144 resultados para Roswell Park Memorial Institute.
A Catch Assessment Surveys (CAS) with the overall objective of generating information on the fish production and commercial value of the fisheries of Lake Albert and Albert Nile system was implemented by the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NAFIRRI) in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR), Local Government staff (FOs) and BMU members at selected landing sites on Lake Albert (12 landing sites) and Albert Nile (26 landing sites) in July 2012. A total 622 and 313 boat days on Lake Albert and Albert Nile respectively were sampled for a period of 9 days. Results indicate an annual landing of 151,600 and 5,900 tonnes (t) of fish with an estimated beach value of 122.5 and 14 Billion (UShs) from Lake Albert and Albert Nile respectively. Over 80% of the catch from Lake Albert comprised the small pelagic species; Neobola bredoi (Muziri) and Brycinus nurse (Ragoogi) followed by Nile perch (6%). However, due to low market value of the small fishes and the high prices attached to Nile perch for industrial processing and export market, the contribution of the latter to beach value rose to 34% of the total. The contribution of the light fishery based on small pelagic species (B. nurse and N. bredoi) are insignificant on Albert Nile. Even if the small pelagic species may be present in the river system, a light fishery based on these two is yet to be developed. Proportionally, Albert Nile still remain a multispecies fishery with over 20 fish species harvested commercially. Interestingly, the Albert Nile fishery still remains primitive with simple crafts and gears (mainly dugout canoes, traps, and gillnets). This could suggest that the more developed the system becomes the higher the level of transformation in its fisheries leading to simplification, characterized by reduction in multispecies nature and dominance of few species. Illegal gears especially undersized gillnet of mesh size less than 4 inches were the most dominant in the Lake Albert and Albert Nile fisheries. They captured large quantities of immature fish particularly when used to target Nile perch, Bagrus, Nile tilapia, and large Barbus spp. Their impact when used to target the smaller species (Ragoogi, Angara & Ngasia) is yet to be evaluated. A specific study to analyze selectivity and impacts of these nets is a recommended. However, the dominance of 1.5” mesh sizes especially on Albert Nile to target Angara, Ngassia and Barbus, is definitely destructive to their fisheries and should be checked forthwith. In addition, there is an emerging fishing method locally referred to as “Salsio or Luzira” whereby fishers stay on the lake from 3 days up to 2 weeks without returning to the landing site. They carry with them food and salt for processing the catches on the lake, and in the case of Albert Nile on make shift shelters on islands and in the game park. They normally use gillnets of 3-3½ inch mesh size and caught mainly Nile perch & Bagrus (Pethi & Munama). On return they land several tons of fish. Most of these Catches are not captured in the estimates presented in our analyses since we target daily fishing boats. The possible impacts of this fishing method should be studied and appropriate action recommended.
The Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission of 1970 investigated and made collections from 36 flowing water systems (brooks, torrents, rivers); of these, 34 water systems were in the mountains regions of south-west and south-east of Sri Lanka. In the crystalline mountain region, the water systems are extremely poor in electrolytes, very soft and slightly acid; these torrential streams have strong falls, high flow velocities and boulder bottoms. The water temperatures increase from the sources and brooks at 2,000 m altitude to the mouths from 15°C to 28°C. The density of animal population (macro and meso-fauna) increases from the river bank regions (and pools) towards the sections with strong current and reaches on the rocks in the cascades a density of 500 to appr. 750 individuals/1/16m².
The morphology, climate, geology and geochemistry of Sri Lanka is briefly described. The separation into a wet zone (the south-west and greater part of the central highland) and a dry zone with two very dry parts in the south-east and in the north-west, is obvious and has great influence on the hydrochemistry of the island. Geology is very homogenous (Precambrian crystalline series) and some Jurassic and Miocene limestones (only in the north).
In the study are described five species of watermites, collected by the Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission 1970 in torrents of the highlands of south-west Sri Lanka. The species are: Torrenticola (Monatractides) pusta Cook, 1967, T.(M.) Oxystoma hamata (Lundbald, 1941), T.(M.) ceylonensis nov. spec., Atractides schwoerbeli Lundbald, 1969 and Arrenurus (Micruracarus) madaraszi Daday, 1898.
Sri Lanka is a comparatively small island (65.584 km²) within the equatorial belt of calms. There are only slight seasonal variations in temperature, air humidity and day length. A description is given of the amphibian and reptile material brought back from the Austrian Indo-Pacific expedition, 1970-71. Some notes on the habitat of the animals are included.
The first comprehensive study on the freshwater Caridea of Sri Lanka was by Arudpragrasm and Costa in 1961. Although it was the intention of these authors to continue this study no opportunity was available to them. The present faunal survey however has afforded the present writer to make a detailed study of the distribution of these shrimps especially in the mountain streams of the south-west of Sri Lanka. Two species and two sub-species of Caridina, one species of Atya and four species of Macrobrachium were collected by the hydrobiological mission from the hill streams of Sri Lanka.
The author describe a new species of Drepanosticta from Sri Lanka. This new species is named in honour of the collector, Professor Dr. F. Starmühlner.
This report comprises a summary of parasitic copepods from fishes in Ceylon, as isolated from the branchial material of fishes belonging to previous collections. Seven copepod species are described in detail, as well as one species of Branchiura and one species of Isopoda. Caution is advocated to avoid further introductions via parasite-infested fishes, since only four of the above species are endemic.
The intensive collecting of Prof. Dr. F. Starmühlner and Prof. Dr. H. H. Costa in Ceylon in 1970 produced among others some Dysticidae. The material turned out to be especially interesting as it comes all together from running waters, in which otherwise collecting is infrequent. From Sri Lanka quite a lot of species of Dytiscidae are already known.
The collection of Triclads from the Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission originates from 23 streams in the mountains of the south of Sri Lanka. All collected animals are of the Dugesia gonocephala (Dug.) type. Unfortunately the determinable mature animals were very rare in the samples but it seems certain that all the Triclads, found by the mission, belong to Dugesia nannophallus, described by Ball in 1970 after two individuals from Dunhinda, Badulla (Prov. Uva, Sri Lanka).
Water beetle larvae and pupae were collected from the lotic biotopes in localities of the southern part of Ceylon. The species are described and findings are related to previous investigations. The following families were represented: Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae, Helodidae, Dascillidae (Eubrianacinae), Dryopidae and Lampyridae.
The Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission studied 38 biotopes; 28 of which contain Odonata. From the Zygoptera the Calopterydoidea seem to be the dominant form (22 habitats), while the Coenagrionoidea are scarcer (11 habitats). The most frequent species was Euphaea splendens (Epallagidae - 16 habitats) followed by Vestolis apicalis nigrescens (Calopterygidae, 8 habitats) and Neurobasis chinensis (Calopterygidae, 6 habitats). From the Anisoptera Zygonyx ceylanica (Libellulidae: Zygonictinae) was the dominant form (8 habitats), but some Libellulinae remain undescribed. The number of species varied greatly between different biotopes. The biotopes containing Odonata are small brooks, in which the pH was mostly on the limit between acid and alkaline reaction. They are fast running waters, situated in most cases on lower or middle elevations, only three species being found in higher elevations (1800-2000 m). Adaptations to fast currents and other factors are described.
New Ceylonese records namely, Euscelimena gavialis (Sauss.), Paranemobius pictus Sauss. and semiaquatic cockroaches of the genus Rhabdoblatta were found in the collection of Saltatorid and Dictyopterid insects.
The report deals with the material on freshwater crabs, collected by the Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission 1970 from the running waters of the mountains in south-west Ceylon. The locality records for Paratelphusa (Oziotelphusa) senex (Fabricius 1798) Paratelphusa (Ceylontelphusa) sorror (Zehntner 1894) and Paratelphusa (Ceylontelphusa) rugosa (Kingsley 1880), are described.
A total of 378 specimens from 25 collecting localities belonging to 31 different species of fish collected mainly from the rivers of the hilly and mountain regions of the south-western and southern Ceylon have been identified and recorded. Ecological data and water analyses of these collecting localities are given.