36 resultados para Algal Secondary Metabolites

em Aquatic Commons


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Vibriosis caused by opportunistic and secondary bacterial pathogens is still a serious disease problem in aquaculture of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Attempts were made for controlling shrimp bacterial disease using Marine Secondary Metabolites (MSMs). Findings indicated that the MSMs of seaweed Ulva fasciata and Dendrilla nigra are effective for controlling shrimp bacterial pathogens.


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Sponges are the most primitive of the multicellular, These organisms don’t have any mechanical defense system, so their early appearance in evolution has given them a lot of time for the development of advanced secondary metabolites as chemical defense system. Sponges have the potential to provide drugs from chemical components against diseases. In this investigation the sponge samples, which it is Ircina spp., were collected at depth of 15- 24 meter, from locations on the coastline of Island Kish in Persian Gulf of Iran. For identifying natural components, methanolic and diethyletter were used as extraction solvents, after removal of the solvents, the GC/MS spectra of the fraction were obtained. Then in vitro cytotoxic, antimicrobial and antifungal were identified. In vitro cytotoxity screening, by XTT assay, against KB/ C359 and HUT-56/ C365 cell line, was conducted in this study in 1 - 544 μg/ml. IC54 for winter diethyletter extract was 325 μg/ml, winter methanolic extract was 364 μg/ml, IC54 for summer diethyletter extract was 544 μg/ml, and summer methanolic extract was 454 μg/ml in HUT-56. IC54 for winter diethyletter extract was 454 μg/ml, winter methanolic extract was 444 μg/ml, IC54 for summer diethyletter extract was 344 μg/ml, and summer methanolic extract was 424 μg/ml in KB. In vitro antimicrobial activity by Broth Dilution Methods against clinical gram-positives and gram negatives (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis). The results conducted that the MIC values of winter diethyletter extract for Escherichia coli 24mg/ml, the MIC values of winter diethyletter extract for Escherichia coli 24mg/ml, the MIC and MBC values of winter diethyletter extract for Staphylococcus aureus was 2mg/ml and 24mg/ml. The MIC and MBC values of winter diethyletter extract for Bacillus subtilis was 1.5 mg/ml and 2mg/ml. In vitro antifungal activity by Broth Dilution Methods against clinical pathogens; Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus. The results conducted that the aqueous extracts didn’t have any antifungal activities on pathogens, the MFC of the summer and winter diethyletter extract was 30 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml A. fumigates, the summer and winter methanolic extract was 0722 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml A. fumigates, the summer and winter methanolic was 4/75mg/ml, MFC 5 mg/ml on C. albicans.


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Secondary metabolites are produced by aquatic plants, and in some instances, exudation of these metabolites into the surrounding water has been detected. To determine whether infestations of Eurasian watermilfoil or hydrilla produce such exudates, plant tissues and water samples were collected from laboratory cultures and pond populations and were analyzed using solid phase extraction, HPLC, and various methods of mass spectrometry including electrospray ionization, GC/MS, electron impact and chemical ionization. Previously reported compounds such as tellimagrandin II (from Eurasian watermilfoil) and a caffeic acid ester (from hvdrilla), along with a newly discovered flavonoid, cyanidin 3 dimalonyl glucoside (from hydrilla), were readily detected in plant tissues used in this research but were not detected in any of the water samples. If compounds are being released, as suggested by researchers using axenic cultures, we hypothesize that they may be rapidly degraded by bacteria and therefore undetectable.


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Aflatoxins are one kind of fungal toxins produced by species of toxigenic Aspergillus (A. flavus and A. parasiticus) and in other words they are secondary metabolites which are considered as one of the threatening factors of food consumer's health. In this research 96 samples of cold-water cultural fish feed, rainbow trout, during the seasons of spring and summer of 2007 (every fifteenth of the month) were randomized (by simple and stratified random) to determine: 1. The prevalence rate of aflatoxigenic species of Aspergillus in stored feed of cold-water cultural fish in West Azarbayjan cultural fish farms in both seasons (spring and summer); 2. The residues of total aflatoxin in stored feed of fish in cultural fish farms of West Azarbayjan in both seasons by ELISA method; and 3. The residues of that toxin in feed produced in aquatic feed factories in Tehran and West Azarbyjan provinces with the same method. In order to study prevalence rate of toxigenic species of Aspergillus, pour-plate culture method by general medium such as Malt Extract Agar (M.E.A.) and Sabouraud-Dextrose Agar (S.D.A.) and by standard No.997 of Iranian Standard Institute were used. The produced colonies were examined microscopically. To determine the aflatoxins residues, ELISA method using Agra-Quant kit of Romer Lab company, were applied. The results of this survey indicated that only 8.3% of the samples were infected by A. flavus. A. parasiticus was not observed. There were no significant differences between the prevalence rate of AFT and seasons/months, either (P<0.05). Evaluating mean of aflatoxin rate showed that the rates of this variable are lower than the tolerance levels designated by the joint FAO/WHO expert committee (The mean of AFT in all data was lower than 11 ppb). Furthermore, mean of total AFT residues rates of stored feed of various cultural center of West Azarbayjan and Tehran factories were comparable in spring and summer, and no significant differences were observed (P<0.05). But there were significant differences between the total aflatoxin rates in the feed of West Azarbayjan factory and spring and summer (P<0.05), and AFT residues in spring (8.6 ppb) were higher than summer (6.1 ppb). Prevalence rates of AFT in Tehran feed factories (9.2 ppb) are higher than W. Azarbayjan (7.4 ppb). In other words, location was considered as a decisive factor in total AFT rates of samples. Moreover, the results indicated that there was significant difference between total aflatoxin rates of feed and cultural centers (P<0.05). The mean of AFT rates in embankment dam cultural fish farms (6.75 ppb) and multi-functions cultural fish farms (6.25 ppb) was higher than individual cultural pond (4.67 ppb). In conclusion, the finally results of this survey indicated that the lower rates of Aspergillus is not effective on the presence of total aflatoxin rates in trout feed. Due to low levels of aflatoxin rates (lower than 20 ppb), the produced feed of cold-cultural fishes, Rainbow Trout, in Tehran and West Azarbayjan provinces, in spring and summer of 2007, were safe and healthy both for fish and their consumers.


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The best evidence for establishing the level of eutrophy of a water-body is its algal production which makes it possible to identify the type and the intensity of the eutrophication according to the kind and number of algal species present: when the number of algae exceeds half a million per litre then one speaks o an ”algal bloom”. The scope of the present research aims to verify if the alga Selenastrum capricornutum can be used as a test alga under our culture conditions and to determine the eutrophic level of the secondary effluent of a modern plant for the treatment of domestic discharge and to investigate the eventual ”limiting factors”. Finally this paper aims to study the effect on the secondary effluent of tertiary treatment carried out artificially in the laboratory.


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Sefid-Rood River Estuary (SRE) is the most important riverine ecosystem in the south Caspian Sea along the Iranian coast lines. The aim of this study was to examine spatial and temporal variability in Phytoplankton and Zooplankton abundance and diversity in SRE. Variability of Chlorophyll a and inorganic nutrient concentration were determined during a year (November 2004– October 2005) in five sampling stations. Primary and secondry production were determined during a year. Total chlorophyll a concentration during the investigation ranged between zero to 22.8 μgl-1 and the highest levels were consistently recorded during summer and the lowest during winter with a annual mean concentration 4.48 μgl-1. Nutrient concentration was seasonally related to river flow with annual mean concentration: NO2 0.05±0.2 mgl-1, NO3 1.13±0.57 mgl-1, NH4 0.51±0.66 mgl-1, total phosphate 0.13±0.1mgl-1 and SiO2 5.68±1.91 mgl-1. Bacillariophytes, Cyanophytes, Chlorophytes, Pyrophytes and Euglenophytes were the dominant phytoplankton groups in this shallow and turbid estuary. The diversity and abundance of phytoplankton had a seasonal pattern while Diatomas and Chrysophytes were dominant throughout the year but Cyanophytes observed only during the summer. Zooplankton community structure was dominated by copepods which 68% of the total zooplankton. In the winter and summer seasons two increased in the number of zooplankton community and usually toward the sea had occurred. Zooplankton also showed a significant spatial and temporal variation. The high turbidity and temperature prime characteristics of SRE seem to be determining factors acting directly on phytoplankton and zooplankton temporal variability and nutrient fluctuations. Everywhere in this estuary nutrients appeared to be in excess of algal requirement and did not influence a phytoplankton and zooplankton composition. Also there was a positive correlation between chlorophyll a and temperature and a negative one with DIN and TP. Primary production determined in this estuary by dark and light butter method and G.P.P. 38.27±34.12 mgcm-2h-1 and N,PP 201.6±289.9 mgcm-2d-1. secondry production determined 15/128 mgc/m3/year. Everywhere in this estuary nutrients appeared to be in excess to algal requirement and did not influence in Chl. a and primary production. The most important factor influence on Chl. a was water temperature.


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Foreword Background and objectives [pdf, 0.84 MB] Country reviews and status reports Section I. Western North Pacific Japan Yasuwo Fukuyo, Ichiro Imai, Masaaki Kodama and Kyoichi Tamai Red tides and harmful algal blooms in Japan [pdf, 0.7 MB] People's Republic of China Tian Yan, Ming-Jiang Zhou and Jing-Zhong Zou A national report of HABs in China [pdf, 0.24 MB] Republic of Korea Sam Geun Lee, Hak Gyoon Kim, Eon Seob Cho and Chang Kyu Lee Harmful algal blooms (red tides): Management and mitigation in Korea [pdf, 0.27 MB] Russia Tatiana Y. Orlova, Galina V. Konovalova, Inna V. Stonik, Tatiana V. Morozova and Olga G. Shevchenko Harmful algal blooms on the eastern coast of Russia [pdf, 1.4 MB] Section II. Eastern North Pacific Canada F.J.R. "Max" Taylor and Paul J. Harrison Harmful marine algal blooms in western Canada [pdf, 0.87 MB] United States of America Vera L. Trainer Harmful algal blooms on the U.S. west coast [pdf, 0.5 MB] Mexico Jose L. Ochoa, S. Lluch-Cota, B.O. Arredondo-Vega, E. Nuñes-Vázquez, A. Heredia-Tapia, J. Pérez-Linares and R. Alonso-Rodriguez Marine Biotoxins and harmful algal blooms in Mexico's Pacific littora [pdf, 0.2 MB] Summary and conclusions [pdf, 0.6 MB] Appendices A. Members of the Working Group [pdf, 0.1 MB] B. Original terms of reference (Vladivostok, 1999) [pdf, 0.08 MB] C. Annual reports of WG 15 [pdf, 0.15 MB] D. Workshop report on taxonomy and identification of HAB species and data management [pdf, 0.15 MB] (Document pdf contains 156 pages)


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The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the aquatic environmental fate of triclopyr and its major metabolites, TCP and TMP. This review is primarily based on results of laboratory and field studies conducted by various Federal Agencies and the registrant to support the US aquatic registration for triclopyr TEA.


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Harmful Algal Research and Response: A Human Dimensions Strategy (HARR-HD) justifies and guides a coordinated national commitment to human dimensions research critical to prevent and respond to impacts of harmful algal blooms (HABs). Beyond HABs, it serves as a framework for developing hu-man dimensions research as a cross-cutting priority of ecosystem science supporting coastal and ocean management, including hazard research and mitigation planning. Measuring and promoting commu-nity resilience to hazards require human dimensions research outcomes such as effective risk commu-nication strategies; assessment of community vulnerability; identification of susceptible populations; comprehensive assessment of environmental, sociocultural, and economic impacts; development of effective decision support tools; and improved coordination among agencies and stakeholders. HARR-HD charts a course for human dimensions research to achieve these and other priorities through co-ordinated implementation by the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (JSOST) In-teragency Working Group on HABs, Hypoxia and Human Health (IWG-4H); national HAB funding programs; national research and response programs; and state research and monitoring programs. (PDF contains 72 pages)


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The endosymbiosis of algae with invertebrates may be viewed with at least two major orientations. On the one hand, one may focus on the plant and animal as essentially separate organisms living together, as the word symbiosis states. The products which are exchanged between the plant and animal and the effects of the association on either partner are then of particular interest. On the other hand, one may consider the partnership as an entity, and attempt to investigate the physiology, behavior, etc. of the symbiotic association, observing what differences may appear between the "plant-animal" and analogous non-symbiotic organisms. It is the second approach which I have tried to take in this thesis. I have concentrated on some effects of light on symbiotic and aposymbiotic sea anemones of the species Anthopleura elegantissima, particularly with respect to pigmentation and several types of behavior.


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Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) have had a profound and unparalled impact on the aquatic environment because of the phenomenon of bloom formation. In many countries, water management is threatened with extensive and persistent noxious blooms of blue-green algae in surface and near-surface mesotrophic and eutrophic waters. In view of this, ecological and physiological factors responsible for blue-green algal dominance are discussed. The implications of cyanobacterial blooms are highlighted and recommendations made to combat this menace


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This brief article provides some of the background to the publication of The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles (John et al. 2002). This publication updates West and Fritsch's A Treatise on British Freshwater Algae (2nd edition) which was published in 1927. Taxonomic experts on the major freshwater algal groups were approached and almost all agreed to collaborate. The book which has taken more than 10 years to complete is illustrated with over 2000 line drawings and there are 20 half tone plates.


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From research carried, out on a section of the Levriere, concretions (granules, nodules, which were sometimes joined together) partly covering the river ”bottom” were observed. The authors propose to make besides a petrographic examination of the calcareous precipitations and to see if their origin is connected to a biological activity, or if it is purely a case of a physical-chemical precipitation. The hydrological background of the Levriere, a small river of the Normandy Vexin, is given and conditions of the formation of the concretions studied.


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It was on July 1960 when 10 algal balls were acquired for exhibition at Suma Aquarium, Kobe. Permission to remove the specimens from the Lake Akan Reserve was given by the National Nature Reserve Committee. Algal balls, as a rule, lose their natural beauty when they are kept in an ordinary tank for a certain length of time. In an effort to retain the natural beauty it was decided to exhibit them in culture. This paper summarises the findings of this experiments with Cladophora sauteri. The author concludes that serious consideration has to be given as to the intensity of light, the sunlight, the water temperature and the nutrition for algal balls in culture in order to retain the natural beauty and shape.