305 resultados para Somers hatchery


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This fisheries report summarises developments of the year 1992 in the North West region of the National Rivers Authority. It provides catch statistics, rod and line and commercial catches for salmon and sea trout, fish culture and hatchery operations, restocking with trout and freshwater fish, upstream fish movement recorded at authority fish counters, counts of salmon and sea trout spawning redds, fish mortalities, licences issued, and prosecutions. Among the streams that are covered in the report are the River Lune, River Kent, River Leven, River Ribble and River Derwent.


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This fisheries report summarises developments of the year 1993 in the North West region of the National Rivers Authority. It provides catch statistics, rod and line and commercial catches for salmon and sea trout, fish culture and hatchery operations, restocking with trout and freshwater fish, upstream fish movement recorded at authority fish counters, counts of salmon and sea trout spawning redds, fish mortalities, licences issued, and prosecutions. Among the streams that are covered in the report are the River Lune, River Kent, River Leven, River Ribble and River Derwent.


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The microtagging programme began in 1987 using hatchery reared salmon originating from the rivers Caldew and Hodder and subsequently included the Lune (1988) and Ribble (1989). Microtagging of sea trout began in 1991 for the Lune and in 1993 for the Hodder. The report explores the NRA North west salmonid microtagging programme looking at methods, results and recommendations. The report provides salmon microtagging data and returns from 1987 to 1994.


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In the international Baltic Sea trout tagging experiment 27 753 hatchery reared sea trout smolts were tagged in Denmark, Finland, Poland and Sweden in 1979 and 1980. The fish were tagged with the original Carlin tag, two modified Carlin tag types (Canadian and Finnish polythene), streamer and Floy tags and Polish tags attached with Monel metal wire. The tag returns were affected by the place of release and smolt quality. The best results were obtained in the case of tags attached with double wire or thread -original Carlin, Canadian and Finnish polythene. The poorest results were obtained with streamer tags.


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The effect of organotin compounds and copper, commonly used as antifouling agent, were studied on Mercenaria mercernaria larvae. They were reared under usual hatchery conditions until they reached 190 um in diameter. The larvae were subjected to four compounds, tributylin chloride (TBT), monobutyltin chloride (MBT), trimethyltin chloride (TMT), cupric sulfate (CuSo4) plus control. Mortality was measured at 24, 48 h, and 96h. Behavioral and/or metamorphic changes were recorded in triplicate at 24-48 and 96 h. The appearance in swimming larvae of a functional foot was considered a sign of competence to set and was recorded as a "pediveliger". Swimming larvae were considered as larvae that have not yet reached their total development and they were recorded as "swimming". Larvae that did not show foot or swimming activity and were static but alive on the bottom were recorded as "bottom". TBT was found to completely inhibit swimming activity at sublethal concentrations throughout the period of observation. Copper and MBT inhibited swimming from 48 h, TMT did not inhibit swimming activity at any of the times recorded. The four compounds ranked in order of decreasing toxicity were TBT>TMT>CU>MBT.


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We examined the incidental catches of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) taken during research cruises and in commercial and recreational landings along the Pacific coast of North America during over 30 years of sampling. Shad, an introduced species, was mainly found over the shallow continental shelf, and largest catches and highest frequency of occurrences were found north of central Oregon, along the coasts of Washington and Vancouver Island, and in California around San Francisco Bay. Migrations to the north off Washington and Vancouver were seen during spring to fall, but we found no evidence for large-scale seasonal migrations to the south during the fall or winter. The average weight of shad increased in deeper water. Sizes were also larger in early years of the study. Most were caught over a wide range of sea surface temperatures (11–17°C) and bottom temperatures (6.4–8.0°C). Abundance of shad on the continental shelf north of 44°N was highly correlated with counts of shad at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River in the same year. Counts were negatively related to average weights and also negatively correlated with the survival of hatchery coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), indicating that survival of shad is favored by warm ocean conditions. Examining the catch during research cruises and commercial and recreational landings, we concluded that American shad along the Pacific coast have adapted to the prevailing environmental conditions and undertake only moderate seasonal migrations compared with the long seasonal migrations of shad along the Atlantic coast of North America. We suggest that the large spawning populations in the Columbia River and San Francisco Bay areas explain most of the distributional features along the Pacific coast.


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In this study, phase angle (the ratio of resistance and reactance of tissue to applied electrical current) is presented as a possible new method to measure fish condition. Condition indices for fish have historically been based on simple weight-at-length relationships, or on costly and timeconsuming laboratory procedures that measure specific physiological parameters. Phase angle is introduced to combine the simplicity of a quick field-based measurement with the specificity of laboratory analysis by directly measuring extra- and intracellular water distribution within an organism, which is indicative of its condition. Phase angle, which can be measured in the field or laboratory in the time it takes to measure length and weight, was measured in six species of fish at different states (e.g., fed vs. fasted, and postmortem) and under different environmental treatments (wild vs. hatchery, winter vs. spring). Phase angle reflected different states of condition. Phase angles <15° indicated fish in poor condition, and phase angles >15° indicated fish that were in better condition. Phase angle was slightly affected by temperatures (slope = – 0.19) in the 0–8°C range and did not change in fish placed on ice for <12 hours. Phase angle also decreased over time in postmortem fish because of cell membrane degradation and subsequent water movement from intra- to extracellular (interstitial) spaces. Phase angle also reflected condition of specific anatomical locations within the fish.


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The article highlights the aquaculture of marble or sand goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus) in Malaysia. Topics discussed are: breeding, hatchery and nursery techiques, nutrition, growout techniques, and diseases.


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The need to estimate percentages and/or numbers occurs frequently during practical research work; accurate but rapid estimates can be useful when planning research programmes. Charts are provided that may be used as a visual aid to estimating numbers of animals/plants in a specific situation, for example, the number of fish fry in a subsample from a hatchery tank, or the percentage composition of a sample such as the percentage algal cover in a pond.


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Following a survey of the important traits of Indian carp broodstock at some southern Indian hatcheries, it was found that the broodstock selection was size selective, exerting strong, negative selection of prematuration growth rate and positive selection on age at first maturation. This meant that the hatchery bred inadvertently slower growing and later maturing individuals. Details are given of approaches to avoid such negative selection and minimize inbreeding.


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The marine grouper species are considered high value food fish in several countries. However, controlled breeding and hatchery production of grouper fingerlings for commercial farming is still in its infancy. Investigations on the growth performance of the brown marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forskal), camouflage grouper E. polyphekadion (Bleeker) and their hybrid (E. fuscoguttatus x E. polyphekadion) under hatchery and growout culture conditions indicate the potential of grouper hybrids for aquaculture.


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Phosphorus is an essential element for living organisms and exists in waterbodies as dissolved and particulate forms. Phosphorus is required for optimum growth, feed efficiency, bone development and maintenance of acid-base regulation in fish. The presence of high concentration of phosphates in water may indicate presence of pollution as it may accelerate plant growth and disrupt the aquatic ecosystem thereby benefiting certain species and altering species diversity in affected areas. Eutrophication of waterbodies is often correlated with the phosphorus loading into the environment and aquaculture has been identified as one of the sources of phosphorus pollution. Details of the impacts of eutrophication is given in Bernhardt (1981). Phosphorus must be provided in fish feed because of its low concentration in water. Studies made in Europe and Northern America have revealed a phosphorus surplus in most commercial feeds which is above actual requirements; or is supplied in a form which is unavailable to the fish. Surplus phosphorus is excreted, while unavailable phosphorus is passed out in the feces. Discharge of phosphorus from fish farms and hatchery effluents have caused phosphorus pollution in Nordic countries, North America and Europe. This article examines the path of phosphorus pollution, quantification/prediction of phosphorus load from aquaculture and remedial measures.


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The commercial success of a giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) hatchery depends upon the uninterrupted supply of the desired quantity and quality of broodstock. This study was an attempt to develop the broodstock near a hatchery, to be used for seed production throughout the year. The hatchery produced seed were stocked at the rate of 3/m2 after initial pond preparation. The prawns were fed with a pelleted diet (3 mm size) prepared by using locally available feed ingredients. The seed had an initial weight of 0.30 g and attained an average weight of 92.0 g and 62.0 g in males and females, respectively, within 11 months. Berried prawns were observed starting from the month of June (5%), after six months of stocking, with a maximum in September (60%). The percentage of berried prawns increased from June to September when the water temperature was optimum and decreased from December when it got cold. The broodstock developed in this experiment could be used in the hatchery after six months of stocking, and brooders could be used to produce seed for two seasons before being sold in the market.


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The success of induced spawning for the production of fish seed depends on many factors which affect hatchery conditions. This paper discusses the results of an investigation on the effects of six different levels of salinity on the fertilization and hatching of Heterobranchus bidorsalis eggs. The results indicate that spermatozoa of H. bidorsalis can survive under a wide range of saline concentrations, with survival increasing with an increase in salinity from 0 to 0.4% and then decreasing as the level of salinity increases. Survival was optimum of 0.4% saline concentration.


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Improvements to traditional brackishwater shrimp culture in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam are discussed. A technical support program has been implemented based on a so-called improved extensive shrimp culture method, as previously developed and tested by the Artermia and Shrimp Research and Development Center (ASRDC). The program focuses on: 1) the use of hatchery-produced postlarvae (of Penaeus monodon and P. merguinensis) nursed for three to four weeks, and 2) the application of low-cost pond management practices including predator control, supplementary feeding and frequent water renewal. A credit program, managed as a revolving fund was made available. A dialogue among participating farmers was encouraged through the organization of group meetings before and after each production cycle.