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For more than 25 years all sea turtle products have been prohibited from international commerce by the 170-member nations of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Sea turtles continue to be threatened by direct take (including poaching) and illegal trade despite multi-national protection efforts. Although take may contribute significantly to sea turtle decline, illegal take is difficult to measure since there are few quantified records associated with legal fisheries and fewer still for illegal take (poaching). We can, however, quantify one portion of the illegal sea turtle trade by determining how many illegal products were seized at United States ports of entry over a recent 10-year period. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) oversees the import and export of wildlife and wildlife products, ensuring that wildlife trade complies with United States laws and international treaties. Additionally, the USFWS has legal authority to target suspected illegal wildlife activity through undercover and field investigations. In an effort to assess the scale of illegal sea turtle take and trade, we have conducted a 10-year (1994 – 2003) review of the law enforcement database maintained by the USFWS. This database tracks the number and type of wildlife cases, the quantity of seized products, and the penalties assessed against violators. These data are minimum estimates of the sea turtle products passing through the United States borders, as smuggled wildlife is oftentimes not detected.
The general history of the trawl fishery of the Wadge Bank off Cape Comorin, South India (Fig. 1), the nature and composition of its demersal fish population, and the present state of its fishery has been given by various authors (Malpas 1926, Pearson and Malpas 1926, Sivalingam and Medcof 1957, Medcof 1963, Mendis 1965a, 1965b, Sivalingam 1966a, 1966b, 1969a and 1969b). It has been shown earlier (Sivalingam and Medcof 1957, Sivalingam 1969a) that the Wadge Bank stock is made up of two groups. The resident stock which is present on the fishing grounds throughout the year and the migrant stock that appears on the fishing grounds only during the southwest monsoon months. The object of this paper is to discuss the effect of fishing on the resident stock between 1945 and 1962 and based on the information available; assess the maximum sustained yield of the resident stock. The "Bigfish" of the resident stock is the mainstay of the Wadge Bank trawl fishery (Sivalingam 1969a) and it will be shown that this stock has been overexploited from 1953 to 1957. The first sign of recovery was evident in 1960 and continued till 1962. The data since 1962 are not available to the author for analysis. It has been reported by Mendis (1965b) that considerable expansion of the trawler fleet was anticipated in 1966, and if so, the history of the fishery from 1953 to 1957 may be repeated. The assessment presented in this paper should form a rational basis for management programs.
Fish farmers in Laguna de Bay are facing conflict of the use of the lake which is being tapped as freshwater source for domestic use. The article documents the perspectives of some fish farmers and researchers on the development of carp aquaculture industry in the lake. According to carp farmers and researchers, the industry is profitable; however, marketing, post harvest and processing strategies remain poor. In this regard, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD) should be the frontline ally of carp growers since SEAFDEC/AQD developed the technology for lake culture.
Ephemera danica Müller, 1764 (Ephemeroptera) is one of the largest mayflies found in the British Isles with some females reaching over 30 mm. It is a common and widespread species found in rivers, lakes and streams throughout Europe and is particularly abundant in many of the lowland rivers of the British Isles. The larvae are burrowers – mainly found where silt accumulates below macrophytes. This article gives a general overview of research work on the factors affecting the life cycle of Ephemera danica over a seven year period (1995–2002) on two rivers, the River Test at Leckford in Hampshire and the North Wey at Tilford in Surrey.
The striped bass, or rock as the species is called in the Chesapeake area, ranks high in value and volume among the commercially important fish taken in Maryland waters and, in addition, is highly prized as a game fish by sportsmen. Interest in the marked fluctuations characteristic of the species stimulated the investigation begun in October, 1941.
This report presents findings of the first CAS in the Ugandan waters following the agreed SOPs, carried out in July 2005. The findings indicate a total fish catch of 15,047.5 t for July 2005, contributed by Mukene/Dagaa (39.5%), Nile perch (33.1%), Tilapias (17.1%), Haplochromines (9.2%) and other fish species 1.2%. This information gives a new perspective of the estimates of fish production in the Ugandan waters of the lake which are based on field observations. Continuation of support to the CAS programme will certainly get rid of the uncertainties about the fish production levels of the lake which have been there for a long time. This information is vital for fisheries development and fisheries management endeavours.
The Econfina Creek basin area in northwestern Florida, which includes Bay County, southeastern Washiigton County, and parts of Calhoun, Gulf, and Jackson counties is shown in figure 1. The basin has an abundant supply of ground water and surface water of good quality. This determination is based on a three-year investigation of the water resources of the basin by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Division of Geology, Florida Board of Conservation, during the period from October 1961 through June 1964. The purpose of this report is to assemble the basic data collected during this investigation for those persons interested in water development or management in this basin. (Document has 131 pages.)
The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground water in the Ruskin area, especially as related to the problem of salt-water encroachment. The major objectives of the program includes: (1) An inventory of wells to determine their number and distribution, their depths and diameters, and other pertinent information. (2) A study of artesian pressures. (3) Analyses of water from selected wells to determine the location and extent of any areas in which the artesian water is salty. (4) A study of the surface and subsurface geology as related to the occurrence and movement of ground water. (5) An estimate of the quantity of ground water withdrawn. (PDF contains 24 pages.)
The on-offshore distributions of tuna larvae in near-reef waters of the Coral Sea, near Lizard Island (14°30ʹS, 145°27ʹE), Australia, were investigated during four cruises from November 1984 to February 1985 to test the hypothesis that larvae of these oceanic fishes are found in highest abundance near coral reefs. Oblique bongo net tows were made in five on-offshore blocks in the Coral Sea, ranging from 0–18.5 km offshore of the outer reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, as well as inside the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon. The smallest individuals (<3.2 mm SL) of the genus Thunnus could not be identified to species, and are referred to as Thunnus spp. We found species-specific distributional patterns. Thunnus spp. and T. alalunga (albacore) larvae were most abundant (up to 68 larvae/100 m2) in near-reef (0–5.5 km offshore) waters, whereas Katsuwonus pelamis (skipjack tuna) larvae increased in abundance in the offshore direction (up to 228 larvae/100 m2, 11.1–18.5 km offshore). Larvae of T. albacares (yellowfin tuna) and Euthynnus affinis (kawakawa) were relatively rare throughout the study region, and the patterns of their distributions were inconclusive. Few larvae of any tuna species were found in the lagoon. Size-frequency distributions revealed a greater proportion of small larvae inshore compared to offshore for K. pelamis and T. albacares. The absence of significant differences in size-frequency distributions for other species and during the other cruises was most likely due to the low numbers of larvae. Larval distributions probably resulted from a combination of patterns of spawning and vertical distribution, combined with wind-driven onshore advection and downwelling on the seaward side of the outer reefs.
Analysis of scale samples from 87 striped bass from the 1940 year class of the Chesapeake Bay, and 39 samples from the 1938 year class of the Hudson River, indicated that the smaller yearling individuals made a more rapid growth in their second year than the larger ones. Compensation was not complete, since the growth advantage of the larger individuals is maintained to a considerable degree.
The spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) is considered a key species relative to the implementation of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). One of the goals of the CERP is to increase freshwater flows to Florida Bay. Increased freshwater flows can have potential positive and negative impacts on spotted seatrout populations. At low salinities, the planktonic eggs of spotted seatrout sink to the bottom and are not viable (Alshuth and Gilmore, 1994; Holt and Holt, 2002). On the other hand, increased freshwater flows can alleviate hypersaline conditions that could result in an expansion of the distribution of the early life stages of spotted seatrout (Thayer et al., 1999; Florida Department of Environmental Protection1). Thus it would be useful to develop a monitoring program that can detect changes in seatrout abundance on time scales short enough to be useful to resource managers. The NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research (NOAA) has made sporadic collections of juvenile seatrout using otter trawls since 1984 (see Powell et al, 2004). The results suggest that it might be useful to sample for seatrout in as many as eight different areas or basins (Figure 1): Bradley Key, Sandy Key, Johnson Key, Palm Key, Snake Bight, Central, Whipray and Crocodile Dragover. Unfortunately, logistical constraints are likely to limit the number of tows to about 40 per month over a period of six months each year. Inasmuch as few seatrout are caught in any given tow and the proportion of tows with zero seatrout is often high, it is important to determine how best to allocate this limited sampling effort among the various basins so that any trends in abundance may be detected with sufficient statistical confidence. (PDF contains 16 pages)
During 1995 and 1996, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), conducted pilot studies to develop survey methodology and a sampling strategy for assessment of coastal shark populations in the Gulf of Mexico and western North Atlantic. Longline gear similar to that used in the commercial shark fishery was deployed at randomly selected stations within three depth strata per 60 nautical mile gridf rom Brownsville, Tex. to Cape Ann, Mass. The survey methodology and gear design used in these surveys proved effective for capturing many of the small and large coastal sharks regulated under the auspices of the 1993 Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) for Sharks oft he Atlantic Ocean. Shark catch rates, species composition, and relative abundance documented in these pilot surveys were similar to those reported from observer programs monitoring commercial activities. During 78 survey days, 269 bottom longline sets were completed with 879 sharks captured.
A two day workshop was convened on February 2-3, 1998 in Charleston, SC with 20 invited experts in various areas of sea turtle research. The goal of this workshop was to review current information on sea turtles with repect to health and identify data gaps. The use of a suite of health assessment indicators will provide insight on the health status of sea turtle populations. Since the relationship of health factors of sea turtles is limited, a seconde workshop was planned. Using a tiered approach, the first workshop we identified and reviewed the available, pertinent baseline information and data gaps. The second workshop will focus on developing the framework for the research plan. The workshops will address the use of integrated set of health parameters; specific objectives are: 1) Identify reliable indicators of health in sea turtles: assess advantages and disadvantages; determine new indicators/biomarkers which may be useful; 2) Review existing sea turtle field sampling projects; 3) Identify field projects suitable for inclusion for health assessment sampling; 4) Identify data gaps, particularly environmental characterization; 5) Identify new health assessment sampling sites, including reference site(s); and 6) Develop integrated five-year research plan, with focus on health assessment of environmental characterization. (PDF contains 174 pages)