111 resultados para Fresh Water


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This is the Proposed Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for Nonylphenol in Water produced by the Environment Agency in 1997. The report reviews the properties and uses of Nonylphenol, its fate, behaviour and reported concentrations in the environment, and critically assesses available data on its toxicity and bioaccumulation. The information is used to derive EQSs for the protection of fresh and saltwater life as well as for water abstracted to potable supply.Nonylphenol (NP) is used extensively in the production of other substances such as non-ionic ethoxylate surfactants. It is through the incomplete anaerobic biodegradation of these surfactants that most nonylphenol reaches the aquatic environment in effluents, e.g. from sewage treatment works and certain manufacturing operations. It was explicitly stated by the Environment Agency that the EQS was to be derived for NP and not Nonylphenol ethoxylates. However, since NP is unlikely to be present in the aquatic environment in the absence of other nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) degradation by-products, the toxicity, fate and behaviour of some of these (i.e. nonylphenol mono- and diethoxylates (NP1EO and NP2EO), mono- and di-nonylphenoxy carboxylic acids (NP1EC and NP2EC) have also been considered in this report. In the aquatic environment and during sewage treatment, NPEs are rapidly degraded to NP under aerobic conditions. NP may then be either fully mineralised or may be adsorbed to sediments. Since NP cannot be biodegraded under anaerobic conditions it can accumulate in sediments to high concentrations.


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Larvae of Macrobrachium rosenbergii were successfully reared in artificial sea water prepared in fresh ground water. The water was circulated through a biological filter by means of air-lift pumps for a period of one week to remove the undissolved particles prior to use in the hatchery operation. The experiments were initiated during 1989 and the hatchery has been working on pilot scale since June, 1990. The larvae in all the experiments were fed with egg-custard, Mona and Artemia nauplii. The survival rate varied from 5 to 52% in the 12 experiments. These findings can add to the development of hatcheries in the inland areas which can further boost the popularization of giant freshwater prawn farming.


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Thermal diffusivity (α) and conductivity (K) of fresh and dry cured fish at different moisture levels were investigated by a calorimeter (regular regime) method and transient line source technique. Thermal conductivity has a linear correlation with packing density and percentage water content. K values calculated from formula method and line source technique are comparable.


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A water soluble hygroscopic powder has been isolated from squilla in good yield, ranging from 3.5 to 5.0% of the fresh raw material, by a simple direct method. The process consists of homogenising squilla with an equal quantity of water, removal of chitinous matter from the slurry by filtration, heating the filtrate at 0.7 kg/sq.cm steam pressure for 15-20 minutes, removal of the precipitated protein by filtration and concentration and final drying in vacuum of the filtered cooled liquor. The pale brown powder so obtained consists mainly of peptones and proteoses and has been found to be comparable to BDH peptone for growth of bacteria, ability to serve as source for tryptophan for indole production and to provide substrate for the production of hydrogen sulphide. Comparative studies have been made on similar water soluble fractions from two species of prawns, namely, Metapenaeus affinis and Parapenaeopsis stylifera.


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Based on the freshwater and seawater budgets, the mean in/out water fluxes as well as the monthly changes in freshwater content were determined in Lake Manzalah. About 6693 x 10^6m^3 of fresh and brackish water inflow to the lake annually through the main drains discharging into the southeastern basin. Allowances of precipitation (105.7 x 10^6m^3/y) and evaporation (1075 x 10^6m^3/y) yield a net runoff of 5723 x 10^6m^3/y. The average changes in the freshwater content (dF) of the lake was 547.0 x 10^6m^3 with the maximum i.e. 72.4 x 10^6m^3 in July. Using the quantity of inflowing and outflowing water through Boughaz El-Gamil (Lake-Sea connection), the change in water volume relative to sea level change was 549 x 10^6m^3/y. The sea-level height (dh) induced an average monthly change of 6.5 cm. Using the amount of freshwater discharge as well as the lake volume, the lake water is replaced every 48 days.


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Spirulina is a filamentous cyanobacteria with many applications in food and drug industries, as a food in human, aquaculture, vet and poultry industries… . Semi and mass culture of Spirulina carries out in different countries. This study was carried out in five phases in order to produce this microalga in Iran. The first phase, Spirulina pure stock was imported from Indonesia. After identification of species, it was cultured in laboratory until we took 20 liters of biomass. The semi-mass culture was carried out in green house. Cell concentration and size of Spirulina were recorded during culture daily and their growth rates were calculated. After two weeks, when the size of Spirulina was suitable, biomass of Spirulina was harvested then accumulated Spirulina weighted and dried in 24 hours in laboratory. In order to microbiological study, the samples of Spirulina (dry and fresh) were cultured on blood agar medium and coliforms were counted. The chemical composition of produced Spirulina was measured by standard methods. Fatty acid and amino acid profiles were acquired by GC and HPLC instruments, respectively. The amount of chlorophyll in Spirulina was determined by spectroscopy method. Also astaxanthin pigment as an important carotenoid was measured by HPLC in Spirulina and Penaeus semisulcatus larvae fed on Spirulina. At final phase of this project, larva fed on produced Spirulina (biomass and dry powder) was compared to Z plus, microencapsulated Spirulina (M.C.F) and Chaetoceros algae as control. This experiment was carried from zoa to early post larvae stage then survival and growth rate of larvae were recorded. The growth rate of larvae was evaluated with ANOVA test and survival rate of treatments was assessed by Log Rank (Mantel –Cox) test. Also during larvae stage, two parameters of water such as nitrate and nitrite were measured in zoa, mysis and post larvae stages. The results of this study were shown that colifom counts were 1.85×106 and 92.3×105 coliform per ml in fresh and dry spirulina, respectively. Protein percent of dry spirulina was 50.93 % (dry weight) and the amount of astaxanthin in spirulina and larvae fed on spirulina were 0.21 and 0.01 mg/kg, respectively. The most survival rate of larvae were observed in zoa III (88.8%) with Z plus supplement treatment, in mysis III (76.5%) combination of Z plus and dry spirulina in comparative between treatments. Larvae growth (4.5mm) of control in early post larvae was the best.