122 resultados para Canning Basin
Results of experiments carried out on canning edible oyster (Crassostrea madrasensis) meat from farmed as well as wild specimens are discussed. The canning yield of meat was 15% higher from farmed oysters compared to wild specimens. The meat from wild oysters was highly slimy and therefore required an additional pre-treatment of washing in brine containing acetic acid to prevent formation of lumps of meat in the can causing problems for proper heat penetration while processing.
A new canning procedure for squid mantles aimed at increasing the fill and retaining the sweet flavour of squids was evolved. In the new method, after blanching smaller mantles are inserted inside bigger ones to reduce voids and thus increase the fill to 56% and above as compared to 46% when packed as rings. In addition, spent blanching medium containing desirable flavour constituents of squid was modified and used as covering medium which increased the flavour of canned product.
Results of experiments conducted to work out a process for canning fresh water fish rohu (Labeo rohita) from culture sources are presented. In order to impart a proper firm texture to the meat cold blanching the skinless boneless meat in 15% brine containing 0.25% calcium chloride was found necessary. Increasing the concentration of calcium chloride beyond 0.25% resulted in impairing the quality of meat, the texture becoming more fibrous and the flavour being adversely affected. Other firming agents tried did not yield any beneficial effect. The meat so blanched yielded a good product when canned in natural style.
Suitability of Psenopsis cyanea, a deep sea fish caught on board FORV Sagar Sampada from a depth of 350m off Cochin for processing into canned product was studied. The fish having high fat content around 52% (DWB) and white attractive meat renders itself well for canning yielding a product good in organoleptic characteristics. However to have a presentable appearance to the product the fish has to be skinned prior to canning. Gentle agitation of P. cyanea in 0.25% aqueous solution of lactic acid at ambient temperature for 15 min followed by thorough washing yields skinless fish. Fish suffers around 8% (DWB) fat loss during skinning. Fish canned in natural style and in brine have better organoleptic characteristics initially. On storage they develop slight rancidity. Fish canned in oil maintains the characteristics over a longer period.
A comprehensive Frame survey was carried out in lakes Kwania, Kyoga and the Kyoga basin minor lakes which include Lake Sisina in 2002 (Figure 1). The Frame survey was coordinated by the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR) assisted by the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NAFIRRI) with technical support. The riparian districts through the sub-county fisheries offices and the BMUs provided the enumerators and supervisors. The frame survey captured all the important characteristics of the fisheries and facilities supporting the fisheries and thus provides a strong baseline for future reference of management interventions in the basin.
We examined socio-economic variables that contribute to malnutrition in selected communities in the Lake Victoria basin during 2001. The study was carried out in nine districts and hinterland communities up to 25 km awayfrom the beach were used as the reference population. The main variables examined were: feeding habits, income and intra-household food distribution and living standards. Others included disease and health, sanitation and hygiene, childcare and mothers' age and workload, weaning practices, agricultural production and food availability, care during pregnancy and food taboos.
Water hyacinth is a free-floating waterweed native to the Amazon River Basin in South America. In its native range, water hyacinth is not an environmental problem, although the weed is one of the most invasive alien plants in freshwater environments. Water hyacinth has the potential to become invasive through fast vegetative reproduction and rapid growth to accumulate huge biomass and extensive cover in freshwater environments. Over the last 150 years water hyacinth has invaded most countries in the tropics and sub-tropics, introduced by man, mainly for ornamental purposes. Such introductions led to the infestation of most freshwater-ways in the southern United States of America, parts of Australia, the pacific islands, and most countries in Asia and Africa. The extensive tightly packed mats of water hyacinth are often associated with devastating socio-economic and environmental impacts. Invasion by the weed has, therefore, often generated urgent costly problems associated with the weed biomass and its management. A classic example of such problems was triggered by the invasion and proliferation of water hyacinth in the Lake Victoria Basin during the 1980s (Freilink 1989, Taylor 1993, Twongo et al., 1995). The weed infestation marked the beginning of a decade of intensive and systematic campaign by the three riparian states (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) to bring weed proliferation under control. The discussions in this Chapter span over ten years of dealing with the challenges paused by the imperative to manage infestations of water hyacinth in the Lake Victoria Basin. The challenges included the need to understand the dynamics of water hyacinth infestation; its distribution, proliferation and impact modalities; and the development and implementation of appropriate weed control strategies and options. Most specific examples were taken from the Ugandan experience (NARO, 2002).
Of all the great lakes, Lake Victoria has the highest population concentration on its fringes. This has resulted into serious human impacts on the ecosystem through intense agricultural activities (cultivation, livestock and over fishing), sporadic settlements, urbanization and industrial establishments. The consequences have been loss of animals and plant life, deforestation and general land degradation, pollution, loss of water quality and clean air. Aquatic life has become endangered and less guaranteeing to continued fish production. Awareness workshops and general talks have been done to a few selected communities by the lakes landing sites and in the catchment area to mitigate the deteriorating environmental conditions. Naturally the situation calls for reversal to the increasing stress of the ecosystem. As a result, every water body surveyed put forward some mitigation suggestions
Aquatic macro-invertebrates encompass all those organisms that be seen with unaided eyes. Most macro-invertebrates are categorised as semi-aquatic in that they are aquatic in early stages, but live as terrestrial organisms as adults, while others like gastropods, bivalves, Oligochaetae, Hirudinae and ostracods are exclusively aquatic. Some of them such as mayflies lay eggs in water and subsequent stages also live in water until adulthood when they emerge to live a terrestrial life. In others, eggs are laid near the water, while some like members of Tendipedidae (midges) lay their eggs on the leaves of aquatic macrophytes and after hatching their larvae creep into water
Genetic biodiversity is the vaflatlOn among individuals within and between units of interbreeding individuals (populations) of a species. It includes inheritable and transmittable differences that occur between individuals andlor popuhitions of a given species through reproductive interaction. There exists enormous variability among individuals andlor populations of a species for most living organisms, and most of this variation is inheritable. differences among individuals arise through mutation and via recombination of genes during meiosis. These ifferences are then transmitted to successive generations through sexual reproduction and maintained in the populations through processes such as natural selection and genetic drift. Unfortunately much of this variation is normally threatened and often in danger of extinction because most focus in conservation of natural resources is put at saving species or habitats than varieties or strains of a species
The Victoria and Kyoga lake basins had a high fish species diversity with many fish species that were found only in these lakes. Two Tilapiines species Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis variabilis were the most important commercial species in these lakes and were found nowhere else on earth except in the Victoria and Kyoga lake basins (Graham 1929, Worthington 1929). Lakes Kyoga and Nabugabo also had endemic haplochromine species (Worthington 1929, Trewavas 1933, Greenwood 1965, 1966). As stocks of introduced species increased, stocks of most of the native species declined rapidly or disappeared altogether. The study was carried out on Lakes Victoria and Kyoga, River Nile, some selected satellite lakes from the two basins namely Lakes Mburo, Kachera, Wamala, Kayanja, Kayugi, Nabugabo, Victoria, Victoria nile and River Sio(Victoria lake basin). Lakes Kyoga (Iyingo), Nawampasa, Nakuwa, Gigati, Nyaguo, Agu, Kawi and Lemwa (Kyoga lake basin). Species composillon and relative abundance of fishes were estimated by detennining the overall average total number of each species encountered. A trophic consists of species using the same food category. Shannon-Weaver Index of diversity H (Pielou, 1969) and number of trophic groups, were used to estimate the Trophic diversity of various fish species in the lakes. Food analysis has been done on some fishes in some of the sampled lakes and is still going on, on remaining fishes and in some lakes. Generally fish ingested detritus, Spirulina, Melosira, filamentous algae, Planktolyngbya, Microcysists, Anabaena, Merismopedia, Spirogyra, higher plant material, rotifers, Ostracodes, Chironomid larvae and pupae, Choaborus larvae, Odonata, Povilla, Insect remains, Caridina, fish eggs and fish. Eight trophic groups were identified from thes food items ingestes. These included detritivores, algae eaters, higher plant eaters, zooplanktivores, insectivores, molluscivores, prawn eaters, paedophages and piscivores. Trophic diversity by number of trophic groups was highest in Lake Kyoga (6) followed by lakes Kayugi, Nabugabo, River Nile and Mburo (3) and the lowest number was recorded in kachera (2).
The rapid proliferation and extensive spread of water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms in the highland lakes of the Nile Basin within less than 15 years of introduction into the basin in the 1980s pauses potential environmental and social economic menace if the noxious weed is not controlled soon. The water weed has spread all round Lake Victoria and, in Uganda where infes tation is mos t severe, water hyacinth estimated at 1,330,000 ton smothers over 2,000 ha of the lakeshore (August,1994). Lake Kyoga which already constantly supplies River Nile with the weed is infested with over 570 ha, while over 80% of the river course in Uganda is fringed on either side with an average width of about 5m of water hyacinth. As the impact of infestation with water hyacinth on water quality and availability, transportation by water, fishing activities, fisheries ecology, hydro-power generation etc becomes clear in Uganda, serious discussion is under way on how to control and manage the noxious weed. This paper pauses some of the questions being asked regarding the possible application of mechanical and chemical means to control the water weed.Uganda has already initiated the use of biological control of water hyacinth on Lake Kyoga with a strategy to use two weevils namely Neochetinabruchi and Neochetina eichhorniae. The strategy to build capacity and infrastructure for mass multiplication and deployment of biological control of the weevils in the field developed in Uganda by the Fisheries Research Insti tu te (FIRI) and the Namulonge Agricultural and Animal production Research Insti tute (NAARI) is proposed in outline for evaluation. Plans to deploy this strategy on lake Kyoga are under way
Increased management attention to the fisheries tn Uganda is fuelled by five major factors:socio-economic demands, human population increase,stock depletion, biodiversity loss and,environmental degradation.Fish exports from Uganda to overseas and regional markets have rapidly increased since the mid 1990s and it is estimated that total exports are worth at least US$ 200m three quarters of the value due mostly to Nile perch exports to overseas markets.Exports to regional markets are dominated by variously processed tilapia "mukene" (Rastrineobo/a argentea),Nile perch "angara"(A/estes baremose) and cat fishes.Virtually all major water bodies contribute to this trade. A combinatilm of exports and an increased human population has seen the per capita fish consumption in Uganda drop from 15kg in the early 1990s to almost 10kg by 2005.this figure is below the WHO recommended fish protein intake of 17kg. the apparent fish gap in a liberalised economic framework has stimulated interest in commercial fish farming
A comprehensive Frame survey was carried out on lakes Kwania, Bisina, Nakuwa, Kyoga and other minor lakes in the Lake Kyoga Basin in June 2008 (Figure 1). The Frame survey was coordinated by the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR) in collaboration with the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) in terms of technical support. The riparian districts through the sub-county fisheries offices and the BMUs provided the enumerators and supervisors. The frame survey captured all the important characteristics of the fisheries and facilities supporting the fisheries and thus provides a strong baseline for future reference of management interventions in the basin.