14 resultados para Bivariate Poisson

em Aquatic Commons


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Artificial feeding constitutes a very important aspect for intensive fish culture. Then, the physical properties, particularly water stability of feed, wider influence the fish production. By trying to find some answers to these problems, a preliminary study on water stability has been conducted at the LAYO aquaculture research station. This work consisted in incorporating different types of binders available in tropical countries in fish pellets of 3.5 mm and 6.0 mm diameters in order to identify an efficient binder allowing the improvement of the water stability of feed. From this experiment, it comes out that the use of wheat flour (A1) gives excellent quality pellets followed by cassava flour residue (A3). Moreover, this study shows that it exists an influence of the diameter on the crumbling of the pellets.


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Biological tests were carried out using static bioassay systems to determine the median lethal concentration of total sulfide (H2S, HS, S2) for African catfish (Heterobranchus longifilis, Valenciennes, 1840) at fry and juvenile stages.


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Cynoglossus canariensis has a very rapid growth. The rate of the males is 0,36 and the female one is 0,32. The asymptotic size is 55,0cm for the females and 50,5cm for the males. Females and males younger than three years (40cm), which represent 90 per cent of the Côte d'Ivoire stock have a similar growth, so the average equation: Lt=53,5 (1-e -0,34(t+1)) will be used.


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A description of a whale shark (Rhincodon typus) captured on June 1934 along the coast of Cap Ti Oan is given. The scientific name Rhincodon is not correct due to a typographic error. The name with greek origin, should be: Rhineodon typus.


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Cette étude a été réalisée par le WorldFish Center dans le cadre de sa collaboration avec le WWF et le projet CARPE de l’USAID. La chaîne de commercialisation du poisson a été suivie des zones de production jusqu’au principal marché final. La région au centre de cette étude est le lac Ntomba ainsi qu’une partie du fleuve Congo. Ceci correspond à la partie nord de la section du Paysage Lac Télé - Lac Tumba de la République Démocratique du Congo. Toutes les étapes de la chaîne de commercialisation du poisson ont été prises en compte dans cette étude. Les stratégies des acteurs présents à chaque étape ainsi que les dynamiques les associant à la chaîne ont été utilisées pour refléter le fonctionnement de la chaîne de commercialisation du poisson et identifier ses spécificités. La pêche est une activité saisonnière de grande importance dans la région du lac Ntomba et la partie proche du fleuve Congo. La majorité des habitants de la région constituent leurs moyens d’existence d’un panachage d’activités, dont la séquence semble être rythmée essentiellement par l’opportunité et le climat. Presque aucun service n’est offert dans cette région où les activités économiques sont réduites et n’ont le plus souvent qu’une faible productivité. Cependant, la chaîne de commercialisation du poisson supporte un large éventail d’acteurs différents et représente un secteur d’une grande importance pour la région. Cette région périphérique est reliée au reste de l’économie nationale par une série de marchés et de nombreux différents types d’acteurs. Assurer ce lien représente de sérieuses difficultés et comporte des risques importants tandis que les marges de profits sont le plus souvent minces. Cependant, il semblerait que, de manière générale, le marché se développe et les liens se renforcent, même si cette évolution est plus discrète dans les lieux les plus isolés.


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Commercial longline fishing data were analyzed and experiments were conducted with gear equipped with hook timers and timedepth recorders in the Réunion Island fishery (21°5ʹS lat., 53°28ʹE long.) to elucidate direct and indirect effects of the lunar cycle and other operational factors that affect catch rates, catch composition, fish behavior, capture time, and fish survival. Logbook data from 1998 through 2000, comprising 2009 sets, indicated that swordfish (Xiphias gladius) catch-per unit of effort (CPUE) increased during the first and last quarter of the lunar phase, whereas albacore (Thunnus alalunga) CPUE was highest during the full moon. Swordfish were caught rapidly after the longline was set and, like bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), they were caught during days characterized by a weak lunar illumination—mainly during low tide. We found a significant but very low influence of chemical lightsticks on CPUE and catch composition. At the time the longline was retrieved, six of the 11 species in the study had >40% survival. Hook timers indicated that only 8.4% of the swordfish were alive after 8 hours of capture, and two shark species (blue shark [Prionace glauca] and oceanic whitetip shark [Carcharhinus longimanus]) showed a greater resilience to capture: 29.3% and 23.5% were alive after 8 hours, respectively. Our results have implications for current fishing practices and we comment on the possibilities of modifying fishing strategies in order to reduce operational costs, bycatch, loss of target fish at sea, and detrimental impacts on the environment.


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FishBase is a computerized encyclopedia of fishes developed at International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) with the support of the European Commission and in collaboration with a large number of institutions throughout the world, notably FAO, and available since 1995 as CD-ROM. Major improvements since version 1.2 have now allowed for the release of FishBase 96, whose name indicates the intention to update FishBase annually. Some of the major improvements of FishBase 96 are: (a) 3,000 more species (total 15,000) and 3,000 more pictures (total 9,000); (b) complete marine checklists for 48 countries, and freshwater checklists for 60 countries; (c) a new user module to document local knowledge of fishes; (d) a stand-alone glossary defining 2,500 ichthyological and related terms; (e) new databases on brain weights (from R. Beauchot and colleagues at the University of Paris VII), on ciguatera (from P. Dalzell, South Pacific Commission, Noumea), and on recruitment (from R.A. Myers and colleagues at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, St. John's); and (f) new graphs to display quantitative data: through time series, pie charts and bivariate plots. As before, FishBase is available free to collaborators, for US$50 as update to registered users of previous versions, and for US$95 for new users.


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We report a Monte Carlo representation of the long-term inter-annual variability of monthly snowfall on a detailed (1 km) grid of points throughout the southwest. An extension of the local climate model of the southwestern United States (Stamm and Craig 1992) provides spatially based estimates of mean and variance of monthly temperature and precipitation. The mean is the expected value from a canonical regression using independent variables that represent controls on climate in this area, including orography. Variance is computed as the standard error of the prediction and provides site-specific measures of (1) natural sources of variation and (2) errors due to limitations of the data and poor distribution of climate stations. Simulation of monthly temperature and precipitation over a sequence of years is achieved by drawing from a bivariate normal distribution. The conditional expectation of precipitation. given temperature in each month, is the basis of a numerical integration of the normal probability distribution of log precipitation below a threshold temperature (3°C) to determine snowfall as a percent of total precipitation. Snowfall predictions are tested at stations for which long-term records are available. At Donner Memorial State Park (elevation 1811 meters) a 34-year simulation - matching the length of instrumental record - is within 15 percent of observed for mean annual snowfall. We also compute resulting snowpack using a variation of the model of Martinec et al. (1983). This allows additional tests by examining spatial patterns of predicted snowfall and snowpack and their hydrologic implications.


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Recreational fisheries in the waters off the northeast U.S. target a variety of pelagic and demersal fish species, and catch and effort data sampled from recreational fisheries are a critical component of the information used in resource evaluation and management. Standardized indices of stock abundance developed from recreational fishery catch rates are routinely used in stock assessments. The statistical properties of both simulated and empirical recreational fishery catch-rate data such as those collected by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Marine Recreational Fishery Statistics Survey (MRFSS) are examined, and the potential effects of different assumptions about the error structure of the catch-rate frequency distributions in computing indices of stock abundance are evaluated. Recreational fishery catch distributions sampled by the MRFSS are highly contagious and overdispersed in relation to the normal distribution and are generally best characterized by the Poisson or negative binomial distributions. The modeling of both the simulated and empirical MRFSS catch rates indicates that one may draw erroneous conclusions about stock trends by assuming the wrong error distribution in procedures used to developed standardized indices of stock abundance. The results demonstrate the importance of considering not only the overall model fit and significance of classification effects, but also the possible effects of model misspecification, when determining the most appropriate model construction.


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The freshwater giant prawn (golda), Macrobrachium rosenbergii and tiger shrimp (bagda), Penaeus monodon were stocked together with or without fin fishes at different stocking rates in semi-saline waters at Khulna region and their growth, survival, yield and costreturn analysis were made. Survival rate of golda and bagda ranged from 23.0 to 36.8% and 8.2 to 24%, respectively. The both species were significantly affected by their own stocking density. The average final weight of golda and bagda ranged from 62.4 to 73.3 g and 32.0 to 66.4 g. The bivariate analysis of average final weight of both golda and bagda revealed that golda positively and bagda negatively influenced by the total stocking density. However, the results of the individual sizes of both golda and bagda showed an increase in the proportions of smaller animals and a decrease in the proportion of larger ones with increasing stocking rates. The harvesting weights of all animals in the experimental ghers were in marketable sizes although their prices varied with the individual size. The total production comprised of both golda and bagda ranged from 514.6 to 952.8 kg ha·1, over a culture period of 10 months. Return on investment ranged from 51.0 to 125.7%.


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The distribution of fish caught by experimental gill nets has been found to be in the Poisson or Negative binomial form. Using this information, application of Chi-square test as suggested by Mood et al. (1974) has been illustrated, for comparing the efficiencies of gill nets. This test provides an alternative to Anova F-test especially in the context of significance of non-additivity for the two-way model. Based on the present work and the findings by Nair (1982) and Nair & Alagaraja (1982, 1984) an outline approach for statistical comparison of the efficiencies of fishing gear is presented.