23 resultados para COLLOIDAL SUSPENSION

em Aquatic Commons


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In 2004 the fish processing company Euro-Baltic Fischverarbeitungs GmbH Mukran, went into operation on the Isle of Rügen at the Baltic coast of Germany. About 20 % of the herring landed there is discharged from the cutters into the processing plant by pipes, driven by pumps, in case that the landed volume exceeds 10 t fresh weight. In such case the herring is transported in water suspension by means of a pressure-vacuum suction pump system into containers and further transported via conveyer belt to a flowscale. During this process most of the water runs off. It is however unknown how much water remains with the fish and is eventually weighted as fish. To estimate this proportion the mixture of water and fish was stored in special transport containers, which allow the measurement of the run-off. As a result the study shows that on average 2 % of weight measured by the tape scale is water. Along with this factors were determined which influence the variability of the proportion of water.


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A total of 45 Male and 5 female Clarias gariepinus bred and reared in the hatchery in sunning for one year were obtained for this experiment. The fish were then housed separately according to their sexes and maintained on trout diet at 10% body weight for two days before they were subjected to induction. These were then induced using both human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG - 500iu) and carp pituitary suspension (CPS -3mg kg super(-1) suspended in 0.9% saline) either as priming or resolving doses. The milt produced was used to fertilize eggs tripped from females. The results indicated high milt production, motility and fertility in most males


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Very little research has been carried out on detrital energetics and pathways in lotic ecosystems. Most investigations have concentrated on the degradation of allochthonous plant litter by fungi, with a glance at heterotrophic bacteria associated with decaying litter. In this short review, the author describes what is known of the detrition of plant litter in lotic waters, which results from the degradative activities of colonising saprophytic fungi and bacteria, and goes on to relate this process to those invertebrates that consume coarse and/or fine particulate detritus, or dissolved organic matter that aggregates into colloidal exopolymer particles. It is clear that many of the key processes involved in the relationships between the physical, chemical, biotic and biochemical elements present in running waters are very complex and poorly understood. Those few aspects for which there are reliable models with predictive power have resulted from data collections made over periods of 20 years or more. Comprehensive research of single catchments would provide a fine opportunity to collect data over a long period.


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The original method, proposed by Yentsch (1957), of determination of chlorophyll directly in the cells, attracts attention by its simplicity. In order to measure the content of chlorophyll by this method, a determined volume of suspension of algae is filtered through a membrane filter. The latter is dried a little, clarified by immersion oil, clamped between two glasses, and spectrophotometrized. Extinction is read off at , wavelengths equal to 670 millimicrons (around the maximum absorption of chlorophyll a in the cell) and 750 millimicrons (correction for non- specific absorption and dispersion of light by particles of the preparation). The method of Yentsch was employed by the authors for determination of chlorophyll-a in samples of phytoplankton. They conclude that in spite of the simplicity and convenience of determination the method must be applied sufficiently carefully. It is more suitable for analysis of cultures of algae, where, non-specific absorption of light is insignificant.


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It is known that the larvae of Chironomidae in the first stages of life after leaving the egg case, swim for a long time in a body of water. Positive reaction in light, the capability of directed swimming and passive floating in suspension allow the larvae to temporarily carry out a planktonic way of life. This study describes the behaviour of Chironomus dorsalis larvae after leaving the egg case. The feeding of chironomid larvae in the first stages of development was also described.


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The siltation of an experimental gravel bed, with three grades of sand moving in suspension and as bedload, was examined. The rate of infiltration of sand into the void space of the gravel was determined under differing conditions of discharge, water depth, and velocity (jointly expressed as variation in the Froude Number) and suspended sediment concentration. The downstream reduction in siltation from the point source was also examined.


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Three different methods for determining bacterial growth rate in rivers are described. Two of the methods are for bacteria in suspension: a recirculating experimental channel method and a radioactive tracer technique using super(35)SO sub(4). The third method is for bacteria attached to surfaces and specifically considers the surface of the common duckweed Lemna minor).


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The processes which control the growth, composition, succession and loss from suspension of phytoplankton algae are briefly reviewed, with special reference to function in eutrophic reservoir systems. The ecology of larger algal biomasses supported by high nutrient loading rates are more likely to be subject to physical (wash-out, underwater light penetration, thermal stability and mixing) than to chemical constraints. Sudden changes in the interactions between physical factors temporarily impair the growth of dominant algal species, and advance the succession. Certain algae may be cropped heavily, but selectively, by zooplankton feeding, but they are rarely the species which cause problems in waterworks practice. Grazing, however, does influence succession. A deeper understanding of the operation of loss control mechanism is urgently required. Potentially, manipulation of the physical environment provides an important means of alleviating day-to-day algal problems in eutrophic reservoirs; in terms of cost effectiveness these may prove to be more attractive than reducing nutrient loads at source.


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The hydrology of the Ebrie coastal lagoon in Abidjan area is summarized. The authors describe the oxygenation in that area during the two extreme seasons of the hydrological cycle: the low-water season (March-April) and the high-water season (Sept-Oct). The influences of the continental and oceanic waters, photosynthesis, exchanges with the atmosphere and pollution are considered. The oxigen consumption of primary organic pollution represents from 9 to 12% of the content of the waters that circulates in the area. It is geographically very heterogeneous. The central basin, swept by strong marine and fresh water currents, shows a rather high level of water oxygenation. In the peripheric bays, water circulation and mixing are less important and pollution accelerates the natural eutrophic processes. During the low-water season, a vertical stratification is responsible for a bottom anoxic layer and the deposit of reduced organic silts. On the contrary, supersaturations, up to 200%, are recorded on the surface layer. During the high-water season the break of the vertical stratification sets the loose reduced silts into suspension and partly reoxygenates the bottom waters. A classification of the different areas, based on the oxygen vertical profiles is proposed.


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Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook Inlet, Alaska, represent a unique and isolated marine mammal population that has been hunted for a variety of purposes since prehistoric times. Archeological studies have shown that both Alutiiq Eskimos and Dena'ina Atabaskan Indians have long utilized many marine resources in Cook Inlet, including belugas. Over the past century, commercial whaling and sport hunting also occurred periodically in Cook Inlet prior to the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA). During the 1990's, the hunting mortality by Alaska Natives apparently increased to 40-70 whales per year, which led to the decling of this stock and its subsequent designation in 2000 as depleted under the MMPA. Concerns about the decline of the Cook Inlet stock resulted in a voluntary suspension of the subsistenc hunt by Alaska Natives in 1999. The difficulty in obtaining accurate estimates for the harvest of these whales is due to the inability to identify all of the hunters and, in turn, the size of the harvest. Attempts to reconstruct harvest records based on hunters' recollections and interviews from only a few households have been subject to a wide degree of speculation. To adequately monitor the beluga harvest, the National Marine Fisheries Service established marking and reporting regulations in October 1999. These rules require that Alaska Natives who hunt belugas in Cook Inlet must collect the lowere left jaw from harvested whales and complete a report that includes date and time of the harvest, coloration of the whale, harvest location, and method of harvest. The MMPA was amended in 2000 to require a cooperative agreement between the National Marine Fisheries Service and Alaska Native organizations before hunting could be resumed.


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A pilot study on the characteristics of crab pot buoy line movements to assess bottlenose dolphin entanglement was conducted from 19 September to 30 September 2005 in the Charleston Harbor, Charleston, South Carolina. The objectives of this study were to determine: 1) the movements of the buoy line in the water at various tidal stages, current strengths, lengths of line, and water depth, 2) if lead-core rope was a better alternative to nylon rope, 3) and if the manner of deployment of the gear affected the suspension of the line in the water and on the bottom. Diamond braided nylon (#10) rope of varying length (20 ft. – 80 ft.) were used during 31 trials and stiffened (polypropylene lead-core) rope was used in four trials. Observations of the buoy line movements were captured with an Atlantis underwater camera attached to a Digital DPC-1000 video recorder. Results from this study showed that: 1) the method used for deployment was important in keeping the buoy line from arcing or coiling, 2) little to no arcing occurred in water current velocities of >0.20 m/s, 3) rope lengths of ≥50 ft. deployed in <10 ft. of water produced waving in the water column and arcing on the bottom, 4) slack tide was a period of increased risk of entanglement for bottlenose dolphins, and 5) poly lead-core rope was not a good alternative to nylon rope unless in deep water with strong water current velocities. This pilot study produced questions that can be used for future studies on the characteristics of buoy line movements in the crab pot fishery as it relates to bottlenose dolphin entanglements.


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The study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of chlorine and UV irradiation in disinfecting aquarium effluent. A non-agglutinating, a virulent strain of Aeromonas salmonicida (NCIMB 11 02) was used as the test organism. Effluents from a fish tank were inoculated with a suspension of test organisms and subsequently treated with different concentrations of hypochlorite and UV irradiation separately and simultaneously. When used alone, 1.0 ppm hypochlorite reduced the viable cell count from 6.5 log to 3.0 log within 20 minutes of contact period. On the other hand, when used in combination with UV irradiation only 0.5 ppm hypochlorite exerted the same bactericidal effect within the same contact period as was observed with 1.0 ppm hypochlorite alone. This result indicated that required dose of disinfectant for the disinfection of aquarium effluents can be considerably reduced when it is used in combination with UV irradiation.


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Abrasion, feeding, injection and immersion methods were used to evaluate the pathogenicity of five different strains of Aeromonas hydrophila viz. RG (rui gill), ML (mrigal lesion), SG (sharpunti gill), F1K (mrigal kidney), GFL (gold fish lesion) and Ah-19 (Aeromonas hydrophila-19, Ref. Strain) against C. mrigala H. Bacterial suspension containing viable cells of 7.5x 10⁵ per ml was found to be very effective in intramuscular injection and feeding resulting 100% mortality after 96hr of inoculation. The strain RG, ML and F1K produced scale loss with erosion of the skin surface with/without hemorrhagic lesion after 48hr of inoculation following abrasion method. The strains SG and Ah-19 resulting scale loss with erosion of the skin surface with/without hemorrhagic lesion after 72hr of inoculation following abrasion and injection methods. SG and F1K caused reddening in mouth region after 72hr of feeding inoculation, whereas RG resulted frank ulcers from eroded dermal layer exposing underlying musculature which was hemorrhagic after 96hr of inoculation by abrasion method.


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Effect of different feeds and salinities on cyst production in Artemia sp. was studied. Among the 12 different feeds used, ragi powder suspension showed the best growth and cyst production. A wide range of salinity from 90 to 210‰ was used to study its effect on cyst production. Among all these treatments, 130‰ salinity was found suitable for induction of oviparity and cyst production in the San Francisco Bay strain of Artemia sp.


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Green mussel (Perna viridis) and sea water from their natural beds on the coastal areas of Porto Novo were studied between April and August 1996 for their bacterial quality. Water samples from the beds were also analysed for their physico-chemical parameters. The total bacterial count of mussels from natural beds as well as bed waters ranged 10³ organisms per gram of mussel meat suspension and per milliliter of sea water. The faecal coliforms were found to be within the permissible limits. Pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella spp., Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. were absent. The variations in pH, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen of the seawater samples were insignificant. The mussels were subjected to depuration by different methods among which chlorination was found to be most effective.