16 resultados para <0.45 µm, dissolved matter

em Aquatic Commons


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In this article, pathways from freshwater and marine environments are described. DOM is defined operationally as all the organic compounds which pass through a filter of pore size 0.45 microm., those retained on the surface of the filter being particulate organic matter (POM). DOM can be taken up directly by animals by transfer across the body wall, but more commonly DOM is obtained from ingested food. Once ingested POM from food particles are broken down in the gut, small molecules of DOM are released for transfer across the gut wall. Some ingested particles are attacked by micro-organisms living in the gut, thereby making the DOM available to the host animal. The importance of the microbial loop is discussed, as well as aggregation processes between the fractions of DOM which are more obviously particulate in nature. (DBO)


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The effect of physico-chemical parameters and plankton composition on fish production in ponds was investigated in six fish farms for eight weeks. The physicochemical parameters investigated were temperature=25-30 plus or minus C, transparency=0.45-0.57m, dissolved oxygen=3.0-10.9mg/l, pH=6.0-7.7, dissolved carbon dioxide=5.46-28.3mg/l, total alkalinity=44.37-80.0ppm, chemical oxygen demand=31.88-72.18mg/l and biological oxygen demand=0.66-48.34mg/l. Plankton composition varies and was made of four families of phytoplankton namely; Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Dinophyceae and Diatomida; and four families of zooplankton viz; Protozoa, Rotifera, Copepoda and Dinoflagellates. Farm 1 and 6 recorded the highest average weight of about 1.0kg and average total length of about 40.0cm for the two fish species. This study showed that fish yield was dependable on the quality and management of pond water characteristics


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The effect of physico-chemical parameters and plankton composition on fish production in ponds was investigated in six fish farms for eight weeks. The physicochemical parameters investigated were temperature=25-30 plus or minus C, transparency=0.45-0.57m, dissolved oxygen=3.0-10.9mg/l, pH=6.0-7.7, dissolved carbon dioxide=5.46-28.3mg/l, total alkalinity=44.37-80.0ppm, chemical oxygen demand=31.88-72.18mg/l and biological oxygen demand=0.66-48.34mg/l. Plankton composition varies and was made of four families of phytoplankton namely: Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Dinophyceae and Diatomida; and four families of zooplankton viz: Protozoa, Rotifera, Copepoda and Dinoflagellates. Farm 1 and 6 recorded the highest average weight of about 1.0kg and average total length of about 40.0cm for the two fish species. This study showed that fish yield was dependable on the quality and management of pond water characteristics


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Table of Contents [pdf, 0.22 Mb] Executive Summary [pdf, 0.31 Mb] Report of the 2001 BASS/MODEL Workshop [pdf, 0.65 Mb] To review ecosystem models for the subarctic gyres Report of the 2001 MONITOR Workshop [pdf, 0.7 Mb] To review ecosystem models for the subarctic gyres Workshop presentations: Sonia D. Batten PICES Continuous Plankton Recorder pilot project Phillip R. Mundy GEM (Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council`s "Gulf Ecosystem Monitoring" initiative) and U.S. GOOS plans in the North Pacific Ron McLaren and Brian O`Donnell A proposal for a North Pacific Action group of the international Data Buoy Cooperation Panel Gilberto Gaxiola-Castrol and Sila Najera-Martinez The Mexican oceanographic North Pacific program: IMECOCAL Sydney Levitus Building global ocean profile and plankton databases for scientific research Report of the 2001 REX Workshop [pdf, 1.73 Mb] On temporal variations in size-at-age for fish species in coastal areas around the Pacific Rim Workshop presentations: Brian J. Pyper, Randall M. Peterman, Michael F. Lapointe and Carl J. Walters [pdf, 0.33 Mb] Spatial patterns of covariation in size-at-age of British Columbia and Alaska sockeye salmon stocks and effects of abundance and ocean temperature R. Bruce MacFarlane, Steven Ralston, Chantell Royer and Elizabeth C. Norton [pdf, 0.4 Mb] Influences of the 1997-1998 El Niño and 1999 La Niña on juvenile Chinook salmon in the Gulf of the Farallones Olga S. Temnykh and Sergey L. Marchenko [pdf, 0.5 Mb] Variability of the pink salmon sizes in relation with abundance of Okhotsk Sea stocks Ludmila A. Chernoivanova, Alexander N. Vdoven and D.V. Antonenko [pdf, 0.3 Mb] The characteristic growth rate of herring in Peter the Great Bay (Japan/East Sea) Nikolay I. Naumenko [pdf, 0.5 Mb] Temporal variations in size-at-age of the western Bering Sea herring Evelyn D. Brown [pdf, 0.45 Mb] Effects of climate on Pacific herring, Clupea pallasii, in the northern Gulf of Alaska and Prince William Sound, Alaska Jake Schweigert, Fritz Funk, Ken Oda and Tom Moore [pdf, 0.6 Mb] Herring size-at-age variation in the North Pacific Ron W. Tanasichuk [pdf, 0.3 Mb] Implications of variation in euphausiid productivity for the growth, production and resilience of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) from the southwest coast of Vancouver Island Chikako Watanabe, Ahihiko Yatsu and Yoshiro Watanabe [pdf, 0.3 Mb] Changes in growth with fluctuation of chub mackerel abundance in the Pacific waters off central Japan from 1970 to 1997 Yoshiro Watanabe, Yoshiaki Hiyama, Chikako Watanabe and Shiro Takayana [pdf, 0.35 Mb] Inter-decadal fluctuations in length-at-age of Hokkaido-Sakhalin herring and Japanese sardine in the Sea of Japan Pavel A. Balykin and Alexander V. Buslov [pdf, 0.4 Mb] Long-term variability in length of walley pollock in the western Bering Sea and east Kamchtka Alexander A. Bonk [pdf, 0.4 Mb] Effect of population abundance increase on herring distribution in the western Bering Sea Sergey N. Tarasyuk [pdf, 0.4 Mb] Survival of yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera Pallas) in the northern part of the Tatar Strait (Sea of Japan) during the second half of the 20th century Report of the 2002 MODEL/REX Workshop [pdf, 1.2 Mb] To develop a marine ecosystem model of the North Pacific Ocean including pelagic fishes Summary and Overview [pdf, 0.4 Mb] Workshop presentations: Bernard A. Megrey, Kenny Rose, Francisco E. Werner, Robert A. Klumb and Douglas E. Hay [pdf, 0.47 Mb] A generalized fish bioenergetics/biomass model with an application to Pacific herring Robert A. Klumb [pdf, 0.34 Mb] Review of Clupeid biology with emphasis on energetics Douglas E. Hay [pdf, 0.47 Mb] Reflections of factors affecting size-at-age and strong year classes of herring in the North Pacific Shin-ichi Ito, Yutaka Kurita, Yoshioki Oozeki, Satoshi Suyama, Hiroya Sugisaki and Yongjin Tian [pdf, 0.34 Mb] Review for Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) study under the VENFISH project lexander V. Leonov and Gennady A. Kantakov [pdf, 0.34 Mb] Formalization of interactions between chemical and biological compartments in the mathematical model describing the transformation of nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon and carbon compounds Herring group report and model results [pdf, 0.34 Mb] Saury group report and model results [pdf, 0.46 Mb] Model experiments and hypotheses Recommendations [pdf, 0.4 Mb] Achievements and future steps Acknowledgements [pdf, 0.29 Mb] References [pdf, 0.32 Mb] Appendix 1. List of Participants [pdf, 0.32 Mb] Appendices 2-5. FORTRAN codes [pdf, 0.4 Mb] (Document pdf contains 182 pages)


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River Kubanni, a major tributary of River Galma, receives both organic and inorganic wastes through run-offs and seepage from residential and agricultural areas of Tundun-Wada, Zaria. Water and phytoplankton samples were collected once a month from three stations on a stretch of the river, for eight months (February, 1994-0ctober, 1994). The physico-chemical parameters and phytoplankton composition were determined and correlated to one another. The distribution and composition of phytoplankton species are affected by variations through fluctuations in environmental variables such as temperature, velocity, transparency, pH, dissolved Oxygen, total alkalinity, total hardness, electrical conductivity and total dissolved matter. Highest dissolved oxygen concentration in February coincided with the minimum water temperature due to the cool harmattan winds. Low alkalinity resulted in low phytoplankton productivity while a rise in total dissolved matter resulted in increase in electrical conductivity and high phytoplankton productivity. The presence of Oscillatoria sp and Euglena sp in station 2 and 3 are indicative of organic pollution in these stations. However, the river stretch is suitable for fish production with respect to water hardness and pH


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Fingerling catfish Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (P=4.0 g, FL=65.3 mm) and Oreochromis niloticus (P=11.2 g, TL=84.8 mm) were stocked in 0.06 ha earthen ponds at Pass (Annex of the Aquaculture Research Station at Layo, Côte d'Ivoire). The ponds were stocked at densities of 6700 catfish per ha, and 6700 catfish with 3350 tilapias per ha. The study lasted from February to August 1985 and the fish were fed daily at 6% of the estimated catfish biomass with 32% protein pellet. There were no differences in mean weekly water temperature (p > 0.05). The dissolved oxygen concentration was higher in ponds where tilapias were added (p < 0.05) The presence of tilapias seems to have improved water quality and did not affect growth and production of catfish (p > 0.05). Their presence also significantly increased total fish yield (p < 0.05) by 23.5%. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in catfish survival between the two production systems.


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The growth rate of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups was studied in southeast Alaska, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands during the first six weeks after birth. The Steller sea lion population is currently stable in southeast Alaska but is declining in the Aleutian Islands and parts of the Gulf of Alaska. Male pups (22.6 kg [±2.21 SD]) were significantly heavier than female pups (19.6 kg [±1.80 SD]) at 1−5 days of age, but there were no significant differences among rookeries. Male and female pups grew (in mass, standard length, and axillary girth) at the same rate. Body mass and standard length increased at a faster rate for pups in the Aleutian Islands and the western Gulf of Alaska (0.45−0.48 kg/day and 0.47−0.53 cm/day, respectively) than in southeast Alaska (0.23 kg/day and 0.20 cm/day). Additionally, axillary girth increased at a faster rate for pups in the Aleutian Islands (0.59 cm/ day) than for pups in southeast Alaska v(0.25 cm/day). Our results indicate a greater maternal investment in male pups during gestation, but not during early lactation. Although differences in pup growth rate occurred among rookeries, there was no evidence that female sea lions and their pups were nutritionally stressed in the area of population decline


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Tissues from Cook Inlet beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas, that were collected as part of the Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s), chlorinated pesticides, and heavy metals and other elements. Concentrations of total PCB’s (ΣPCB’s), total DDT (ΣDDT), chlordane compounds, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), dieldrin, mirex, toxaphene, and hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) measured in Cook Inlet beluga blubber were compared with those reported for belugas from two Arctic Alaska locations (Point Hope and Point Lay), Greenland, Arctic Canada, and the highly contaminated stock from the St. Lawrence estuary in eastern Canada. The Arctic and Cook Inlet belugas had much lower concentrations (ΣPCB’s and ΣDDT were an order of magnitude lower) than those found in animals from the St. Lawrence estuary. The Cook Inlet belugas had the lowest concentrations of all (ΣPCB’s aver-aged 1.49 ± 0.70 and 0.79 ± 0.56 mg/kg wet mass, and ΣDDT averaged 1.35 ± 0.73 and 0.59 ± 0.45 mg/kg in males and females, respectively). Concentrations in the blubber of the Cook Inlet males were significantly lower than those found in the males of the Arctic Alaska belugas (ΣPCB’s and ΣDDT were about half). The lower levels in the Cook Inlet animals might be due to differences in contaminant sources, food web differences, or different age distributions among the animals sampled. Cook Inlet males had higher mean and median concentrations than did females, a result attributable to the transfer of these compounds from mother to calf during pregnancy and during lactation. Liver concentrations of cadmium and mercury were lower in the Cook Inlet belugas (most cadmium values were <1 mg/kg and mercury values were 0.704–11.42 mg/kg wet mass), but copper levels were significantly higher in the Cook Inlet animals (3.97–123.8 mg/kg wet mass) than in Arctic Alaska animals and similar to those reported for belugas from Hudson Bay. Although total mercury levels were the lowest in the Cook Inlet population, methylmercury concentrations were similar among all three groups of the Alaska animals examined (0.34–2.11 mg/kg wet mass). As has been reported for the Point Hope and Point Lay belugas, hepatic concentrations of silver were re


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Loligo opalescens live less than a year and die after a short spawning period before all oocytes are expended. Potential fecundity (EP), the standing stock of all oocytes just before the onset of spawning, increased with dorsal mantle length (L), where EP = 29.8L. For the average female squid (L of 129 mm), EP was 3844 oocytes. During the spawning period, no oogonia were produced; therefore the standing stock of oocytes declined as they were ovulated. This decline in oocytes was correlated with a decline in mantle condition and an increase in the size of the smallest oocyte in the ovary. Close agreement between the decline in estimated body weight and standing stock of oocytes during the spawning period indicated that maturation and spawning of eggs could largely, if not entirely, be supported by the conversion of energy reserves in tissue. Loligo opalescens, newly recruited to the spawning population, ovulated about 36% of their potential fecundity during their first spawning day and fewer ova were released in subsequent days. Loligo opalescens do not spawn all of their oocytes; a small percentage of the spawning population may live long enough to spawn 78% of their potential fecundity. Loligo opalescens are taken in a spawning grounds fishery off California, where nearly all of the catch are mature spawning adults. Thirty-three percent of the potential fecundity of L. opalescens was deposited before they were taken by the fishery (December 1998−99). This observation led to the development of a management strategy based on monitoring the escapement of eggs from the fishery. The strategy requires estimation of the fecundity realized by the average squid in the population which is a function of egg deposition and mortality rates. A model indicated that the daily total mortality rate on the spawning ground may be about 0.45 and that the average adult may live only 1.67 days after spawning begins. The rate at which eggs escape the fishery was modeled and the sensitivity of changing daily rates of fishing mortality, natural mortality, and egg deposition was examined. A rapid method for monitoring the fecundity of the L. opalescens catch was developed.


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Patterns of distribution and growth were examined for young-of-the-year (YOY) greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) associated with pelagic Sargassum in the NW Gulf of Mexico. Seriola dumerili were collected off Galveston, Texas, from May to July over a two-year period (2000 and 2001) in both inshore (<15 nautical miles [nmi]) and offshore zones (15−70 nmi). Relative abundance of YOY S. dumerili (32−210 mm standard length) from purse-seine collections peaked in May and June, and abundance was highest in the offshore zone. Ages of S. dumerili ranged from 39 to 150 days and hatching-date analysis indicated that the majority of spawning events occurred from February to April. Average daily growth rates of YOY S. dumerili for 2000 and 2001 were 1.65 mm/d and 2.00 mm/d, respectively. Intra-annual differences in growth were observed; the late-season (April) cohort experienced the fastest growth in both years. In addition, growth was significantly higher for S. dumerili collected from the offshore zone. Mortality was approximated by using catch-curve analysis, and the predicted instantaneous mortality rate (Z) of YOY S. dumerili was 0.0045 (0.45%/d).


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Population dynamics of the juvenile hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) in the nursery ground of the Meghna River have been studied on the basis of the length cohort analysis of 8023 specimens. The growth parameters viz; asymptotic length (Lα), curvature character (K) and initial time (t0) were found to be 30.69 cm, 1.2 yrˉ¹ and 0.45 yrˉ¹ respectively. Curvature parameter indicates that jatka is a fast growth performer. The natural, fishing and total mortality were found to be 1.37 yrˉ¹, 1.41 yrˉ¹ and 2.78 yrˉ¹ respectively. Survival rate (S) was found to be 6.2%. A small difference was found between the age at first capture (Tc) and the recruitment age (Tr). Stocks of jatka seem to be overexploited and need to be conserved.


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Based on the data collected from New Ferry Wharf, Sassoon Dock and exploratory survey of MFV Saraswati on the Northwest coast of India, the growth, mortality, population and stock parameters of Saurida tumbil is reported in the present communication. The Von Bertalanffy growth function (GF) parameters for growth on length were found to be L∞=49.8 cm, K=0.96/year, t0 = -.141 year. The length at recruitment (lr) is 80 mm. (tr=.167 year) while the length at first capture (lc) for the commercial trawl fishery is 100 mm (tc=0.25 year). The annual fishing mortality coefficient (F) for 1983-85 was 0.43, the natural mortality coefficient (M) was 1.33 and the exploitation ratio (E) was 0.25. The yield per recruit (Y/R) attained the maximum of 54.99 g at F=1.091 for E=0.45 for the present tc at 0.25 year. The annual total stock (P) and standing stock (P) in the exploitation portion at the inshore grounds to a depth of about 50 m were estimated to be 12,811 tons and 6,034 tons respectively. The average annual yield of 2,635 tons at the present F=0.439 (E=0.247) was less than the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for 3,331 tons attainable from the inshore grounds at E=0.45.


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Population parameters of Jhonius argentatus and Johnieops vogleri in coastal waters of Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh were estimated by using FiSAT programme. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters, extreme length (cm) and growth constant K (year ·1) were found to be 46.50 and 0.59 for J. argentatus, and 33.50 and 0.85 for J.vogleri The Loc(cm) and Z/K estimates provided by Wetherall plot were 46.694 and 1.791 for J. argentatus, and 31.25 and 2.623 for J. vogleri. The annual rate of natural (M) and fishing mortality (F) were estimated as 1.12 and 0.78 for J. argentatus, and 1.56 and 1.28 for J. vogleri. Rate of exploitation (E) was estimated as 0.41 for J. argentatus and 0.45 for J. vogleri. About 80.04% of J. argentatus were found to be recruited during peak pulses (April-May) and 19.96% during lean pulses (October-November) and 85.75% J. vogleri during peak pulses (May-July) and 14.25% during lean pulses (September-October). The growth performance index(') was 3.11 for J. argentatus and 1.93 for J. vogleri. The total length and body weight relationship was found to be W = 0.0403 TL25723 for J. argentatus and W = 0.0907 TV3482 for J. vogleri.


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Morphological assessment of sexually mature Rutilus frisii kutum Kamenskii 1901 caught from the rivers (Shirud, Khoshkrud, Sepidrud and Chelavand Rivers) flowing in the southwest Caspian Sea region was conducted and sperm volume, total sperm count and sperm concentration of abnormal sperms were determined after exposing the spawners to 60% herbicide butachlor (machete). Spawners under study were maintained in tanks (1000 l) at the Shahid Ansari Teleost Fish Hatchery and exposed to two different concentrations (25% and 75% of its LC50 value) of butachlor. Results obtained indicate that exposure to high butachlor toxicity (75% of its LC50 value) decreased sperm volume to 0.61 ± 0.42 cc in 2-3 year old fishes and to 0.55 ± 0.42 cc in fishes above 3 years of age, while that in fish exposed to low butachlor toxicity (25% of its LC50 value) decreased to 1.55 ± 0.42 cc in 2-3 year old fishes and to 1.28 ± 0.42 cc in fishes above 3 years of age. The sperm volume under normal conditions in R. frisii kutum is 4.6 ± 0.42 cc in 2-3 year olds and 4.58 ± 0.42 cc in fishes above 3 years of age. The total sperm count in R. frisii kutum is 39.74 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in 2-3 year olds and 42.99 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in fishes above 3 years of age. When exposed to high butachlor toxicity, total sperm count dropped to 16.92 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in 2-3 year olds and to 15.98 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in fishes above 3 years of age. Similarly total sperm count in R. frisii kutum exposed to low butachlor toxicity was recorded as 23.6 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in 2-3 year olds and 29.4 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in fishes above 3 years of age. Under normal conditions, on the basis of morphology, spermatozoa showed only 10 ± 1.92% of abnormal sperms. The number of abnormal sperms increased by 28.6 ± 1.92% in fishes exposed to high butachlor toxicity, while that in fishes exposed to low butachlor toxicity increased by 19.7 ± 1.92% in 2-3 year olds and 16.6 ± 19.2% in fishes above 3 years of age. It is evident from the results obtained that increase in level of pollution caused a decrease in sperm volume but an increase in the percentage of abnormal sperms. Results obtained indicate that exposure to high butachlor toxicity (75% of its LC50 value) decreased testostron hormone to 0.31 ± 0.22 ng/ml in high butachlor toxicity, and to 0.45 ± 0.22 ng/ml in low butachlor toxicity (25% of its LC50 value). Testostron hormone dropped to 0.53 ± 0.22 ng/ml in 2-3 year olds and to 0.79 ± 0.22ng/ in fishes above 3 years of age. The testostron hormone under normal conditions in R. frisii kutum is 2.7 ± 0.22 ng/ml. It is evident from the results obtained that increase in level of pollution caused a decrease in testostron hormone


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The present study with headline investigation on reproduction in two species of crab Eriphia sebana and Ocypode saratan was carried out in the intertidal zone of Chabahar in thirteen month from December 2004 to December 2005. Checked samplings have been taken, 45 number Crab monthly from any four stations by manual or use trap. During this study the following subjects were measured: temperature range and salinity, measurable coast granule, determination of sex ratio, relations carapace width with carapace length, Carapace width with total body weight, Gonad weight, gonadosomatic index, condition factor, gastrosomatic index, investigation content in stomach, LM50, growth parameters, plenty distribution length and width and gonad weight and total body weight. Studied on measurable coast granule were expressed that Ocypode saratan in Desalination station, were nest in soils equable sand and this quantity were confirmed in Pozm station. Sex ratio were assign in desalination area and Pozm M: F 0/44:0/56 and in Tiss and Chabahar M:F 0/45:0/55. Carapace length and carapace width (cm) and body weight (g) Furthest were designated in Ocypode saratan within carapace width sequential: In female: 5/42-6/15-105/13 and in male: 5/53-6/25-108/91 and in Eriphia sebana within Tiss area sequential: in female: 5/12-5/94-110/21 and in male 5/14-60/01-114/37. Have been linear relationship between carapace length and carapace width and equaled CW=aCL+b. Weight growth in two species were be modal and equaled BW=aCLb And increased crab weight by built up carapace width. Maximum gonad weight in Ocypode saratan within Desalination area in female have been outcome 3/39 and in male 0/84g and in Eriphia sebana extreme within Tiss during may in female were be 4/18 and in male 1/1g. Stomach content in Eriphia sebana were involved a black until half-purplish liquid and yellowish in Ocypode saratan. Stomach contents identifiable were being in four groups: Molluscoid, Crustacean, Plankton and Fish. Carapace width during the first year of maturation have been LM50:3/77 in Desalination area and LM50:3/92 in Pozm for Ocypode saratan and LM50:4/26 in Tiss and LM50:4/62 in Chabahar. Ability spawning in Eriphia sebana within Tiss has been CW=4/17cm and in Ocypode saratan within Desalination area CW=4/23cm. Maximun value of Loo for Eriphia sebana was equal 59/67 and growth factor K=0/68 within Tiss and Loo =61/64, K=0/65 for Ocypode saratan within Desalination area. Maximun GSI and GI have been within Desalination area and Tiss and minimum within Pozm and Chabahar. The maturity stages of two species were classifed into six stages. Review on GSI, CF have been showed that relation with temperature and salinity and definer in two species have been spawned in two period that Maximun in spring premier than autumn.