29 resultados para Bolano, Roberto, 1953-2003. Los detectives salvajes

em Aquatic Commons


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En 1987 publicamos una lista de los peces de agua dulce de la Argentina restringida a la información básica, por la que entendíamos los autores de géneros y especies con sus fecha, y las citas de los autores de trabajos que resultaban en modificaciones del catálogo de Ringuelet et al. (1967). A pesar de su modesta presentación (o quizá debido a ella), esa lista alcanzó una divulgación mucho más amplia que la esperada y fue evidente que los investigadores, docentes, funcionarios y alumnos, necesitan un esquema accesible del grupo que los alivie de la búsqueda permanente de las modificaciones taxonómicas, muchas de las cuales en los últimos tiempos han dejado de lado el saludable tono conservador del código de nomenclatura. Después de tres quinquenios la lista está bastante gastada y hemos recibido muchos pedidos de una nueva versión. Dos argumentos nos han decidido a rehacerla bastante en contra de nuestra disposición. La conciencia de que se trata de un trabajo de alguna utilidad como referencia y en temas aplicados, y la evidente circunstancia, curiosamente ignorada, de que las listas faunísticas constituyen la evaluación más inmediata y manejable de la biodiversidad. Esta es una observación que ofrecemos a los lectores y que es ciertamente paradójica; que se destinan enormes esfuerzos y gran cantidad de dinero a la organización de grupos de trabajo, simposios y jornadas sobre la diversidad, cuando ésta en general está a la vuelta de la esquina, en el permanente trabajo taxonómico y faunístico de decenas de investigadores que lo realizan habitualmente. A veces ni siquiera es necesario rastrearla en publicaciones dispersas, ya que parece estar en la naturaleza de los taxónomos preparar listas, catálogos y elencos, que habitualmente no son considerados relevantes como resultado de investigación. Queremos dejar en claro que esta lista, si bien está basada en las mejores fuentes accesibles, no es estrictamente un catálogo crítico, en el sentido que se hayan buscado todas las publicaciones originales, se hayan revisado materiales, o se haya llevado a cabo investigación original sobre todos los grupos. Cualquiera familiarizado con los peces, comprenderá que esa tarea no era posible en el nivel requerido por la taxonomía actual. Sin embargo, hemos buscado las publicaciones originales cuando las dudas excedían lo razonable y hemos revisado material original en nuestro trabajo personal con varios grupos. Las distribuciones se dan de una manera muy general, y se basan principalmente en Ringuelet et al. (1967), con el agregado de datos nuevos publicados que recogimos personalmente. En la consideración de las especies válidas, se han seguido los criterios de autores recientes y, cuando carecíamos de referencias particulares, se utilizaron el Catálogo de la Academia de ciencias de California (Esmeyer, 1998) y el Fish Data Base. Según Margalef, una de las funciones de la ciencia es proveer descripciones abreviadas de los fenómenos. Esta lista es una descripción abreviada de la diversidad de los peces continentales de la Argentina. Incluye todas las especies que se sabe que habitan el país, más unas cuantas que es posible qu4e lo hagan. Todos los cambios que han ocurrido desde la lista anterior están indicados con la referencia a los autores correspondientes. En muchos casos, hemos incluido nuestra opinión y en otros comentamos, con algún detalle, cual es el estado del conocimiento. Las disciplinas cambian, progresan y a veces también, retroceden. Rara vez son inmutables. Esta lista tampoco. (Lista PDF tiene 90 paginas; Indice Ordenes y Familias tiene 17 paginas.)


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Los inventarios sistemáticos, la clasificación, la denominación científica y la interpretación de las relaciones entre los diferentes grupos de seres vivos, son herramientas fundamentales para el estudio y uso sustentable de la biodiversidad, en tanto que las colecciones de organismos debidamente acondicionadas y depositadas en laboratorios y museos constituyen instrumentos irremplazables para documentar la variedad de la vida, presente y extinta.


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ENGLISH: The Governments of Costa Rica and the United States, being mutually interested in the conservation of the tropical tunas and of the bait-fishes required for capturing them, entered into a Convention in 1950 establishing the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. The Convention provides that other governments having an interest in the tuna and tuna-bait resources may adhere to the Convention by a simple exchange of correspondence with the existing members. The Government of Panama adhered to the Convention in the fall of 1953. SPANISH: Los Gobiernos de Costa Rica y de los Estados Unidos, mutuamente interesados en la conservación de las especies tropicales de atún, así como en la de los peces que sirven de carnada para su pesca, suscribieron en 1950 una Convención por la que se estableció la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical. La Convención permite que otros gobiernos interesados en los recursos del atún y los peces-carnada puedan adherirse a la misma mediante un simple intercambio de correspondencia con los Gobiernos Miembros. El Gobierno de Panamá se adhirió a la Convención en el otoño de 1953. (PDF contains 100 pages.)


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According to our statement in the previous editions of this list (1996-2002), we provide here an update to the year 2004, including, as always, some references omitted before. This bibliography is edited electronically, considering that this method assured a wider distribution, at least in the opinion sent us by some researchers. The increase, progressive in general, in the number of publications, is evident. It has been analysed by Gómez & Ferriz [2002 (2004)], using mainly the present series of compilations. A reading of this list shows a change, with a noticeable increase in the number of papers on molecular aspects and genetics, and also in conservations subjects. This, in our opinion, show real recent changes in approximations and technologies. We thankfully acknowledge to many authors for sending information about their works.


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Prosiguiendo con la política de rescatar documentos que, por diferentes motivos, se han extraviado con el paso del tiempo, el Programa para el estudio y uso sustentable de la biota austral (ProBiota) reedita el primer y único boletín de la Asociación Limnológica y Oceanográfica Argentina (ALOA). Esta asociación pretendía convocar a los hidrobiólogos argentinos, pero interrumpió su camino a poco de iniciado en el año 1953. Los motivos de ese hecho los desconozco; aunque personalmente creo que, entre otras cosas, debe haber influido el quiebre institucional de 1955 cuando se profundizaron nuevamente las heridas en nuestra sociedad. No deja de ser paradójico que hoy, a casi cincuenta años de este suceso, la Asociación Argentina de Limnología (AAL) se encuentre en una situación similar luego de veinte años de trayectoria que se cumplirían en el mes de marzo del próximo año. Hasta 1998, fecha de su último congreso, tuvo un gran impulso generando importantes eventos nacionales e internacionales. Sin embargo, a partir de allí fue decayendo con rapidez y hoy se enfrenta a su inminente disolución. A mi entender, la reversión de este hecho sólo podría lograrse sobre la base del sacrificio personal y del conjunto, solidaridad y, sobre todo, respeto a la memoria de todos aquellos que construyeron las bases de la limnología nacional.


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Between 1981 and 1995, we published five bibliographic lists (López et al., 1981, 1982,1987, 1989 y 1995) that included the publications referred to Argentine freshwater fishes and related general information published since Ringuelet et al. (1967). We included Uruguayan papers until 1989, when it became apparent that our access to those materials was not complete. Other bibliographic collections were published on several subjects (López et al., 1991, 1993, y Ferriz et al., 1998). In the foreword to the 1995 list, López stated that it was difficult to assess the actual usefulness of the lists, since they were seldom quoted in research papers. This consideration, along with the wide success of electronic databases, caused us to discontinue the series, since its only goal had been to increase the knowledge and access to local research papers and foreign publications of interest to local researchers. Regrettably, our experience indicates that access to scientific literature is still, if not difficult, somewhat arbitrary. Apart from that, the continuous work on diverse research lines at División Zoología Vertebrados of Museo de La Plata leads to the accumulation of a multiplicity of information which may be sorted out for the use of others without much difficulty. At present, electronically-supported databases appear as the simplest way to do this. The future will show if this method is more efficient than the preceding one. In this issue we have included papers published between 1996 and 2002; and it is our purpose to update the list on a yearly basis. Papers included cover Argentine fish fauna and some related subjects of more general interest. Naturally, it is hardly surprising that some involuntary omissions will occur when addressing this subject. Any corrections and/or additions will be incorporated in following versions; and all information is most welcome.


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El 10 de septiembre de 2014 se cumplieron cien años del nacimiento de Raúl A. Ringuelet, una de las figuras consulares de las Ciencias Naturales de la Argentina. A modo de homenaje y dentro de las modestas posibilidades de ProBiota, queremos recordar este acontecimiento reuniendo sus principales contribuciones biogeográficas, de las que ya realizaron un excelente análisis Lopretto y Menni durante el 2003. No obstante, entiendo que es oportuno recordar que en 1944, a la edad de 30 años, pública Sinopsis sistemática y zoogeográfica de los Hirudíneos de la Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay. Además, en su trayectoria docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la UNLP, crea la Cátedra de Zoogeografía (1958), la de Ecología y Zoogeografía (1960) y posteriormente la de Biogeografía (1981). Como alumno de esta última materia, no puedo dejar de mencionar que las autoridades de ese momento le hacían dictar sus clases en un subsuelo de un edificio céntrico, con luz artificial, humedad y otros elementos que conspiraban contra su salud ya deteriorada. A más de treinta años del fallecimiento, mucho se ha dicho y escrito sobre Raúl A. Ringuelet, tanto por parte de colegas, discípulos, alumnos (ver López y Ponte Gómez, 2009) como de aquellos que no lo conocieron personalmente. Un ejemplo de esto último y que vale destacar, ha sido la exposición en el auditorio del Museo de La Plata de Fabián Grosman en mayo de 2012 (ver http://raulringuelet.blogspot.com.ar/), quién junto con Miguel Mancini acuñaron el término “Neo ringueletismo” (ver Mancini y Grosman, 2008: 140). Como reflexión final y parafraseando a Raúl Larra al recordar a Roberto Arlt, podemos afirmar Treinta y cuatro años después sigue (R.A.R.) estando entre nosotros. ¿Por qué está con nosotros?. Su intemporalidad reside en la intemporalidad de su obra.


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(PDF tiene 5 paginas.)


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Document contains 82 pages.


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La presente lista bibliográfica complementa a la del primer número de la revista Biología Acuática editada por el Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Rinquelet" (ILPLA). (Document contains 24 pages)


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La presente lista complementa a las publicadas en Biología Acuática nº 1 y nº 3 por el Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet" (ILPLA).


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Lista de peces de agua dulce restringida a la información básica: los autores de géneros y especies, la fecha de descripción, y las referencias bibliográficas a aquellos trabajos que fundamentan las modificaciones o agregados realizados. Las especies introducidas se indican con un asterisco, las limítrofes con esta indicación y entre paréntesis cuando se señala su número.


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La presente lista constituye un nuevo aporte a la información de los peces de agua dulce de la Argentina (López et al., 1981, 1982, 1986 y 1989). Por razones de economía de espacio, hemos variado el esquema seguido en las anteriores, no mencionamos los resúmenes de las diferentes reuniones, ni las especies citadas en el texto de los trabajos incluidos. Por otra parte, no consideramos las contribuciones de nuestros colegas uruguayos (con excepción de aquellas referidas a cuerpos de agua compartidos), ya que temimos caer en olvidos involuntarios que, con el tiempo, se transformen en situaciones enojosas. (PDF tiene 15 paginas.)


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La presente lista constituye el tercer suplemento a las bibliografías de los peces de Agua Dulce de la Argentina y Uruguay (López et al., 1981, 1982, 1986). Los criterios que sustentan la inclusión de los trabajos son los señalados en 1981. Se incluyen en este trabajo los artículos posteriores a 1986 y los que han pasado inadvertidos en las anteriores. Se mencionan las especies citadas, salvo cuando figuran en el título del trabajo o su número es excesivo. (PDF tiene 36 paginas.)


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Executive Summary: The western National Coastal Assessment (NCA-West) program of EPA, in conjunction with the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS), conducted an assessment of the status of ecological condition of soft sediment habitats and overlying waters along the western U.S. continental shelf, between the target depths of 30 and 120 m, during June 2003. NCA-West and NOAA/NOS partnered with the West Coast states (Washington (WA), Oregon (OR), and California (CA)), and the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) Bight ’03 program to conduct the survey. A total of 257 stations were sampled from Cape Flattery, WA to the Mexican border using standard methods and indicators applied in previous coastal NCA projects. A key study feature was the incorporation of a stratified-random sampling design with stations stratified by state and National Marine Sanctuary (NMS) status. Each of the three states was represented by at least 50 random stations. There also were a total of 84 random stations located within NOAA’s five NMSs along the West Coast including the Olympic Coast NMS (OCNMS), Cordell Bank NMS (CBNMS), Gulf of Farallones NMS (GFNMS), Monterey Bay NMS (MBNMS), and Channel Islands NMS (CINMS). Collection of flatfish via hook-and-line for fish-tissue contaminant analysis was successful at 50 EMAP/NCA-West stations. Through a collaboration developed with the FRAM Division of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center, fish from an additional 63 stations in the same region and depth range were also analyzed for fish-tissue contaminants. Bottom depth throughout the region ranged from 28 m to 125 m for most stations. Two slightly deeper stations from the Southern California Bight (SCB) (131, 134 m) were included in the data set. About 44% of the survey area had sediments composed of sands (< 20% silt-clay), about 47% was composed of intermediate muddy sands (20-80% silt-clay), and about 9% was composed of muds (> 80% silt-clay). The majority of the survey area (97%) had relatively low percent total organic carbon (TOC) levels of < 2%, while a small portion (< 1%) had high TOC levels (> 5%), in a range potentially harmful to benthic fauna. Salinity of surface waters for 92% of the survey area were > 31 psu, with most stations < 31 psu associated with the Columbia River plume. Bottom salinities ranged only between 31.6 and 34.4 psu. There was virtually no difference in mean bottom salinities among states or between NMS and non-NMS stations. Temperatures of surface water (range 8.5 -19.9 °C) and bottom water (range 5.8 -14.7 °C) averaged several degrees higher in CA in comparison to WA and OR. The Δσt index of watercolumn stratification indicated that about 31% of the survey area had strong vertical stratification of the water column. The index was greatest for waters off WA and lowest for CA waters. Only about 2.6 % of the survey area had surface dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations ≤ 4.8 mg/L, and there were no values below the lower threshold (2.3 mg/L) considered harmful to the survival and growth of marine animals. Surface DO concentrations were higher in WA and OR waters than in CA, and higher in the OC NMS than in the CA sanctuaries. An estimated 94.3% of the area had bottom-water DO concentrations ≤ 4.8 mg/L and 6.6% had concentrations ≤ 2.3 mg/L. The high prevalence of DO from 2.3 to 4.8 mg/L (85% of survey area) is believed to be associated with the upwelling of naturally low DO water across the West Coast shelf. Mean TSS and transmissivity in surface waters (excluding OR due to sample problems) were slightly higher and lower, respectively, for stations in WA than for those in CA. There was little difference in mean TSS or transmissivity between NMS and non-NMS locations. Mean transmissivity in bottom waters, though higher in comparison to surface waters, showed little difference among geographic regions or between NMS and non-NMS locations. Concentrations of nitrate + nitrite, ammonium, total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and orthophosphate (P) in surface waters tended to be highest in CA compared to WA and OR, and higher in the CA NMS stations compared to CA non-sanctuary stations. Measurements of silicate in surface waters were limited to WA and CA (exclusive of the SCB) and showed that concentrations were similar between the two states and approximately twice as high in CA sanctuaries compared to OCNMS or nonsanctuary locations in either state. The elevated nutrient concentrations observed at CA NMS stations are consistent with the presence of strong upwelling at these sites at the time of sampling. Approximately 93% of the area had DIN/P values ≤ 16, indicative of nitrogen limitation. Mean DIN/P ratios were similar among the three states, although the mean for the OCNMS was less than half that of the CA sanctuaries or nonsanctuary locations. Concentrations of chlorophyll a in surface waters ranged from 0 to 28 μg L-1, with 50% of the area having values < 3.9 μg L-1 and 10% having values > 14.5 μg L-1. The mean concentration of chlorophyll a for CA was less than half that of WA and OR locations, and concentrations were lowest in non-sanctuary sites in CA and highest at the OCNMS. Shelf sediments throughout the survey area were relatively uncontaminated with the exception of a group of stations within the SCB. Overall, about 99% of the total survey area was rated in good condition (<5 chemicals measured above corresponding effect range low (ERL) concentrations). Only the pesticides 4,4′-DDE and total DDT exceeded corresponding effect range-median (ERM) values, all at stations in CA near Los Angeles. Ten other contaminants including seven metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ag, Zn), 2-methylnaphthalene, low molecular weight PAHs, and total PCBs exceeded corresponding ERLs. The most prevalent in terms of area were chromium (31%), arsenic (8%), 2-methylnaphthalene (6%), cadmium (5%), and mercury (4%). The chromium contamination may be related to natural background sources common to the region. The 2-methylnaphthalene exceedances were conspicuously grouped around the CINMS. The mercury exceedances were all at non-sanctuary sites in CA, particularly in the Los Angeles area. Concentrations of cadmium in fish tissues exceeded the lower end of EPA’s non-cancer, human-health-risk range at nine of 50 EMAP/NCA-West and nine of 60 FRAM groundfish-survey stations, including a total of seven NMS stations in CA and two in the OCNMS. The human-health guidelines for all other contaminants were only exceeded for total PCBs at one station located in WA near the mouth of the Columbia River. Benthic species richness was relatively high in these offshore assemblages, ranging from 19 to 190 taxa per 0.1-m2 grab and averaging 79 taxa/grab. The high species richness was reflected over large areas of the shelf and was nearly three times greater than levels observed in estuarine samples along the West Coast (e.g NCA-West estuarine mean of 26 taxa/grab). Mean species richness was highest off CA (94 taxa/grab) and lower in OR and WA (55 and 56 taxa/grab, respectively). Mean species richness was very similar between sanctuary vs. non-sanctuary stations for both the CA and OR/WA regions. Mean diversity index H′ was highest in CA (5.36) and lowest in WA (4.27). There were no major differences in mean H′ between sanctuary vs. nonsanctuary stations for both the CA and OR/WA regions. A total of 1,482 taxa (1,108 to species) and 99,135 individuals were identified region-wide. Polychaetes, crustaceans and molluscs were the dominant taxa, both by percent abundance (59%, 17%, 12% respectively) and percent species (44%, 25%, 17%, respectively). There were no major differences in the percent composition of benthic communities among states or between NMSs and corresponding non-sanctuary sites. Densities averaged 3,788 m-2, about 30% of the average density for West Coast estuaries. Mean density of benthic fauna in the present offshore survey, averaged by state, was highest in CA (4,351 m-2) and lowest in OR (2,310 m-2). Mean densities were slightly higher at NMS stations vs. non-sanctuary stations for both the CA and OR/WA regions. The 10 most abundant taxa were the polychaetes Mediomastus spp., Magelona longicornis, Spiophanes berkeleyorum, Spiophanes bombyx, Spiophanes duplex, and Prionospio jubata; the bivalve Axinopsida serricata, the ophiuroid Amphiodia urtica, the decapod Pinnixa occidentalis, and the ostracod Euphilomedes carcharodonta. Mediomastus spp. and A. serricata were the two most abundant taxa overall. Although many of these taxa have broad geographic distributions throughout the region, the same species were not ranked among the 10 most abundant taxa consistently across states. The closest similarities among states were between OR and WA. At least half of the 10 most abundant taxa in NMSs were also dominant in corresponding nonsanctuary waters. Many of the abundant benthic species have wide latitudinal distributions along the West Coast shelf, with some species ranging from southern CA into the Gulf of Alaska or even the Aleutians. Of the 39 taxa on the list of 50 most abundant taxa that could be identified to species level, 85% have been reported at least once from estuaries of CA, OR, or WA exclusive of Puget Sound. Such broad latitudinal and estuarine distributions are suggestive of wide habitat tolerances. Thirteen (1.2%) of the 1,108 identified species are nonindigenous, with another 121 species classified as cryptogenic (of uncertain origin), and 208 species unclassified with respect to potential invasiveness. Despite uncertainties of classification, the number and densities of nonindigenous species appear to be much lower on the shelf than in the estuarine ecosystems of the Pacific Coast. Spionid polychaetes and the ampharetid polychaete Anobothrus gracilis were a major component of the nonindigenous species collected on the shelf. NOAA’s five NMSs along the West Coast of the U.S. appeared to be in good ecological condition, based on the measured indicators, with no evidence of major anthropogenic impacts or unusual environmental qualities compared to nearby nonsanctuary waters. Benthic communities in sanctuaries resembled those in corresponding non-sanctuary waters, with similarly high levels of species richness and diversity and low incidence of nonindigenous species. Most oceanographic features were also similar between sanctuary and non-sanctuary locations. Exceptions (e.g., higher concentrations of some nutrients in sanctuaries along the CA coast) appeared to be attributable to natural upwelling events in the area at the time of sampling. In addition, sediments within the sanctuaries were relatively uncontaminated, with none of the samples having any measured chemical in excess of ERM values. The ERL value for chromium was exceeded in sediments at the OCNMS, but at a much lower percentage of stations (four of 30) compared to WA and OR non-sanctuary areas (31 of 70 stations). ERL values were exceeded for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, 2- methylnaphthalene, low molecular weight PAHs, total DDT, and 4,4′-DDE at multiple sites within the CINMS. However, cases where total DDT, 4,4′-DDE, and chromium exceeded the ERL values were notably less prevalent at CINMS than in non-sanctuary waters of CA. In contrast, 2-methylnaphthalene above the ERL was much more prevalent in sediments at the CINMS compared to non-sanctuary waters off the coast of CA. While there are natural background sources of PAHs from oil seeps throughout the SCB, this does not explain the higher incidence of 2-methylnaphthalene contamination around CINMS. Two stations in CINMS also had levels of TOC (> 5%) potentially harmful to benthic fauna, though none of these sites exhibited symptoms of impaired benthic condition. This study showed no major evidence of extensive biological impacts linked to measured stressors. There were only two stations, both in CA, where low numbers of benthic species, diversity, or total faunal abundance co-occurred with high sediment contamination or low DO in bottom water. Such general lack of concordance suggests that these offshore waters are currently in good condition, with the lower-end values of the various biological attributes representing parts of a normal reference range controlled by natural factors. Results of multiple linear regression, performed using full model procedures to test for effects of combined abiotic environmental factors, suggested that latitude and depth had significant influences on benthic variables regionwide. Latitude had a significant inverse influence on all three of the above benthic variables, i.e. with values increasing as latitude decreased (p< 0.01), while depth had a significant direct influence on diversity (p < 0.001) and inverse effect on density (p <0.01). None of these variables varied significantly in relation to sediment % fines (at p< 0.1), although in general there was a tendency for muddier sediments (higher % fines) to have lower species richness and diversity and higher densities than coarser sediments. Alternatively, it is possible that for some of these sites the lower values of benthic variables reflect symptoms of disturbance induced by other unmeasured stressors. The indicators in this study included measures of stressors (e.g., chemical contaminants, eutrophication) that are often associated with adverse biological impacts in shallower estuarine and inland ecosystems. However, there may be other sources of humaninduced stress in these offshore systems (e.g., bottom trawling) that pose greater risks to ambient living resources and which have not been captured. Future monitoring efforts in these offshore areas should include indicators of such alternative sources of disturbance. (137pp.) (PDF contains 167 pages)