em Aquatic Commons
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There is increasing awareness of aquaculture in Nigeria today for a number of reasons namely: water pollution, declining catch and the awareness of the attractiveness of aquaculture as an investment area and a pivotal point for national development. The development of aquaculture in Nigeria, requires the building up of institutions at the grassroot level and the formulation of policies and programmes for the small fishfarmer. This of course would be backed up by a sound technology generation, verification and packaging, dissemination and use programme
Conventional aquaculture has been promoted in Nigeria for the past five decades with minimal impact on rural communities: from the findings of Maclearen (1949) where he popularized the use of culturable fish predators Lutjanus sp; Pomades sp; Tarpon adanticus; Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus in earthen ponds near Onikan-Lagos, Nigeria; to the finding of Zwilling, 1963, who reported common carp, Cyprinus carpio propagation and culture in Panyan Fish Farm, near Jos; to the findings of FAO, 1965, when the potential culture of marine mullets culture in brackish water ponds in Buguma, Rivers State was presented. The work of other researchers Sivalingam, (1970; 1973), Ezenwa (1976), development officers and extension officers contributed to the development of aquaculture in few rural areas of the country and informed on public and private owned fish farm infrastructures. Despite a moderate long history of aquaculture research and development in Nigeria, an annual production level of 25,000 metric tons was recorded in 1999. This situation calls for a more sustainable approach for a stronger link between aquaculture research and technology transfer for the development of rural communities of Nigeria. This paper therefore examines some of the issues involved in the continuous flow of the new aquaculture technology in the improvement of fish protein output, standard of living of rural farmers and prevention of urban migration by the youth
This partial translation of the original paper provides the summary of this study of the mechanism of mass transfer in the formation of hydrothermal deposits of sulphides. For determining the solubility of sulphides of iron, the radioactive isotope Fe59 was used. The solubility of two sulphides was determined.
Farming experiments and transfer of technology of bivalve culture along the southwest coast of India
The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) in India developed bivalve farming technologies in the 1970s, but these were not widely adopted at the time. In 1993, CMFRI undertook an action research program to encourage farming of edible oysters (Crassostrea madrasensis), mussels (Perna viridis and Perna indica), clams (Paphia malabarica) and pearls (Pinctada fucata) along the southwest coast of India. Successful demonstration of the viability of bivalve farming led to the initiation of commercial farming of mussels and generated interest among farmers and entrepreneurs in developing production of pearls and farming of edible oysters. Given the high potential for the mollusc aquaculture, both for the local and export market, issues such as demarcation and issuance of lease right on aquaculture zones in public waterbodies by the government, organization of marketing systems and provisions for technical and financial support to farmers need to be addressed.
Details are given of activities conducted in Zomba, Malawi, in order to demonstrate new aquaculture technologies and encourage their use by smallholder fish farmers. The following technologies were introduced: napier grass as a pond output; use of a reed fence for harvesting fish; developing a high-quality compost as a pond input; vegetable-pond integration; chicken-pond integration; smoking kiln; pond stirring; and rice-fish integration. The reactions of the farmers to these technologies and their testing by the farmers are outlined briefly.
Brevetoxin uptake was analyzed in 2 common planktivorous fish that are likely foodweb vectors for dolphin mortality events associated with brevetoxin-producing red tides. Fish were exposed to brevetoxin-producing Karenia brevis for 10 h under conditions previously reported to produce optimal uptake of toxin in blood after oral exposure. Striped mullet Mugil cephalus were exposed to a low dose of brevetoxin, and uptake and depuration by specific organs were evaluated over a 2 mo period. Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus specimens were used to characterize a higher brevetoxin dose uptake into whole body components and evaluate depuration over 1 mo. We found a high uptake of toxin by menhaden, with a body to water ratio of 57 after a 10 h exposure and a slow elimination with a half life (t1/2) of 24 d. Elimination occurred rapidly from the intestine (t1/2 < 1 wk) and muscle (t1/2 ≈ 1 wk) compartments and redistributed to liver which continued to accumulate body stores of toxin for 4 wk. The accumulation and elimination characteristics of the vectoring capacity of these 2 fish species are interpreted in relation to data from the Florida Panhandle dolphin mortality event of 2004. We show that due to slow elimination rate of brevetoxin in planktivorous fish, brevetoxin-related dolphin mortality events may occur without evidence of a concurrent harmful algal bloom event.