30 resultados para CFU

em Aquatic Commons


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During the 160th research cruise of the FRV "Walther Herwig III" in the North Sea in May 1995 an ice-storage experiment with whiting was performed. Gutted whiting with and without spleen was stored in melting water-ice. Freshness and/or spoilage were monitored by measuring sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological indicators. It was found that besides the classical sensory assessment on the cooked sample and the EU-quality grading scheme, the microbiological counts were of major importance for the determination of the degree of freshness or spoilage. The cfu (colony forming units) of spoilage bacteria on the skin correlated significantly with time in ice. A very good correlation was also found for the cfu of spoilage bacteria with the sensory assessed odour of the cooked fillet sample. The measurement of the fish tissue with the Intellectron Fischtester VI and the determination of the creatine content in fillet are both suitable freshness and spoilage indicators. The pH-value measured in different body compartments and in musele homogenate and the ammonia content are only of limited value for freshness determination. Removal of kidney did not influence the shelf life.


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The incidence of various human pathogenic bacteria in commercially available and home-made shrimp feeds used on some farms in India was analyzed. The Total Heterotrophic Bacteria in the commercial feed samples ranged between 103–105 cfu g-1 and those in the farm-made feeds between 106-107 cfu g-1. No bacteria of significance to human health were found to be associated with any of the commercial feed samples analyzed, while farm-made feeds analyzed during the study showed a high incidence of various human pathogens such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Possible modes of contamination in feeds and ways to prevent them are discussed.


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Studies were conducted to evaluate the quality of hilsa fish during icing and freezing storage at -20°C by determining organoleptic and bacteriological aspects. The fishes stored in ice were organoleptically in acceptable condition 2 for 20 days. The bacterial load in muscles of 4 days ice stored fish was 2.5x10² CFU/g which gradually increased up to 1.8x10⁵ CFU/g after 20 days when the fishes were organoleptically in acceptable condition. The keeping qualities of different days of ice stored fishes were also evaluated during their subsequent frozen storage at -20°C. Both 4 and 7 days of ice stored fishes were organoleptically in acceptable condition up to 48 weeks but the highest degree of freshness was found for fish stored in ice for 4 days before freezing at -20°C. The result indicates that the longer is the duration of ice storage before freezing, the shorter is the shelf life of the fish. The initial bacterial load prior to freezing of the 4 and 7 days of ice stored samples were 2.5x10³ CFU/g and 3.8x10⁴ CFU/g, respectively which reduced to 2.21x10² CFU/g and 2.38x10² CFU/g, respectively at the end of the 24 weeks of frozen storage. However, after 40 weeks the bacterial load in the frozen stored sample fell below the detection level.


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A study was conducted to evaluate the quality aspects of eight exportable dried fishery products of Bangladesh. The products were evaluated by examining organoleptic properties, water reconstitution behavior, microbiological and biochemical aspects. The water reconstitution rate was faster in ribbon fish and Bombay duck, and slower in other fishes and air bladder and shark fin products. Organoleptic and physical characteristics in respect of color, odor, texture, insect infestation and broken pieces of the products revealed that all of the products were either in excellent or acceptable condition. Total viable bacterial load ranged from 0.95 x 104 CFU/g to 1.8 x 104 CFU/g in dried products. Coliform bacteria was absent in all the dried fishery products. The results of moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash content of the products ranged from 16.20 to 23.51%, 58.37 to 82.86%, 0.17 to 14.44% and 0.58 to 9.23%, respectively. Non-protein nitrogen (NPN) contents were in the range of 0.104 to 2.372% and the pepsin digestibility values were of 88.41 to 94.23%. The results of the study suggested that the exportable dried products were of good quality and hygienically safe.


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Total bacterial load in the haemolymph of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii varied from 6.2x10⁴ to 1.9x10⁷ CFU/ml whereas in the hepatopancreas, bacterial load varied from 1.9x10³ to 2.9x10⁵ CFU/g. The total bacterial load in the pond water varied from 2.6x10² to 4.1x10⁵ CFU/ml. The isolated bacterial genera in the haemolymph and the hepatopancreas of prawn were Streptococcus, Acinetobacter, Micrococcus, Aeromonas, Vibrio, Flavobacterium, Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas, whereas the detected bacterial genera in pond water were Micrococcus, Streptococcus, Vibrio, Flavobacterium, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Aeromonas. Among the detected genera, Vibrio and Staphylococcus were found to be dominant genera in the haemolymph of the sampled prawn throughout the study period whereas Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas were dominant in pond water.


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The quantitative and qualitative aspects of intestinal bacteria of rohu fish (Labeo rohita) showed that total viable count of bacteria ranged from 9.9 x 106 to 1.4 x 107 CFU/g of intestine in different age groups of fish. The bacterial load was highest in the month of July and lowest in January. The genera of the isolates from intestine included Coryneform, Micrococcus, Flavobacterium, Cytophaga, Achromobacter, Aeromonas Enterobacteriaceae and Vibrio. Coryneform was the dominant group throughout the study period followed by Micrococcus and Enterobacteriaceae. Marked variations in the bacterial load and generic composition of intestinal bacteria were evident during the study period in different age groups of rohu fish.


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Five isolates of Aeromonas sobria, collected from the diseased fish were selected for detection the pathogenicity following water-born infection method on silver barbs (Barbodes gonionotus) at the selected exposure dose 2.5x10⁸ CFU/ml which was standardized by preliminary test. In the experimental condition lesion and mortality were found in fishes. Among the isolate, Ass17 Ass19, Ass31 and Ass36 were successfully infected 20-60% fishes. Another isolate Ass20 was found non-pathogenic. Drug sensitivity test was performed by six antibiotics viz. Oxytetracycline, Oxolinic acid, Chloramphenicol, Stilphamethozazole, Streptomycin, Erythromycin. All the isolates showed variable reaction patterns to antibiotics. Most of the isolates were found sensitive to Oxytetracycline (OT), Oxolinic acid (OA) and Chloramphenicol (C) but resistance to Erythromycin and Sulphamethoxazole (SXT). Isolate Ass31 found resistant to Oxolinic acid.


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During the study period (August, 1993 to July,l994) the mean bacterial load in surface water was found to vary from 1.39 xl05 (July'94) to 3.llxl07CFU/ml (September'93), while that of botrom water ranged from l.Olxl06 (May'94) to 5.90xl07CFU/ml (October '93). The mean total number of bacterial load in body slime, liver and kidney was found to vary from 0.58xl03 (July'94) to 2.37xl07CFU/g (March'94),from 0.22xl03(July'94)to 9.64xl06 CFU/g (March'94) from O.l5xl03 (July'94) to 9.36xl06 CFU/g (March'94), respectively. Bacterial load in slime was significantly correlated with bacterial load in liver, bacterial load in slime was significantly correlated with bacterial load in kidney and bacterial load in liver was significantly correlated with bacterial load in kidney.


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Pathogenicity of Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria was tested on the stinging catfish Heteropneustes fossilis. Before artificial infection the morphological, biochemical and physiological characters of Aeromonas hydrophila were studied. The infections were done by two different methods, viz., intramuscular (IM) and intraperitoneal (IP) injection. In infection experiment, each group of 10 fish were injected either intramuscularly or intra peritoneally with one dose higher than the LD50 dose (9.6 x 107 CFU/fish). All the fish tested died within 1 to 9 days. Both in cases of intramuscular and intraperitoneal injection, external pathology were found. Haemorrhagic lesions were evident at the site of injection. The posterior end of the body surface was found to develop greyish-white lesion that was extended up to caudal fin. Hyperemic anal region and the fin bases were also observed. Total bacterial loads in liver, kidney and intestine were determined. Aeromonas hydrophila could be isolated from liver, kidney and intestine of the experimentally infected fish. In case of intramuscular injection the highest and the lowest bacterial load was found to be 2.4 x 107 CFU/g of liver and 2.1 x 102 CFU/g of kidney and in case of intraperitoneal injection they were found to be 3.6 x 106 CFU/g of kidney and 1.2 x 104 CFU/g of kidney respectively. It was concluded that A. hydrophila could cause serious disease condition to Heteropneustes fossilis and its pathogenesis in the fish was also very efficient.


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The overall quality of five SIS products was found in good condition up to 2 months storage on the basis of organoleptic, biochemical and bacteriological characteristics and all the products was excellent in sealed packed condition up to 45 days of storage. However, quality of the products stored in open air atmospheric temperature was found excellent for first 15 days. In an average the initial moisture content was in the range of 13.5 to 15.0% with highest moisture content in puti and lowest in chapila. At the end of the 60 days the moisture content reached to the range of 18.5 to 19.0% which was more or less near the recommended limit of 16% for dried fishery products. The moisture content beyond the recommended limit as the storage period increased further and at the end of 90 days the moisture content increased to the range of 22.9 to 24% when organoleptically the product quality became very poor. The changes in the value of total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), peroxide value (PO), moisture and aerobic plate count (APC) of solar tunnel dried products in sealed polythene packages were investigated during 60 days of storage. There was little or no differences in TVB-N, PO and bacterial load of each species packed under various polythene density. The initial TVB-N values were in the range of 10.30 to 12.40 mg/100g of the samples. TVB-N value increased slowly up to the end of the storage period and was to in the range of 46.20 to 57.00 mg/1 00 g of sample. Initially the peroxide values (P.O.) were in the range of 6.54 to 8.40 m.eq./kg oil of the samples. During 60 days of storage, P.O. values increased slowly and at the end of the storage period these values reached to the range of 22.00 to 25.30meq./kg of sample. The initial APC was in the range 5.3xl04-7.3x104 CFU/g. The bacterial load increased slowly and at the end of the 60 days storage period reached to the range 6.6x106 - 8.6x107 CFT/g.


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The experiment was conducted for 35 days in nine cement tubs (1 x 1 x 1 m) having 15 cm sandy-loam soil base with three treatments in triplicate, viz., cow dung alone at the rate of 1 kg/tub (T sub(1)), cow dung at 1 kg/tub and feed at 10% body wt/d in two meals (T sub(2)), and cow dung at 1 kg and paddy straw at 200 g/tub (T sub(3)). Both manure and substrate were added on dry weight basis. All the tubs were stocked with 10 fry each mrigal (100,000/ha) of average weight of 0.09 g, seven days after the addition of manure and substrate. The total plate count of bacteria in water did not vary much between the treatments and the mean values were 5.13, 5.49 and 5.85 (CFU x 10 super(4)/ml) in T sub(1) T sub(2) and T sub(3) respectively. The number of phytoplankters and zooplankters in water differed significantly between the treatments. The average number of attached algae (no./cm³) and fish food organisms (no./cm³) recorded on the substrate were 145.28 and 70.67, respectively. The mean final weight of mrigal differed significantly (P < 0.05) between the treatments with T sub(3) registering the highest value of 6.93 g followed by T sub(2) (5.01 g) and T sub(1) (3.37 g). The specific growth rate and growth increment of fish also followed the same trend as that of weight recorded in the different treatments. Survival was higher in T sub(2) (83.33%), followed by T sub(3) (80.00%) and T sub(1) (76.67%). The study demonstrates that by the introduction of biodegradable substrates like paddy straw into the culture systems, significantly higher growth and survival can be obtained in the nursery rearing of mrigal.


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The bacterial flora occurring in muscle, haemolymph, hepatopancreas and gill of brood, juveniles, water, eggs, larvae and rearing water were estimated by selective plate count technique for Entrobacteriaceae, Streptococaceae and Vibrionaceae members. The total viable bacterial count was estimated by total plate count technique on nutrient agar. The total viable counts of bacteria were lowest in water from 6.10x10² CFU/mL) and highest in egg (6.06x10super(8) CFU/g). In brood the total counts were varying from 1.62x10² CFU/g in muscle to 2.20x10super(5) CFU/g in gills. In juveniles, the total plate counts were varying from 2.8x10super(4) CFU/g in muscles to 3.67x10 super(8) CFU/g in hepatopancreas. Selective plate counts show that Enterobacteriaceae members dominate in egg and gills of brood and hepatopancreas of juveniles. Vibrios were found to be dominant in water and larvae of rearing tank. Haemolymph of brood was sterile and did not contain any bacteria while muscle of juvenile was having very low count of total viable bacteria.


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The study was conducted on the present status of HACCP based quality management system of golda, Macrobrachium rosenbergii farms in Fulpur region of Mymensingh. Information was collected on general condition of farms, culture systems and post-harvest quality management. In almost all farms, there is no or inadequate infrastructure facilities such as, road access, electric supply, telecommunications, ice, feed storage facility, vehicle for golda transportation, washing and toilet facilities. The problems associated with sanitation and hygiene was: widespread use of cow dung, poultry manure and construction of open toilet within the vicinity of prawn culture pond. Different grades of commercially available and locally prepared feeds were used for golda culture in the pond. Golda post-larvae (PL) of 40-50 days old were stocked with carp species. The price of golda PL ranged from Tk. 1.00 to Tk. 1.25/piece. The pond size varied from 50 decimal (0.2 ha) to 2.5 acre (1.0 ha) with an average depth of 2-2.5 m. The culture period of golda varied from April-May to November-December and survival rate ranged between 75 and 80%. Production of golda varied from 250-500 kg/acre (625-1,250 kg/ha). Harvested golda were transported to city market within 4 h. Two size grading were generally followed during pricing, e.g. Tk. 500 to 550/kg for >100 g size and Tk. 300/kg for <100 g size. The cost-benefit ratio was found to remain around 1:1.25 depending on availability of PL. Water quality parameters such as, water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity and chlorophyll a in five golda farms in Fulpur region were monitored. Water temperature ranged from 29°C to 33°C, dissolved oxygen from 2.28 to 4.13 mg/l, pH between 6.65 and 7.94, alkalinity from 44 to 70 mg/l and chlorophyll a concentration from 61.88 to 102.34 µg/l in the five investigated ponds. The Aerobic Plate Count (APC) of the water sample was within the range of 2.0x10^6 - 2.96x10^7 CFU/ml and of soil samples within the range of 6.9x10^6 - 7.73x10^6 CFU/g. Streptococcus sp., Bacillus sp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Salmonella sp. were isolated from pond water and sediment. Different feed samples used for golda was analyzed for proximate composition. Moisture content ranged around 14.14-21.22%, crude protein 20.55-44.1%, lipid 4.67-12.54% and ash 9.7-27.69%. The TVB-N values and peroxide values of feeds used as starter, grower and fish meal were found within the acceptable ranges and samples were free from pathogenic organisms. A training was organized for the golda farmers on HACCP, water quality and post-harvest quality management of prawn.


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Studies were undertaken to evaluate the quality changes in freshwater giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii during various storage conditions of handling and preservation and producing safe and quality products. The samples kept in ice immediately after catch with head-on and head-less condition were found to be acceptable for 6 days and 7 days, respectively. Delaying of icing considerably shortened the shelf-life. The pH value increased from 6.36 to 8.0 after 10 days in ice. The initial average TVB-N value of sample increased from below 10 mg/100 g to 25 mg/100 g with the lapse of storage period. The Ca++ ATPase activity in presence of 0.1M KCl slightly decreased at the end of 10 days of ice storage. Immediately after harvest, initial aerobic plate count (APC) was 2.88x10^6 CFU/g which gradually increased to 1.12x10^8 CFU/g after 6 days in ice storage and showed early signs of spoilage. Initial bacterial genera in the prawn iced at 0 hours were comprised of Coryneform (22.21 %), Bacillus (7.40%), Micrococcus (11.11 %), Achromobacter (48.14%), Flavobacterium/Cytophaga (7.40%), Pseudomonas (3.70%) and Aeromonas (3.70%). During ice storage Coryneforms and Bacillus were always dominating along with less prominent ones - Micrococcus, Achromobacter and Flavobacterium. Studies were conducted on the stability of myofibrillar protein of M. rosenbergii under different storage and pH conditions. The influence of a wide range of pH on the remaining Ca++ ATPase activity of M. rosenbergii muscle myofibrils after storage at -20°C for 2 days, at 0°C for 2 days and at 35°C for 30 minutes demonstrated that ATPase activities were lower in acidic and alkaline pH regions and the activity remained relatively high. Mg++ ATPase activities both in presence and absence of Ca++ remained high at neutral pH compared to those of acidic and alkaline region. The solubility of myofibrillar protein decreased gradually both in acidic and alkaline pH regions. The study also examined the bacteriological quality of freshly harvested M. rosenbergii, pond sediment and pond water from four commercial freshwater prawn farms at Fulpur and Tarakanda upazilas in the district of Mymensingh. The study included aerobic plate count (APC), total coliform count, detection, isolation and identification of suspected public health hazard bacteria and their seasonal variation, salt tolerance test, antibiotic sensitivity test of the isolates and washing effect of chlorinated water on the bacterial load in the prawn samples. APC in sediment soil and water of the farm and gill and hepatopancreas of freshly harvested prawns varied considerably among the farms and between summer and winter season. The range of coliform count in water, gill and hepatopancreas ranged between 6 - 2.8x10^2 CFU/ml, 1.2x10^2 - 3.32x10^2 CFU/g and 1.43x10^2 - 3.89 x10^3 CFU/g, respectively. No coliform was detected in pond sediment sample. Suspected health hazard bacteria isolated and identified from pond sediment, water, gill and hepatopancreas included Streptococcus, Bacillus, Escherichia coli, Klebsialla, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Aeromonas. Bacillus, Salmonella and Staphyloccus [sic], and were found to be highly salt tolerant and capable of growing at 10% NaCl. The antibiotic discs with different concentration of antibiotics were used for the sensitivity test. The organisms were found to be most sensitive against Tetracyclin and Gentamycin.


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Non-symbiotic, free living, nitrogen fixing bacteria, Azotobacter sp. was estimated in sediments of estuarine, marine, backwater and mangrove environments of Portonovo. Number of colony forming units (CFU) of Azotobacter sp. was less (5 to 27 cells/g of dry sediment). CFU of total heterotrophic bacteria (THB), actinomycetes and fungi were between 4.1x10 super(6) and 4.5x10 super (7), 0.8x10 super(5) and 4.9x10 super(5), 1.1x10 super(5) and 3.8x10 super(5)/g respectively. Mangrove sediments contained more CFU of the above microbial groups.