133 resultados para abundance distribution


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Thirty one species of penaeid prawns have been discovered in Ceylon waters. A taxonomic study of these species was carried out and their distribution in relation to hypothetical oceanographical barriers was discussed (De Bruin 1965.) As penaeid prawns are of important commercial value, a study was made of their distribution and relative abundance in the estuaries and seas round the island. The results of this study are reported in this publication.


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The configuration for the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez was studied over 241 km from Ras Mohammed to Ras Sudr including 35 station. Litters, tar balls and aged oil patches aggregated in considerable amounts on the beach and shore line of the middle part due to the oil spills from off-shore oil wells. A large reef flat in the shallow intertidal waters exists at stations 1 and 2 (Ras Mohammed, Protected area) and spars coral patches are less frequent at the Stations from 7 to 13. Density and diversity of marine benthos were higher on hard and cobble bottoms compared to muddy sand and sandy substrates. The assemblages of the benthic fauna are dominated by the gastropod Courmya (Thericium) vulgata; the bivalve Brachiodontes variabilis, and the barnacles Chthamalus stellatus, Balanus amphitrite and Tetraclita rubescens. The distribution of the algal cover in the intertidal region shows high abundance of the brown algae, Sargassum latifolium; padina pavonica and Cystoseira trinodis rather than the green and red algae. These species are found in both polluted and unpolluted areas. The changes in benthic structures in the study area depend not only on the state of pollution but also on the type of substrates.


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The eco-biological of the spiny eel, Mastacembelus pailcalus in the river Padma, adjacent flood plains and ponds were influenced by various physico-chemical factors such as water temperature, water transparency, pH, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide and alkalinity. Flood plain areas are the best habitat for the M. pancalus with maximum abundance.


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Fishing experiments with gill nets were carried out at different centres of Gobindsagar reservoir through the years 1964-70. The seasonal abundance of main species of fishes and their zone of distribution were studied. Labeo diplostoma, Labeo bata, Barbus tor and Mystus seenghala are the main fish species of the reservoir. The abundance of the above species were observed to be the highest towards the Lunkhar arm of the reservoir.


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The spatial and temporal distributions of larval prawns of penaeids and non-penaeids in the estuarine waters of Mangalore were studied. Larvae appear to be passively brought in by the incoming flood tides to the estuary, enjoy a wider distribution throughout the estuarine complex with abundance towards the mouth. The distribution of larval prawns was more in Nethravati than in the Gurupur stretch. The influence of temperature, hydrogen-ion-concentration, salinity and dissolved oxygen on the distribution of larvae in the estuaries is discussed. Inference on spawning seasons of commercially important prawns in the neighbouring waters has been arrived at based on their larval abundance.


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Increases in coastal development and human activities leading to sedimentation degrade the quality of water; disturb the natural structure and functions of aquatic communities. The Suez Gulf is a large semi-closed area (~625 km long coastline).The assemblages of bottom fauna were studied qualitatively and quantitatively in the shallow intertidal waters along the western coast of the Suez Gulf. The quality of seawater and sediment structures were analyzed. The distribution of macro-benthos included a total of 38 species of Gastropoda and 9 Bivalvia; and 25 species from the other invertebrates included 7 groups namely, Rhizostoma, Polychaeta, Cirripedia, Amphipoda, Isopoda, Decapoda and Echinodermata. The most dominant group among invertebrate groups was the Polychaeta which included 4 species: Hydroides elegans, Perinereis cultilifera, Perinereis nuntia and Ophelina acuminata. The Cirripedia were represented by 3 species namely, Balanus amphitrite, Chithamalus challengeri and Tetraclita squamosa. The variations in the numerical abundance and biomass of bottom fauna studied between the observation periods and at sampling sites. There was a marked increase in benthos biomass at St. IV (Ras Gharib) yielding an average of 318.8 g/m² in which the gastropod community represented the dominant species in collected samples reaching 270.28 g/m² (84.4% of the total biomass) and numerically numbered 116 ind./m². Veliger larvae of bivalves and gastropods appeared to be present in the plankton for long periods and their production seems to be continuous throughout the year. In the intertidal zone of the Suez Gulf, the values of pH varied within narrow limits. Water temperature and salinity seemed to be important in the distribution and abundance of the macro-benthos communities in the study areas. The organic content in shallow intertidal waters and sediments indicated high values in the central part of the Gulf of Suez.


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Lar lake, with the international UTM specification of 39S 579680 3976567 & 39S 589930 3976184 is Situated in Lar national Park with an aerial distance of 55 Km of Tehran along Haraz road. The present research is carried out as part of a comprehensives Plan for assessment of bioresearches of Lar lake & the rivers flowing into it. This research includes examination of there benthic Samplings performed in Lar lake and each of the related rivers including Delichaee, Ab-e-sefid , Alarm & Lar (Kamardasht).Tubifex and Chironomus genus were found to have the highest frequencies of occurrence in the lake with %77.117 & %21.823 respectively followed by Chironomidae and Simulidae from the Diptera order which accounted for %72.328 and %13.812 occurrences in four rivers examined in the Study. The benthic biomass at various examined Sites and the average wet weight of the benthic biomass in station No one in the lake Was 17.397g and the figure for the examined site in Alarm was 20.242 g which were the highest level among Other examination stations the index for the abundance of species in Alarm river was greater than the rest of the examined rivers with 12.57. A sum of 354 Pieces of brown trouts was caught in the course of sampling which were closely investigated in terms of their digestive tract Content. It was identified that Daphniidae and Chironomus constituted the bulk of eaten items from the lake with %17.985 and %63.973 respectively. Meanwhile, Chironomidae and Simuladae were the most frequently eanten benthos by the fish with %81.47 and %7.93 respectively.The index for the relative length of gut was recorded at 0.49± 0.08 which is well indicative of the carnivorous diet of the fish.The index for the feeding intensity amounted to 138  83 showing that the one year old fish were of more feeding intensity.The coefficient of condition (K) was estimated at 1.02  0.142 for all the caught fish. The average wet weight of the benthos was 10.348 g per square meter which if extended to 700ha surface area of the lake, the total macrobenthic production in the lake would amount to 72730Kg of wet weight or 6510 Kg of dry weight. Since the Secondary Production of macrobenthos have always been double that of their biomass, it is reasonable to assume that the Secondary Production of macrobenthos amount to 145640 Kg by their wet weight and Since the energy transfer in the food chain of the lake from benthos to fish is 10 percent, the fish production Capacity Coming from benthic resources of the lake (Lar) would be 14.5 MT, half of which (7000-8000MT) could annually be harvested. Further more, the actual fish Production Capacity might exceed the projected level Since Daphnia, Rotifers and Ostracoda which belong to Zooplanktons, play a part in the natural diet of trout. Meanwhile, rivers Play a major role in fish nutrition and the annual fish production in Delichaee river is about 4481.8Kg while the figures for Ab-e-sefid, Alerm and Lar rivers are 2370.7 4848.7 and 2586.2 Kg respectively, that further increase fish Production in the area and every year half of these resources can be exploitable from the river & the lake.Nevertheless, due to ecological & biological importance of rivers and the probability of environmental Pollution, devastation of natural fish habitats & their nursery grounds, Sport fishing is not recommended at all.


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A total of 91 species under 44 genera were identified among the phytoplankton community during the course of one year's investigation between May 1982 and April 1983. Bacillariophyta was the most dominant group with 72 specie, Chlorophyta 11 spp, Cyanophyta 6 spp and Pyrrophyta was represented by 2 species. The yearly percentage composition of 4 groups of phytoplankton in order of abundance were Bacillariophyta 50.77%, Cyanophyta 47.70%, Chlorophyta 1.5% and Pyrrophyta 0.02%. The highest densities of phytoplankton were recorded in monsoon months (June-July) with a peak in July (31550 cells/l) and the minimum in February (770 cells/1). Higher concentration of phytoplankton was recorded at station 2, nearer to the Chakaria Sundarbans (mangroves), but abundance of phytoplankton showed no significant difference in the two stations (Mann Whitney U test, P=0.64, Z=-0.642, U=64). Phytoplankton population in this area were positively correlated with rainfall (r=0.655, P=<0.5, df.22) and water temperature (r=0.523, P=<0.05). Skeletonema costatum was the dominant member of phytoplankton and occupied 35.23% of the annual population and occurred throughout the period of study except in September and January. Its abundance was recorded during the monsoon months (April- July) with a maximum density (24185 cells/l) in July. No significant correlation was found between abundance of S. costatum and the hydro-meteorological parameters recorded in the Chakaria mangrove area.


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The impact of Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (PETZONE) activities on the health status of Jafari Creek was studied by assessing the changes in macroinvertebrate assemblages in nine sites during September 2006- January 2008. Furthermore to evaluate the ecological status of the Jafari Creek the WFD indices (i.e. AMBI, M-AMBI) were used. The relationship between spatial pattern of macro invertebrate assemblages and ambient factors (i.e. water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, total hardness, total nitrogen, ammonia, total phosphorous, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, sediment grain size distribution, sediment organic content, heavy metals contents) was measured. Background Enrichment indices, Contamination factor and Contamination degree, were used to assess the health status in the study area based on Nickel, Lead, Cadmium and Mercury contents of the sediments. The macrobenthic communities had a low diversity and were dominated by opportunistic taxa, and the AMBI and M-AMBI indices need to be calibrated before using in Persian Gulf and its coastal waters. The BIO-ENV analysis identified pH, dissolved oxygen, TDS, and the total organic content of sediments as the major environmental variables influencing the infaunal pattern. This suggests that management should attempt to ensure minimal disturbance to environmental variables underlying the spatial variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages. Background Enrichment indices showed that the health of Jafari Creek has declined over time due to the constant discharge of heavy metals to the Creek system. Furthermore WQS index shows that the quality condition of the water column in Jafari Creek, regard to the calculated number (3) is week. These indices also identified a significant degree of pollution in the study area. The decrease in the ecological potential of Jafari Creek was best highlighted by the alteration in macrobenthic assemblages.


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The Moosa Creek extends from its opening into the Persian Gulf, with some sub narrow creeks leading to it. Zangi creek is one of the main branches of Moosa creek. The creek contains numerous sources of organic pollution, including sewage outlet flows and boat waste. After establishing the Petrochemical special Economic Zone (PETZONE) in 1997 near to the Zangi Creek, the pipelines, streets and railway made it distinct from eastern and western parts of this creek. Industrial activities have released sludge and effluents in this creek along these years. A survey of the Zangi creek was performed, assessing water properties, organic pollution, and the population density, distribution and diversity of macrobenthic fauna through bi-monthly sampling from July 2006 to September 2007. Samples were collected from water near the bottom and sediment at 7 stations include 2 stations inside the distinct Zangi creek and 4 stations along a transect with 1 km distances between them in eastern free part and one reference station located at the Persian Gulf entrance to the Moosa creek. The environmental parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, COD, turbidity, EC and heavy metals include Hg, Cd, Pb, Ni as well as percentage silt-clay and total organic matter of the sediment were measured. The faunal population density and their distribution are discussed in relation to the environmental changes. Results showed spatial heterogeneity in faunal distribution of the Zangi creek. Nine groups of macrofauna were identified out of distinct zangi creek. Polychaets formed the dominant group (48%) followed by bivalves (13%), gastropods (10%), Decapods (2%), Tanaids (5%), and all other groups (22%). The distinct creek was heavily polluted without any macrofauna communities probably as a consequence of the high pH, COD, low salinity and heavy metals contamination specially Cd and Pb. The other stations near to the disposal site were found with macrofauna communities commonly tolerant to organic pollution, At 3 km east of the disposal site, macrofauna is comparable to the surrounded creek, whereas macrofauna still indicate environmental degradation. Farther a way, faunal density decreases and equilibrium taxa gradually replace opportunistic species, while the other stations were far from polluted area contained lower pollution and relatively healthy macrofauna. The mean biomass of macrobenthic fauna were estimated for the whole studied area. The results are considered in Minimum density and biomass in surrounded creek and maximum density and biomass in 3 km of surrounded area. Biodiversity Indices were low in surrounded creek. The Shanon-weaver information index was used to describe the spatially variations in diversity. Macrofauna density, shanon and simpson index were significantly variable between surrounded and free parts of Zangi creek (p<0.05). The numerical abundance of macrobenthose varied from 221. m-2 in polluted area to 4346 m-2 in free part of Zangi creek. The Shanon-weaver information index varied from 0.4 in distinct area to 2.9 in reference station. The physico- chemical changes between distinct and free creeks showed significant variations such as pH, salinity and EC. Salinity and EC were significantly positive correlate to macrofauna density, whereas pH and TOM percentage indicated significantly negative correlation to density. Heavy metals concentrations in sediments were higher than water samples. Concentration pattern of heavy metals in sediments and water samples were Ni>Pb>Cd>Hg. Salinity and pH were significantly correlated to metals in sediments (p<0.01). No significant correlation were found between Macrofauna density and heavy metals (p<0.05).


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The population density, distribution, diversity and secondry production of macrobenthic fauna of the inner Chahbahar Bay were studied through bi-monthly sampling from April 1995 to March 1996. Samples were collected from water near the bottom and sediment at 14 stations inside the Bay and one reference station located outside at the entrance to the Bay. The environmental parameters Such as temperature, water depth, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen as well as percentage silt-clay and total organic matter of the sediment were measured. The faunal population density and their distribution is discussed in relation to the environmental changes. results obtained indicated both spatial and temporal heterogeneity in faunal distribution of the Chahbahar Bay. The total of 18 groups of macrofauna were identified in all samples. Amphipods formed the dominant group (21%) followed by polychaetes (19%), gastropods (15.7%) bivalves (10.6%) and all other groups (33.7%). Seasonal changes in faunal density is shown in relation to Indian Ocean southwest monsoon,the result of which indicated lower population density during monsoon (June to September) than that of the premonsoon (February to May) and post monsoon (October to January) periods. The numerical abundance of macrobenthos varied from 10260.m2 before monsoon to 5190 m2 during monsoon season. Three dominant groups of macrofauna including polychaetes, gastropods, and bivalves were identified in all collected samples. Indices of diversity, richness and evenness were calculated for these three dominant groups. The Shannon-Weaver information index was used to describe the spatially and temporally variation in diversity of these three major faunal groups. The results exhibited lower faunal diversity during monsoon period. The annual production of two dominant macrofauna species including a species of bivalve, Nuculana acuta and a species of Cephalochordata, Branchiostoma lanceolatum were measured by using age group determination. Furthermore the mean biomass and total annual production of macrobenthic fauna were estimated for the whole studied area. The potential yield of demersal fishery resources (fish and crustacean) then estimated and worked out to be 15360 tons/year asuming 10% ecological efficiency of hypothetical pyramid from 3rd to 4th marine trophic level. Accordingly the annual exploitable demersal fishery resources for the entire Chahbahar Bay was estimated to be 7600 to 8500 tons/year by taking 50 to 55% of the total estimated potential in to account.


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The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) initiated annual, vessel-based visual sampling surveys of northern Gulf of Mexico marine mammals in 1990 and conducted a similar survey in U.S. Atlantic Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters from Miami, Florida, to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, in 1992. The primary goal of these surveys was to meet Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements for estimating abundance and monitoring trends of marine mammal stocks in United States waters. The surveys were designed to collect: 1) marine mammal sighting data to estimate abundance and to determine distribution and diversity; and 2) environmental data to evaluate factors which may affect the distribution, abundance and diversity of marine mammals. The preliminary analyses for abundance estimation from the 1990-1993 surveys are presented in this report.


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The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) initiated annual, vessel-based visual sampling surveys of northern Gulf of Mexico marine mammals in 1990. The primary goal of these surveys was to meet Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements for estimating abundance and monitoring trends of marine mammal stocks in United States waters. The surveys were designed to collect: 1) marine mammal sighting data to estimate abundance and to determine distribution and diversity; and 2) environmental data to evaluate factors which may affect the distribution, abundance and diversity of marine mammals. The analyses for abundance estimation from the 1991-1994 surveys are presented in this report.