58 resultados para 2- stage guillotine cutting patterns

em Aquatic Commons


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At high stream discharges salmonid eggs can he displaced from the gravel and may drift downstream. It has been suggested that developing salmonid eggs may be killed by ”physical shock”, especially during the period before ”eyeing”. Similarly, a progress report by the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission (1966) states that salmonid eggs are most sensitive during the period between fertilisation and blastopore closure. However, it would seem unlikely that this sensitivity actually begins at the time of fertilisation because, in nature, a period, perhaps measured in hours, must occur during which the newly-fertilised eggs are exposed to physical shock during the deposition of gravel over them as a result of the cutting activity of the female fish. The present report describes simple channel experiments designed to answer the two questions: 1. After release of eggs from the gravel, does the process of drifting downstream, which implies some physical shock through movement and impact, decrease the survival of salmonid eggs? 2. Is the survival rate-influenced by the stage of development of the eggs?


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Seasonal patterns of 21 fisheries in Karnataka (after isolation from time-series components) are presented. Depending on the pattern of seasonal fluctuation in landings, 19 fisheries have been grouped into five patterns, A, B, C, D and E. Ribbon fishes and 'other clupeids' did not exhibit any significant seasonal pattern. Pattern A with highest landings in the 4th quarter (October to December), followed by the 1, 2 and 3 quarters, is the most common in 10 species/groups (comprising 78% of the total landings). Harmonic analysis has been carried out using the seasonal indices.


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Thirty largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoide s Lacepde) were implanted with radio tags in late October 2003 in two coves of Lake Seminole, Georgia, and tracked over a 24-hour period about every 10 days to determine their response to herbicide application. After five weeks of tracking, hydrilla ( Hydrilla verticillata Royle) in each cove was treated in early December 2003 with dipotassium salt of endothall (Aquathol K; 7-oxabicyclo [2.2.1] heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid) at a rate of 3.5 ppm. Largemouth bass were tracked during application and tracking continued for three months post treatment to assess effects of herbicide treatment on activity patterns. The treatment in Desser Cove successfully reduced hydrilla in approximately half the cove. However, the treatment in Peacock Lake completely eliminated all submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) by April 2004. Movement and activity centers remained similar between treatment periods in Desser Cove, but increased after treatment in Peacock Lake. Depth occupied by telemetered fish decreased after Aquathol K treatment in both coves. In general, behavior of largemouth bass did not change appreciably during treatment, and only minor changes were observed in the posttreatment period in Peacock Lake, where all SAV was eliminated. Fish showed little attraction to or movement away from treatment areas, and fish migration from either cove was nil after treatment. Application of Aquathol K and subsequent reduction of SAV had little effect on largemouth bass behavior or movement. (PDF has 8 pages.)


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Since 1999, NOAA’s Biogeography Branch of the Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (CCMA-BB) has been working with federal and territorial partners to characterize, monitor, and assess the status of the marine environment around northeastern St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. This effort is part of the broader NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program’s (CRCP) National Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring Program (NCREMP). With support from CRCP’s NCREMP, CCMA conducts the “Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring project” (CREM) with goals to: (1) spatially characterize and monitor the distribution, abundance, and size of marine fauna associated with shallow water coral reef seascapes (mosaics of coral reefs, seagrasses, sand and mangroves); (2) relate this information to in situ fine-scale habitat data and the spatial distribution and diversity of habitat types using benthic habitat maps; (3) use this information to establish the knowledge base necessary for enacting management decisions in a spatial setting; (4) establish the efficacy of those management decisions; and (5) develop data collection and data management protocols. The monitoring effort in northeastern St. Croix was conducted through partnerships with the National Park Service (NPS) and the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources (VI-DPNR). The geographical focal point of the research is Buck Island Reef National Monument (BIRNM), a protected area originally established in 1961 and greatly expanded in 2001; however, the work also encompassed a large portion of the recently created St. Croix East End Marine Park (EEMP). Project funding is primarily provided by NOAA CRCP, CCMA and NPS. In recent decades, scientific and non-scientific observations have indicated that the structure and function of the coral reef ecosystem around northeastern St. Croix have been adversely impacted by a wide range of environmental stressors. The major stressors have included the mass Diadema die off in the early 1980s, a series of hurricanes beginning with Hurricane Hugo in 1989, overfishing, mass mortality of Acropora corals due to disease and several coral bleaching events, with the most severe mass bleaching episode in 2005. The area is also an important recreational resource supporting boating, snorkeling, diving and other water based activities. With so many potential threats to the marine ecosystem and a dramatic change in management strategy in 2003 when the park’s Interim Regulations (Presidential Proclamation No. 7392) established BIRNM as one of the first fully protected marine areas in NPS system, it became critical to identify existing marine fauna and their spatial distributions and temporal dynamics. This provides ecologically meaningful data to assess ecosystem condition, support decision making in spatial planning (including the evaluation of efficacy of current management strategies) and determine future information needs. The ultimate goal of the work is to better understand the coral reef ecosystems and to provide information toward protecting and enhancing coral reef ecosystems for the benefit of the system itself and to sustain the many goods and services that it offers society. This Technical Memorandum contains analysis of the first six years of fish survey data (2001-2006) and associated characterization of the benthos (1999-2006). The primary objectives were to quantify changes in fish species and assemblage diversity, abundance, biomass and size structure and to provide spatially explicit information on the distribution of key species or groups of species and to compare community structure inside (protected) versus outside (fished) areas of BIRNM. (PDF contains 100 pages).


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Larval kelp (Sebastes atrovirens), brown (S. auriculatus), and blackand-yellow (S. chrysomelas) rockfish were reared from known adults, to preflexion stage, nine days after birth for S. chrysomelas, to late postflexion stage for S. atrovirens, and to pelagic juvenile stage for S. auriculatus. Larval S. atrovirens and S. chrysomelas were about 4.6 mm body length (BL) and S. auriculatus about 5.2 mm BL at birth. Both S. atrovirens and S. auriculatus underwent notochord flexion at about 6–9 mm BL. Sebastes atrovirens transform to the pelagic juvenile stage at about 14–16 mm BL and S. auriculatus transformed at ca. 25 mm BL. Early larvae of all three species were characterized by melanistic pigment dorsally on the head, on the gut, on most of the ventral margin of the tail, and in a long series on the dorsal margin of the tail. Larval S. atrovirens and S. auriculatus developed a posterior bar on the tail during the flexion or postflexion stage. In S. atrovirens xanthic pigment resembled the melanistic pattern throughout larval development. Larval S. auriculatus lacked xanthophores except on the head until late preflexion stage, when a pattern much like the melanophore pattern gradually developed. Larval S. chrysomelas had extensive xanthic pigmentation dorsally, but none ventrally, in preflexion stage. All members of the Sebastes subgenus Pteropodus (S. atrovirens, S. auriculatus, S. carnatus, S. caurinus, S. chrysomelas, S. dalli, S. maliger, S. nebulosus, S. rastrelliger) are morphologically similar and all share the basic melanistic pigment pattern described here. Although the three species reared in this study can be distinguished on the basis of xanthic pigmentation, it seems unlikely that it will be possible to reliably identify field-collected larvae to species using traditional morphological and melanistic pigmentation characters. (PDF file contains 36 pages.)


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This dissertation: 1) determines the factor(s) responsible for spawning induction in NematosteJla vectensis; 2) isolates, describes, and documents the source of jelly from egg masses of N. vectensis; and 3) describes N. vectensis' early development. Namatostella vectensis were maintained on a 7-day mussel feeding/water change regime over 159 days. Within 36 hours of mussel feeding/water change. 69.1% of females and 78.5% of males spawned reliably. Through manipulation of feeding, water change, oxygen and nitrogenous waste concentrations, spawning induction was found to be triggered by the oxygen concentration associated with water change, and not by feeding. Ammonia, anemones' major waste product, inhibited this induction in a concentration-dependent manner. Female N. vectensis release eggs in a persistent jellied egg mass which is unique among the Actiniaria. The major component of this egg mass jelly was a positive periodic acid-Schiffs staining, 39.5-40.5 kD glycoprotein. Antibodies developed in rabbits against this glycoprotein bound to jelly of intact egg masses and to granules (~ 2.8 IJm in diameter) present in female anemone mesenteries and their associated filaments. Antibodies did not label male tissues. Nematostella vecfensis embryos underwent first karyokinesis -60 minutes following the addition of sperm to eggs. Second nuclear division took place, followed by first cleavage, 90-120 minutes later. Each of the 4 blastomeres that resulted from first cleavage contained a single nucleus. Arrangement of these blastomeres ranged from radial to pseudospiral. Embryonic development was both asynchronous and holoblastic. Following formation of the 4-cell stage, 71% of embryos proceeded to cleave again to form an 8-cell stage. In each of the remaining 29% of embryos, a fusion of from 2-4 blastomeres resulted in 4 possible patterns which had no affect on either cleavage interval timing or subsequent development. The fusion event was not due to ooplasmic segregation. Blastomeres isolated from 4-celled embryos were regulative and developed into normal planula larvae and juvenile anemones that were 1/4 the size of those that developed from intact 4-celled embryos. Embryos exhibiting the fusion phenomenon were examined at the fine structural level. The fusion phenomenon resulted in formation of a secondary syncytium and was not a mere compaction of blastomeres.


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This report is the final product of a two-year study conducted for the Office, Chief of Engineers, by the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, California, under Contract No. DACW39-74-C-OI51 with the Environmental Effects Laboratory (EEL), U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Yicksburg, Mississippi. (PDF contains 192 pages)


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In this study we (1) synthesized 65 yr of odontocete stranding data around the main Hawaiian Islands (1937–2002); (2) analyzed stranding patterns and trends over time; and (3) compared occurrence patterns based on sightings of live animals with stranding data and evaluated the compatibility of these data sets. From 1937 to 2002, 202 odontocete strandings were recorded by the National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Islands Regional Office. Strandings increased through time due to increased reporting effort and occurred throughout the year. The four most common of 16 species reported were Kogia spp. (18%), spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) (15%), striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) (11%), and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) (10%). The highest proportion of strandings was recorded on O‘ahu (48%), followed by Maui/La¯na‘i (24%), Kaua‘i (12%), Hawai‘i (11%), and Moloka‘i (5%). Comparison with four previously published live animal survey studies suggests that stranding records are a good indicator of species composition and yield reasonable data on the frequency of occurrence of species in the region they cover.


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The quality of eggs spawned by cod of the western Baltic Sea, which were kept in captivity, varies during spawning season. These changes were independent of total length, weight and age of the parental individuals. Diameter, dry weight and fertilisation rate of the spawned eggs decreased during the spawning activities. An influence of water temperature and salinity on the variability of these parameters could not be detected. Diameter, weight and fertilisation rate were, however, influenced by the stage of the spawning process of the parental individuals. These results point out that within the first half of the spawning season not only the largest portion of the fertilised eggs was spawned but also those eggs with the best chance of a successful development.


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The caddisfly (Trichoptera) Sericostoma siculum was found in the Marche region in Italy. The article summarises biology and ecology of the caddisfly, focusing on the larvae stage.


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Changes in management practices and agricultural productivity over the past twenty years have lead to nitrate pollution and eutrophication of lakes and rivers. Information on nitrate concentrations and discharge has been collected on the River Frome at East Stoke since 1965, using the same analytical nitrate method so that the results are comparable. These records of weekly spot values of nitrate concentration and daily mean discharges have been analysed for trends and seasonal patterns in both concentration and nitrate loadings. In this extension of our nitrate contract, a new automated method of intensive sampling has been used to monitor short-term variability and to assess how well similar routine (weekly) sampling schemes can represent the true nitrate record.


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It is generally accepted by fish culturists that salmonid eggs are sensitive to mechanical shock and that the sensitivity varies with the stage of development of the eggs. In general, the period of greatest sensitivity is thought to occur between fertilization and ”eyeing”. However, it is reasonable to expect that, during a period (perhaps of several hours) following fertilization, sensitivity will be low because in nature during this period the eggs may be subject to some mechanical shock caused by the parent fish covering them with gravel. In 1983-4 and 1984-5 experiments were performed on brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) eggs to examine the effect of a standard mechanical shock (c. 2,500 eggs in 1983-4 and c. 8,400 eggs in 1984-5) at various stages of development upon survival to hatching and time of hatching.The results of these experiments are reported in this study.


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Radio and sonic telemetry were used to investigate the tidal orientation, rate of movement (ROM), and surfacing behavior of nine Kemp's ridley turtles, Lepidochelys kempii, tracked east of the Cedar Keys, Florida. The mean of mean turtle bearings on incoming (48 ± 49 0) and falling (232 ± 41 0) tides was significantly oriented to the mean directions of tidal flow (37±9°, P<0.0025, and 234±9 0, P<0.005, respectively). Turtles had a mean ROM of 0.44±0.33 km/h (range: 0.004-1.758 km/h), a mean surface duration of 18± 15 s (range: 1-88 s), and a mean submergence duration of 8.4± 6.4 min (range: 0.2-60.0 min). ROM was negatively correlated with surface and submergence durations and positively correlated with the number of surfacings. Furthermore, ROMs were higher and surface and submergence durations were shorter during the day. Daily activities of turtles were attributed to food acquisition and bioenergetics.


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Two sympatric populations of “transient” (mammal-eating) killer whales were photo-identified over 27 years (1984–2010) in Prince William Sound and Kenai Fjords, coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Alaska (GOA). A total of 88 individuals were identified during 203 encounters with “AT1” transients (22 individuals) and 91 encounters with “GOA” transients (66 individuals). The median number of individuals identified annually was similar for both populations (AT1=7; GOA=8), but mark-recapture estimates showed the AT1 whales to have much higher fidelity to the study area, whereas the GOA whales had a higher exchange of individuals. Apparent survival estimates were generally high for both populations, but there was a significant reduction in the survival of AT1 transients after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, with an abrupt decline in estimated abundance from a high of 22 in 1989 to a low of seven whales at the end of 2010. There was no detectable decline in GOA population abundance or survival over the same period, but abundance ranged from just 6 to 18 whales annually. Resighting data from adjacent coastal waters and movement tracks from satellite tags further indicated that the GOA whales are part of a larger population with a more extensive range, whereas AT1 whales are resident to the study area.


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The stage-specific distribution of Alaska plaice (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus) eggs in the southeastern Bering Sea was examined with collections made in mid-May in 2002, 2003, 2005, and 2006. Eggs in the early stages of development were found primarily offshore of the 40-m isobath. Eggs in the middle and late stages of development were found inshore and offshore of the 40-m isobath. There was some evidence that early-stage eggs occur deeper in the water column than late-stage eggs, although year-to-year variability in that trend was observed. Most eggs were in the later stages of development; therefore the majority of spawning is estimated to have occurred a few weeks before collection—probably April—and may be highly synchronized among local spawning areas. Results indicate that sampling with continuous underway fish egg collectors(CUFES) should be supplemented with sampling of the entire water column to ensure adequate samples of all egg stages of Alaska plaice. Data presented offer new information on the stage-dependent horizontal and vertical distribution of Alaska plaice eggs in the Bering Sea and provide further evidence that the early life history stages of this species are vulnerable to near-surface variations in hydrographical conditions and climate forcing.