3 resultados para Beet yellows

em Aquatic Commons


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission is engaged in scientific studies of the tuna resources of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. One of the most important aspects of these investigations is the evaluation of the effects of fishing upon the populations of yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) of this region, based upon the analysis of quantitative records of fishing effort and catch. The systematic collection and compilation of statistical information on the operations and production of the tuna fishing Beet have, therefore, been essential parts of the research program since its inception in 1951. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está dedicada al estudio cientifico de los recursos de atún del Océano Pacifico Oriental Tropical. Uno de los aspectos más importantes de las investigaciones es la evaluación de los efectos de la pesca sobre las poblaciones de atún aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus) y barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) de esta región, sobre la base del análisis de los registros cuantitativos del esfuerzo de pesca y captura respectiva. La recolección sistemática y la compilación de informaciones estadisticas sobre las operaciones y producción de la flota pesquera de atún han sido, consecuentemente, de esencial importancia dentro de nuestro programa de trabajo desde su comienzo en 1951. (PDF contains 77 pages.)


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The bed Shakla, comprising an average area of 75.0 ha is located in the northeastern region (Brahmanbaria district) of Bangladesh. The study was carried out to assess the ecological aspects of bed ecosystem. Surface run-off and increase inflow of rain water from the upper stretch during monsoon cause inundation and resumption of connection between beel and parent rivers. The range of dissolved oxygen (DO) content ( 4.5-8.9 mg/L) was found congenial for aquatic life. pH was in the alkaline range (7.3-8.5) and free C02 was reletavely high. Lower values of total hardness and total alkalinity indicated less nutrients in the beel water. A wide variation (1.4-27.2 x 103 ceHs/L) in the standing crop of total plankton was recorded during study period of which phytoplankton alone contributed about 90%. Phytoplankton diversity in the beel represented by three groups viz. Chlorophyceae, Myxophyceae and Bacillariophyceae in order of abundance. A total of 52 fish species belonging to 36 genera, 20 families and 1 species of prawn were identified so far from the beel. About l3 types of fishing method were found in operation. Seine nets (moshari berja, ghono berjal) and gill net (current jal) were identified as detrimental gear killing juveniles of different species during post spawning period. Kua fishing was also found harmful due to dewatering nature. A total of 11 species belonging to 11 genera and 10 families of aquatic weeds were identified from the beet The eggs of Macrobrachium Jamarrei were identified into the Najas najas vegetation during April-September.


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Baseline survey and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) during January 2003 to December 2004 on the fishing community revealed that unregulated fishing, use of destructive fishing gears, poaching of fishes, difficulties encountered in enforcing fisheries regulation and the helplessness of fishers to find alternative sources of income during banned fishing period (June to October) were the major management problems. CBFM (Community Based Fisheries Management) system as an alternative management strategy has been introduced to ensure active participation of the target group-the poor fishers living around the beet who were previously deprived to get access to the beet. Establishing a leasing system for controlled access, ensuring greater user-group participation through equitable distribution of all resource benefits among members, attempting to enforce penalties for illegal fishing linked with surprise checks to enforce management regulations are some of the recent steps taken by the BMC (Beel Management Committee). Chapila fish intake by the community was 31.25 g/head/day before stocking the beel by carp fingerlings. After stocking, they consumed chapila as fish protein from 8.33 g to 20.8 g/head/day during the fishing season (November to May) indicating that due to introduction of carp fingerlings, chapila production has been decreased in 2003-2004. About 77.5% families around the beel were found to be dependent directly and/or indirectly on chapila and other indigenous fishes of the beel for their livelihood, through fishing, marketing and other activities like net and boat preparation and nets mending etc. Particularly fishers' families were found to face serious problem during non-fishing period like June to October for their livelihood. Analyzing the present research result it was also observed that other than declination in biodiversity, the fishing pressure on promising chapila of the beel was found high and that is why the production of chapila has also been decreased. To get sustainable chapila production from the heel, it is suggested to ensure successful spawning and recruitment as juveniles, and hence the chapila should be undisturbed during its breeding period from March to July, and fishing pressure on the same species needs to be reduced for obtaining sustainable fish production.