13 resultados para Abe, Masahiro, 1819-1857.
em Aquatic Commons
Aspects of the reproductive biology of Mugil cephalus in the Bonny estuary (Nigeria) were studied between January and December 1996. Males were observed to be more slender than females while the females have deeper bodies. The male:female ratio (1:0:95) was not significantly different. The minimum size at maturity was 16.6cm (0.5 yr). Fish matured at 24.3cm TL(1.76 yr) with median maturity size of 19.5cm TL(0.71 yr). Median maturity for male and female fish were 16.4cm TL(0.41 yr) and 18.2cm TL(0.60 yr) respectively. Breeding occurred once a year between September and December, from late rainy season to early dry season. Mean absolute fecundity was 1,403, 808 eggs (range 107, 729-4,445, 423 eggs) for fish of TL (mean 22.5cm TL). Fecundity correlated positively with fish total weight, length, ovary weight and age
The fish stocks of Lake Albert face immense exploitation pressure which has led to “fishingdown” of their fisheries, with some larger species having been driven to near-extinction, while others such as Citharinus citharus have almost disappeared. Both A. baremose (Angara) and H. forskahlii (Ngassia) historically formed the most important commercial species in Lake Albert until the early 2000s but recent Catch Assessment Surveys (2007-2013) revealed a sweeping decline in their contribution to the commercial catch from 72.7% in 1971 to less than 6% in 2013. The catch per unit effort also registered a two-fold decline from 45.6 and 36.1 kg/boat/day to 22.6 and 18.1 kg/boat/day for A. baremose and H. forskahlii respective between 1971 and 2007. Over 50% of illegal gillnets, below the legal minimum limit of four inches (101.6 mm) used on Lake Albert target the two species. Gillnet experiments found the three inch (76.2 mm) gill net mesh size suitable for sustained harvest of the two species. The study concludes that optimal utilization of the two species and probably other non target fish species is achievable through species specific management strategies, coupling species specific licensing, and controlling harvest of juvenile individuals, overall fishing effort and fish catch on Lake Albert and protecting the vulnerable fish habitats.
This review focuses on modelling ocean circulation and its variability in the subarctic North Pacific; it addresses issues specific to that region, and not the subject of ocean modelling in general. The performance of existing models is assessed in relation to observations in the upper ocean, intermediate waters and deep/abyssal waters. (PDF contains 87 pages)
El Río de la Plata es uno de los cuerpos de agua más importantes de América del Sur. En la actualidad este ambiente es utilizado por el hombre con diferentes propósitos (GARIBOGLIO, 1987; DARRIGRAN, 2002): • Con fines económicos y de recreación (pesca, deportiva y comercial; turismo; deportes; etc.). • Como puerto. • Como fuente de captación de agua para consumo humano. • Como receptor de efluentes industriales. • Como cuerpo receptor de efluentes municipales, sin tratamiento previo. Estos distintos usos que el hombre le da a las aguas del Río de la Plata, muchas veces incompatibles entre ellos, producen un impacto en dicho ambiente difícil de evaluar, debido al escaso conocimiento que existe sobre ese ecosistema. El estudio de la comunidad bentónica, como consecuencia de su limitada movilidad y ciclo de vida apropiado en su duración, es un elemento importante para detectar y evaluar las alteraciones provocadas por la acción humana. En nuestro país no existen estudios específicos sobre el bentos litoral del estuario del Río de la Plata. Referidas a ciertas taxocenosis del macrobentos litoral de la costa argentina del Río de la Plata, se encuentran los trabajos de Darrigran y Rioja (1988), Gullo y Darrigran (1991), relacionados a la distribución de la fauna de isópodos talasoides e hirudíneos, respectivamente. En los 90, existen los trabajos de Darrigran (1991 a y b; 1993; 1998/99); Darrigran y López Armengol (1998), sobre moluscos litorales. Sobre la costa uruguaya del estuario, Scarabino, et al. (1975), realizan un estudio sobre las comunidades bentónicas en el sistema litoral del Departamento de Montevideo. Investigaciones sobre la malacofauna del macrobentos del litoral uruguayo del estuario del Río de la Plata, se encuentran en Sprechmann (1978). En la década de los 90, investigadores del Uruguay, a través de un Programa uruguayo-canadiense orientado hacia la sustentabilidad del estuario Río de la Plata (EcoPlata, 1996), tratan al macrobentos litoral en forma monográfica (Masello & Menafra, 1996). En el presente trabajo se consideran los muestreos de la taxocenosis de moluscos realizados en la zona interna y media de la costa argentina del estuario, antes de la introducción del bivalvo invasor o mejillón dorado, Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) a dicha costa (Darrigran & Pastorino, 1995). Cuando se introduce una especie, pueden ocurrir diferentes sucesos: que simplemente se adapte al lugar, en relativo equilibrio con la comunidad pre-existente, o cuando la especie introducida presenta ciertas características (alta tasa de crecimiento, alta capacidad reproductiva-adaptativa, gran poder de dispersión, etc.), sumadas a la falta de enemigos naturales (parásitos, depredadores y/o competidores por los recursos), esta especie está capacitada para realizar una ocupación expansiva, rápida y efectiva del territorio. A esta especie se la denomina “invasora”. A partir de los asentamientos de Limnoperna fortunei, se han detectado severos impactos tanto en el ambiente humano (Darrigran, 1995), como en el ambiente natural (Martín & Darrigran, 1994; Darrigran, et. al, 1998). Estos hechos ponen de manifiesto la importancia de conocer la biodiversidad del bentos en general y de la malacofauna y su distribución en particular, antes de la manifestación de este tipo de contaminación por especies (Rappoport, 1990), como así también, ante el continuo impacto que ejercen las grandes ciudades sobre este cuerpo de agua. Los objetivos de la presente contribución son: 1) Establecer la composición y distribución de la malacofauna del litoral argentino del estuario del Río de la Plata, existente hasta 1991, en relación con dos factores: la salinidad y la contaminación ambiental. 2) Proponer una zonación longitudinal del litoral argentino del Río de la Plata, de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos a partir del primer objetivo. (Text in Spanish. PDF contains 41 pages.)
Estudio biológico comparativo de los pejerreyes de la laguna de Lobos y del Río de la Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. (PDF tiene 15 paginas.)
A five months survey was conducted to identify the aquatic macrophytes in fishponds and reservoirs in Makurdi (Benue State, Nigeria) between August and December 1999. A total of 3-prominent aquatic macrophytes were identified: Ipomoea aquatica, Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis at two-study sites (site 1, receives organic manure effluent from a cattle ranch, site 2, receives inorganic fertilizer through application). Ipomoea aquatica were found restricted to site l, while Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis were found associated with site 2. Analysis of the results indicates high level of ammonia-nitrogen at site 1 compared to site 2. Mineral analysis of the plant tissues indicate high level of iron in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus. Mineral concentration were found to be significantly higher (P,L, 0.05) in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus when compared with concentration in Echinochloa pyramidalis
A five months survey was conducted to identify the aquatic macrophytes in fishponds and reservoirs in Makurdi (Benue State, Nigeria) between August and December 1999. A total of 3-prominent aquatic macrophytes were identified: Ipomoea aquatica, Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis at two-study sites (site 1, receives organic manure effluent from a cattle ranch, site 2, receives inorganic fertilizer through application). Ipomoea aquatica were found restricted to site l, while Nymphae lotus and Echinochloa pyramidalis were found associated with site 2. Analysis of the results indicates high level of ammonia-nitrogen at site 1 compared to site 2. Mineral analysis of the plant tissues indicate high level of iron in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus. Mineral concentration were found to be significantly higher (P,L, 0.05) in Ipomoea aquatica and Nymphae lotus when compared with concentration in Echinochloa pyramidalis
In this report, accurate data from coastal stations and from the Vridi hydrological station were gathered. The used experiments took place from 1989 to 1991.
The Bassam artificial inlet was opened (in September 22, 1987) in order to revacuate offshore invasive aquatic plants. This has considerably modified the hydro-sedimentary environment of the lagoonal domain at Grand-Bassam. Tidal currents effect has confered the lagoonal waters an estuarine feature, the saline intrusion (25-35%o) increased beyond the Moossou bridges up to the confluence of the Comoe river. This has led to a cleaning of the river lower course and above all to the bottoms of the lagoon, which were previously confined. The remobilization of mud (from lagoonal bottoms around Bouet Island) evacuated offshore, has exposed lagoonal and oceanic sandy features. This new system remains fragile, with the seasonal (low river-flow) clogging.
This paper presents a large scale (1/10000) bathymetric chart along with the beach (s.l.) and shoreface schemes of Port-Bouet littoral. All these charts and maps contributed to identify the three morphological sub-areas which characterize the whole littoral area of Port-Bouet.
This study deals with the present morphology of the Bandama river mouth in Grand-Lahou (Côte d'Ivoire). At the interface water-sediment channels and shallows appear, covered respectively by fine and medium sands. Topographic surveys conducted from 1989 to 1993 show significant migration of the river mouth from east to west. The average migration rate is about 1.1 meter per mouth. Although for the past two years , a rate of about 3.5 meters per month was observed.
We evaluated the effectiveness of wooden artificial reefs (ARs) as fish habitat. Three types of ARs, made of cedar logs, broadleaf tree logs, and PVC pipes, respectively, were deployed in triplicate at 8-m depth off Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture, Sea of Japan, in May 2004. Fish assemblages associated with each of the nine ARs were observed by using SCUBA twice a month for four years. Fish assemblages in the adjacent habitat were also monitored for two years before and four years after reef deployment. In the surveyed areas (ca. 10 m2) associated with each of the cedar, broadleaf, and PVC ARs, the average number of fish species was 4.14, 3.49, and 3.00, and the average number of individuals was 40.7, 27.9, and 20.3, respectively. The estimated biomass was also more greater when associated with the cedar ARs than with other ARs. Visual censuses of the habitat adjacent to the ARs revealed that the number of fish species and the density of individuals were not affected by the deployment of the ARs. Our results support the superiority of cedar as an AR material and indicate that deployment of wooden ARs causes no reduction of fish abundance in adjacent natural reefs.
Fishery science pioneers often faced challenges in their field work that are mostly unknown to modern biologists. Some of the travails faced by ichthyologist and, later, fishery biologist Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928) during his service as Naturalist-in-Charge of the North Pacific cruise ofthe U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross in 1906, are described here, as are accomplishments of the cruise. The vessel left San Francisco, Calif., on 3 May 1906, just after the great San Francisco earthquake, for scientific exploration of waters of the Aleutian islands, Bering Sea, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and Japan, returning to San Francisco in December. Because the expedition occurred just after the war between Japan and Russia of 1904-05 floating derelict mines in Japanese waters were often a menace. Major storms caused havoc in the region, and the captain of the Albatross, Lieutenant Commander LeRoy Mason Garrett (1857-1906), U.S.N., was lost at sea, apparently thrown from the vessel during a sudden storm on the return leg of the cruise. Despite such obstacles, Gilbert and the Albatross successfully completed their assigned chores. They occupied 339 dredging and 48 hydrographic stations, and discovered over 180 new species of fishes and many new species of invertebrates. The expedition's extensive biological collections spawned over 30 descriptive publications, some of which remain today as standards of knowledge.