28 resultados para Ciclo Solar

em Aquatic Commons


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This paper presents an algorithm and software (available from ICLARM) for estimating the possible amount of sunlight that may fall on any location of the earth, any day of the year, as might be required for ecological modelling.


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Undaria pinnatifida was registered in Ría Deseado (47º45´S, 65º55´W _ southern Patagonia) by the first time in spring 2005, colonizing the intertidal and shallow subtidal. A seasonal survey in 2006 showed that U. pinnatifida was established in a sheltered zone inside the estuary, along a coastal fringe of 8 km between Punta Cascajo and Cañadón del Puerto. This continuous distribution was only interrupted in the mouth of canyons that flow into Ría Deseado, where the bottom is conformed by mud and sand. The sporophytes were mainly found colonizing the rocky bottom in the lower intertidal, bordering the Macrocystis pyrifera population. The highest density and biomass of sporophytes (12.13 ind. m-2; 254.60 g m-2) were registered during spring, when the population was mainly conformed by individuals of medium sizes. The lowest density and biomass (0.33 ind. m-2; 5.69 g m-2) were registered in autumn. Juvenile sporophytes recruited throughout the year, but presented the highest percentage in the population during autumn and winter. First mature sporophytes appeared in spring and attained their maximum size in summer. After this, the sprophytes decayed and disappeared. Environmental factors such as rocky bottoms availability and water transparency may be the main factors determining the sporophytes distribution in Ría Deseado. The field experiment point out that M. pyrifera population is an important factor controlling the dispersion of U. pinnatifida towards the subtidal. SPANISH: Undaria pinnatifida fue registrada en la Ría Deseado (47º45´ S, 65º55´ W _ Patagonia austral) durante la primavera de 2005, colonizando el intermareal y submareal somero. Los relevamientos estacionales realizados durante el 2006, revelaron que U. pinnatifida se encontró establecida en una zona protegida en el interior de la ría, ocupando una franja costera de aproximadamente 8 km de largo entre Punta Cascajo y el Cañadón del Puerto. Esta distribución casi continua sólo presentó algunas interrupciones en la boca de los cañadones que desembocan en la ría, donde el fondo predominante es de tipo areno-fangoso. Los esporofitos de U. pinnatifida ocuparon preferentemente el fondo rocoso del intermareal inferior, limitando con la población de Macrocystis pyrifera. La densidad y biomasa más altas de esporofitos (12,13 ind. m-2; 254,60 g m-2) fueron registradas en primavera, cuando la población se encontró compuesta principalmente por individuos de tallas intermedias. La densidad y biomasa más bajas (0,33 ind. m-2; 5,69 g m-2) fueron registradas durante el otoño. Los esporofitos juveniles se reclutaron a lo largo de todo el año, pero alcanzaron su mayor proporción en la población durante el otoño y el invierno. Los esporofitos reproductivamente maduros aparecieron durante la primavera y alcanzaron su talla máxima durante el verano, luego del cual comenzaron a deteriorarse y a desaparecer. Factores como la disponibilidad de fondos rocosos y la transparencia de las aguas podrían actuar como los principales factores determinantes de su distribución en la ría. El experimento de campo realizado revela que los bosques de M. pyrifera actúan también como un importante factor de control, limitando la dispersión de U. pinnatifida hacia el submareal.


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Although the mechanisms of climatic fluctuations are not completely understood, changes in global solar irradiance show a link with regional precipitation. A proposed mechanism for this linkage begins with absorption of varying amounts of solar energy by tropical oceans, which may aid in development of ocean temperature anomalies. These anomalies are then transported by major ocean currents to locations where the stored energy is released into the atmosphere, altering pressure and moisture patterns that can ultimately affect regional precipitation. Correlation coefficients between annual averages of monthly differences in empirically modeled solar-irradiance variations and annual state-divisional precipitation values in the United States for 1950 to 1988 were computed with lag times of 0 to 7 years. The highest correlations (R=0.65) occur in the Pacific Northwest with a lag time of 4 years, which is about equal to the travel time of water within the Pacific Gyre from the western tropical Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Alaska. With positive correlations, droughts coincide with periods of negative irradiance differences (dry, high-pressure development), and wet periods coincide with periods of positive differences (moist, low-pressure development).


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An association between long-term changes in the solar cycle and the frequency of El Niño events has been identified in historical records of El Niño and sunspot number. Although no known mechanism can explain the apparent relationship, the association is strong. A possible coupling between the sun and the ocean's mixed layer, involving ENSO, is worthy of further study.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Pollen analysis and 5 radiocarbon dates for a 687-cm core provide a detailed chronology of environmental change for San Joaquin Marsh at the head of Newport Bay, Orange County, California. Sediment deposition kept pace with sea level rise during the mid-Holocene, but after 4500 years BP, sea water regularly reached the coring site, and salt marsh was the local vegetation. Brief periods of dominance by fresh-water vegetation 3800, 2800, 2300 and after 560 years BP correlate global cooling events and (except the 3800-year BP event) with carbon-14 production anomalies. The coincidence of climate change and carbon-14 anomalies support a causal connection with solar variability, but regardless of the causal mechanism(s) the delta-carbon-14 curves provide a chronology for global, high-frequency climatic change comparable to that of Milankovitch cyclicity for longer time scales.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The 250-year net annual snow accumulation, or mass balance, time series derived from the Mt. Logan (Yukon) ice core has been spectrally analyzed and is found to contain a nominal 11-year waveform. The stable isotope time series contains a significant amount of power between 9 and 13 years, although this record is evidently not a straightforward proxy for air temperatures. The signal in the mass balance time series exhibits a close relationship with the sunspot cycle waveform and is, therefore, assumed to be related to it. Waveforms showing a high correlation with the solar cycle are found in other climate data in the region. ... Taken collectively, the data point to a link between solar variability, atmospheric variability, climate, and selected ecological dynamics in the Pacific Northwest, but other data, not presented, indicate these relationships may hold elsewhere. So far, the evidence is empirical; complete details of the physical mechanisms involved have yet to be synthesized in a satisfactory way.


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Time series analysis methods have traditionally helped in identifying the role of various forcing mechanisms in influencing climate change. A challenge to understanding decadal and century-scale climate change has been that the linkages between climate changes and potential forcing mechanisms such as solar variability are often uncertain. However, most studies have focused on the role of climate forcing and climate response within a strictly linear framework. Nonlinear time series analysis procedures provide the opportunity to analyze the role of climate forcing and climate responses between different time scales of climate change. An example is provided by the possible nonlinear response of paleo-ENSO-scale climate changes as identified from coral records to forcing by the solar cycle at longer time scales.


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By how much does changing radiation from the Sun influence Earth's climate compared with other natural and anthropogenic processes? Answering this question is necessary for making policy regarding anthropogenic global change, which must be detected against natural climate variability. Current knowledge of the amplitudes and time scales of solar radiative output variability available from contemporary solar monitoring and historical reconstructions can help specify climate forcing by changing radiation over multiple time scales.