5 resultados para Actin-bindende Proteine

em Aquatic Commons


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The use of differential scanning calorimetry for investigating the yolk proteins of the roe of rainbow trout allows to monitor the influence of maturation and vitellogenesis which modifies the DSC curves with regard to transition temperature and enthalpy. Two endothermic peaks become more and more pronounced with increasing maturation of the roe. However, it is still not known which protein fraction is represented by each of the peaks. DSC curves of yolk protein depend on fish species. They are also influenced by technological treatments. Further investigation is necessary to discover whether or not yolk proteins of other fish species are influenced in the same manner by maturation and vitellogenesis and which protein fraction represent the individual peaks.


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The aim of the investigation was to prove if different farming conditions like conventional and organical farming of rainbow trout may cause differences in quality which are detectable by physical methods such as colour measurement and differential scanning calorimetry. Colour measurement revealed remarkable differences in lightness. Smoked trouts originating from conventionally farmed fish were much lighter than those of organically farmed trouts. This difference in L* could already be found when colour measurements were taken on the raw material. However, during chilled storage differences were equalized. Redness and yellowness were not significantly influenced by farming and did not change remarkably during chill storage. Based on earlier investigations on changes in thermal stability caused by heating, DSC curves of smoked trout could be used to verify that the core temperature of smoked fish had reached at least 60 °C during hot smoking process. This temperature is demanded by the guidelines of the German Food Code. In the DSC curves only the actin peak was still visible. All other proteins were obviously denatured during the hot smoking. When DSC curves were taken from smoked trout after different durations of chilled storage it could be seen that the denaturation temperature of actin decreased almost linearly with progression of storage time.


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In the last years farmed Pangasius (Tra-Pangasius, Pangasius hypophthalmus) from Vietnam has reached a considerable market share, whereas aquaculture of Asian Redtail Catfish (Hemibagrus wyckioides) is in its infancy. Recently it has been detected by food control authorities in Hamburg, that Pangasius fillets have been mislabelled and sold as fillets produced from Asian Redtail catfish. The necessity to improve the analytical methods for differentiation of Pangasius and Redtail Catfish prompted us to evaluate the suitability of isoelectric focusing (IEF) and DNA-analysis for identification of the two species. IEF of water soluble proteins was found to be a fast, reliable and economical method for differentiation of raw fillets of Pangasius and Redtail Catfish, as long as reference material is available. PCR-based DNA analysis was performed as follows: (i) amplification of a 464 bp segment of the cytochrome b gene; (ii) sequencing of the PCR product; (iii) comparison of the sequence with entries in GenBank using BLAST. The sequences of both species differed considerably, allowing the unequivocal differentiation between P. hypophthalmus and H. wyckioides. Kurzfassung Pangasius (Schlankwels, Tra-Pangasius, Pangasius hypophthalmus) hat sich innerhalb weniger Jahre zu einem bedeutenden Zuchtfisch entwickelt, während die Aquakultur des Asiatischen Rotflossenwelses (Hemibagrus wyckioides) in Vietnam noch in einem relativ kleinen Maßstab stattfindet. Kürzlich wurde von der Lebensmittelüberwachung in Hamburg nachgewiesen, dass im Handel erhältliche Filets mit der Deklaration „Rotflossenwels“ aus Pangasius hergestellt worden waren. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden zwei Methoden auf ihre Eignung zur Differenzierung von Pangasius und Rotflossenwels geprüft. Es zeigte sich, dass sowohl die isoelektrische Fokussierung (IEF) wasserlöslicher Proteine als auch die PCR-basierte DNA-Analyse zur Unterscheidung beider Arten gut geeignet ist. Die IEF stellt eine schnelle und kostengünstige Untersuchungsmethode dar, die allerdings Referenzmaterial benötigt. Mit Hilfe der PCR (Polymerase-Kettenreaktion) wurde ein Abschnitt des Cytochrom b-Gens vervielfältigt und sequenziert. Die Sequenzen von P. hypophthalmus und H. wyckioides wiesen beträchtliche Unterschiede auf. Es wird diskutiert, wie sich durch Vergleich dieser Sequenzen mit Einträgen in Gendatenbanken unbekannte Proben beider Arten sicher zuordnen lassen.


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Intergeneric hybridization between the epinepheline serranids Cephalopholis fulva and Paranthias furcifer in waters off Bermuda was investigated by using morphological and molecular characters. Putative hybrids, as well as members of each presumed parent species, were analyzed for 44 morphological characters and screened for genetic variation at 16 nuclear allozyme loci, two nuclear (n)DNA loci, and three mitochondrial (mt)DNA gene regions. Four of 16 allozyme loci, creatine kinase (CK-B*), fumarase (FH*), isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH-S*), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-B*), were unique in C. fulva and P. furcifer. Restriction fragments of two nuclear DNA intron regions, an actin gene intron and the second intron in the S7 ribosomal protein gene, also exhibited consistent differences between the two presumed parent species. Restriction fragments of three mtDNA regions—ND4, ATPase 6, and 12S/16S ribosomal RNA—were analyzed to identify maternal parentage of putative hybrids. Both morphological data and nuclear genetic data were found to be consistent with the hypothesis that the putative hybrids were the result of interbreeding between C. fulva and P. furcifer. Mean values of 38 morphological characters were different between presumed parent species, and putative hybrids were intermediate to presumed parent species for 33 of these characters. A principal component analysis of the morphological and meristic data was also consistent with hybridization between C. fulva and P. furcifer. Thirteen of 15 putative hybrids were heterozygous at all diagnostic nuclear loci, consistent with F1 hybrids. Two putative hybrids were identified as post-F1 hybrids based on homozygosity at one nuclear locus each. Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that the maternal parent of all putative hybrid individuals was C. fulva. A survey of nuclear and mitochondrial loci of 57 C. fulva and 37 P. furcifer from Bermuda revealed no evidence of introgression between the parent species mediated by hybridization.


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The main aim of this research was to identify fatty acids composition of Caspian sea of White fish Rutilus frisi kutum tissue and their changes during one year cold storage (-18Ċ).The secondary aim was to determine the changes of moisture, ash, protein, fat, and to investigate the effects of storage time on peroxide, TBAi, FFA, and extractability of myofibrillar proteins of the fish tissue during one year cold storage (-18 Ċ). 10 samples of (Rutilus frisi kutum) were randomly collected from Anzali landings. The samples were frozen at -30 Ċ and kept in cold storage at -18Ċ for one year. According to time table, the samples were examined. The results showed that 27 fatty acids were identified. The unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) and saturated fatty acids (SFA) were 74/09 and 21/63 %, respectively, in fresh tissue. So that DHA (C22:6) oleic acid (C18:1c) had high amounts (15/07 ,20/57 ) among the UFA and palmitic acid (C16:0) was the most (13/09 %) among the SFA. The effects of freezing and cold storage on fish tissue showed that UFA and SFA contents have reached to 58/79 and 22/17 %, respectively, at the end of cold storage. It indicated that these compound change to each other during frozen storage. Also ω-3 and ω-6 series of fatty acids was 24/22 and 15/56% in fresh tissue, but their contents decreased to 8/68 and 5/11% at the end of period. Among the fatty acids C22:6, C18:1c and C16:0 had the most changes. The changes of fatty acids were significantly at 95% level expected for C18:0. Results showed that moisture, ash, protein, and fat contents were 75/9±0/03, 1/28±0/012, 21/8±0/2, and 4/1±0/01 % respectively, in fresh tissue. The moisture, ash, protein, and fat contents were 72/3±0/04, 1/83±0/05, 1/91±0/01 and 19/9±0/01 % respectively, at the end of storage period. Lipid damage was measured on the basis of free fatty acids (FFA), peroxide value (PV), and Thiobarbituric acid index (TBA-i). PV, TBARS and FFA concentration of frozen Caspian Sea white fish stored at -18 Ċ the temporal variation of these three variables were statistically significant (p<0.001). Results of White fish myofibrillar proteins showed aggregation of bound reduced for stored at 12 months. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that, the intensity of the myosin heavy chain and actin bound was reduced with increasing storage time. SDS-PAGE patterns showed that myosin heavy chain was much more susceptible to hydrolysis than actin. Key words: Rutilus frisi kutum, frozen storage, ω-3, ω-6, protein myofibrillar