9 resultados para Africana

em Aquatic Commons


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The chemical composition of Azolla africana and Spirodela polyrrhiza cultivated in earthen ponds were determined. Crude protein contents of the samples were 28.9~c0.6 and 25.6~c0.2% dry matter for A. africana and S. polyrrhiza respectively. Dry matter, crude fibre and lipid contents of A. africana were higher (P<0.05) than values obtained for S. polyrrhiza. Mineral analyses showed that S. polyrrhiza contained higher levels of Na, S, Ca, Mg and Fe than A. africana. Except for Ca content in S. polyrrhiza, heavy metals (Ni and Zn) accumulation in Azolla were very high. There were no wide differences in the individual amino acid indexes except for methionine. Some anti-nutritional factors were determined. Cyanide, tannin and phytin contents of fresh weed samples were higher than sun-dried samples. A. africana contained more cyanide and tannin than S. polyrrhiza both in fresh and sun-dried forms


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Fish cage culture is a rapid aquacultural practice of producing fish with more yield compared to traditional pond culture. Several species cultured by this method include Cyprinus carpio, Orechromis niloticus, Sarotherodon galilaeus, Tilapia zilli, Clarias lazera, C. gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis, Citharinus citharus, Distochodus rostratus and Alestes dentes. However, the culture of fish in cages has some problems that are due to mechanical defects of the cage or diseases due to infection. The mechanical problems which may lead to clogged net, toxicity and easy access by predators depend on defects associated with various types of nets which include fold sieve cloth net, wire net, polypropylene net, nylon, galvanized and welded net. The diseases problems are of two types namely introduced diseases due to parasites. The introduced parasites include Crustaseans, Ergasilus sp. Argulus africana, and Lamprolegna sp, Helminth, Diplostomulum tregnna: Protozoan, Trichodina sp, Myxosoma sp, Myxobolus sp. the second disease problems are inherent diseases aggravated by the very rich nutrient environment in cages for rapid bacterial, saprophytic fungi, and phytoplanktonic bloom resulting in clogging of net, stagnation of water and low biological oxygen demand (BOD). The consequence is fish kill, prevalence of gill rot and dropsy conditions. Recommendations on routine cage hygiene, diagnosis and control procedures to reduce fish mortality are highlighted


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Investigation were carried out on the effect of some locally available species in the enhancement of the organoleptic quality and the storage periods of smoked Heterotis niloticus using Pprosopis africana as common smoke sources. Samples of fresh H. niloticus were bought, cut into chunks while extract juice from pepper, ginger rhizomes, garlic, onion bulb were used as sources of spices. Samples of fish were divided randomly into five (5) batches dipped into spice extract juices for 10 minutes drained and smoked with common firewood. Treatment without spice extract juice served as control. Each batch of fish was smoked for 7 hours on a drum-made smoking kiln products were individually packaged in polythene bag stored at room temperature and used for sensory evaluation and microbial analysis. Results of the sensory evaluation indicated that there was significant difference (P<0.005) for taste, appearance, colour and overall acceptance for the treatments. Ginger juice extract had the best overall acceptance. Similarly there was significant difference (P>0.05) in the microbial analysis. The garlic juice extract had the longest storage period with minimum total plate and mould count after 8 weeks


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Biweekly samples of fish species obtained from five randomly selected Andoni artisanal fisheries within the Andoni River system, Niger Delta of Nigeria were collected between January and December 1999 and their length frequencies analyzed using FISAT (FAO-ICLARM STOCK ASSESSMENT TOOL). The peak recruitment period for Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, Ethmalosa fimbriata, Eucinostomus melanopterus, Galeodes decadactylus, Pomadasys jubelini and Sarotherodon melanotheron constituting 54.55% was between June and October while Liza grandisquamis and Lutjanus goreensis, Ilisha Africana. Tilapia guinensis and Pseudotolithus elongate constituting 27.27% had two peak recruitment periods including March-May and May- October. In view of this result it is advisable for fishers to intensify fishing effort between May and October for most commercially important fish species for bountiful harvest


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We identified from bibliographical review and field observations fourty two species composed essentially of molluscs and insects. These animals attack floating plants such as E. crassipes, P. stratiotes and S. molesta. They indifferently consume or destroy the aquatic plants except N. bruchi, N. eichhorniae and S. albiguttalis which specifically attack E. crassipes. N. putchellus, L. guinaicus and P. africana graze preferably P. stratiotes; C. salviniae, C. singularis and P. acuminata consume only Salvinia molesta.


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Five species of submerged vegetation Lagarosiphon ilicifolius, Najas pectinata, Vallisneria aethiopica, Ceratophyllum demersum and Potamogeton octandrus; 7 species of gastropods Melanoides tuberculata, Bellamya capillata, Biomphalaria pfeifferi, Bullinus tropicus, Cleopatra sp, and Lymnaea natalensis and 4 species of bivalves Corbicula africana, Caelatura mossambicensis, Mutela dubia and Aspatharia wahlbergii are correlated with environmental variables particularly slope and transparency, in Lake Kariba. A stepwise regression analysis further revealed interdependence between (Cleopatra sp., B. pfeifferi, L. natalensis, B. capillata, and V. aethiopica as well as between as between C. mossambicensis and L. ilicifolius and N. pectinata. The dependence of B. pfeifferi, L. natalensis, B. capillata, Cleopatra sp. on V. aethiopica and C. mossambicensis on L. ilicifolius and N. pectinata implies that a change in the biomass of the vegetation species may affect distribution and biomass of the faunal species.


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Parameters of the exponential body length (L)-fecundity (F) relationship of the form F=a.L super(b) are presented for 47 populations and 26 species of Nigerian fishes. Estimates of b varied between 1.563 (Ilisha africana) and 5.771 (Barbus callipterus) with a mean of 3.054 (s.d. = 1.024). The maximum sizes of fish populations examined did not significantly influence the relative magnitudes of b. The parameters Alpha and Beta of the linear length-fecundity relationships of the form F = Alpha + BetaL are also presented for five fish populations. Estimates of Beta ranged from 243.5 (Chrysichthys walkeri) to 1,334,895 (Tilapia mariae).


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Using length-frequency samples from the local fisheries and length-age data from otolith readings, von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated for the four species representing the Clupeidae family in Sierra Leone, Sardinella aurita, S. maderensis, Ethmalosa fimbriata and Ilisha africana showed the highest and lowest values of f, respectively, while Sardinella sp. were found to occupy the central position.


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Si bien existen varios ensayos biográficos que enfocan diferentes momentos de su vida (ANÓNIMO, 1963, BAHAMONDE, 1962, LÓPEZ et al., 2015, NION, 2015, PEQUEÑO, 2015, SÁNCHEZ CARRILLO, 2001), hasta donde tenemos conocimiento, no se ha publicado aún una bibliografía completa de la obra del Dr. FERNANDO DE BUEN Y LOZANO (Fig. de tapa). Bibliografías parciales se encuentran, entre otros, en los autores arriba citados. Aquí nos atrevemos a hacer el intento, aunque en forma defectuosa, ya que muchas de sus publicaciones no las hemos podido consultar directamente (se señalan con un asterisco, *). En parte nos hemos basado en una compilación hecha por el propio DE BUEN, que abarca los años 1915 a 1949 (Fig. 1), aunque no siempre con los datos necesarios para una completa información sobre la publicación; en lo posible intentamos complementarla. En sus casi cincuenta años de actividad científica, llegó a producir casi 300 títulos, de variado contenido, aunque siempre relacionados con el medio acuático, sea marino o dulceacuícola. Esta producción se puede dividir en cuatro períodos, que comienza con su etapa española, europea y africana (marroquí), entre 1915 y 1937, durante la cual publicó más de 140 títulos. Como consecuencia de la Guerra Civil Española, en 1939 se radica en México, donde permanece desde el 12 de Julio de 1939 hasta Noviembre 1946, país al que regresa entre 1953 y 1957. Durante este período escribe unos 70 artículos. Entre esas dos etapas mexicanas, estuvo brevemente radicado en el Uruguay, desde el 26 de Noviembre de 1946 hasta 1953, sin duda la etapa de menor producción científica, con una docena trabajos. A ésta sigue el último período de su vida, en Chile (Fig. 2), la que lamentablemente termina trágicamente, en 1962. Durante este período publica más de 60 publicaciones, de los cuales, aparentemente, seis quedan inéditas. Cabe señalar que durante estas tres etapas de exilio americano, si bien sus publicaciones están mayoritariamente relacionadas con el país de residencia, hay algunas excepciones. Preivo a estas estadías en América, hay que mencionar tres europeas, fuera de España, a saber: en el Museo Oceanográfico de Mónaco (1919), en el Instituto Centrale di Biologia Marina, Messina, Italia (1919), y en el Laboratorio Arago, Banyuls sur Mer, Francia (1939). En general, puede considerarse que FERNANDO DE BUEN fue un investigador solitario, ya que solamente seis, de sus casi 300 trabajos, fueron publicados en colaboración: dos con su hermano SADÍ DE BUEN (#31 y 32), dos con F. FRADE (#115 y 116), y dos con MANUEL ZOZAYA (#162 y 176). En su obra científica hemos podido identificar la descripción original de 12 géneros, 9 subgéneros, 54 especies y 11 subespecies, como se indican en la Tabla I.