13 resultados para ANTIBACTERIAL

em Aquatic Commons


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Inhibitory activity of a marine pigmented bacterium - Alteromonas sp. - isolated from Penaeus monodon Fabricius larva against pathogenic and environmental isolates of Vibrio harveyi was studied. All the isolates were inhibited to varying degrees by Alteromonas sp. in vitro. The antibacterial substance produced by the Alteromonas sp. was soluble in organic solvent and closely bound to the external surface of bacterial cells. The antibacterial Alteromonas sp., when allowed to colonize on shrimp larvae, suppressed the activity of V. harveyi M3 and reduced mortality of P. monodon larvae in vivo.


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The ink of the Indian squid Loligo duvauceli (d'Orbigny) was tested for antibacterial activity. The antibacterial effect of bacteria present in the ink gland was also tested. Only one type of bacteria was found to be present in the ink gland of squid and was identified as Photobacterium leiognathi. Among the various forms of ink extracts, the precipitated and freeze-dried ink showed more pronounced antibacterial effect against Gram-negative bacteria, Salmonella, spp. Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus and Pseudoinonas spp., and a less pronounced effect against Gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus spp. and Micrococcus spp., P. leiognathi did not inhibit any of the above bacteria. The antibacterial activity was associated with the compounds of the ink.


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The authors report on the antibacterial activity of 11 algae, green, brown and red. Prepared extracts were tested, and varying degrees of activity were exhibited. Most activity was shown by Ulva fasciata, Sargassum cervicone and Halimeda macroloba.


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The marine environment covers three quarters of the surface of the planet is estimated to be home to more than 80% of life and yet it remains largely unexplored. The rich diversity of marine flora and fauna and its adaptation to the harsh marine environment coupled with new developments in biotechnology, has opened up a new exciting vista for extraction of bioactive products of use in medicine. In this study inhibitory activity of a marine bacterium isolated from gut of ribbonfish was studied against pathogenic and environmental isolates of Vibrio species. This strain was identified as Pseudomonas stutzeri and it was found active against V. harveyi (luminescent bacteria), V. cholerae, V. alginolyticus, V. damseal, V. fluvialis. The antibacterial substance produced by Pseudomonas stutzeri was soluble in organic solvent and closely bound to external surface of bacterial cells. Reduction of the absorbance of the V. cholera cell suspension was observed when log phase cells of V. cholerae were treated with MIC and 4xMIC concentration of crude extract of Pseudomonas stutzeri.


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Sponges are the most primitive of the multicellular, These organisms don’t have any mechanical defense system, so their early appearance in evolution has given them a lot of time for the development of advanced secondary metabolites as chemical defense system. Sponges have the potential to provide drugs from chemical components against diseases. In this investigation the sponge samples, which it is Ircina spp., were collected at depth of 15- 24 meter, from locations on the coastline of Island Kish in Persian Gulf of Iran. For identifying natural components, methanolic and diethyletter were used as extraction solvents, after removal of the solvents, the GC/MS spectra of the fraction were obtained. Then in vitro cytotoxic, antimicrobial and antifungal were identified. In vitro cytotoxity screening, by XTT assay, against KB/ C359 and HUT-56/ C365 cell line, was conducted in this study in 1 - 544 μg/ml. IC54 for winter diethyletter extract was 325 μg/ml, winter methanolic extract was 364 μg/ml, IC54 for summer diethyletter extract was 544 μg/ml, and summer methanolic extract was 454 μg/ml in HUT-56. IC54 for winter diethyletter extract was 454 μg/ml, winter methanolic extract was 444 μg/ml, IC54 for summer diethyletter extract was 344 μg/ml, and summer methanolic extract was 424 μg/ml in KB. In vitro antimicrobial activity by Broth Dilution Methods against clinical gram-positives and gram negatives (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis). The results conducted that the MIC values of winter diethyletter extract for Escherichia coli 24mg/ml, the MIC values of winter diethyletter extract for Escherichia coli 24mg/ml, the MIC and MBC values of winter diethyletter extract for Staphylococcus aureus was 2mg/ml and 24mg/ml. The MIC and MBC values of winter diethyletter extract for Bacillus subtilis was 1.5 mg/ml and 2mg/ml. In vitro antifungal activity by Broth Dilution Methods against clinical pathogens; Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus. The results conducted that the aqueous extracts didn’t have any antifungal activities on pathogens, the MFC of the summer and winter diethyletter extract was 30 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml A. fumigates, the summer and winter methanolic extract was 0722 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml A. fumigates, the summer and winter methanolic was 4/75mg/ml, MFC 5 mg/ml on C. albicans.


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In this study, consider to the mechanism of controlled depletion paint, has been made the Antifouling (A/F) paints that use these in a paint system which applied on the steel. As a first step, it is necessary to prove that the system subject to investigation does fit into the mechanisms proposed for the CDPs system. According to this, the machine was designed and built as for ASTM D5108-90, D4939-89. Specimens immersed in natural sea water and were rotating by 60 r/min rotor. Painted specimens were tested for 59 days. The main objective of this study was to investigate if new antifouling paint are less toxic than traditional paint and more efficient. For this reason, Zineb and Ziram which is an ingredient in antifouling paints, was also studied. Zineb and Ziram are known as booster biocides in A/P composition. We used the Zineb and Ziram and synthesis of these in a A/F paints. The concentration of booster biocides are 3% and 6% in paints. We use scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for evaluation of paint film. The settlement and the growth of living organism on immersed surfaces was observed during 59 days. According to reports, the growth of organism was observed for A/F paint contains, 3% Zineb after 20days,3%Ziram after 24days and 3% Zineb +Ziram after 30days. By measuring leached rate of the Zn in A/F paints, we figured out the effectiveness of booster biocides on the growth of organism, for example in the absence of booster biocides, the critical released rate for preventing biofilm for A/F paint with ZnO is 15 μg/cm2day. This despite the fact that this figure for A/F paint contain Zineb is 4 μg/cm2, Ziram is 3 μg/cm2 and Zineb +Ziram is 2 μg/cm2.


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Distribution of luminous bacteria (LB) in penaeid shrimp grow-out pond water in semiintensive seawater farming system and their resistance to 15 antibacterials were investigated. Total viable counts and luminous bacterial counts in pond water ranged from 2.00xl03 to 1.35xl04/ml and l.OOxl01 to 8.00Xl02/ml, respectively. The percentage composition of LB in the total viable population increased significantly with period of culture. Five species of LB such as Vibrio fischeri, V. harveyi, V. orientalis, V. splendidus 1 and Photobacterium leiognathi were encountered. V. harveyi was the dominant species, constituting >80% of the total LB. Multiple antibiotic resistance was more common in these LB. Pond water isolates showed resistance to at least four antibacterial agents.


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Crude mucus and its partially purified fractions from two marine catfish from Mumbai, Arius dussumieri and Osteogeneiosus militaris were assayed for their crinotoxicity through assays for hemolysis and haemagglutination of chicken erythrocytes, formation of paw edema in mice, and antibacterial activity against one gram-positive and four gram-negative bacteria. Assays were also done to block the edema using Phineramine maleate, Piroxicam, and Atropine sulfate. Crude toxin as well as their fractions from both the fishes exhibited haemolytic and haemagglutinating activities on chicken blood, besides edematous activity in mice models. The edematous activity was blocked by Phineramine maleate and Piroxicam but enhanced by Atropine sulfate; however, all these activities, either blocking or enhancing, were statistically insignificant. Antibacterial activity was absent in all the extracts tested.


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The role of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in food borne gastroenteritis outbreaks associated primarily with the consumption of contaminated seafoods has been well documented. Information pertaining to various aspects of its occurrence in seafoods, procedures for isolation and identification, generation time and inactivation profiles is discussed. Emphasis has been given to the response of V. parahaemolyticus to low temperatures, heating and antibacterial agents. The public health hazard posed by the pathogen is outlined and the guidelines for control are reviewed in detail.


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Biodegradable protein-based film was developed by incorporating cinnamon essential oil (CEO) into whey protein concentrate (WPC) at level of 0.8% and 1.5% v/v. Then physical and mechanical properties of the films were evaluated. Adding CEO to the WPC matrix decreased the water vapour permeability of the films and water solubility. Films containing CEO showed significant antibacterial activity both gram-positive and gram-negative strains and exhibited significant inhibitory effect on the studied fungi. In continue, the effect of whey coating and whey coating incorporated with 1.5% CEO on quality and shelf life of Huso huso fillet during refregrated (4±1°C) storage period were also investigated. The control and treated fish samples were analyzed for microbiological (total viable count, psychrophilic counts), chemical (PV, TBA, FFA, pH, TVB-N), and sensory characteristics in 4-day intervals up of microbial, chmical and sensoy analyses indicated lower levels of PV, TBA, FFA, pH, TVB-N in coasted sampels and specially, those with CEO while were kept in refrigerator. Based on results, whey protein edible coating contain 1.5% cinnamon essential oil could enhance preserving ability Huso huso during storage cold.


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Fish are an important part of a healthy diet since they contain high quality protein, but typically present a low fat percent when compared to other meats. Fish is an extremely perishable food commodity. On the other hand, food borne diseases are still a major problem in the world, even in well-developed countries. The increasing incidence of food borne diseases coupled with the resultant social and economic implications means there is a constant striving to produce safer food and to develop new antimicrobial agents concerns over the safety of some chemical preservatives and negative consumer reactions to preservatives they perceive as chemical and artificial, have prompted on increased interest in more ‘‘naturalgreen’’ alternatives for the maintenance or extension of product shelf-life. Particular interest has focused on the potential applications of plant essential oils. However, to establish the usefulness of natural antimicrobial preservatives, they must be evaluated alone and in combination with other preservation factors to determine whether there are synergistic effects and multiple hurdles can be devised. In this study, were evaluated the effects of different concentrations of Rosmarinus officinalis and nisin and storage time (15 days) on growth of Streptococcus iniae GQ850377 in a lab conditions and a food model system (fillets of rainbow trout) in 4 and 8 °C. In addition, we also studied multi factorial effects of four different concentration of rosemary, three different concentrations of nisin, two different levels of pH in 3 temperature 4,15 and 37 °C on log% of S.iniae during 43 days in BHI broth. The results on growth of S. iniae were evaluated using SPSS 20.0 statistical software and analyzed the logarithm of total count of the bacterial by Tukey Test. Results were considered statistically significant when P<0.05. MIC and MBC values of rosemary and nisin were 0.03, 0.075 % and 5, 40 μg/mL, respectively. The growth of S. iniae was effected significantly (P<0.05) by rosemary and nisin and also combination of rosemary and nisin in 4 and 8 °C. Samples treated with 0.135 and 0.405 % of rosemary showed a significant decrease on the growth of the bacteria compared with control sample(P<0.05). The most ١٤٦ inhibitory effects were seen in samples treated with 0.135 and 0.405% of rosemary until 9 days after storage. Also, the synergism effects of rosemary and nisin on the growth rate of bacteria was significant (P<0.05) compared with untreated samples and samples treated with the rosemary or nisin, only. Synergistic effects was observed at concentration of 0.405% rosemary and 0.75 μg/mL nisin in both temprature. Results of this study showed that different concentration of rosemary a significant inhibitory effect (P<0.05) on log% of S. iniae, in BHI broth in pH 5.5 and 7 in 4,15 and 37 °C during 43 days. In concentration of 0% rosemary (control) in pH 5.5 and 7 and 37°C, log% were 1.099 and 3.15, whereas in concentration of 0.015% rosemary were -4/241 and 1.454, respectively. The use of essential oils may improve food safety and overall microbial quality. If essential oils were to be more widely applied as antibacterials in foods, the organoleptic impact would be important. In addition, it is recommended to apply essential oils or their compounds as part of a hurdle system and to use it as an antimicrobial component along with other preservation techniques. Thus essential of R. officinalis with high antibacterial activity selected in this study could be a potential source for inhibitory substances against some food-borne pathogens and they may be candidates for using in foods or food-processing systems.


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In this project sampling was done from 9 stations in 3 depths during 5 seasons to separate, identify and examine the biodiversity of cyanobacteria. Another sampling also has been done to analyse all physical and physicochemical parameters, primary production and polluting agents such as heavy metals and oil hydrocarbons in water and sediments. Along with optimization of Oscillatoria to study the ability of producing natural substances, these cyanobacteria were analysed from the point of antimicrobial and mutagenic effects. To examine the relationships among analysed parameters, the regression test, analysis of varian and Post Hoc were used. As the result of this study 48 genus of cyanobacteria were pecognised among which 35.5% were croco ccales and 64.4% were Hermogonals. Oscillatoria was one of the Filamentous cyanobacteria which had antibacterial and mutagenic effects. The results of multicommunity consistency varians test, post Hoc and homogenous subsets show significant difference between biodiversity of cyanotbacteria in coral ecosystem, Mangrove and transite. The linear correlation coefficient between biodiversity of cyanobacteria and bioenvironmental agents were examined, but there was no continuous relation between these factors and biological biodiversity. In Surface layer there was a significant correlation coefficent at 0.048 and probability at 95% confidence interval. Also, the biodiversity is depended on oil pollution and heavy metals such as copper (Cu) and chromium (Cr).


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The use of antibiotics in aquaculture has been limited. Scientifics seeking for natural substitutes to prevent of aquatic animals diseases. Considering seaweeds are rich of nutritions and bioactive compounds, the purpose of this study is: investigation the potential and use possibility of native seaweeds from Persian Gulf in shrimp aquculture industry to improve growth, survival of postlarvae and to resistance against pathogens such as vibriosis. For this propose 7 macroalgae species from Bushehr province coast, inclouding: green algae (C. iyengarii), brown algae (S. angutifolium and S. ilicifolium) and red algae (L. snyderiae, K. alvarezii and G. corticata) were collected and identified. Then seaweed extracts abtained by Water, Ethanol, Methanol and Chloroform solvents by soaking method. In vitro antibacterial activity of extracts against Gr+ bacteria (S. aureus and B. subtilis) and Gr- bacteria (V. harveyi, V. alginolyticus and E. coli) was conducted by Agar diffusion, MIC and MBC methods. Antioxidant activity also by DPPH and EC50 methods was investigated. According to results of these two tests four seaweeds species (S. angutifolium, L. snyderiae, K. alvarezii and G. corticata) were selected for use in shrimp postlarvae (PL22) diets by Bio-Encapsulation (Artemia enrichment). Before of enrichment, toxicity effect of extracts to Artemia nauplii were evaluated by determination of LC50 24 h method. From results of this section Ethanol extracts were selected to bioencapsulation. After encapsulation shrimp postlarvae divided to 12 groups in triplicate, namely: C-, C+, S (200), S (400), S (600), L(200), L(400), L(600), G(300), G(600), K(300) and K(600). During 30 days of reared period C- and C+ use of basal diet and unenriched Artemia, but the other groups use of basal diet and enriched Artemia. Except C-, the shrimps in first day of culture put in 107 cfu/ml v. harveyi suspension for 30 minutes, and after water exchange 10 ml of this dose was added to reared aquaria. After 30 days survival percentage, obtained weight and SGR% were investigated. To evaluate vibrio loading, every 10 days 5 postlarvae were sampled randomly for vibrio count. Results showed that vibrio count in C- was less than the others and in C+ was more than the others. In treatments vibrio count in L(200) was the most and L(600) was the less. Survival rate in C- was the most and after that G(600) with 79.4±6.6% and then S(300) and K(600) were 73.3±7.3% and 70.6±6.6% respectively that were significantly compare the other (P < 0.01). Also the C+ was the less with 33.3±6.6% that difference was significant (P< 0.01). In this study growth parameters of all groups that fed by enriched Artemia were better than C+ (P<0.05). After cultre period 10 shrimp of every aquarium disinfected and reared for 10 days like before treatment. After 10 days the shrimps were challenged by 3×108 cfu/ml V. harveyi and mortality was recorded for 7 days. The all of animals in C- were survive but more than 90% of C+ were dead. And survival in all of treatments were better the C+ (P<0.05). The study showed the ethanol extracts of selected seaweed from Persian Gulf is a good source for growth, Survival and disease control in shrimp larviculture.