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em Aquatic Commons


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The Alliance for Coastal Technology (ACT) convened a workshop on the in situ measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon species in natural waters in Honolulu, Hawaii, on February 16, 17, and 18, 2005. The workshop was designed to summarize existing technologies for measuring the abundance and speciation of dissolved inorganic carbon and to make strategic recommendations for future development and application of these technologies to coastal research and management. The workshop was not focused on any specific technology, however, most of the attention of the workshop was on in situ pC02 sensors given their recent development and use on moorings for the measurement of global carbon fluxes. In addition, the problems and limitations arising from the long-term deployment of systems designed for the measurement of pH, total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and total alkalinity (TA) were discussed. Participants included researchers involved in carbon biogeochemistry, industry representatives, and coastal resource managers. The primary questions asked during the workshop were: I. What are the major impediments to transform presently used shipboard pC02 measurement systems for use on cost-eficient moorings? 2. What are the major technical hurdles for the in situ measurement of TA and DIC? 3. What specific information do we need to coordinate efforts for proof of concept' testing of existing and new technologies, inter-calibration of those technologies, better software development, and more precise knowledge quantzjjing the geochemistry of dissolved inoeanic carbon species in order to develop an observing system for dissolved inorganic carbon? Based on the discussion resulting from these three questions, the following statements were made: Statement No. 1 Cost-effective, self-contained technologies for making long-term, accurate measurements of the partial pressure of C02 gas in water already exist and at present are ready for deployment on moorings in coastal observing systems. Statement No. 2 Cost-effective, self-contained systems for the measurement of pH, TA, and DIC are still needed to both fully define the carbonate chemistry of coastal waters and the fluxes of carbon between major biogeochemical compartments (e.g., air-sea, shelf-slope, water column-sediment, etc.). (pdf contains 23 pages)


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This is the report of a livelihoods study team working together with villagers from two communes in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam: Ta Long Commune in Dakrong District and A Tuc Commune in Huong Hoa District. The study is based on information provided by members of the communes, who shared their knowledge and spoke about real problems they face with their livelihoods. This study was conducted from 10-22 October 2001. The team worked with key informants in two communes who volunteered to participate and represented the households in the village. (PDF contains 31 pages)


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Vetter (1988) noted that her review of the estimation of the instantaneous natural mortality rate (M) was initiated by a discussion among colleagues that identified M as the single most impor ta nt but least well-estimated parameter in fishery models. A lthough much has been accomplished in the inter vening years, M remains one of the most difficult parameters to estimate in fishery stock assessments. A number of novel approaches using tagging and telemetry data provide promise for making reliable direct estimates of M for a given stock (Hearn et al., 1998 ; Frusher and Hoenig, 2001; Hightower et al., 2001; Latour et al., 2003; Pollock et al., 2004). However, such methods are often impracticable and fishery scientists must approximate M by using estimates made for other stocks of the same or similar species or by predicting M from features of the species’ life history (Beverton and Holt, 1959; Beverton, 1963; Alverson and Carney, 1975; Pauly, 1980; Hoenig, 1983; Peterson and Wroblewski, 1984; Roff, 1984; Gunderson and Dygert, 1988; Chen and Watanabe, 1989; Charnov, 1993; Jensen, 1996; Lorenzen, 1996).


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Iron is required for many microbes and pathogens for their survival and proliferation including Leishmania which cause leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is an increasingly serious infectious disease with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. These range from localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) lesions to a lethal visceral form. Certain strains such as BALB/c mice fail to control L. major infection and develop progressive lesions and systemic disease. These mice are thought to be a model of non-healing forms of the human disease such as kala-azar or diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis. Progression of disease in BALB/c mice has been associated with the anemia, in last days of their survival, the progressive anemia is considered to be one of the reasons of their death. Ferroportin (Fpn), a key regulator of iron homeostasis is a conserved membrane protein that exports iron across the duodenal enterocytes as well as macrophages and hepatocytes into the blood circulation. Fpn has also critical influence on survival and proliferation of many microorganisms whose growth is dependent upon iron, thus preparation of Fpn is needed to study the role of iron in immune responses and pathogenesis of micoorganisms. To prepare and characterize a recombinant ferroportin, total RNA was extracted from Indian zebrafish duodenum, and used to synthesize cDNA by RT-PCR. PCR product was first cloned in Topo TA vector and then subcloned into the GFP expression vector pEGFP–N1. The final resulted plasmid (pEGFP-ZFpn) was used for expression of FPN-EGFP protein in Hek 293T cells. The expression was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometery. Recombinant Fpn was further characterized by submission of its predicted amino acid sequences to the TMHMM V2.0 prediction server (hidden Markov model), NetOGlyc 3.1 server and NetNGlyc 3.1 server. Data emphasised that obtained Fpn from indian zebrafish contained eight transmembrane domains with N- and C-termini inside the cytoplasm and harboured 78 mucin-type glycosylated amino acid. The results indicate that the prepared and characterized recombinant Fpn protein has no membrane topology difference compared to other Fpn described by other researcher. Our next aim was to deliver recombinant plasmid (pEGFP-ZFpn) to entrocyte cells. However, naked therapeutic genes are rapidly degraded by nucleases, showing poor cellular uptake, nonspecificity to the target cells, and low transfection efficiency. The development of safe and efficient gene carriers is one of the prerequisites for the success of gene therapy. Chitosan and alginate 139 polymers were used for oral gene carrier because of their biodegradability, biocompatibility and their mucoadhesive and permeability-enhancing properties in the gut. Nanoparticles comprising Alginate/Chitosan polymers were prepared by pregel preparation method. The resulting nanoparticles had a loading efficiency of 95% and average size of 188 nm as confirmed by PCS method and SEM images had showed spherical particles. BALB/c mice were divided to three groups. The first and second group were fed with chitosan/alginate nanoparticles containing the pEGFP-ZFpn and pEGFP plasmid, respectively (30 μgr/mice) and the third group (control) didn’t get any nanoparticles. The result showed BALB/c mice infected by L.major, resulted in higher hematocryte and iron level in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice than that in other groups. Consentration of cytokines determined by ELISA showed lower levels of IL-4 and IL-10 and higher levels of IFN-γ/IL-4 and IFN-γ/IL-10 ratios in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice than that in other groups. Morover more limited increase of footpad thickness and significant reduction of viable parasites in lymph node was seen in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice. The results showed the first group exhibited a highr hematocryte and iron compared to the other groups. These data strongly suggests the in vivo administration of chitosan/alginate nanoparticles containing pEGFP-ZFpn suppress Th2 response and may be used to control the leishmaniasis .


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This research was carried out for recognizing Natural Flora Bacteria of oil pollution in the coasts of Queshm island. In The First steps, The coasts of this Island were scrutinized as a Field of research and For knowing whether oil stains exist or not. It gets obvious That southern coasts of Queshm have got oil pollution which is created by oil tankers which carry oil of Iran continental shelf. Them oil stains were sampled from to certain stations. In The First step, primary isolation of exisiting bacteria in every oil sample was done and then purification of each bacterium was carried out. Then each purified bacterium that has got strong, recognized, typic growth was enriched oil sample of T5 station. And Bacterium C4 (gram—negative coccobacillus) was chosen as the second priority From oil sample of TA station and Bacterium B1 (gram—positive coccus) was chosen as The third priority From oil sample of TI station. All The above mentioned bacteria were biochemically, physiologically and morphologically experimented For specking The species. According To The tests done and comparing with The tests done and comparing with the reference Berge y' s, bacterium A5 Pelongs to the species pseudomonas sp and becterium C4 belongs to the species Aeromonas sp and bacterium BI belongs to The species micrococcus sp. In The Last stage, bacterium with The First priority (TA5 pseudomonas sp) was used in the planned microcosm. The sake of optimum and adapting to Laboratory conditions Each enriched and purified bacterium was given a code for station and a code For itself . Then This bacterium was studied and it was proved that it has potentiality For using oil as a source of carbon. From oil samples of 10 stations, 30 various Colonies of bacterium were Isolated, of which 20 bacteria had the highest potentiality of growth. And the other bacteria that has no typic growth were omitted From being studied. Since all of These 20 bacterium are able to use oil, a bacterium with maximum rate of growth in the presence of crude oil and Lack of other hydrocarbonic sources and with The code A5 ( gram — negative Bacillus ) was chosen as First priority From The mentioned microcosm contains sea water , suspension oil degrading bacterium , crude oil, azote and various concentrations of carbon and Incubated in 30°` and shook 150 PRA1 According to the results , index oil degrading bacterium (pseudomonas sp) belongs oil sample of T5 stations (east of sheeb draz Gulf) which growth best and have the potentiality of degrading oil in 25 glli malas and 50 glli cheese water and with 5 gill urea .