective on April 1, 1968. On August 21, 1967 the Ecuadorian government, for financial reasons, elected to withdraw from active membership. Under Convention ruling, this means that she remains a full member until August 21, 1968. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical fue originada y está bajo la autoridad de una Convención que fue negociada inicialmente entre los gobiernos de la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención entró en vigencia en 1950. Está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos ciudadanos pescan atunes en el área del Pacífico oriental. Bajo esta estipulación, Panamá se afilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961 y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964. Canadá presentó su ap1licación en 1967. Su afiliación será efectiva el 1 de abril de 1968. El 21 de agosto de 1967, el gobierno ecuatoriano por razones financieras decidió retirar su participación activa. Bajo las reglas de la Convención el Ecuador sigue actuando como miembro hasta el 21 de agosto de 1968. (PDF contains 144 pages.)