13 resultados para 20S-15N
em Aquatic Commons
ENGLISH: During 1963, the area of operation of the Japanese long-line fishery in the eastern Pacific further expanded, and total fishing effort increased. Charts are presented showing the distribution of effort and of catch-rates, by species, for major fishing areas; and showing catch-rates by species, by quarters of the year, by areas of one-degree of latitude and longitude. In the newly-exploited region north of 10°N, yellowfin and striped marlin are principal elements of the catch, while in the newly-fished region south of the former fishing areas, south of about 20°S, albacore dominate in the catch. Continued decline in catch rates of bigeye tuna, associated with increased fishing effort, indicates that there has been a real decrease in abundance of this species, and that it may have resulted from effects of the fishery on the stock. Changes in catch rates of yellowfin tuna seem to be associated with effects on the stock by both the long-line fishery and by the near-surface fishery by purse-seiners and bait-boats. Over the short series of years for which data are available, there are no discernible trends in apparent abundance of striped marlin or albacore. Information is presented concerning seasonal and geographical distributions of spawning yellowfin tuna, based on examination of gonads. Analysis of data on size composition of yellowfin tuna for 1958-1964 indicates that the long-line fishery is becoming increasingly dependent on the most recently recruited year class, further confirming the effect of the fishery on the stock. The long-line fishery now takes nearly all of its catch of yellowfin tuna from two year-classes each year, during their third and fourth years of life. SPANISH: Durante 1963 el área de operación de la pesca palangrera japonesa en el Pacífico oriental se extendió más y se incrementó el esfuerzo total de pesca. Se presentan cartas indicando la distribución del esfuerzo y las tasas de captura por especies, para las áreas principales de pesca; y se muestran las tasas de captura por especies y por trimestres del año en áreas de un grado de latitud y longitud. En la región recientemente explotada al norte de los 10°N, los principales elementos de la captura son el atún aleta amarilla y el marlín rayado, mientras aproximadamente al sur de los 20°S en la región recientemente pescada al sur de las primeras áreas de pesca la albacora predomina en la captura. La continua merma en las tasas de captura del patudo en asociación con el incremento en el esfuerzo de pesca, indica que ha habido una real reducción en la abundancia de esta especie y que puede ser el resultado de los efectos de la pesquería sobre el stock. Los cambios en las tasas de captura del atún aleta amarilla parecen estar asociados con los efectos sobre el stock tanto de la pesquería palangrera como de la pesca de superficie por barcos rederos y de carnada. No hay tendencias perceptibles en la abundancia aparente del marlín rayado o la albacora en el corto período de años de los que se disponen datos. Se presenta información referente a la distribución estacional y geográfica del desove del atún aleta amarilla basado en el examen de las gónadas. El análisis de los datos sobre la composición de tallas del atún aleta amarilla correspondiente a 1958-1964 indica que la pesca palangrera depende cada vez más de las clases anuales recientemente reclutadas, confirmando aún más el efecto que tiene la pesquería sobre el stock. La pesquería palangrera coge casi toda su pesca de atún aleta amarilla de dos clases anuales cada año, durante su tercer y cuarto año de vida. (PDF contains 70 pages.)
ENGLISH: All available longline data on skipjack captured in the Pacific Ocean by Japanese research vessels (1949-1965) and from incidental skipjack catches by Japanese commercial vessels (1956-1964) were analyzed. As skipjack are not specifically sought by longline vessels, the data are limited. Considering this it was found that: longline gear captures skipjack of wider size-range and is more selective for larger skipjack than conventional fishing methods, i.e. pole-and-line and purse-seine; skipjack are widely and almost continuously distributed across the Pacific; throughout the year average hook-rates are greater in the southeastern Pacific than in the northwestern Pacific; areas of high hook-rate shift south during the second and third quarters and north during the first and fourth quarters; in the western Pacific the north-south range of the catch distribution was greatest in the first and fourth quarters; skipjack hook-rates are relatively high in the northwestern Pacific east of Japan only during the first and fourth quarters; the highest hook-rates were recorded in extensive areas along the equator (from lO°N to 20°8 between approximately 155°W-100°W); generally more skipjack were captured by research longline gear in water temperature ranges approaching both the upper and lower temperature limits of skipjack distribution (18-21C and 26-28C), than is the case in surface skipjack fisheries; tentative comparisons of longline skipjack catch distributions with Pacific current systems, suggests low skipjack abundance in both North Pacific Central and North Pacific Equatorial water; the sex ratio was 95 males : 63 females in a small sample of skipjack examined; longlines capture skipjack of three, and possibly more, age groups; in skipjack size-composition samples studied, the smaller modal group (65 cm) observed in January-March in the northwestern Pacific (1600E-180oE and 20oN-45°N) corresponds in size to the larger modal group appearing in the late-summer surface fishery off the Izu-Bonin Islands southeast of Japan, and also compares in modal size to the skipjack taken in the Hawaiian fishery in spring time; the analysis of skipjack catches by hook position on the longline and by death-rate studies, indicates that part of the catch is made while the gear is in motion near the surface, and a lesser part of the catch is made when the gear is stabilized at a depth of 70 to 140 m. A brief discussion is given, in the light of new information presented, on several hypotheses by other authors concerning the population structure and migration of skipjack in the Pacific Ocean. SPANISH: Se analizaron todos los datos disponibles de la pesca con palangre de barriletes capturados en el Océano Pacífico por barcos japoneses de investigación (1949-1965) y por las capturas incidentales de los barcos comerciales japoneses (1956-1964). Como los barcos palangreros específicamente, no persiguen al barrilete, los datos son limitados. Considerando ésto, se encontró: que el arte palangrero obtiene barriletes con una distribución más amplia de tallas, y es más selectivo en cuanto a los barriletes de mayor talla, que los métodos convencionales de pesca, Le. cañas de pescar y redes de cerco; el barrilete se encuentra amplia y casi continuamente distribuido a través del Pacífico; en todo el año, las tasas promedio de captura por anzuelo son superiores en el Pacífico sudoriental que las del Pacífico noroeste; las áreas con una tasa alta de captura por anzuelo, se cambian hacia el sur durante los trimestres segundo y tercero, y durante los trimestres primero y cuarto hacia el norte; en el Pacífico occidental la amplitud de la distribución de captura norte-sur, fue superior en los trimestres primero y cuarto; las tasas de captura por anzuelo de barrilete, son relativamente altas en el Pacífico noroeste al este del Japón, únicamente durante los trimestres primero y cuarto; las tasas de captura por anzuelo más altas fueron registradas en extensas áreas a lo largo del ecuador (desde los 10°N hasta los 20°S, aproximadamente entre los 155°W-100°W) ; generalmente las artes palangreras de investigación capturaron más barrilete en aguas en las que la temperatura se aproximaba a los límites más altos o bajos de la temperatura en la distribución del barrilete (18-21 C y 26-28 C), que en el caso de la pesca superficial de barrilete; las comparaciones tentativas de la captura de barrilete con palangre, con el sistema de las corrientes del Pacífico, sugieren una abundancia inferior de barrilete tanto en las aguas del Pacífico central del norte como en las del Pacífico ecuatorial del norte; la proporcíon sexual examinada en una pequeña muestra de barriletes, fue de 95 machos y 63 hembras; los palangreros capturan barriletes de tres grupos de edad y posiblemente de más; en las muestras estudiadas de la composición de las tallas de barrilete, el grupo modal más pequeño (65 cm), observado en enero-marzo en el Pacífico noroeste (160 0E-180° y 20 oN-45°N), corresponde en talla al grupo modal más grande que aparece en la pesca de superficie a fines del verano frente a las Islas Izu-Bonín al sudeste del Japón, y se compara también con la talla modal del barrilete obtenido en la pesca hawaiana en la época de primavera; el análisis de las capturas de barrilete por medio del estudio de la posición de los anzuelos en el palangre y por la tasa de mortalidad, indica que parte de la captura se efectúa cuando el equipo está en movimiento cerca a la superficie y una parte inferior de la captura se realiza, cuando las artes se estabilizan a una profundidad de 70 a 140 m. Se ofrece una breve discusión sobre varias hipótesis de otros autores, en vista de la nueva información presentada referente a la estructura poblacional y a la migración del barrilete en el Océano Pacífico. (PDF contains 100 pages.)
ENGLISH: Catch and effort statistics from the Japanese longline fishery operating in the eastern Pacific Ocean east of 130°W, from 1964 through 1966, were examined to study the geographic distribution, trends in apparent abundance, sexual maturity, and size composition of the tunas and billfishes. Yellowfin and bigeye tuna are generally most abundant in the equatorial regions of the high seas between about 10°N and 20°S, but west of 95°W. The marlins are more coastal in distribution, usually occurring to the east, and to the north and south of the heavy concentration of tropical tunas. Sailfish tend to be associated with coastal areas also, whereas shortbill spearfish are more frequently captured on the high seas. Swordfish are found most abundantly in the coastal regions off northern Mexico, and off northern Peru and southern Ecuador. The albacore, a temperate-water species of tuna, is most abundant in the high-seas area of the southeastern Pacific, Trends in apparent abundance were measured by the hook-rate (i.e. catch per 100 hooks). Hook-rates for bigeye tuna have decreased from about 3.5 fish per 100 hooks in 1958 to about 1.1 fish per 100 hooks in 1966. During the same period, effort was increased substantially and total catch has decreased since 1963. It does not appear that increased effort will result in sustained increased catches of bigeye. Hook-rates for yellowfin tuna in recent years have decreased to about one third of their initial levels. The surface fishery for yellowfin in the eastern Pacific apparently affects recruitment to the longline fishery. Assuming that present conditions in the surface fishery do not change appreciably, increased effort in the longline fishery probably would not produce sustained increased catches, but might in fact result in reduced catch rates. Unlike the situation for the other tunas of the eastern Pacific, it appears that the albacore fishery east of 130°W is not having a marked effect on their abundance. Although a high degree of variability was observed in the hookrates for striped marlin, no obvious trends are evident. Catches have decreased slightly from 13,500 tons in 1964 to about 11,000 tons in 1966. Heavy fishing for sailfish began in 1964 with a hook-rate of 10.6 fish per 100 hooks; by 1966 it had dropped to 5.8. Catches of this species in the area of major concentration dropped from 329,900 fish in 1965 to 173,600 fish in 1966. This fishery has operated for too short a period of time to enable one to determine its effect on the sustainable yield. Length-frequency measurements and gonad samples from yellowfin and bigeye tunas collected in the eastern Pacific were analyzed to determine sexual maturity and growth characteristics. The results corroborate the findings of earlier investigators. SPANISH: Las estadísticas de captura y del esfuerzo de la pesca japonesa con palangre que maniobra en el Océano Pacífico oriental al este de los 130°W, desde 1964 hasta 1966, fueron examinadas para estudiar la distribución geográfica, las tendencias de la abundancia aparente, la madurez sexual y la composición de talla de los atunes y de los peces espada. Los atunes aleta amarilla y ojo grande son generalmente más abundantes en las regiones ecuatoriales de alta entre unos 10°N y 20°S, pero al oeste de los 95°W. Los marlines son costaneros en distribución, apareciendo habitualmente hacia el y hacia el norte y sur de la densa concentración de atunes tropicales. pez vela tiende a asociarse también con las áreas costaneras, mientras el pez aguja corta es capturado con más frecuencia en alta mar. Los peces espada se encuentran más abundantemente en las regiones costaneras de México septentrional y frente al norte del Perú y del Ecuador meridional. La albacora, una especie de atún de aguas templadas, es más abundante en el área de alta mar del Pacífico sudoriental. Las tendencias en la abundancia aparente fueron evaluadas por la tasa de captura por anzuelo (i.e., captura por 100 anzuelos). Las tasas de captura por anzuelo del atún ojo grande, disminuyeron en 1958, de unos 3.5 peces por 100 anzuelos a cerca de 1.1 pez por 100 anzuelos en 1966. Durante el mismo período, el esfuerzo fue aumentado substancialmente y, desde 1963, la captura total disminuyó. No parece que el aumento del esfuerzo resultara en un aumento sostenido de las capturas del atún ojo grande. Las tasas de captura por anzuelo de atún aleta amarilla han disminuido en un tercio de los niveles iniciales, en años recientes. La pesca de superficie de esta especie en el Pacífico oriental afectó aparentemente el reclutamiento en la pesca con palangre. Suponiendo que las condiciones actuales de la pesquería no cambien apreciablemente, un aumento del esfuerzo en la pesquería palangrera probablemente no produciría un aumento sostenido de las capturas, pero en realidad podría resultar en tasas de captura reducidas. A diferencia de la situación de otros túnidos del Pacífico oriental, parece que la pesca de la albacora al este de los 130°W no ha tenido un efecto marcado en su abundancia. Aunque se observó un alto grado de variabilidad en las tasas de captura por anzuelo correspondientes al marlin rayado, no fueron evidentes tendencias obvias. Las capturas han mermado ligeramente de 13,500 toneladas en 1964 a unas 11,000 toneladas en 1966. La fuerte pesca por peces vela empezó en 1964 con una tasa por anzuelo de 10.6 peces por 100 anzuelos; en 1966 había mermado a 5.8. Las capturas de esta especie en el área de mayor concentración disminuyeron de 329,000 peces en 1965, a 173,600 peces en 1966. Esta pesquería ha maniobrado por un período demasiado corto de tiempo para que pueda determinarse su efecto en el rendimiento sostenible. Las mediciones frecuencia-longitud, y las muestras de las gónadas de los atunes aleta amarilla y ojo grande, obtenidas en el Pacífico oriental, fueron analizadas para determinar la madurez sexual y las características del crecimiento. Los resultados corroboraron los hallazgos anteriores de investigadores. (PDF contains 144 pages.)
ENGLISH: Morphometric data from yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, were collected from various locations in the eastern Pacific Ocean during 1974 to 1976, to assess geographic and temporal variation of morphometric characters. The data were statistically adjusted, using allometric formulae to partition size. Discriminant analyses were applied to the adjusted morphometric characters. Yellowfin sampled from north of 15°N-20oN were different from those sampled from south of 15°N-20oN. The absence of any clinal relationships between morphometric characters and latitude or longitude suggests a pattern of somewhat distinct regional groups. These results clearly demonstrate geographic variation in morphometric characters of yellowfin in the eastern Pacific Ocean, which suggests differences between the life histories of the northern and southern groups. SPANISH: Entre 1974 Y1976 se tomaron datos morfométricos de atunes aleta amarilla, Thunmus albacares, de varios lugares en el Océano Pacífico oriental, a fin de evaluar la variación geográfica y temporal de los caracteres morfométricos. Se ajustaron los datos estadísticamente, usando fórmulas alométricas para eliminar los efectos del tamaño. Se aplicaron análisis discriminantes a los caracteres morfométricos ajustados. Aletas amarillas muestreados provenientes del norte de 15°N-20°N eran diferentes a aquellos muestreados del sur de 15°N -20°N. La falta de una relación clinal entre los caracteres morfométricos y latitud o longitud sugiere la existencia de grupos regionales algo distintos. Estos resultados demuestran claramente una variación geográfica en los caracteres morfométricos del aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico oriental, la cual sugiere diferencias en los ciclos vitales de los grupos del norte y del sur. (PDF contains 41 pages.)
Brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) are abundant along the Louisiana coast, a coastline that is heavily influenced by one of the world’s largest rivers, the Mississippi River. Stable carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur (CNS) isotopes of shrimp and their proventriculus (stomach) contents were assayed to trace riverine support of estuarine-dependent brown shrimp. Extensive inshore and of fshore collections were made in the Louisiana coastal zone during 1999–2006 to document shrimp movement patterns across the bay and shelf region. Results showed an unexpectedly strong role for nursery areas in the river delta in supporting the offshore fishery, with about 46% of immigrants to offshore regions arriving from riverine marshes. Strong river influences also were evident offshore, where cluster analysis of combined CNS isotope data showed three regional station groups related to river inputs. Two nearer-river mid-shelf station groups showed isotope values indicating river fertilization and productivity responses in the benthic shrimp food web, and a deeper offshore station group to the south and west showed much less river inf luence. At several mid-shelf stations where hypoxia is common, shrimp were anomalously 15N depleted versus their diets, and this d15N difference or mismatch may be useful in monitoring shrimp movement responses to hypoxia.
TOPIC 1: In terms of seasonal scale, temperature effect dominates the annual change of steric height in the open ocean whereas salinity effect controls it along the continental shelf. Large portion of the annual change of height relative to the 1000-db surface is contained in the upper 100m layer. However, in interannual scale large anomalies of steric height in the open ocean, are more often than not, caused by halosteric rather than thermosteric effect. At least in the open ocean the heights are almost totally determined by the behavior of deep water. Their interannual variability appears to be related to the cumulative effect of Eckman pumping. TOPIC 2: There is a "trend" that over the past 28 years the water at Station P has warmed. Least-square analysis indicates that this warming may be significant but shortening of the time-series data by approximately 10 years fails to show that this is the case. These "trends" have to be interpreted with care. The warming may be "apparent" in that it is not indicated clearly in the deep isopynal surfaces which, during the above period, have deepened. Thus warming at the isobaric surfaces may be the effect of the downward migration of the isopynal surfaces.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Stable isotope data obtained from snow and ice cores retrieved from an altitude of 5340m on Mt. Logan (60°30'N; 140°36'W) indicate that "isotopic seasons" are not generally in phase with calendar seasons. The former are phase lagged with respect to the latter by up to several months and appear to be correlated with SST'S and ocean heat transfer curves and/or the position of the Aleutian low rather than with air temperature or the temperature difference between the ocean surface and the core site.
Stable isotope (SI) values of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) are useful for determining the trophic connectivity between species within an ecosystem, but interpretation of these data involves important assumptions about sources of intrapopulation variability. We compared intrapopulation variability in δ13C and δ15N for an estuarine omnivore, Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), to test assumptions and assess the utility of SI analysis for delineation of the connectivity of this species with other species in estuarine food webs. Both δ13C and δ15N values showed patterns of enrichment in fish caught from coastal to offshore sites and as a function of fish size. Results for δ13C were consistent in liver and muscle tissue, but liver δ15N showed a negative bias when compared with muscle that increased with absolute δ15N value. Natural variability in both isotopes was 5–10 times higher than that observed in laboratory populations, indicating that environmentally driven intrapopulation variability is detectable particularly after individual bias is removed through sample pooling. These results corroborate the utility of SI analysis for examination of the position of Spotted Seatrout in an estuarine food web. On the basis of these results, we conclude that interpretation of SI data in fishes should account for measurable and ecologically relevant intrapopulation variability for each species and system on a case by case basis.
The extreme phases of the Southern Oscillation (SO) have been linked to fairly persistent classes of circulation anomalies over the North Pacific and parts of North America. It has been more difficult to uncover correspondingly consistent patterns of surface temperature and precipitation over much of the continent. The few regions that appear to have consistent SO-related patterns of temperature and precipitation anomalies are identified and discussed. Also discussed are regions that appear to have strong SO-related surface anomalies whose sign varies from episode to episode.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Havasu Creek is the second largest tributary of the Colorado River in Grant Canyon. Perennial streamflow in the creek seldom exceeds 2 cubic meters per second, but it supports an important riparian habitat as well as unique travertine pools and waterfalls that attract over 20,000 tourists annually. Havasu Canyon is also home to over 400 members of the Havasu Tribe. Despite a long history of habitation and recreation in Havasu Canyon, streamflow records for Havasu Creek are extremely limited, making flood prediction difficult.
The total biomass of the demersal stocks in the depth range of 30-200m between 12°401 and 15°N latitudes in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone is estimated to be a:round 1,23,000 metric tons (t). There is scope for doubling the present catch of about 40,000 t from demersal resources by extending exploitation to 50-200m depth zone. About 78% of this increase is expected to come from four species, namely, Nemipterus japonicus, Priacanthus macracanthus, Saurida tumbil and Arius spp.
As interest increases in fish production, fish farming is on the rise as more fish is produced in ponds, cages and tanks. However not all fish can be sold out and consumed at the same time, in addition to this, different consumers show different preference. Some individua Is tend to prefer smoked fish to fresh and fried fish. Apart from satisfying the different consumer preferences, fish smoking is important because it in creases the self life of fish, there by reducing post harvest losses. It also adds value to the fish and in this way the farmer can fetch more money from farmed products. Although the technology has been around for several years amongst the fishing communities, it is not well known amongst fish farmers. There is need to bring fish fanners on board to know how to construct the smoking kiln through the stapes out lined below.