190 resultados para Nigeria-Níger Delta


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A tabulated summary is presented of the main Lake Kainji fisheries data collected to date (1999) by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project, together with a current overview of the fishery. The data are given under the following sections: 1) Fishing localities and types; 2) Frame survey data; 3) Number of licensed fishermen by state; 4) Mesh size distribution; 5) Fishing net characteristics; 6) Fish yield; 7) Average monthly CPUE by gear type; 8)Average monthly fishing activity by gear type; 9) Total annual fishing effort by gear type; 10) Total annual value of fish landed by gear type; 11) Trends of the total yield by gear type. (PDF contains 34 pages)


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The environmental conditions of Kainji Lake from 1971/72 to date appear to have stabilized to a large extent, judging from the similarity of physico-chemical parameters investigated in this study over the period. Solar radiation (as reflected in variation in temperature) and pH have remained largely constant over the years, while conductivity (index of nutrient enrichment), though significantly higher in 1995/96, could be described as sporadic and needs further monitoring to ascertain its trend in the lake. While water transparency and dissolved oxygen were higher in 1971/72 compared to the other years, these increases cannot be said to be overwhelming. The lower transparency in 1995/96 was due to the exceptional flood of that year and may have also accounted for the poorer dissolved oxygen concentration compared to the other years due to its impact on photosynthesis. There is no evidence from this study to indicate that primary productivity has increased over the years. Consequently, the observed increase in fish yield by the KLFPP from CAS, which is corroborated by estimates from the MEI, cannot be supported on the basis of improved photosynthetic production. The phenomenal high levels of conductivity recorded during certain periods in 1995 (600 mu mhos cm super(-1)) are hitherto unknown in the lake and may indicate a trend towards nutrient enrichment. However, it is premature at this stage to conclude on its long-term impact on primary production and consequently, on fish yield. Secondly, the notion of overfishing in the 80s (Ita, 1993), may need to be further examined as low or dwindling catches could be due to a number of factors among which are the level of fishing effort, the type and efficiency of gears and the intensity of sampling. It would appear that with the intervention of KLFPP, the better management of the lake's fisheries would increase the current level of catch. It also needs to be examined how much of the clupeid fisheries, which is now known to account for a substantial proportion of the total fish yield in Kainji Lake, was included in the sampling of the 80s. (PDF contains 43 pages)


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This paper examined the environmental hazards limiting sustainable small-scale fisheries development in Nigeria. Observation has showed that hazards range from pollution of the aquatic habitats by domestic and urban sewage and garbage, agro-chemicals, industrial pollutants, crude oil spillage etc. In an attempt to maximize catch, many migrant and part-time fisher folks indulge in highly destructive and obnoxious fishing practices with adverse impact on fisheries resources. These have constituted significant environmental hazards. Discharges of waste from aquacultural practices in to rivers and lakes have also been identified as sources of environmental hazards. Some aquatic weeds such as water hyacinth are sources of hazards. The effects of environmental hazards on small-scale fisheries resources may be direct arising from the toxicity of pollutants or indirect as a result of ecosystem modification. Some of the effects of pollutants on the aquatic environment and fish have been discussed in the paper


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The development of fish hatcheries and fish fingerling production in Nigeria has all along concentrated largely on the freshwater fish species without paying enough attention to the more numerous fish species that abound in our coastal/marine environment. This paper, therefore, tries to highlight some basic technologies (in term of design and management) of marine fish hatchery based on the author's experiences in Southeast Asia. Appropriate adaptable technologies for the production of our indigenous species such as the Snappers, Groupers etc. are also discussed. General recommendations are made for marine fish hatchery development in Nigeria


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Duckweed is the smallest of all flowering plants and the plant double its mass in less than 2 days under ideal environmental conditions. Dry matter of duckweed contains between 35-45% crude protein. Moreover, the introduction of the plant to feed mill industries as a source of protein and binder supplement for pelleted fish feeds makes it of economic value. Duckweed has great potential if cultivation is encouraged in Nigeria, as this will also provide a good employment opportunity for larger percentage of youth in the riparian communities. The thrust of this paper was to explore the possibility of introducing duckweed farming to the rural populace for alternative sources of income most especially, the fisher folks and other interested farmers


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Management of natural resources all over the world is of paramount importance to their sustainability in developing countries like Nigeria, there is less emphasis on proper management especially of fishery and other aquatic resources due to lack of sensitization and enlightenment of the rural dwellers who are closer to such natural resources. The main thrust of this review is to examine the management plans for Nigerian freshwater bodies (rivers and lakes) and the impact of such plans on the artisanal fisheries development in Nigeria. From the on-shelf information gathered there is scarcity of information on the management of Nigerian freshwater body's information available indicates that there is the traditional fisheries management and the government legal approach in form of fisheries Laws and Regulations. However, these management techniques are poorly carried out since there is a poor follow-up. Appreciable impact of fisheries management introduced on Kanji Lake by the Nigerian-German Kanji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (NGKLFPP) between 1993 and 2001 proves worthwhile as this introduced some management measures such as implementation of fisheries Laws and Regulations, the ban of obnoxious fishing methods, introduction of fishing license, constitution of a management unit and appointment of liaison fishermen. Within the operative years of the project a lot of success was achieved and it is recommended that the approach in Kainji should be replicated in other freshwater bodies in Nigeria to alleviate poverty in the rural poor fishing communities


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There was variation in the ingestion of the food objects by the sexes. Despite the similarity in rank-order of the food objects, the ingestion of the objects vary significantly (rg=0.320, P>0.05). Dipterans adult and Hymenoptera were the only food objects not eaten by the males whereas insect remains and unidentified bivalves were absent from the trophics spectrum of the females. There was significant increase in feeding intensity by females than males. There was significant increase in GRI by specimens from Nipa Creek whereas individuals from mangrove creek recorded higher MGF and vice-versa. Dipterans adult. Hymenoptera, insect remains, Neritina glabrata and unid bivalves were absent from dietaries for nipa creek whereas a complete array of the food objects were eaten in the mangrove creek. The present findings highlights the importance of the mangrove ecosystem as the native vegetation encompassing great diversity of food resources and living conditions than the succeeding alien nipa vegetation


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Five experimental gillnet each measuring 50mx 3m nylon multi filament netting of 3" by210/2 mesh size were constructed using 40%, 45%, 50%, 55% and 60% hanging percentages, the report was carried out at Yunawa fishing village on the eastern bank of Lake Kainji. The nets were set over night (6 hours approximately). Between April-July 2004, the fish caught by the five nets were recorded taking into consideration the three mode of capture i.e. enmeshing entanglement and wedging Weight number and percentage mean weight and number based on species at five different hanging ratios were analyzed in general 50% hanging ratio was found to be the best followed by 40% among others. There was significant difference (P<0.05) in the mode of capture for both hanging ratios. Most of the fish were caught by entanglement i.e. about 83% of the catch was by entanglement while 505 hanging ratio was the best considered after the report. The occurrence of species of the five hanging ratios has significant difference (P<0.05) in terms of catch by weight and number


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The paper examines the concept of the feminization of poverty and reviews the limited evidence on the extent of poverty among women. It then examines the arguments that poor women can be highly effective change agents for the eradication of poverty. However, all the women may be considered as instruments for eliminating poverty, lack of understanding an appreciation of the impact of their sex roles and of gender roles and stereotypes continue to prevent the realization of this potential. Therefore, the paper moves on to summarize the differences between sex and gender and examines how both women's sexes roles and the imp gender roles and stereotypes lead to the feminization of poverty and exclude women from the participation in development and programmes to eliminate poverty. The paper reviews the major approaches: women in development or WID, gender and development or GAD and extension of GAD known as mainstreaming. Finally, it considers the issue of poverty, women and gender in Nigeria. It also advances a number of recommendations on women and gender poverty and rural development for the consideration of policy-makers in Nigeria


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The World Food Summit in its meeting in Rome in 1999 estimated that 790 million people in the developing world do not have enough food to eat. This is more than the total populations of North America and Europe combined. Nigeria is one of the developing countries affected by hunger, deprivation and abject poverty by its citizenry inspite of its enormous natural and human resources. To reduce poverty and increase food supplies to the masses the Federal Government of Nigeria embarked on a programmed-tagged National Special Programme for Food Security (NSPFS) in the year 2002. The programme's broad objectives are to attain food security in the broadest sense and alleviate rural poverty in Nigeria. One of the areas of the programme's intervention is in the aquaculture and inland fisheries development because Nigeria imported 681mt of fish in 2003 with a total cost of about N50 million. The paper assesses the socio-economic conditions of one of the selected water bodies (Yamama Lake) with a view to introducing community-based fisheries management plan for the rational exploitation and management of the fishery and other aquatic resources of the water body thereby increasing fish supply and improving the living standard of the fisherfolk in the area. Data were collected using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools and questionnaire administration


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Nigeria, the country of many rivers is also rich in lakes, and wetlands, sustainable and wise use of these inland aquatic ecosystem and water resources has become a matter of widespread and intense concern. Unhealthy freshwater ecosystems and seriously diminishing and unequal availability of quality freshwater call for high quality limnological research and expertise to underpin the enhancement of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development.In every regard of national health, agriculture and economics, the continued over exploitation and misuse of finite freshwater resources is directly causal to the progressively deteriorating fish production and general standard of living.The integration of basic understanding of inland ecosystems with applied problems and their solutions should be of fundamental concern to all stakeholders in our freshwater resource. This is a basic element in creating an attractive and security ensured economic for investment in fisheries development, including aquaculture. This is the focus of this paper


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This paper reviews fisheries as an important economic sector in terms of employment, food security, enterprise development, and foreign exchange earning. The fisheries sub sector of agriculture if developed will enhance employment opportunities for rural fisher folks vis a vis the harnessing of less culturable surface area for aquaculture purpose, also homestead pond if fully encouraged and utilized has potential for increasing the fish yield of the nation. The role of women in the artisanal fisheries sub sector was x-rayed as an area to be encouraged, as it has the potential of eradicating poverty from the grass root. The importance of fisheries development in sustainable livelihood and poverty alleviation is highlighted in this paper


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Some aspects of the aquaculture potentials and investment opportunity in shrimps and prawn farming in Nigeria were overviewed. This paper presents the breeding pattern, spawner availability, culture water-type and properties, feeds and feeding regimes and other factors needed in practical shrimps and prawns culture. The culture systems, water management, larval management, stocking density, feeding strategies and diseases were fully discussed. The investment opportunity available as government plans to boost production of these resources from both artisanal and aquaculture sector was documented. Management strategies needed in practical practices of shrimps and prawns culture were enlisted. Effected efforts from the government were listed in this paper


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The relative catch performance and selectively of gillnets and trammel nets were investigated in 12 sampling stations in Lake Kainji, Nigeria. 3 types of nets with dimensions 50mx3m were constructed using 76mm and 178mm meshsizes for two gillnets, 76mm and 178mm meshsizes for the lint and ar mour nets of the trammelnets respectively. All the nets were randomly ganged together to form a fleet of nine nets each, and were set twice in each of the 12 stations which gave a total of 24 fishing operations. A total of 365 fish weighing 88.9kg and belonging to 16 different species were caught in all the nets. The trammelnet had the highest catch by number and weight constituting 60% and 69.22% of the total catch and weight respectively with a relative species Diversity Index of 0.82. This was followed by 76mm gillnet which constituted 38.63% by number, 28.09% by weight, 0.69 relative Species Diversity Index. The 178mm gillnet had the least catch of 1.37% and 2.9% by number and weight respectively with 0.25 relative Species Diversity Index. There was significant difference (P<0.05) in the number and weight of fish caught in the different nets. The minimum selection length for these species caught were the same for each net. The trammel net had a wider selection range that skewed to the right, a higher modal and median length indicating larger individual species being entangled in the net


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The paper highlights the concept of information and the significance of environmental and occupational hazards associated with pond fish production in Nigeria and discuss the possible options for the ways forward. The major raw material used in fish production system is the organic manure (cow dung, poultry droppings, porcine manure etc) that serves as substrate for heterotrophic production of bacteria and protozoa, which act as food for zooplankton and the fish. The pathogenic organisms (viruses, bacteria, protozoa's, and parasites), are noted for the potential hazard to the fish handlers and consumers. Nine species from seven genera of bacteria associated with fish diseases are found to have association with diseases of human such as typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery and other gastrointestinal tract related problems. Also the environmental contaminants in pond fish production become important because of its significance to consumers' acceptance of the fish products