7 resultados para Aquatic plants management
em Aquatic Commons
The poster explains the effects of aquatic plants to fisheries and how they can be controlled.
Reports of hydrilla (Hydrilla verticilata) infestation lakes Bisina and Opeta were verbally communicated by some members of FIRRI who undertook surveys during the LVEMP 1 phase (1997 to 2004) to assess the diversity and stocks of fishes in the Kyoga basin satellite lakes. This issue was taken up by FIRRI and NAARI staff who work on aquatic weeds management to ascertain and quantify the presence of H. verticilata and other aquatic weeds, with the sole aim of finding ways and means of controlling one of the world's worst aquatic weeds, H. verticilata.The survey on Lake Opeta indicated that this weed was rare since only a few small broken pieces were sited at the lake's outflow through an extensive wetland to Lake Bisina. It was therefore concluded that it was not economically viable to allocate resources for further survey of H. verticilata on Lake Opeta. This finding therefore discredited the previous (informal) reports that H. verticilata was well established on Lake Opeta. It should be noted that the reports came from scientists who were not well versed with systematics of aquatic plants.
Proliferation of invasive aquatic weeds has developed into a major ecological and socio economic issue for many regions of the world. As a consequence, inference on where to target control and other management efforts is critical in the management of aquatic weeds (Ibáñez et al., 2009). Notwithstanding, aquatic systems in Uganda in general and in the basins of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga in particular, have fallen victims to aquatic weeds invasion and subsequent infestation. If these aquatic weeds infestations are to be minimized and their impacts mitigated, management decisions ought to be based on up-to-date data and information in relation to location of infestation hotspots. Aquatic systems in the basins of the two production systems are important sources of livelihoods especially from fish production and trade yet they are prone to infestation by aquatic weeds. Thus, the invasion and subsequent infestation of aquatic ecosystems by aquatic weeds pose a major conservation threat to various aquatic resources (Catford et al., 2011; Kayanja, 2002). This paper examines the extent to which aquatic weeds have infested aquatic ecosystems in the basins of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga. The information is expected to guide management of major aquatic weeds through rational allocation of the scarce resources by targeting hotspots.
Weeds are plants growing in environments where they are undesirable. Aquatic weeds in fresh waters are nuisance or noxious plants growing in association with water in lakes, impoundment, rivers, canals, wetlands, etc. Some waterweeds cause very big financial loss through the socio economic, environmental and ecological impacts they inflict; and through the effort and expense required for their control. Other waterweeds are simply nuisance plants that cause minimal impacts. This paper is intended to introduce aquatic weeds outlining their characteristics, the main socio-economic and environmental impacts associated with them, and the control strategies often applied for their management.
Physical control of water hyacinth consists of removing the plants from the water by hand or machines. It is considered over effetive because it involves removing the whole plants from water. The first attempt on physical control was in 1992 when weed infestation was causing serious problems to the fishing communities in Lake Kyoga. The fishermen had problems of accessing the lake as huge masses of mobile weed blocked landing sites. Furthermore, the fishers lost their nets, which were swept away by mobile water hyacinth. As a result, an integrated control strategy involving physical control (manual and mechanical removal) was put in place. Through this method, the fishers were able to open up access routes to fishing grounds even though weed mats often reblocked the access routes. In the infested lakes, manual removal offered remedial relief to fish Iandings and other access sites. Sites of strategic importance such as hydro-electric power generation dam, water intake points and docking points which had large masses of water hyacinth required heavy machinery and mechanical harvesters were used at these sites.
A casual study of the hydrological map of Uganda would convince every serious fisherman and fisheater that he is most favoured to be in Uganda. The extent and distribution of the country's aquatic system plus the rich variety of fish species there is promises a fishery potential of considerable magnitude: The open waterways comprised by the Uganda portions of Lakes Victoria, Albert and Edward; and Lakes Kyoga, George plus minor lakes Wamala, Kijanebarora, mutanda, etc. occupy about 15% of the total surface area (91,000 m2; Depart. Land Survey, 1962). Most of the nation's fish supplies are currontly from this source. 1.2. A rich network of permanent and seasonal rivers and streams filling and/or emptying various water systems covers most of Uganda. This aquatic network is associated with a fish fauna whose immense significance as a source of protein is perhaps better appreciated by the local subsistance fisherman and consumer than by the fisheries scientist and manager in this country. Many species of this fish fauna have strong affinities with the open water systems while some are typically riverine. 1.3. Then there are wetlands composed mainly of expanses of swamp, but including some areas of bog. These cover about 2% of the country. While the variety of fish fauna found here is limited by the rather hostile nature of the environment (comparatively de-oxygenated under a canopy of dense stands of emergont vegetation) several specialised fishes e.g. Clarias spp. and Protpterus aethiopicus (Kamongo) occur here. Availability of permanent and seasonal sources of water, well distributed throughout most areas of Uganda, opens up immense potential for a variety of aquaculture practices. However, while active exploitation of much of these fishery resources is currently underway, important questions regarding the magnitudes of the various resource potentials and dynamics, and about suitable levels and modes of exploitation, are yet unanswered. These gaps in knowledge go about the fishery resources of Uganda would hinder formulation of adequate development and management schemes. This short paper examines some of the above problems and suggests some approaches towards balanced oxploitation and management of the fisheries of Uganda.
For the formulation of policies, laws and regulations for management of fisheries and aquatic systems there is a requirement for scientific knowledge to guide in this formulation. Such knowledge is used to guide in sustainable management of capture fisheries, integrating lake productivity processes into fisheries management, prevention of pollution and eutrophication of the aquatic environment, control of invasive weeds e.g. water hyacinth, enhancement of aquaculture production, reduction of post-harvest fish losses and ensuring fish quality, development of options for optimization of socio-economic benefits from fisheries and for co-management.