108 resultados para 1969-1974
The Annual report covers activities of the organization during the reporting period. It explains the scientific work carried out by the organization, the establishment of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Commission and the African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries.
This paper reports the results of a retail price survey at Lusaka markets on split, smoked, dried bream (Tilapia spp.) in 1968-69 and dried Lake Tanganyika sardines (Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanangicae) in 1969-70. During the survey periods the average prices of these products maintained a level 70% to 130% higher than those fixed by the Government. Price fluctuations in relation to season, size and quality of the products were discussed. The prices were affected by season and size of the products but not by quality in terms of appearance and smell of the non-cooked products.
Six fish species are known to occur in Lake Baringo. Tilapia nilotica Linnaeus 1757, Barbus gregorii Boulenger 1902, Clarias mossambicus Peters 1852 and Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852 were recorded in 1930-31. In 1969, two more fish species were identified: Aplocheilichthys sp. and Barbus lineomaculatus Boulenger 1903. T. nilotica is the only fish species commercially exploited. But the catches, catch per unit effort and the mean size of fish caught in commercial gillnets have declined since 1968. B. gregorii is important in the subsistence rod-and-line fishery. L. cylindricus, C. mossambicus, B. lineomaculatus and Aplochelichthys sp. are not commercially exploited.