146 resultados para Perch.
An overview of the biology and ecology of some of the constantly less important commercial species is given below. These included Bagrus docmac, Clarias gariepinus, Protopterus aethiopicus, Labeo victorianus, Barbus spp, Mormyrids, Synodontis spp, and Schilbe intermedius. The stocks of most of these species declined due to over-exploitation and introduction of non-native fishes especially Nile perch. A few of these taxa still survive in the main lake and others in satellite lakes. The current status of these species in the Victoria lake basin is not known but the available information provided some information on some habitat and other requirements of some of these originally important species of the Victoria lake basin.
Many haplochromine cichlids coexisted in Lake Victoria before the upsurge of Nile perch. The introduction of the Nile perch led to depletion of many haplochromines and other fish species in Lake Victoria. The impact of Nile perch predation on haplochromines differed for different haplochromine trophic groups. Yssichromis fusiformis (G) and Yssichromis laparogramma (G) are among the species that have survived in the lake. Yssichromis spp. was studied with the aim of determining their trophic role, food and feeding habits. Samples were collected from Bugaia, Buvuma channel and Napoleon Gulf in the northern part of Lake Victoria. The food of Yssichromis spp. varied with size of fish. Both Y fusiformis and Y laparogramma fed on Copepods, Cladocerans, Chaoborus and Chironomids. Juvenile Yssichromis spp. fed exclusively on zooplankton comprising Cyclopoid copepods, Calanoid copepods and Cladocera. The relative importance of Chironomid larvae and Calanoid copepods was higher in Bugaia than in Buvuma channel while Cyclopoid copepods and Chironomid pupae were relatively less important in Bugaia. The main food items that Yssichromis spp. fed on in Buvuma channel were Chironomid larvae Cyclopoid copepods, Cladocerans and Calanoid copepods. In Napoleon Gulf, fish caught from commercial fishery of Rastrineobola argentea (P) had fed on Chaoborus and Chironomids. Overall, Yssichromis spp. fed on more zooplankton in Buvuma than in Bugaia. Yssichromis spp. and R. argentea are presently the most abundant zooplanktivores in the northern part of Lake Victoria and are playing an important trophic role as major consumers of zooplankton and insect larvae in the foodweb of the lake ecosystem. Yssichromis spp. are bridging the transfer of energy from the lower to the higher trophic levels as secondary consumers. The fishery is still not contributing to the direct conversion of the primary products, the phytoplankton and detritus that were efficiently utilised by the diverse haplochromine trophic groups that existed before the Nile perch boom.
Oreochromis niloticus (the Nile tilapia) and three other ti1apine species: Oreochromis leucostictus, Tilapia zi11ii and T. rendallii were introduced into Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo in 1950s and 1960s. The source and foci of the stockings are given by Welcomme (1966) but the origin of the stocked species was Lake Albert. The Nile tilapia was introduced as a management measure to relieve fishing pressure on the endemic tiapiines and, since it grows to a bigger size, to encourage a return to the use of larger mesh gill nets. Ti1apia zillii was introduced to fill a vacant ,niche of macrophytes which could not be utilised' by the other tilapiines. Tilapia rendallii, and possibly T. leucosticutus could been introduced into these lakes accidently as a consquence of one of the species being tried out for aquaculture. The Nile perch and Nile tilapia have since fully established themselves and presently dominate the commercial fisheries of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga. The original fisheries based on the endemic tilapiines O. escu1entus and o. variabilis have collapsed. It is hypothesized that the ecological and limnological changes that are observed in Lakes Victoria and Kyoga are due to a truncation of the original food webs of the two lakes. Under the changed conditions, O. niloticus to be either playing a stabilizing role or fuelling nutrient turnover in the lakes. Other testable hypotheses point to the possible role of predation by the Nile perch, change in regional climate and hydrology in the lake basins.
There have been considerable changes in fish species composition in Lakes victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo since the Nile perch were introduced. Populations of most of the native species have declined and many species may have become extinct. The original decline in the fish stocks was due to overfishing but the recent and more drastic decline has been attributed to predation by the Nile perch. Nile perch feeds on invertebrates changing to a piscivorous diet with size. Haplochromine cichlids, which were the most abundant fish in Lakes Victoria just before the Nile perch populations started increasing rapidly have been depleted. As more suitable types of prey were depleted in the new habi tats, Nile perch switched to other prey types to the extent of feeding even on its own young. There are, fears that the Nile perch will overshoot its food supply, resulting in a reduction of its own population and subsequently a collapse in the fishery (FAD 1985).
Haplochrmine cichlids were the most abundant taxa in Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo prior to introduction of the Nile perch. As stocks of the introduced predator increased, these taxa were depleted to such an extent that they are now virtually absent from the lake. The haplochromine cichlids played an important role in the ecology of Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo. They occupied virtually all trophic levels in the lake and facilitated an efficient flow of energy through the ecosystem. Their depletion seem to have left much organic matter whose decomposition has contributed to accumulation of dead organic matter which may be contributing to prolonged anoxia in Lake Victoria. The haplochromines formed an important small-scale fishery. Fishermen formerly subsisting on this fishery have been driven out of business because they cannot afford the expensive nets required for Nile perch fishery. In addition to providing a cheap source of fish protein to humans, the species were an important source of Scientific material for students of genetics antd adaptive radiation.
The Ugandan fishery, heavily influenced by the emergence of global markets, is extremely dynamic. In recent years a major export trade, principally in Nile perch fillets from Lake Victoria, has expanded markedly. The growth of this factory based processing industry has had a marked impact on the pre-existing artisanal fishery, which has become increasingly dependent on supplying the export market instead of its traditional local small-scale markets. The industrial fishery developed as a response to the liberalisation of the management of the Ugandan economy and the consequent opening up of the export markets in North America and Europe. The emergence of the export industry has resulted in the creation of a dual structure in the fisheries sector, with the Nile perch catching and processing chain operating to European standards, whilst the artisanal sub-sector still utilises traditional methods. This dual structure is a potential source of disadvantage to the artisanal fishery which has command over fewer financial assets than the export fishery.
A reduction in native fish stocks and the need to increase fish production for food, recreation, ornamental purposes and to control disease vectors and weeds have often justified and led to introduction of non-native fishes. Some of these introductions have been followed by benefitial and others by undesirable consequences. For instance introduction of the Nile perch Lates niloticus L. and several tilapiine species into lakes Victoria and Kyoga, and the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon into lakes Kariba and Kivu have resulted in increases in the quantity of fish available to the people around them. Predation by Nile perch and competition with introduced tilapiine species in lakes victoria and Kyoga have caused a severe decline and in some cases total disappearance of many of the native fish species.therefore the concern about fish introductions arises
The Lake Victoria ecosystem has experienced changes associated fishing levels, arise in lake level of the 1960s, fish introductions and human activities in the drainage basin. Following the fish introductions of the 1950s and 1960s, niloticus has become the most abundant and commercially important species among the tilapiines. It appears to be the only species which has managed to co-exist with the Nile perch not only in Lake Victoria but also in Lake Kyoga where the two species were also introduced. There is, however, little published information on the biology and ecology of the species in the habitats. It has therefore been found necessary to initiate studies as have been developed for Lates niloticus, especially as the two species have assumed major role in the lake's fisheries.
Increased stocks of mukene Rastrineobola argentea and the subsequent interest in its fishery on Lake Victoria has been attributed to the poor performance of the endemic fishery as a result of introductions into this lake of foreign fish species Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus. R. argentea now remains the only endemic fish species of economic importance ranking second to the Nile perch in this lake. Despite this importance, biological information on the species and knowledge of its fishery is scanty. Preliminary observations on the species in the Ugandan waters indicate that R. argentea feeds mainly on zooplankton (copepods) during daylight hours. Small quantities of aquatic insect larvae/pupae (chironomids and chaoborids) are also eaten mainly at night. These fishes breed just after the rainy seasons and the young eventually mature at between 43-44 mm standard length. Growth and population parameters show a rate of growth (K) of 0.92 with L of 64.5 mm S.L. Natural mortality (M) is given at 2.371 and total mortality (2) of 3.594. Two mesh size nets 10 and 5 mm are in use in the lake. The smaller mesh size which is more preferred by the artisanal fishermen however tends to capture many immature fishes. There is therefore need for a unified lakewide data collection on the species and its fishery in order to obtain more reliable biological information necessary proper management of this fast developing fishery.
Rastrineobola argentea is the only native fish species which is still abundant in Lakes Victoria and Kyoga, the others being two introduced species; Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus. It forms an important commercial fishery in Lake Victoria and is very important as food of Lates niloticus in both lakes. The depletion of the originally abundant insectivorous and zooplanktivorous hap lochromines due to predation by Lates niloticus appears to have favoured it by reducing potential competitors for food. It now consumes a wide range of invertebrate organisms that originally used to be eaten by different specialised species of haplochromines which include: larvae and pupae of chironomids and chaoborids, copepods and ostracods. Its size in Lake Kyoga (where the Nile perch was introduced earlier) has, however, decreased and is smaller than that in Lake Victoria probably due to high predation pressure. The twin effect of predation and fishing are likely to exert heavy pressure on the species. Research is therefore required to provide information for its management.
Both in terms of commercial landings and biological importance, the Nile Perch is one of the most prominent fish in Lake Albert. It can bear considerable further exploitation, is the source of stockings elsewhere, and it is, therefore, important to know whether more than one species is being dealt with, and, if so, what differences there are in the ecology of the different species.
The Annual report presents activities carried out by the Organization during the reporting period 1970. It explains the scientific work carried out by the Organization which includes: bottom trawl survey, a limnological survey of Lake Victoria for the period January to December 1970, maturity, sex ration and fecundity of lung fish (protopterus aethiopicus Heckel) from Lake Victoria, On the fish species of Lake Baringo, identification of organisms in Lake Victoria responsible for ecosounder traces, further observations on the ecology of the Nile perch (Lates niloticus Linne) in Lake Victoria and Lake Kioga, fishery economics studies, The African journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and fisheries and observation on fish marketing experiments in Tanzania
Under the Implementation of the Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) for Lake Victoria Result area 4, quarterly gillnet surveys are undertaken to monitor changes in fish stocks and environmental parameters in the shallow nontrawlable areas of the lake For purposes of monitoring surveys, the Ugandan sector of Lake Victoria is divided into 3 zones as shown in Figure 1. During the second quarter of APE2, two gillnet surveys were undertaken in zones 1 and 3 in February and March 2006 respectively. The purpose of the surveys was to monitor changes in the fish stocks and their biological characteristics, water quality, algal dynamics and invertebrate communities; as detailed in the various sections of the report. The surveys followed those conducted in November and December 2006 in the same zones. Results of the surveys showed that the number of fish taxa was higher in the near-shore fleets (0-100m) decreasing towards offshore. The near-shore areas were also associated with high primary productivity and hence secondary production to which Caridina and other invertebrates are part. These organisms are an important source of food for the fish and this may partly account for the high number of fish species recorded in this area of the lake. It was also observed that although Nile perch was the most dominant fish species recorded in all the stations during the surveys, haplochromines, Brycinus sadleri, Brycinus jacksonii Oreochromis niloticus and various mormyrid species contributed significantly to the fish biomass. The presence of many fish species and their coexistence with the predator, Nile perch is attributed to the presence of macrophyte cover and rocky habitats which serve as refugia in the shallow inshore habitats of Lake Victoria. In addition, the vegetated habitats are an important source of food for the fishes. As reported in macro-invertebrate studies, big populations of Caridina and other invertebrates were recorded among macrophyte beds. Caridina is an important source of food for juvenile Nile perch and other fish species so are the other invertebrates especially chironomid larvae, odonata nymphs and molluscs. Resurgence in haplochromine cichlids was observed during the surveys. The presence of haplochromines cichlids in all the sites especially Thruston Bay where it ranked the second by percentage contribution in number, is evidence of the recovery of this group of fishes which had declined largely due to predation by L. niloticus. Caridina nilotica has also increased in biomass and is a major component of the Nile perch diet. This could have reduced predation pressure on the haplochromines by Nile perch and has possibly contributed to recent resurgence in haplochromines cichlids in the lake in the shallow nontrawlable areas of the lake Rastrineobola argentea was found to be an important prey item for Nile perch and other fish species such as Clarias gariepinus. Measures should therefore be taken to ensure sustainable harvesting of Dagaa so that there is enough left to sustain the fishery of Nile perch and other species.
The annual report presents information on Lake Victoria, Lake Albert (including tbe Albert Nile and associated Fisheries)-Report by Lake Albert Fisheries Officer,Lake Kyoga and Waters of Eastern Uganda-Report by Fisheries Officer, Serere. Lakes George, Edward and Waters of Western Uganda -Report by the Fisheries Officer, Kichwamba Fish Farming-Report by the Fisheries Officer, Fish Fanning,dams,crocodiles. It presents information on angaling, Trouting, Nile Perch and Ripon Falls Barbel
Increased management attention to the fisheries tn Uganda is fuelled by five major factors:socio-economic demands, human population increase,stock depletion, biodiversity loss and,environmental degradation.Fish exports from Uganda to overseas and regional markets have rapidly increased since the mid 1990s and it is estimated that total exports are worth at least US$ 200m three quarters of the value due mostly to Nile perch exports to overseas markets.Exports to regional markets are dominated by variously processed tilapia "mukene" (Rastrineobo/a argentea),Nile perch "angara"(A/estes baremose) and cat fishes.Virtually all major water bodies contribute to this trade. A combinatilm of exports and an increased human population has seen the per capita fish consumption in Uganda drop from 15kg in the early 1990s to almost 10kg by 2005.this figure is below the WHO recommended fish protein intake of 17kg. the apparent fish gap in a liberalised economic framework has stimulated interest in commercial fish farming