10 resultados para CORRELATION TIMES

em Aquatic Commons


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Analyses of blood and liver samples from live captured sea otters and liver samples from beachcast sea otter carcasses off the remote Washington coast indicate relatively low exposure to contaminants, but suggest that even at the low levels measured, exposure may be indicated by biomarker response. Evidence of pathogen exposure is noteworthy - infectious disease presents a potential risk to Washington sea otters, particularly due to their small population size and limited distribution. During 2001 and 2002, 32 sea otters were captured, of which 28 were implanted with transmitters to track their movements and liver and blood samples were collected to evaluate contaminant and pathogen exposure. In addition, liver samples from fifteen beachcast animals that washed ashore between 1991 and 2002 were analyzed to provide historical information and a basis of reference for values obtained from live otters. The results indicate low levels of metals, butyltins, and organochlorine compounds in the blood samples, with many of the organochlorines not detected except polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and a few aromatic hydrocarbons detected in the liver of the live captured animals. Aliphatic hydrocarbons were measurable in the liver from the live captured animals; however, some of these are likely from biogenic sources. A significant reduction of vitamin A storage in the liver was observed in relation to PCB, dibutyltin and octacosane concentration. A significant and strong positive correlation in vitamin A storage in the liver was observed for cadmium and several of the aliphatic hydrocarbons. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cytochrome P450 induction was elevated in two of 16 animals and may be potentially related to aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon exposure. Mean concentration of total butyltin in the liver of the Washington beach-cast otters was more than 15 times lower than the mean concentration reported by Kannan et al. (1998) for Southern sea otters in California. Organochlorine compounds were evident in the liver of beach-cast animals, despite the lack of large human population centers and development along the Washington coast. Concentrations of PCBs and chlordanes (e.g., transchlordane, cis-chlordane, trans-nonachlor, cis-nonachlor and oxychlordane) in liver of Washington beach-cast sea otters were similar to those measured in Aleutian and California sea otters, excluding those from Monterey Bay, which were higher. Mean concentrations of 1,1,1,- trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophyenyl)ethanes (DDTs) were lower, and mean concentrations of cyclohexanes (HCH, e.g., alpha BHC, beta BHC, delta BHC and gamma BHC) were slightly higher in Washington beach-cast otters versus those from California and the Aleutians. Epidemiologically, blood tests revealed that 80 percent of the otters tested positive for morbillivirus and 60 percent for Toxoplasma, the latter of which has been a significant cause of mortality in Southern sea otters in California. This is the first finding of positive morbillivirus titers in sea otters from the Northeast Pacific. Individual deaths may occur from these diseases, perhaps more so when animals are otherwise immuno-compromised or infected with multiple diseases, but a population-threatening die-off from these diseases singly is unlikely while population immunity remains high. The high frequency of detection of morbillivirus and Toxoplasma in the live otters corresponds well with the cause of death of stranded Washington sea otters reported herein, which has generally been attributable to infectious disease. Washington’s sea otter population continues to grow, with over 1100 animals currently inhabiting Washington waters; however, the rate of growth has slowed over recent years. The population has a limited distribution and has not yet reached its carrying capacity and as such, is still considered at high risk to catastrophic events. (PDF contains 189 pages)


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ENGLISH: The abundance of skipjack larvae in the central and western Pacific approximately doubled for every 1°C increase in sea-surface temperature (SST) from 23°C to a maximum of about 29°C, and then usually decreased with further increases in SST. Skipjack larvae are scarce in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), so most skipjack recruits and adults in this area are believed to have originated in the central and, possibly, the western Pacific. The catch per unit of effort (CPUE), in short tons per day's fishing, and the catch rate, in number of fish per day's fishing, are estimates of apparent abundance in a fishery. The logarithm of the annual CPUE for skipjack for international baitboats in the EPO for the 1934-1960 period was positively correlated with SST in the spawning area in the central Pacific 18 months earlier (r2 0.31), during the July-June period when most of the recruits in each cohort were presumed to have been spawned. Adequate data for other environmental variables were not available for testing with the baitboat data. The other environmental variables available and selected for testing for correlation with estimates of skipjack abundance for purse seiners for the 1961-1984 period and the reasons for their selection are as follows. 1)Wind-mixing index (WMI). The degree of mixing in the upper layers of the ocean is proportional to the cube of the wind speed, called WMI. The degree of mixing in the spawning areas of the central and the western Pacific may affect the concentration of organisms that skipjack larvae feed upon, thereby influencing their survival, and ultimately determining cohort strength and the number of recruits to the eastern Pacific fishery. 2) SST in the fishing areas at the time of fishing (SST). The CPUE for yellowfin tuna has been shown to be inversely related to SST in the fishing areas, and there are indications that skipjack CPUE is lower during EI Nino events when SST is higher than normal. 3) North-south SST gradient across the thermal front off the Gulf of Guayaquil. This is a measure of the degree of upwelling and nutrient enrichment of the upper waters south of the front and ultimately of the production of food for tunas. 4) Speed of the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC). Young skipjack may migrate from the central Pacific to the EPO in the eastward flowing NECC; if so, the number of recruits might be affected by variations in the speed of the current. The logarithm of the annual catch rate of skipjack recruits by international purse seiners in the EPO for the 1961-1984 period was positively correlated with SST in the spawning area of the central Pacific 18 months earlier (r2 = 0.21),and inversely correlated with WMI in the spawning area 18 months earlier (r2 0.46). The logarithm of CPUE for purse seiners in the area off the Gulf of Guayaquil was not correlated with SST in the spawning area 18 months earlier, but was inversely correlated with WMI in the spawning area 18 months earlier (r2 = 0.19), and inversely correlated with the north-south SST gradient in the fishing area at the time of fishing (r2 0.32). Neither of these estimates of apparent abundance from purse seiners were correlated with SST in the fishing areas, or with the speed of the NECC at earlier times. SPANISH: La abundancia de larvas de barrilete en el Pacífico central y occidental se multiplicó por dos, aproximadamente, por cada aumento de 1°Cen la temperatura de la superficie del mar (TSM) entre 23°C y un máximo de unos 29°C, y luego generalmente disminuyó con más aumentos en la TSM. Las larvas de barrilete son escasas en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO), y por lo tanto se cree que la mayoría de los reclutas y adultos en esta zona surgieron del Pacífico central, y posiblemente también del Pacífico occidental. La captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE), en toneladas cortas por día de pesca, y la tasa de captura, en número de peces por día de pesca, son estimaciones de la abundancia aparente en una pesquería. El logaritmo de la CPUE anual de barrilete lograda por barcos de carnada en el OPO en el período 1934-1960 se correlacionó positivamente con la TSM en la zona de desove en el Pacífico central de 18 meses antes (r2 = 0.31), durante el período de junio-julio en el cual se cree que nació la mayoría de los reclutas en cada cohorte. No se dispuso de datos suficientes sobre otras variables ambientales para comprobarlos con los datos de los barcos de carnada. Las demás variables ambientales disponibles y seleccionadas para someterlas a pruebas de correlación con las estimaciones de la abundancia del barrilete de barcos cerqueros en el período 1961-1984, y las razones por su selección, son las siguientes: 1) Indice de mezcla por el viento (IMV). El grado de mezcla en las capas superiores del océano es proporcional al cubo de la velocidad del viento, llamado IMV. Es posible que el grado de mezcla en las zonas de desove del Pacífico central y occidental afecte la concentración de los organismos que alimentan a las larvas del barrilete, afectando así la supervivencia de éstas, y finalmente determinando el tamaño de las cohortes y el número de reclutas a la pesquería del OPO. 2) TSM en la zona de pesca al realizarse la pesca (TSM). Se ha mostrado que la relación de la CPUE del atún aleta amarilla a la TSM en la zona de pesca es inversa, y existen indicaciones que la CPUE de barrilete es inferior durante eventos del Niño, cuando las TSM son superiores a lo normal. 3) Gradiente norte-sur de las TSM a través del frente térmico frente al Golfo de Guayaquil. Esto es una medida del grado de afloramiento y enriquecimiento nutritivo del nivel superior de las aguas al sur de dicho frente, y finalmente de la producción de alimento para los atunes. 4) La velocidad de la Contracorriente Ecuatorial del Norte (CCEN). Es posible que los bariletes juveniles migren del Pacífico central al Pacífico oriental en la CCEN, que fluye hacia el este; de ser así, es posible que la cantidad de reclutas se vea afectada por variaciones en la velocidad de la corriente. El logaritmo de la tasa anual de captura de reclutas de barrilete por cerqueros de varias banderas en el OPO en el período 1961-1964 estuvo correlacionado de forma positiva con las TSM en la zona de desove del Pacífico central de 18meses antes (r2 0.21),y de forma inversa con el IMV de la zona de desove de 18 meses antes (r2 0.46). El logaritmo de la CPUE de los cerqueros en la zona frente al Golfo de Guayaquil no estuvo correlacionado con las TSM en la zona de desove de 18 meses antes, pero sí estuvo correlacionado de forma inversa con el IMV en la zona de desove de 18 meses antes (r2 0.19),y con el gradiente norte-sur de las TSM en la zona de pesca al realizarse la pesca (r2 0.32). Ninguna de estas estimaciones de abundancia aparente provenientes de barcos cerqueros estuvo correlacionada con las TSM en las zonas de pesca o con la velocidad de la CCEN en épocas anteriores. (PDF contains 140 pages.)


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I have been asked by administration, how much of our collection could go into storage. They optimistically hoping for a room or two for faculty/staff offices, as some buildings need renovation or need to be closed due to safety issues. Clearly, much of the population believes that all/most library materials are available on-line – free. I will present the results of our survey’s of material held and available on-line and space “freed” thanks to archiving. How little space is freed.


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Although the mechanisms of climatic fluctuations are not completely understood, changes in global solar irradiance show a link with regional precipitation. A proposed mechanism for this linkage begins with absorption of varying amounts of solar energy by tropical oceans, which may aid in development of ocean temperature anomalies. These anomalies are then transported by major ocean currents to locations where the stored energy is released into the atmosphere, altering pressure and moisture patterns that can ultimately affect regional precipitation. Correlation coefficients between annual averages of monthly differences in empirically modeled solar-irradiance variations and annual state-divisional precipitation values in the United States for 1950 to 1988 were computed with lag times of 0 to 7 years. The highest correlations (R=0.65) occur in the Pacific Northwest with a lag time of 4 years, which is about equal to the travel time of water within the Pacific Gyre from the western tropical Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Alaska. With positive correlations, droughts coincide with periods of negative irradiance differences (dry, high-pressure development), and wet periods coincide with periods of positive differences (moist, low-pressure development).


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This technical memorandum describes a developing project under the direction of NOAA’s Biogeography Branch in consultation with the National Park Service and US Geological Survey to understand and quantify spatial patterns and habitat affinities of reef fishes in the US Virgin Islands. The purpose of this report is to describe and disseminate the initial results from the project and to share information on the location of acoustic receivers and species electronic tag ID codes. The Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument (VICRNM), adjacent to Virgin Islands National Park (VIIS), was established by Executive Order in 2000, but resources within the monument are poorly documented and the degree of connectivity to VIIS is unknown. Whereas, VICRNM was established with full protection from resource exploitation, VIIS has incurred resource harvest by fishers since 1956 as allowed in its enabling legislation. Large changes in local reef communities have occurred over the past several decades, in part due to overexploitation. In order to better understand the habitat utilization patterns and movement of fishes among management regimes and areas open to fishing around St, John, an array of hydroacoustic receivers was deployed while a variety of reef fish species were acoustically tagged. In July 2006, nine receivers with a detection range of ca. 350 m were deployed in Lameshur Bay on the south shore of St. John, within VIIS. Receivers were located adjacent to reefs and in seagrass beds, inshore and offshore of these reefs. It was found that lane snappers and bluestriped grunts showed diel movement from reef habitats during daytime hours to offshore seagrass bed at night. Timing of migrations was highly predictable and coincided with changes in sunrise and sunset over the course of the year. Fish associated with reefs that did not have adjacent seagrass beds made more extensive movements than those fishes associated with reefs that had adjacent seagrass habitats. In April 2007, 21 additional receivers were deployed along much of the south shore of St. John (ca. 20 km of shoreline). This current array will address broader-scale movement among management units and examine the potential benefits of the VICRNM to provide adult “spillover” into VIIS and adjacent harvested areas. The results from this work will aid in defining fine to moderate spatial scales of reef fish habitat affinities and in designing and evaluating marine protected areas.


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Life history aspects of larval and, mainly, juvenile spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) were studied in Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida. Collections were made in 1994−97, although the majority of juveniles were collected in 1995. The main objective was to obtain life history data to eventually develop a spatially explicit model and provide baseline data to understand how Everglades restoration plans (i.e. increased freshwater flows) could influence spotted seatrout vital rates. Growth of larvae and juveniles (<80 mm SL) was best described by the equation loge standard length = –1.31 + 1.2162 (loge age). Growth in length of juveniles (12–80 mm SL) was best described by the equation standard length = –7.50 + 0.8417 (age). Growth in wet weight of juveniles (15–69 mm SL) was best described by the equation loge wet-weight = –4.44 + 0.0748 (age). There were no significant differences in juvenile growth in length of spotted seatrout in 1995 between three geographical subdivisions of Florida Bay: central, western, and waters adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico. We found a significant difference in wet-weight for one of six cohorts categorized by month of hatchdate in 1995, and a significant difference in length for another cohort. Juveniles (i.e. survivors) used to calculate weekly hatchdate distributions during 1995 had estimated spawning times that were cyclical and protracted, and there was no correlation between spawning and moon phase. Temperature influenced otolith increment widths during certain growth periods in 1995. There was no evidence of a relationship between otolith growth rate and temperature for the first 21 increments. For increments 22–60, otolith growth rates decreased with increasing age and the extent of the decrease depended strongly in a quadratic fashion on the temperature to which the fish was exposed. For temperatures at the lower and higher range, increment growth rates were highest. We suggest that this quadratic relationship might be influenced by an environmental factor other than temperature. There was insufficient information to obtain reliable inferences on the relationship of increment growth rate to salinity.


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Cross-spectral analysis of regional tree-ring data suggests the spatial pattern of correlation between moisture variations in the Sierra Nevada of central California and in other parts of the western United States is frequency dependent. Short wavelengths (2.8 to 10.7 years), perhaps associated with El Niño/Southern Oscillation, are strongly coherent both to the north (Oregon) and to the south (Southern California). Longer wavelengths (45 to 75 years) are strongly coherent only to the north. Frequency bands corresponding to annual sunspot series were associated with relatively weak patterns of spatial correlation.


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Three different stocking rates in a semi-intensive pilot shrimp project was adopted in duplicates of three treatments designated as T1, T2 and T3 having initial per meter square stocking density of shrimp of 40, 44 and 51 respectively of 0.025g size post larva. The study was conducted for 84 days. Commercial pelleted diets designated as starter - 1, 2, 3 and grower were fed at a satiation level during the study period with a feeding frequency of 4 to 5 times per day. Feed rationing was based on the survivability, body weight and tray checking. 5-25% of the pond water was exchanged daily. Sampling was done for growth after every 2nd week. Monthly sampling was done for mortality in the ponds. Mean weight gain of the shrimp in treatments T1, T2 and T3 were 16.96 ± 1.14, 16.04 ± 1.38 and 14.08 ± 1.17g respectively and T1 with a low stocking density showed a significantly best growth among the treatments. Total mortality in treatments T1, T2 and T3 were as 30.00, 39.77 and 31.37% respectively. Significantly higher feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.87 was obtained with shrimp in treatment T3 followed by shrimp in T1 and T2 with FCR values of 1.70 and 1.41 respectively. A positive correlation of growth and salinity was observed during the study. Total production per unit area was the highest in the treatment T3 (4928 kg/ha) and followed by T1 (4747 kg/ha) and T2 (4251 kg/ha). The result show significantly negative correlation between individual growth and density.


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An attempt was made to correlate the catalase production with the actual number of aerobic bacterial cells generating the enzyme: bacteria were obtained from the surface of marine fish. A linear correlation was found between the log of catalase activity and log of bacterial count in single culture.


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In the present research, a total of 207 pieces of fish from 25 sampling stations in Gilan Province coasts in the years 2001-2002 were biologically studied in terms of their growth and development, reproduction and feeding. The average length and weight of the fishes are increased, as they get older. The highest index of length and weight growth is observed in the years 1 to 2. As the age increases, gradient of length and weight growth diagrams decrease. In studying the relation between length and weight, it was observed that proportionate to the total length, the weight is increased progressively. The fatness coefficient index in the initial years of life and prior to maturity is higher than the post maturity period. As the age increases, the decrease of this index is observable. The fatness coefficient index rate is directly related to index of fullness. The highest Gonadosomatic Index is seen in the months of June and July, i.e. at the times of spawning; and the lowest index rate is observed in the months of November and December. The appropriate temperature for reproduction of these species is from 18 to 22 degree centigrade. The Gonadosomatic Index is higher in spring and summer seasons as compared with autumn and winter. Besides, as the fishes become aged, the amount of the said index increases in a manner that the gradient of it in the years to maturity is less than the maturity time and thereafter. Sexual maturity stages in different months are directly related to Gonadosomatic index, and increase as the age increases. The sexual ratio of male fishes to the female fishes in terms of number is plus one prior to maturity; about one at the time of maturity and minus after maturity. In general the frequency of male fishes as compared with female fishes in all group ages is approximately two times. The fecundity mean, and the diameter and the rate of eggs will substantially increase, as the Gonadosomatic index rises. The maturity age in the male fishes is 3 to 4 years and in female fishes is 4 to 5 years. The spawning of this species in rivers occurs repeatedly and in different time intervals, and do not take place once (Asyncronous). The Gastrosomatic index is directly related to index of fullness and will decrease, as the age increases. The index of fullness is relatively the months of April and May. The underlying reason is the need of the fishes to energy for reproduction. As the spawning time commences, the index of fullness moves down and the downward direction continues. After spa g mg and reduction of the volume of energy in the body, the index of fullness rises, and it will be substantially high until the beginning of fall. In fall and winter as it gets cold, the index of fullness moves downward and the body fat deposits are used. A correlation is shown between the changes in vacuity index and fullness indices. This means that as the fullness index rises, the vacuity index decreases, and vice versa. The Hepatosomatic index prior to the reproduction is at the highest amount and after spawning is at the lowest. No correlation is observed between the fullness and Hepatosomatic indices. In other words reproduction is an inherent and instinct originated matter; and its cycle goes on, alternately and in an orderly manner, upon completion of germinal cells, even when it coincides with reduction or stoppage of somatic cell growth. The rising trend of Hepatosomatic starts in August and will continue until the next July. The volume of fat around digestive tract is severely reduced in early spring and this trend will reach its apex in summer season. In the cold seasons, i.e. the fall and winter, the accumulation of fat around digestive tract increases. Consequently, a meaningful and inverse relation is observed between index of fullness, also the progress of sexual maturity stages and the volume of fat.