123 resultados para Survival Rate


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Estimates of instantaneous mortality rates (Z) and annual apparent survival probabilities (Φ) were generated from catch-curve analyses for oceanic-stage juvenile loggerheads (Caretta caretta) in the waters of the Azores. Two age distributions were analyzed: the “total sample” of 1600 loggerheads primarily captured by sighting and dipnetting from a variety of vessels in the Azores between 1984 and 1995 and the “tuna sample” of 733 loggerheads (a subset of the total sample) captured by sighting and dipnetting from vessels in the commercial tuna fleet in the Azores between 1990 and 1992. Because loggerhead sea turtles begin to emigrate from oceanic to neritic habitats at age 7, the best estimates of instantaneous mortality rate (0.094) and annual survival probability (0.911) not confounded with permanent emigration were generated for age classes 2 through 6. These estimates must be interpreted with caution because of the assumptions upon which catch-curve analyses are based. However, these are the first directly derived estimates of mortality and survival probabilities for oceanic-stage sea turtles. Estimation of survival probabilities was identified as “an immediate and critical requirement” in 2000 by the Turtle Expert Working Group of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service.


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The rate of survival of different types of faecal indicator organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci etc. during freezing and frozen storage has been studied. Peeled and deveined prawns inoculated with a mixed culture of the above organisms were subjected to freezing and storage at -10̊F and examined for over four months.


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Feeding experiments were conducted for 21 days to study the effect of live food (Tubifex sp.) and three prepared supplemental feeds on the growth and survival of 13 day old magur (C. batrachus) fry. It was observed that the growth of fry varied significantly (p<0.05) with different diets. The best growth was shown by the fry fed with Tubifex sp. followed by those fed with the diet containing yeast (30%), milk powder (30%) and chicken eggs (30%). The poorest growth rate was given by the fry fed on yeast (45%) and fish meal (45%). There was no significant difference in survival rates and condition factors among the fry fed with live food and prepared feeds.


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An experiment was conducted for a period of 28 days using 7-day old C. batrachus larvae of initial total length (±S.D.) of 7.4 ± 0.49 mm and weight (±S.D.) of 2.8 ± 0.75 mg. Five test diets viz. diets I, II, III, IV and V were prepared. Diet I was formulated using 30% fish meal (FM), 20% soybean meal (SM) and 20% Baker's yeast (BY), diet III using 15% FM, 20% SM, 15% cotton seed meal and 30% BY and diet IV using 20% FM, 30% BY and 30% powdered milk. The remaining two diets (diets II and V) were prepared using minced clam meat (96%) and BY (90%) respectively as the sole source of protein. Three replications were used for each treatment. The larvae fed on diet II exhibited significantly (P<0.05) better length gain and specific growth rate (SGR) than those of the larvae fed on diet III and there was no significant difference among the length gain and SGR of the larvae fed on diet I,II,IV and V. The larvae fed on diet II also showed significantly better weight gain and survival than those of the larvae fed on other diets. There was no significant difference between the condition factor of the larvae fed on diet II and IV. However, the larvae fed on diet II showed better condition factor than those of the larvae fed on other diets.


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Using Staphylococcus aureus as the test culture it has been shown that cell injury occurs in two phases during freezing and storage at temperatures below freezing. Certain constituents of fish muscle appear to protect the cells during both phases of injury. The survival of bacteria on fish muscle is not influenced by the rate at which the fish muscle was frozen prior to inoculation. There was no significant difference between growth of bacteria on quick frozen and slow frozen fish muscle after thawing. However there appeared to be a slight tendency for the lag phase of growth to be extended on thawed quick frozen fish muscle when compared with thawed slow frozen muscle.


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The present work evaluates the effectiveness of partial or total replacement of live feed (LF) (Tubifex) together with formulated diet (FD) for Betta splendens. Three hundred Betta splendens fry of uniform size (mean weight 0.19±0.01g) were equally distributed in five treatment groups with three replicates in glass aquaria of 351itre capacity. Fishes were given diets at different ratio of LF and FD viz. T1(C) 100% LF; T2 75% LF, 25% FD; T3 50% LF, 50% FD; T4 25% LF, 75% FD and T5 100% FD and the experiment continued for 105 days. T2 group registered highest (P<0.05) % body weight gain (125.61±0.26) and specific growth rate (2.34±0.02), which was similar to T1 and T3 groups. Lowest FCR was recorded in T2 (2.40±0.11) group, which was similar to Tl, T3 and T4 groups. Highest (P<0.05) PER was observed in T4 (1.00±0.03) group, which was similar to T3 and T5 groups. At the end of experiment, highest % survival was recoded in T1, T2 and T3 groups (96.67±1.67), which was similar to T4 group. From the study, it is concluded that LF can be successfully replaced up to 75% by FD without any adverse effect on the growth and survival of Betta splendens.


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The objective of this study is to determine survival rates of different postlarval stages upon stocking in the Leganes ponds. Twelve 3m x 2m x 2m suspension nets made of nylon cloth (mesh size = 0 . 1 mm) were set up in a Leganes Station pond (ave. water depth = 1 m) by means of 3-m long poles stacked at distances approximating the area of each net. The net bottom was filled with topsoil at least 15 cm thick to stimulate the pond bottom. At least 60 cm of the upper edge of each net was above the water level to prevent mixing of water inside and outside the net. P.monodon of stages P SUB-11 , P SUB-15 , P SUB-21 (from the hatchery) and P SUB-25 (from the wet lab) were stocked in the nets at 200/sq m or 1,200 fry/net. Due to lack of fry, only one P SUB-25 net was stocked. Each net had two large dried miapi branches as shelter from predation and cannibalism for the young sugpo fry. Fresh lablab was fed at the rate of one pail (approximately 5 kg) every four days per net. Harvest data show relatively higher survival rates for P SUB-15 and P SUB-18 compared to P SUB-11 and P SUB-25 with no significant difference between these two stages. The results for P SUB-25 may not be valid because the stock came from the wet lab in comparison to the other postlarval stages which were reared in the hatchery. Moreover, the P SUB-25 stock had no replicates and the net itself (no. 10) was discovered to have many holes. These preliminary results point to P SUB-15 as the best stage for harvest from the hatchery in terms of high pond recovery and lesser expense in rearing compared to older postlarvae.


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Coagulase-positive staphylococci was found to be absent in all the frozen samples of lobsters, cuttle fish, cat fish, seer fish and red snapper examined. Coagulase-positive staphylococci were present in 38% of the cooked frozen shrimps and only 16% of the samples had staphylococci count more than 100/g. In the case of headless, peeled and deveined, peeled undeveined shrimps, the incidence of the organism was 6, 12 and 16% respectively. The study indicated that the incidence of coagulase-positive staphylococci is not a serious problem in frozen fishery products processed in this country. There was remarkable difference in the rate of destruction of coagulase-positive staphylococci in raw and cooked shrimps during freezing and frozen storage.


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Results of experiments conducted on ablated Penaeus monodon, fed with 4 different feeds (pellet-pellet, mussel-mussel, mussel-pellet and squid-pellet), on survival, spawning, fecundity and hatching rate are given and discussed.


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Penaeus monodon and P. indicus juveniles were stocked and reared for about 3 months in earthen ponds at different density combinations with Chanos chanos. The presence of either Penaeus species at any density ratio did not affect significantly the C. chanos survival. Survival rates of the penaeids indicated that intraspecific and interspecific competition occurred and were reduced with the reduction in stocking rate. It is concluded that further studies on higher density ratios and feeding and economic consideration would be of help to the development of this kind of fishpond management system.


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Penaeus indicus harvested after three months of rearing in brackishwater ponds and averaging 6.9 g for females and 5.6 g for males were stocked in two 12 cu m flowthrough ferrocement tanks at 240 females and 200 males per tank. The females were ablated on one eyestalk in one tank and remained unablated in the other tank; all males were unablated. Ablated females spawned up to 7 times per female; unablated females spawned up to only 3 times during the two month duration of the experiment. Ablated females produced a total number of 17.5 x 106 eggs, 6.6 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 23,480 eggs/spawning and 37.8% hatching rate from a total of 757 spawnings. Unablated females produced a total of 2.0 x 106 eggs, 1.1 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 26.990 eggs/spawning and 53.9% hatching rate from a total of 74 spawnings. Survival of ablated females was 53.5% compared to 69.4% for unablated females; males in both tanks averaged more than 90% survival.


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The effects of dietary supplementation of commercial human probiotic, Lactobacil and antibiotic, oxytetracycline on the growth, survival, disease resistance and content of intestinal microflora in two ornamental fishes, viz., goldfish, Carassius auratus and swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri were studied. The total wet weight gain, food conversion ratio and specific growth rate of C. auratus did not vary significantly (p>0.05) among treatments. While in X. helleri, significant differences existed in the total wet weight gain, survival, food conversion ratio and specific growth rate among treatment groups (p<0.05). The counts of antibiotic resistant bacteria in fish gut increased with days of culture in all the treatments and the increase was more in antibiotic fed fishes. A reduction in the development of antibiotic resistance among the bacterial flora of fish gut was noticed in probiotic fed groups of C auratus and X. helleri. The results of the present study revealed that the effects of human probiotic on the growth, survival and disease resistance of ornamental fishes are variable and difficult to reproduce the similar effect on different species.


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A study on the effect of stocking density on growth and survival of nona tengra (Mystus gulio) was carried out in brackishwater earthen nursery ponds (2 decimal each) for a period of 42 days. Five-day old captive bred tengra post-larvae (ABL: 4.53±0.83 mm and ABW:3.33 mg) were stocked at four different densities of 200/m² (Treatment-1), 250/m² (Treatment-2), 350/m² (Treatment-3) and 450/m² (Treatment-4). Fries were fed twice a day with a mixture of fine rice bran, mustard oil cake and fishmeal at the ratio of 2:1:1. The specific growth rate (SGR) of larvae did not vary significantly (p>0.05) between T1 (5.096% mg/day) and T2 (5.08% mg/day), but it was found significantly (p<0.05) higher from T3 (4.98% mg/day) and T4 (4.91% mg/day), respectively. The final survival rates of 89.25±5.41% in T1 and 88.72±6.09% in T2 were found similar (p>0.05), but significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of, 76.20±4.77% in T3 and 70.34±5.71% in T4. The results indicate that 5-day old hatchery bred nona tengra post-larvae can be nursed in earthen pond at a stocking density of 200-250/m².


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Feeding experiments were conducted on the postlarvae of Channa striatus with two different live feeds - a copepod (Thermocyclops decipiens) and cladocerans (Moina micrura and Ceriodaphnia comuta) individually and in mixture. Food was provided at the rate of (500±50 Ind/L) and the experiments were carried out in 100 litre capacity tanks for 30 days. Results indicated better weight gain (951.85±28.77%) and survival (92.00<%) of postlarvae fed with mixed live food than individual live feed organisms.


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This study was done in Shahid Kiani Marine Aquaculture Development Center, Choebde, Abadan in order to evaluate the effects of Pediiococcus acidilactici, Lactococcus lactis and vitamin C on growth performance, survival, enzymatic activities and immune responses of L. vannamei during three months. Treatments were included control group, Pediiococcus and Lactococcus treatments which fed with diet containing 1×10P9P cfu gP_1P bacteria and vitamin C. At the end of the experiment, the growth factors, immune parameters, digestive enzymes, intestinal, histology of intestine, carcasses and microbial flora (bacterial total count and lactic acid count) were evaluated. The results indicated that administration of lactobacillus had significant effects on the growth factors as the highest weight, increase specific growth rate, relative growth rate, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency in the shrimps received pediococcus and then Lactococcus (P<0.05). The best immune function was also observed in the shrimps fed by probiotics, so that proteins and hemoglobin̛ hemolymph, phenoloxidase activity and challenged with V. parahaemolyticus showed a statistical difference comparing to the control group and the group received vitamin C (P<0.05). Some digestive enzymes, in pediococcus treatment showed a significant increase when compared to other treatments (P<0.05). Significant changes in bacterial intestinal flora were observed in probiotic groups compared with control and vitamin C groups (P < 0.05). Histological results showed the positive effects of probiotics in the gut (P < 0.05). While these supplements cannot caused to significant impacts on the shrimp carcass composition (P ˃ 0.05). As a result pediococcus group had the best performance among treatments.