16 resultados para A Song of Ice and Fire

em Aquatic Commons


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The influence of ice on the bacteriological quality of the processed fishery products has been discussed. In almost all the cases ice has been traced to be a major source of contamination depending on the nature of water used for preparing it. The sources of contamination of ice and its remedies have been described.


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The paper reports the results of studies on ice storage and subsequent canning of mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and Sardines (Sardinella longiceps) and the effect of such storage on the quality of the canned product prepared out of them. The changes in the physical and chemical characteristics during ice storage are determined and correlated with the quality of the finished product.


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Changes in the major protein nitrogen fractions (sarcoplasmic, myofibrillar, stroma) have been studied in two species of prawns and in oil sardine held in ice storage. Myofibrillar proteins were observed to get denatured at a rapid rate as determined by salt extractability method. The sarcoplasmic proteins were not denatured to any considerable extent. With sardine however, the extraction of myofibrillar proteins was inhibited rather in the uniced condition itself presumably owing to the presence of free fatty acids.


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Ice storage characteristics of fresh and brined fillets from fresh shark (Carcharias melanopterus) were studied in and out of contact with ice for more than two weeks. Changes occurring in biochemical constituents, physical qualities and bacterial counts of the fillets are reported. Shelf life of brined fillets out of contact with ice was considerably longer than that of control samples tinder similar conditions. Icing of shark fillets is suggested as a method for the removal of urea on a commercial scale.


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Yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes asper, is the second most abundant flatfish in the North Pacific Ocean and is most highly concentrated in the eastern Bering Sea. It has been a target species in the eastern Bering Sea since the mid-1950's, initially by foreign distant-water fisheries but more recently by U.S. fisheries. Annual commercial catches since 1959 have ranged from 42,000 to 554,000 metric tons (t). Yellowfin sole is a relatively small flatfish averaging about 26 cm in length and 200 g in weight in commercial catches. It is distributed from nearshore waters to depths of about 100 m in the eastern Bering Sea in summer, but moves to deeper water in winter to escape sea ice. Yellowfin sole is a benthopelagic feeder. It is a longlived species (>20 years) with a correspondingly low natural mortality rate estimated at 0.12. After being overexploited during the early years of the fishery and suffering a substantial decline in stock abundance, the resource has recovered and is currently in excellent condition. The biomass during the 1980's may have been as high as, if not higher than, that at the beginning of the fishery. Based on results of demersal trawl surveys and two age structured models, the current exploitable biomass has been estimated to range between 1.9 and 2.6 million t. Appropriate harvest strategies were investigated under a range of possible recruitment levels. The recommended harvest level was calculated by multiplying the yield derived from the FOI harvest level (161 g at F = 0.14) hy an average recruitment value resulting in a commercial harvest of 276,900 t, or about 14% of the estimated exploitable biomass.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The 250-year net annual snow accumulation, or mass balance, time series derived from the Mt. Logan (Yukon) ice core has been spectrally analyzed and is found to contain a nominal 11-year waveform. The stable isotope time series contains a significant amount of power between 9 and 13 years, although this record is evidently not a straightforward proxy for air temperatures. The signal in the mass balance time series exhibits a close relationship with the sunspot cycle waveform and is, therefore, assumed to be related to it. Waveforms showing a high correlation with the solar cycle are found in other climate data in the region. ... Taken collectively, the data point to a link between solar variability, atmospheric variability, climate, and selected ecological dynamics in the Pacific Northwest, but other data, not presented, indicate these relationships may hold elsewhere. So far, the evidence is empirical; complete details of the physical mechanisms involved have yet to be synthesized in a satisfactory way.


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It has been observed that a better frozen product can be obtained by freezing good quality pomfrets transported in insulated containers with sufficient quantity of ice. To enhance the keeping quality and to prevent dehydration and discoloration, a dip in B H A (0.005%) for 15 minutes and subsequent storage in polythene lined gunny bag at -15°c to -I8°c can be recommended. The products treated in the above manner can be stored well over six months. Periodical glazing at an interval of 3 weeks will also prevent the dehydration to a greater extent.


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Hilsa (Hilsa ilisha) caught by gill net were immediately killed by cranial spiking. Three fish were kept in ice (0°C) and three other at room temperature (33°C) to follow development of rigor mortis and changes in muscle pH. The rest were frozen stored at -20°C. Rigor started 15 minutes after death in all fish and reached full rigor (100%) state in 2 and 4 hours respectively in fish kept at 33° and 0°C. The fish at 33°C deteriorated 16 hours after while in full rigor but those at 0°C lasted 26 hours of death without deterioration. Freshly caught hilsa had a muscle pH around 7 which decreased with time rapidly at 33°C and slowly at 0°C. The relative proportion of protein fraction in white and dark muscle of fish stored at 0°C and -20°C were also studied. The proportion of dark muscle was 30.34% of the white muscle. White muscle in fish at 0°C was found to contain 32.0% sarcoplasmic, 57.6% myofibrilla, 9.4% alkali-soluble and 1.1% stroma protein whereas these proteins in dark muscle were 29.9%, 58.4%, 9.8% and 1.9% respectively. The protein fractions of white muscle in frozen-fish were found 27.6% sarcoplasmic, 64.7% myofibrilla, 6.0% alkali-soluble and 1.7% of stroma protein whereas they were 30.6%, 58.6%, 8.9 and 1.9% for dark muscle. Some changes occurred in protein composition during frozen storage. The relative amounts of sarcoplasmic, alkali soluble and stroma protein fractions decreased while myofibrilla fraction increased in frozen condition. This may be attributed to drip loss of soluble protein during thawing.


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Fresh silver pomfret, black pomfret and hilsa were canned at absolutely fresh and iced conditions and the qualities of the final products were studied comparatively in relation to the initial quality of the raw materials. Under identical conditions a maximum quantity of cook-drip and nitrogen contents were found to be lost in black pomfret and minimum in hilsa. Silver pomfret and black pomfret iced for 3 days gave fairly good products on canning while hilsa came out only as a satisfactory product on canning after the same ice storage period of the raw material.


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The possible factors leading to the loss of flavour and general quality of crab during freezing and frozen storage have been studied. The preprocess ice storage condition of the raw material was found to be one such important factor while the fresh frozen crab meat remained in good organoleptic condition for about 51 weeks at -23°C, the 7 days iced material held frozen was found to have a shelf life of about 21 weeks. The fall in myofibrillar protein noted during frozen storage together with the loss of myosin ATPase activity correlated well with the loss of organoleptic qualities.


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The changes in chemical, bacteriological and organoleptic qualities of mussels and clams during freezing and subsequent frozen storage have been studied in relation to the holding time in ice prior to freezing and the shelf-life of the product is determined.


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Quantitative and qualitative studies on the bacterial flora of fresh Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) have been made. The total native flora as well as 5 ppm CTC insensitive flora of the fish showed variations with season. About 90% of the fresh fish flora was sensitive to 5 ppm CTC. The natural flora of the fresh fish consisted of Vibrios, Pseudomonas, Achromobacter, Flavobacterium, Corynebacteria, Micrococci, Bacillus and yeasts. In the CTC insensitive flora, Vibrios predominated followed by yeasts. The selection of bacterial genera during storage of the fish in ice and in 5 ppm CTC incorporated ice has also been investigated. At the time of spoilage, Pseudomonas was found to be the dominant flora of the fish stored in both types of ice.


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A comparative ice storage study of milk fish (Chanos chanos) in direct contact and out of contact (in 200 gauge polyethylene bag) with ice was taken up to assess the effect of leaching on quality of ice-stored fish. It was observed that the leaching effect was more significant on TVN and NPN than that on cc amino nitrogen components while there was very little effect on bacterial load. It is concluded that under similar conditions of icing, fish out of contact with ice will have longer shelf life and more acceptability than the fish preserved in contact with ice.