4 resultados para Bienes raíces

em Aquatic Commons


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Among the birds obtained in the course of the Smithsonian Biological Survey of Panama are 28 kingfishers of the Ceryle americana group. Comparison of this large series, and examination of the birds from numerous localities in northern South America and within the wide distribution area (Panama to southern United States) originally assigned to Ceryle septentrionalis Sharpe, show that two well-marked races have been united under this name...(Document contains 4 pages)


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The genus Percichthys (Serranidae) includes three nominal species in Argentina, trucha, vinciguerrae and altispinis. The authors of this paper examine materials from: 1: the Río Negro river in its inferior course, in front of Viedma; 2: lake Pellegrini, near Neuquén, where the rivers Neuquén and Limay meet and form the Negro; 3: Plottier, near the place just named; 4: Colorado river, in Fortín Uno; 5: Curacó river, a tributary to the Colorado, now cut into separate sections since years ago on account of the lack of water; this river normally would connect the Colorado with the rivers up to the San Juan where the « trucha » lives; 6: Luro or La Salada lagoon, formed by the Colorado river near its mouth; 7: Argentino lake, in the southern Patagonia. These fishes are known as « trucha criolla » or « native trout » although the old Spanish name was « perca », more appropiate. Percichthys altispinis Regan 1905 is a good species ; it has been re-found in the Colorado river, at Fortín Uno. An illustration of it is given, characters of four specimens and a note on its scales. P. trucha C. V. reveeals itself on close examination as a complex species or linnean species (linneon) ; with several combinations of characters, but even more materials are needed to establish if there are geographical races (subspecies). A new examination of the Chilean materials is required (former authors considered them jointly with the Atlantic versant or Argentine materials). Some of the infraspeciíic forms are prognathous, and low finned ; others, the contrary; the head may be normal, or conical and bony; etc. As to P. vinciguerrae its standing as a valid species is doubtfull; perhaps, with P. laevis Jenyns it is a southern form. In the same reduced habitat (lagoon, or isolated course) diversified forms are present; some show parallelism with those of other places ; it is supposed that they show ecological influences according to the year or season of birth or developpment. A thorough study of the scales is given, with epidological characteristics and general conciusions as to the method of measuring and comparing their « reading». There are some marked differences even in the same habitat.


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This document is in Spanish. Los cuatro capítulos que integran este Anuario constituyen la cobertura básica de las distintas fases de la actividad pesquera. Con ello se integra la informaci6n cuantitativa referente a cada una de las fases, desde la identificaci6n de sus prop6sitos, hasta los medios y técnicas con que se realizan y los resultados finales alcanzados en el año de referencia. En el Capitulo 1, relativo a la fase primaria o extractiva, se han considerado no s610 las cifras correspondientes a la captura, se incluyen tambien los correspondientes a los bienes de capital -embarcaciones, artes y equipos de pesca e infraestructura portuaria- y a la poblaci6n dedicada a la extracci6n. Para la etapa industrial, Capítulo 11, se presenta la informaci6n de los activos fijos dedicados a la actividad pesquera, así como el resultado de su operaci6n por principales procesos: congelado, enlatado, reducci6n y otros como el seco-salado y el ahumado. Para la fase comercial, capítulo 111, se incluye la info~ maci6n referente a los volúmenes disponibles de productos pesqueros, su valor y las cifras relativas al comercio ex terior. Se consigna, igualmente, la estadística concerniente al consumo de estos productos. Por último, en el Capítulo IV se integran las informaciones provenientes de diferentes unidades administrativas del sector, como las relativas a la capacitaci6n, al empleo y al financiamiento de la actividad. Catch statistics for Mexican waters 1985. (PDF has 293 pages.)


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The Arctic charr of the British Isles are all non-migratory and are near their most southernmost range. Windermere is one of the few lowland lakes at southerly latitudes to contain a substantial proportion of Arctic charr. The first recorded mention of charr in Windermere was made around 1540 but it was not till the 17th century that different "sons" of charr were recognized, based on differences in their breeding behaviour. In the 1960's, the presence of two distinct populations, autumn spawners and spring spawners were discovered. In the 1980's it was shown that there were at least four races of charr in Windermere, based on genetic characteristics. Recently, the lake has changed due to inputs of phosphorus from treated sewage released into the lake resulting in eutrophication particularly in the south basin. Since the mid-1980's the numbers of charr caught in the south basin have declined.