37 resultados para Aurélia de Sousa

em Aquatic Commons


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The most important fisheries of Maputo Bay (Mozambique) are the gill netting of the Hilsa kelee and the trawling of the shrimps Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros . Data of capture and yields are presented and the number of artisanal fishing boats and semi-industrial fishing vessels is given.


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Data collected during a survey conducted by the Soviet trawler Sebastopolsky rybak , in January 1987, covering the Boa-Paz area, Mozambique, were analysed. The biomass of demersal fish was found to be higher than the one of pelagic fish. The most representative group among the demersals was the first grade fish, where the families Sparidae, Lethrinidae, Lutjanidae and Serranidae were included, corresponding to a biomass of about 3,500 tonnes. In the pelagics the family Carangidae was the most important one and the species Decapterus russelli and Trachurus trachurus showed the highest biomass estimates in this family.


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This article relates about the identification of a potential area for deep-sea fishing of mackerel, carried out during a more general survey conducted by the Soviet trawler Sebastopolsky Rybak.


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Catch evolution, fish yield and specific composition of commercial catches as well as biomass reduction of the main species exploited were analysed and the stock assessments of horse and chub mackerels in the Sofala and Boa-Paz Banks were examined for the period 1986 to the first half of 1989.


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The main goal of this paper is to determine the total catch of fish and shrimp made by driftnet fleet and trawling in Maputo Bay in 1984. This estimate is rather primitive in relation to artisanal fisheries. Fishermen show a lack of motivation for registration and data transmition (mainly due to a lack of mobilization and awareness). Then the quality of data is low and the informative system is not effective. The study is based on records of several organizations (Sulpesca, the Maritime Administration of Maputo, Maputo Fisheries Service) and enriched with information collected by samplers of the Instituto de Investigação Pesqueira of Maputo.


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This work aims to be a systematic description of marine fisheries of Mozambique, analysing old and new data. The various fish resources were divided in crustaceans, fish and other resources. The latest revision was presented during the Mozambique/NORAD Seminar on marine resources (1984), which also included fishing potential estimates. Mozambique does not have a national system of statistical data collection that covers all fisheries and this affects in particular the artisanal sector. The industrial and semi-industrial fisheries, however, are well covered and produce reliable data on catch and effort for resources evaluation.


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This report presents an analysis of existing information on fisheries of shad and shrimp. It explains the use of Schaefer model and based on this and other available information, the author suggests the measures to be implemented for a better management of these resources.


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A compilation of all the available information on the main small pelagic fish resources of Mozambican waters is presented. Resource data on distribution areas, reproduction, age, growth and stock size are described. Actual catch and catch per unit of effort of the commercially exploited stocks are also given. Results of the preliminary assessment of the stocks of scad and mackerel and the problems involving the assessment of Kelee shad stock at Maputo Bay are discussed.


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In 1977 a preliminary assessment of the shallow water prawn (Penaeus indicus ) stocks at Sofala Bank (Mozambique) was made (Ulltang et al., 1980). Using additional data from 1977-1982, the first assessment was updated in 1980 (Ulltang, 1980) and in 1983 (Ulltang et al., 1983). The present report includes a detailed description of data and explanations of the methods used in the last assessment. Data from 1983, which were not available during the last assessment, are also included.


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A compilation of all the available information on the main small pelagic fish resources of Mozambican waters is presented. Resource data on distribution areas, reproduction, age, growth and stock size are described. Actual catch and catch per unit of effort of the commercially exploited stocks are also given. Results of the preliminary assessment of the stocks of scad and mackerel and the problems involving the assessment of Kelee shad stock at Maputo Bay are discussed.


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Data on age and growth of the following species were reviewed and von Bertalanffy's growth curves were fitted: Hilsa kelee, Decapterus russellii, D. macrosoma, Rastrelliger kanagurta, Pellona ditchela, Thryssa vitrirostris and Leiognathus equulus. For the five first species, microstructures in the otoliths were used for ageing. For most species growth curves based on size-frequency distributions are also presented. The reliability of the data presented is discussed.


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Reproduction, age and growth of Decapterus macrosoma Blecker, 1851 were studied. The data were collected in Sofala Bank from commercial bottom trawlers and surveys. A total of 5,500 individuals were examined during the period 1979-1982. The species is caught in the same areas as D. russellii, but appears in lower quantities. Two main spawning periods a year, one in December-February and another one in June-September were found. Ageing was determined by counting daily growth rings in the otoliths. The parameters of von Bertalanffy's growth equation were L infinity=26 cm and K=0,6/year. Males and females seem to grow at the same rate.


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This study investigates the life cycle of the two major commercial species of prawns in Mozambique - Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros - and their prime nursery microhabitats in the mangrove swamps.


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The species Palinurus delagoae is distributed at 17 °00' S of latitude, at a depth greater than 200 meters. However the main area with a fishing intensity station is located at 22°00'S of latitude from 200 and 400 meters. The fishing of these resources is made with cages and trawling nets.