17 resultados para Canada--History--War of 1812--Claims

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The family Priacanthidae contains four genera and four species that occur in the western central North Atlantic (Starnes, 1988). Pristigenys alta is distributed in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and along the east coast of North America. Although juveniles have been reported from as far north as southern New England waters, adults are not reported north of Cape Hatteras, NC. Priacanthus arenatus is distributed in tropical and tropically influenced areas of the western central North Atlantic in insular and continental shelf waters. Adult P. arenatus are distributed north to North Carolina and Bermuda, juveniles have been collected as far north as Nova Scotia. Cookeolus japonicus and Heteropriacanthus cruentatus are circumglobally distributed species and are both common in insular habitats. In the western central North Atlantic, C. japonicus ranges from New Jersey to Argentina; H. cruentatus from New Jersey and northern Gulf of Mexico to southern Brazil (Starnes, 1988). (PDF contains 6 pages)


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The family Gerreidae contains four genera and 13 species that occur in the western central North Atlantic. Adult gerreids are small to medium size fishes that are abundant in coastal waters, bays, and estuaries in tropical and warm temperate regions and sometimes occur in freshwaters. They are generally associate~ with grassy or open bottoms, but not with reefs. Gerreids are silvery fishes, with deeply forked tails, and extremely protrusible mouth that points downward when protracted. They apparently feed on bottom-dwelling organisms and at least one species (Eucinostomus gula) shows a distinct transition, during the juvenile period, from a planktivore (exclusively copepods) to a carnivore that includes a diet of almost solely polychaetes (Carr & Adams, 1973; Robins and Ray, 1987; Murdy et al., 1997). (PDF contains 10 pages)


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Callionymidae, along with the Draconettidae and Gobiesocidae, previously were placed in the order Gobiesociformes (Allen, 1984). Recently, Nelson (1994) placed the Callionymidae and Draconettidae in the percifonn suborder Callionymoidei. The family is represented by three species in the western central North Atlantic Ocean, Diplogrammus pauciradiatus, Paradiplogrammus bairdi and Foetorepus agassizi (Davis, 1966; Robins and Ray, 1986). A detailed review ofthe family including early life history infonnation is given by Houde (1984) and Watson (1996). (PDF contains 11 pages)


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Arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) has the highest biomass of any groundfish species in the Gulf of Alaska, is a voracious predator of age 1 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), and is a major component in the diet of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Owing to its ecological importance in the Gulf of Alaska and the limited information available on its reproduction, interest has intensified in describing its spawning and early life history. A study was undertaken in late January–February 2001–2003 in the Gulf of Alaska to obtain information on adult spawning location, depth distribution, and sexual maturity, and to obtain fertilized eggs for laboratory studies. Adults were found 200–600 m deep east of Kodiak Island over the outer continental shelf and upper slope, and southwest along the shelf break to the Shumagin Islands. Most ripe females (oocytes extruded with light pressure) were found at 400 m and most ripe males (milt extruded with light pressure) were found at depths ≥450 m. Eggs were fertilized and incubated in the laboratory at 3.0°, 4.5°, and 6.0°C. Eggs were reared to hatching, but larvae did not survive long enough to complete yolk absorption and develop pigment. Eggs were staged according to morphological hallmarks and incubation data were used to produce a stage duration table and a regression model to estimate egg age based on water temperature and developmental stage. Arrowtooth flounder eggs (1.58–1.98 mm in diameter) were collected in ichthyoplankton surveys along the continental shelf edge, primarily at depths ≥400 m. Early-stage eggs were found in tows that sampled to depths of ≥450 m. Larvae, which hatch between 3.9 and 4.8 mm standard length, increased in abundance with depth. Observations on arrowtooth flounder eggs and early-stage larvae were used to complete the description of the published partial developmental series.(PDF file contains 34 pages.)


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The authors investigated various life history aspects of 19 rockfish species (Sebastes chlorostictus, S. constellatus, S. dalli, S. elongatus, S. ensifer, S. entomelas, S. flavidus, S. goodei, S. hopkinsi, S. levis, S. melanostomus, S. miniatus, S. ovalis, S. paucispinis, S. rosaceus, S. rosenblatti, S. rufus, s. saxicola, S. semicinctus) from the southern California Bight. These aspects included depth distribution, age-length relationships (of 7 species), length-weight relationships, size at first maturity, spawning season, and fecundity. Growth rates of female S. elongatus, S. hopkinsi, S. ova/is, S. saxicola, and S. semicinctus were higher than male conspecifics. Multiple spawning per season was found in 12 species. Generally, most species spawned between late winter and early summer, though there was some spawning within the genus throughout the year. Spawning season duration ranged from 2 (S. flavidus) to 10 months (S. paucispinis). Spawning seasons tended to start earlier in the year and be of longer duration in the southern California Bight, compared to published data on central California conspecifics. Males matured at a smaller length in 7 of the 17 species studied. Maximum fecundities ranged from 18,000 (S. dalll) to about 2,680,000 (S. levis). (PDF file contains 44 pages.)


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This laboratory guide presents taxonomic information on eggs and larvae of fishes of the Northeast Pacific Ocean (north of California) and the eastern Bering Sea. Included are early-life-history series, illustrations, and comparative descriptions of 232 species expected to spawn here, out of a total 627 species known to occur in marine waters of this area. Meristic and general life-history data are included, as well as diagnostic characters to help identify eggs and larvae. Most of this information has been gleaned from literature, with the addition of 200 previously unpublished illustrations. (PDF file contains 654 pages.)


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Pike, Esox lucius, are present in Loch Callater at their highest altitude and most extreme habitat in the British Isles, with subarctic winter conditions and extended winter ice-cover. The response of pike in this environment is slower growth, due to a shorter growing season and the low availability of forage fish, giving the poorest reported length-at-age for pike in the British Isles. All pike were mature or had spawned in the same year, with gravid ovaries in April and normal recovering ovaries in June-July. As in other lochs with few prey fishes, the larger pike ate small items such as invertebrates.


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Popular articles about the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) usually state that ‘the Atlantic salmon is an anadromous species’, e.g. publications by the Atlantic Salmon Federation (North America), Atlantic Salmon Trust (UK), and WWF (World Wildlife Fund), and the life history is depicted as migration of juveniles from fresh water to the marine environment, with a return to where the fish were born as spawning adults. This article reviews the life history tactics of Atlantic salmon in Newfoundland.


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English: Food selection of first-feeding yellowfin tuna larvae was studied in the laboratory during October 1992. The larvae were hatched from eggs obtained by natural spawning of yellowfin adults held in sea pens adjacent to Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The larvae were fed mixed-prey assemblages consisting of size-graded wild zooplankton and cultured rotifers. Yellowfin larvae were found to be selective feeders during the first four days of feeding. Copepod nauplii dominated the diet numerically, by frequency of occurrence and by weight. The relative importance of juvenile and adult copepods (mostly cyclopoids) in the diet increased over the 4-day period. Rotifers, although they comprised 31 to 40 percent of the available forage, comprised less than 2.1 percent of the diet numerically. Prey selection indices were calculated taking into account the relative abundances of prey, the swimming speeds of yellowfin larvae and their prey, and the microscale influence of turbulence on encounter rates. Yellowfin selected for copepod nauplii and against rotifers, and consumed juvenile and adult copepods in proportion to their abundances. Yellowfin larvae may select copepod nauplii and cyclopoid juveniles and adults based on the size and discontinuous swimming motion of these prey. Rotifers may not have been selected because they were larger or because they exhibit a smooth swimming pattern. The best initial diet for the culture of yellowfin larvae may be copepod nauplii and cyclopoid juveniles and adults, due to the size, swimming motion, and nutritional content of these prey. If rotifers alone are fed to yellowfin larvae, the rotifers should be enriched with a nutritional supplement that is high in unsaturated fatty acids. Mouth size of yellowfin larvae increases rapidly within the first few days of feeding, which minimizes limitations on feeding due to prey size. Although yellowfin larvae initiate feeding on relatively small prey, they rapidly acquire the ability to add relatively large, rare prey items to the diet. This mode of feeding may be adaptive for the development of yellowfin larvae, which have high metabolic rates and live in warm mixed-layer habitats of the tropical and subtropical Pacific. Our analysis also indicates a strong potential for the influence of microscale turbulence on the feeding success of yellowfin larvae. --- Experiments designed to validate the periodicity of otolith increments and to examine growth rates of yellowfin tuna larvae were conducted at the Japan Sea-Farming Association’s (JASFA) Yaeyama Experimental Station, Ishigaki Island, Japan, in September 1992. Larvae were reared from eggs spawned by captive yellowfin enclosed in a sea pen in the bay adjacent to Yaeyama Station. Results indicate that the first increment is deposited within 12 hours of hatching in the otoliths of yellowfin larvae, and subsequent growth increments are formed dailyollowing the first 24 hours after hatching r larvae up to 16 days of age. Somatic and otolith gwth ras were examined and compared for yolksac a first-feeding larvae reared at constant water tempatures of 26�and 29°C. Despite the more rapid develo of larvae reared at 29°C, growth rates were nnificaifferent between the two treatments. Howeve to poor survival after the first four days, it was ssible to examine growth rates beyond the onset of first feeding, when growth differences may become more apparent. Somatic and otolith growth were also examined for larvae reared at ambient bay water temperatures during the first 24 days after hatching. timates of laboratory growth rates were come to previously reported values for laboratory-reared yelllarvae of a similar age range, but were lower than growth rates reported for field-collected larvae. The discrepancy between laboratory and field growth rates may be associated with suboptimal growth conditions in the laboratory. Spanish: Durante octubre de 1992 se estudió en el laboratorio la seleccalimento por larvaún aleta amarillmera alimentación. Las larvas provinieron de huevos obtenidosel desove natural de aletas amarillas adultos mantenidos en corrales marinos adyacentes a la Isla Ishigaki, Prefectura de Okinawa (Japón). Se alimentó a las larvas con presas mixtas de zooplancton silvestre clasificado por tamaño y rotíferos cultivados. Se descubrió que las larvas de aleta amarilla se alimentan de forma selectiva durante los cuatro primeros días de alimentación. Los nauplios de copépodo predominaron en la dieta en número, por frecuencia de ocurrencia y por peso. La importancia relativa de copépodos juveniles y adultos (principalmente ciclopoides) en la dieta aumentó en el transcurso del período de 4 días. Los rotíferos, pese a que formaban del 31 al 40% del alimento disponible, respondieron de menos del 2,1% de la dieta en número. Se calcularon índices de selección de presas tomando en cuenta la abundancia relativa de las presas, la velocidad de natación de las larvas de aleta amarilla y de sus presas, y la influencia a microescala de la turbulencia sobre las tasas de encuentro. Los aletas amarillas seleccionaron a favor de nauplios de copépodo y en contra de los rotíferos, y consumieron copépodos juveniles y adultos en proporción a su abundancia. Es posible que las larvas de aleta amarilla seleccionen nauplios de copépodo y ciclopoides juveniles y adultos con base en el tamaño y movimiento de natación discontinuo de estas presas. Es posible que no se hayan seleccionado los rotíferos a raíz de su mayor tamaño o su patrón continuo de natación. Es posible que la mejor dieta inicial para el cultivo de larvas de aleta amarilla sea nauplios de copépodo y ciclopoides juveniles y adultos, debido al tamaño, movimiento de natación, y contenido nutritivo de estas presas. Si se alimenta a las larvas de aleta amarilla con rotíferos solamente, se debería enriquecerlos con un suplemento nutritivo rico en ácidos grasos no saturados. El tamaño de la boca de las larvas de aleta amarilla aumenta rápidamente en los primeros pocos días de alimentación, reduciendo la limitación de la alimentación debida al tamaño de la presa. Pese a que las larvas de aleta amarilla inician su alimentación con presas relativamente pequeñas, se hacen rápidamente capaces de añadir presas relativamente grandes y poco comunes a la dieta. Este modo de alimentación podría ser adaptivo para el desarrollo de larvas de aleta amarilla, que tienen tasa metabólicas altas y viven en hábitats cálidos en la capa de mezcla en el Pacífico tropical y subtropical. Nuestro análisis indica también que la influencia de turbulencia a microescala es potencialmente importante para el éxito de la alimentación de las larvas de aleta amarilla. --- En septiembre de 1992 se realizaron en la Estación Experimental Yaeyama de la Japan Sea- Farming Association (JASFA) en la Isla Ishigaki (Japón) experimentos diseñados para validar la periodicidad de los incrementos en los otolitos y para examinar las tasas de crecimiento de las larvas de atún aleta amarilla. Se criaron las larvas de huevos puestos por aletas amarillas cautivos en un corral marino en la bahía adyacente a la Estación Yaeyama. Los resultados indican que el primer incremento es depositado menos de 12 horas después de la eclosión en los otolitos de las larvas de aleta amarilla, y que los incrementos de crecimiento subsiguientes son formados a diario a partir de las primeras 24 horas después de la eclosión en larvas de hasta 16 días de edad. Se examinaron y compararon las tasas de crecimiento somático y de los otolitos en larvas en las etapas de saco vitelino y de primera alimentación criadas en aguas de temperatura constante entre 26°C y 29°C. A pesar del desarrollo más rápido de las larvas criadas a 29°C, las tasas de crecimiento no fueron significativamente diferentes entre los dos tratamientos. Debido a la mala supervivencia a partir de los cuatro primeros días, no fue posibación, uando las diferencias en el crecimiento podrían hacerse más aparentes. Se examinó también el crecimiento somático y de los otolitos para larvas criadas en temperaturas de agua ambiental en la bahía durante los 24 días inmediatamente después de la eclosión. Nuestras estimaciones de las tasas de crecimiento en el laboratorio fueron comparables a valores reportados previamente para larvas de aleta amarilla de edades similares criadas en el laboratorio, pero más bajas que las tasas de crecimiento reportadas para larvas capturadas en el mar. La discrepancia entre las tasas de crecimiento en el laboratorio y el mar podría estar asociada con condiciones subóptimas de crecimiento en el lab


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Distribution and demographics of the hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus) were investigated by using a combined approach of in situ observations and life history analyses. Presence, density, size, age, and size and age at sex change all varied with depth in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Hogfish (64–774 mm fork length and 0–19 years old) were observed year-round and were most common over complex, natural hard bottom habitat. As depth increased, the presence and density of hogfish decreased, but mean size and age increased. Size at age was smaller nearshore (<30 m). Length and age at sex change of nearshore hogfish were half those of offshore hogfish and were coincident with the minimum legal size limit. Fishing pressure is presumably greater nearshore and presents a confounding source of increased mortality; however, a strong red tide occurred the year before this study began and likely also affected nearshore demographics. Nevertheless, these data indicate ontogenetic migration and escapement of fast-growing fish to offshore habitat, both of which should reduce the likelihood of fishing-induced evolution. Data regarding the hogfish fishery are limited and regionally dependent, which has confounded previous stock assessments; however, the spatially explicit vital rates reported herein can be applied to future monitoring efforts.


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Larvae of the genus Icelinus are collected more frequently than any other sculpin larvae in ichthyoplankton surveys in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea, and larvae of the northern sculpin (Icelinus borealis) are commonly found in the ichthyofauna in both regions. Northern sculpin are geographically isolated north of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, which allows for a definitive description of its early life history development in the Bering Sea. A combination of morphological characters, pigmentation, preopercular spine pattern, meristic counts, and squamation in later developmental stages is essential to identify Icelinus to the species level. Larvae of northern sculpin have 35–36 myomeres, pelvic fins with one spine and two rays, a bony preopercular shelf, four preopercular spines, 3–14 irregular postanal ventral melanophores, few, if any, melanophores ventrally on the gut, and in larger specimens, two rows of ctenoid scales directly beneath the dorsal fins extending onto the caudal peduncle. The taxonomic characters of the larvae of northern sculpin in this study may help differentiate northern sculpin larvae from its congeners, and other sympatric sculpin larvae, and further aid in solving complex systematic relationships within the family Cottidae.


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Toxicological effects of Asulox-40 and Emisan-6 to eggs and early life history stages of Sarotherodon mossambicus were reported. 80% of egg hatching occurred in the controls, 1 p.p.m and 5 p.p.m concentrations of Asulox-40. 10 p.p.m. and 50 p.p.m. concentrations of the same toxicants had 70% and 60% hatchings while in Emisan-6 in the same concentrations the hatching were 70% and! 40%. In 100 p.p.m. concentration of both toxicants 20% incomplete hatching occurred. In Emisan-6 Lc 50 and Lc 100 values were recorded at 32 hand 96h respectively in 10 p.p.m. concentrations. In Asulox-40 the same values were recorded in 24h and 40h respectively at 50 p.p.m. concentration. The fish activity during the experimental period showed initial hyper activity. It was established that the Emisan-6 is more harmful to S. mossambicus than Asulox-40. The harmless concentrations of these chemicals were 1.2 p.p.m. for Asulox-40 and 0.6 p.p.m. for Emisan-6.


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This study aims to reconstruct the history of shore whaling in the southeastern United States, emphasizing statistics on the catch of right whales, Eubalaena glacialis, the preferred targets. The earliest record of whaling in North Carolina is of a proposed voyage from New York in 1667. Early settlers on the Outer Banks utilized whale strandings by trying out the blubber of carcasses that came ashore, and some whale oil was exported from the 1660s onward. New England whalemen whaled along the North Carolina coast during the 1720s, and possibly earlier. As some of the whalemen from the northern colonies moved to Nortb Carolina, a shore-based whale fishery developed. This activity apparently continued without interruption until the War of Independence in 1776, and continued or was reestablished after the war. The methods and techniques of the North Carolina shore whalers changed slowly: as late as the 1890s they used a drogue at the end of the harpoon line and refrained from staying fast to the harpooned whale, they seldom employed harpoon guns, and then only during the waning years of the fishery. The whaling season extended from late December to May, most successfully between February and May. Whalers believed they were intercepting whales migrating north along the coast. Although some whaling occurred as far north as Cape Hatteras, it centered on the outer coasts of Core, Shackleford, and Bogue banks, particularly near Cape Lookout. The capture of whales other than right whales was a rare event. The number of boat crews probably remained fairly stable during much of the 19th century, with some increase in effort in the late 1870s and early 1880s when numbers of boat crews reached 12 to 18. Then by the late 1880s and 1890s only about 6 crews were active. North Carolina whaling had become desultory by the early 1900s, and ended completely in 1917. Judging by export and tax records, some ocean-going vessels made good catches off this coast in about 1715-30, including an estimated 13 whales in 1719, 15 in one year during the early 1720s, 5-6 in a three-year period of the mid to late 1720s, 8 by one ship's crew in 1727, 17 by one group of whalers in 1728-29, and 8-9 by two boats working from Ocracoke prior to 1730. It is impossible to know how representative these fragmentary records are for the period as a whole. The Carolina coast declined in importance as a cruising ground for pelagic whalers by the 1740s or 1750s. Thereafter, shore whaling probably accounted for most of the (poorly documented) catch. Lifetime catches by individual whalemen on Shackleford Banks suggest that the average annual catch was at least one to two whales during 1830·80, perhaps about four during the late 1870s and early 1880s, and declining to about one by the late 1880s. Data are insufficient to estimate the hunting loss rate in the Outer Banks whale fishery. North Carolina is the only state south of New Jersey known to have had a long and well established shore whaling industry. Some whaling took place in Chesapeake Bay and along the coast of Virginia during the late 17th and early 18th centuries, but it is poorly documented. Most of the rigbt whales taken off South Carolina, Georgia, and northern Florida during the 19th century were killed by pelagic whalers. Florida is the only southeastern state with evidence of an aboriginal (pre-contact) whale fishery. Right whale calves may have been among the aboriginal whalers' principal targets. (PDF file contains 34 pages.)