127 resultados para adaptive ecosystem management
The study's aim was to develop and ecosystem model of the Bay of Bengal built with Ecopath and Ecoism software.The Ecopath model was built to represent 1978 and synthesise available population dynamics and fisheries data. A preliminary Ecoism was set up to explore interactions between functional groups and the impact of fishing.
The study's aim was to develop and ecosystem model of the Bay of Bengal built with Ecopath and Ecoism software.The Ecopath model was built to represent 1978 and synthesise available population dynamics and fisheries data. A preliminary Ecoism was set up to explore interactions between functional groups and the impact of fishing.
This report describes the process and details of developing an interactive online database portal for the BOBLME region.The MPA (Marine Protected Area) Atlas website, created by WorldFish was designed to provide public access to the latest information relevant to marine scientists, managers and conservationists. The main features include; BOBLME MPA database;interactive geospatial maps;and information about important habitats such as coral reefs,BOBLME boundaries and bathymetry.
Inputs of nitrogen, phosphorous and dissolved silica from watersheds draining into the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem are calculated for the present day and predictions made for 2030 and 2050 are presented. The major sources are identified and the Indicator of Coastal Eutrophication (ICEP) is calculated.
The report presents; terms of reference; work progress; surveys of shark fishers and traders; shark biodiversity survey; and a National Plan of Action (NPOA) for conservation and management of shark resources in Bangladesh.
The objective of the workshop was to begin a structured discussion on regional governance in the BOBLME, drawing on lessons from a region with similar issues, the Carribean. Conclusions were made about principles, regional governance arrangements, national-regional interface and national science-policy interfaces. Future work was also planned.
The objective of the study was to assess the economic value of ecosystem services in the Bay of Bengal.The manin aim was to support the development of a Strategic Action Plan (SAP). Findings included: economic consequences of ecosystem change; potential economic instruments to strengthen sustainable management; and recommendations on next steps in using economic valuation.
The objective of the workshop was the first assessment of marine coastal ecosystems in the BOBLME environment. The workshop: endorsed the report assessing, demonstrating and capturing the economic value of marine & coastal ecosystem services; acknowledged further data was was needed for ecosystem valuation analysis; recommended information from this report be added to the BOBLME Strategic Action Programme; identified economic instruments that might be used in conservation and sustainable management, and proposed future work.
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) undertook capacity development in six locations in five countries (India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Thailand). Six workshops were undertaken to help communities develop proposals for the conservation and sustainable uses of fisheries resources.
The role of the Regional Fisheries Management Advisory Committee (RFMAC) is to interpret information and deliver ecosystem based fisheries management advice. The meeting was able to deliver Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) advisories for the hilsa and Indian Mackerel fisheries.
A shark survey was conducted between October, 2012 and December, 2013 in order to strengthen the existing data collection and research thus improving conservation and management of sharks in Sri Lanka.
The priorities for the revised National Plan of Action include: strengthening current regulations; improved data collection of landings; identifying breeding and nursery grounds; study of ecology and biology of sharks; improved data acquisition of shark products and trade; and active enforcement at sea, landing sites and markets.
Participants consisted of 25 middle and junior level personnel from BOBLME countries. Modules included: Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) concept and principles; ICM development and implementation; indicators of good practice; and action planning.
The objectives of the workshop included: an overview of the biophysical characteristics of the Myeik Archipelago; strengthen understanding of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) management to mitigate resource use conflicts; share lessons and experiences of MPA management from the Asia-Pacific region; and to identify a road map for developing MPA management in the Myeik Archipelago.
The objectives of the education programme included: making the fishing community and the younger generation aware of the importance of conserving marine resources; to obtain their suggestions and opinions; and to identify gaps and needs to strengthen local participation.